Chapter 348 After Evolving Again! Skyrocketing strength! Soaring to the 38th place on the global powerhouse list?


Wang Mang really has it!

Others may be bragging.

Wang Mang is genuine.

After all, he can change anything.

It can be said that Wang Mang really verified this sentence!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn’t help being very happy, and said with pride:

“Oh my god! This ever-changing supernatural power is really amazing! It is indeed called the ultimate supernatural power!”

“Ahaha! Now we can also be transformed into a human form, and when we fight, we will return to the body!”

At this moment, looking at Own’s body, Wang Mang became more satisfied as he looked at it.

“Not bad! Let’s talk about advanced technology!”

“Before the cataclysm of the world comes, it is okay to look at the peaceful world before the storm!”

Thinking of this, Wang Mang meditated silently in his heart happily:

“System! Let’s evolve!”

The next moment, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Successfully deducted 40 billion evolution value! Starting to evolve…]

After that, Wang Mang, who had turned into his ontology, lost consciousness again.

Two hours later.

Wang Mang only woke up from evolution.

After waking up, Wang Mang began to look at his own changes.

However, Wang Mang found out, unless he changed the size of his body.

Otherwise, the evolutionary span is not large.

He still needs to look at the information and data to be able to see the changes in strength.

As soon as he thought of this, Wang Mang said silently in his heart:

“System! Open personal information!”

The next moment, personal information emerges.

Host: Wang Mang.

Species: Six-winged three-headed python (peak).

Dao Xing: 8300 years (demon emperor level).

Body shape: 244 meters long, 12 meters wide, and weighs 8 million kilograms.

Combat power: 8 million kilograms of bite force, 138 kilometers per hour.

Skills: Corrosive and poisonous, steel body, super self-healing, water breathing, bloodthirsty rage killing, ten thousand beast deterrence, Ruyi Scepter becomes smaller.

Supernatural powers: the slave of the king, the soul-controlling seal, the death of birth, the destruction of the laser, the destruction of the sea of ​​fire, the immortal frost, the flying sky, the Ruyi Scepter bone spur, the thunder spell, the world in one step, and the ever-changing.

Space: Information detection, free upgrade chance X1, skill fusion card X1, magic draw chance X1, random draw X1, one-time unlucky card, Dragon King’s Qi +500.

Mall: open state.

Lucky value: 99 (good luck).

Evolution value: 10 billion / 43 billion.

Current ranking: 38th in the global ranking list (based on the ranking after repositioning of the host’s combat effectiveness).

After reading personal information.

Wang Mang nodded with satisfaction.

Not bad!

The evolutionary strength this time has changed a lot!

Especially own strength ranking!

After the battle with Liu Bang.

His battle ranking is simply Ascension!

From the original 48 to the current 38!

It can be said that Wang Mang directly surpassed ten rankings!

This was beyond Wang Mang’s expectation.

It seems that the rankings given by this system are based on Taoism!

In the absence of a big battle, he didn’t use his strength to calculate, it is estimated that he would use Dao Xing to calculate!

However, after this battle, Wang Mang also knew his own strength.

He is strong enough to contend with the pseudo-Earthly Celestial strong, but it is absolutely impossible to kill the pseudo-Earthly Celestial strong.

Even under the fight against the pseudo-Earthly Celestial strong, Wang Mang couldn’t ask for it, at best, his strength was irrelevant!

But with such strength, to be honest, Wang Mang was still a little proud.

After all, when he fought Liu Bang, Daoxing was only 8200 years old!

Now, his Taoism has increased a bit, and his strength is ascension again.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was full of spirits!

Because, now there are only more than thirty strong men on the entire planet.

At the beginning, his strength was just hovering at the bottom of the list of global powerhouses.

Now, after unremitting efforts, his ranking has reached 38!

This is still the result of counting into the Netherworld Palace, the Monster Race, the Sea Race, and the powerhouses!

Therefore, Wang Mang really has the proud capital.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the cave.

Afterwards, Wang Mang saw that the Tiger Demon came in and said respectfully: “Master Demon Emperor, the people of the Red Empire have already arrived!”

Hearing this, Wang Mang cast aside the tiger demon and said indifferently: “Let them come in!”

Then, under the stunned look of the tiger demon, Wang Mang’s huge body turned into a young man.

Seeing Wang Mang instantly turned into a young man.

The big tiger demon in front of him was completely stunned.

You know, this is the method of the strong Earthly Celestial!

Is his own king already close to the Earthly Celestial powerhouse?

Thinking of this, the tiger demon bowed his head more respectfully:

“Yes! Lord Demon Emperor.”

Subsequently, the tiger demon walked out of the cave.

After a while, the tiger demon walked into the cave with two liaison officers familiar to Wang Mang.

Seeing the young man in the cave, the two liaison officers didn’t think much, but cautiously asked the tiger demon:

“Where is our patron saint?”

Upon hearing this, the tiger demon angrily scolded:

“Asshole! Lord Demon Emperor, right in front of you!”

After regaining consciousness, the two young men in charge of the liaison officer were stunned.

They looked at Wang Mang, standing with his hands in hand, with stunned eyes.

At this moment, Wang Mang wore a black robe, tall and straight, and his water chestnut-shaped and handsome face seemed a bit evil.

Especially the arc of Wang Mang’s mouth that rises slightly, it’s even harder to tell.

However, they really don’t understand, isn’t their patron saint a super python?

How can this become a human appearance?

Just when they were puzzled.

Wang Mang smiled and nodded slightly:

“Let’s talk! What are you looking for the emperor again?”

After hearing Wang Mang’s familiar voice.

The two liaison officers immediately recognized Wang Mang.

They knelt on the ground respectfully and said:

“My lord patron saint, the Red Empire has reported your rescue of the world.”

“Now the whole world is cheering, and the people of the Red Empires are also very happy. They are grateful to you and want to see you.”

“But with the recent black clouds in the sky, day after day, and the disaster of heaven and earth is coming, the people have become more and more disturbed!”

“Today, empires all over the world, in order to maintain order, so that the people can feel at ease, they have begun to let the kingdom of the kingdom beasts to stabilize the hearts of the people in this world.”

“So, the senior officials of the Red Empire want you to show up more, Lord Patronus, to appease the turbulent mood of the people of the Red Empire!”

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