Chapter 334 Come to Western Tibet again! Will all the strong men of the underworld be born soon?

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Want to go out for a walk in such a big world?

Come back after enough waves?

Damn it?

Wang Mang was completely stunned.

He wanted to know.

Where did you hear this little thing?

He always felt that these two sentences seemed familiar to him, as if he had heard them somewhere.

After being speechless for a while.

Wang Mang nodded indifferently and said, “Fine! You wait for Haosheng to be optimistic about Immortal Cave, the emperor will go out for a few days!”

After leaving the sentence, Wang Mang turned into a huge body, with six wings flapping and flying straight into the sky.

It is worth mentioning that.

The weather today has changed a bit.

In the past, the sun and the moon were in the same sky during the day.

However, this time the moon disappeared.

The weather seems to have become normal.

But it’s normal, but it’s not normal.

Because the sky is no longer a blue sky and white clouds.

As if a layer of shadow enveloped the entire sky.

Wang Mang discovered this strange scene only now.

Of course, changes in the weather did not affect Wang Mang in the slightest.

However, this time Wang Mang did not fly too high.

Because Wang Mang mainly wanted to search for the traces of the Demon Emperor on his way to Western Tibet.

Although Wang Mang did know that there were not many Demon Kings in the Red Empire.

However, even if Wang Mang conquered all the stone emperors of Western Tibet and Mount Everest, it was not enough!

There are only four demon kings in Western Tibet.

So this is naturally a demon emperor!

But it was among the demon emperors Wang Mang knew.

It is also the Four Emperors of Western Tibet.

The dog’s whereabouts may be uncertain.

The Black Bear Emperor didn’t know where he was.

In addition, it is the demon emperor of the evil kingdom of Sluo.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang already had plans.

If you don’t have the five demon kings you want.

Wang Mang was ready to go to the neighboring Sloan evil country to subdue him.

In the process of rushing, Wang Mang was disappointed.

On his way, he flew extremely low, but he didn’t encounter any Demon Emperor either.

This also made Wang Mang disappointed, and it was also in his expectation.

After arriving in Western Tibet, Wang Mang flew directly towards Western Tibet.

But as soon as he entered Western Tibet, he found something wrong.

In the distance of this western Tibet province, there was a vague sound of fighting.

Moreover, the entire territory of Western Tibet is filled with the breath of several powerful people.

“This is… the direction of the Everest mountain range?”

“Could it be that some strong people have already attacked the Demon Emperor in Western Tibet?”

At this moment, Wang Mang’s heart sank, and he suddenly became a little uneasy.

Afterwards, Wang Mang quickly hurried towards the direction of Mount Everest.

But as soon as Wang Mang approached the Mount Everest mountain range, he could vaguely see that there were five powerful auras in the mountain range.

I saw that the Four Emperors of Western Tibet were fighting with a familiar strong man.

Moreover, the four emperors of Western Tibet were completely crushed and beaten by the black-robed old man, who couldn’t lift their heads all the way while waving their hands.

After seeing the face of the black-robed old man clearly.

Wang Mang couldn’t help feeling depressed.

This black robe powerhouse is no one else, but the black dragon Daoist.

The first Netherworld powerhouse Wang Mang encountered in the past!

But what made Wang Mang very puzzled was how did this black dragon Daoist clashed with the demon emperor of Western Tibet?

Moreover, although the strength of the Four Emperors in Western Tibet is pretty good, they have absolutely no power to contend against the black dragon Daoist!

Even if the stone emperor is the strongest, it is only at the level of 7000 years of Taoism.

But what about the Black Dragon Daoist? Close to the existence of Earthly Celestial class!

If Earthly Celestial is currently the strongest player in the world.

Then those close to Earthly Celestial are the top ones.

At this moment.

Daoist, the black dragon who was playing around with the Four Emperors of Western Tibet, suddenly turned his head to look at Wang Mang.

Similarly, his originally playful look became serious.

Because he could feel that the direction Wang Mang was in gave him a sense of threat.

But when he saw the incoming person, the black dragon Daoist was stunned.

He looked at Wang Mang with a stunned expression on his face like a ghost.

“It’s you? How is this possible!”

At this moment, the black dragon Daoist almost lost his voice.

Unbelievable in his tone.

Because the strength of Wang Mang the day before was only at the level of the Demon Emperor for seven thousand years!

But how could the strength soar so much in a blink of an eye?

Even gave him a certain sense of threat?

For a while, the black dragon Daoist even had a dreaming feeling.

In fact, it is not just him, the stone emperor, the tree emperor, the flower emperor, and the willow emperor.

At this moment, he looked at Wang Mang in the same shock.

Because they resolved the meteorite incident together a day ago.

They also knew the roots of Wang Mang’s strength.

Although Wang Mang’s strength a day ago had already shocked them.

But it is far from shocking!

Because now Wang Mang is too strong!

Therefore, it can be said that all the demon emperors who saw Wang Mang, including the black dragon Daoist, were shocked.

“Everyone fellow daoist… okay?”

I saw the shocking gazes of the demon emperors present, and the incredible appearance of the black dragon Daoist.

Wang Mang’s heart became very sour, and his vanity seemed to be greatly satisfied.

He just likes this look, this shocking look, this jealous look.

Similarly, Wang Mang also understood that this was the benefit of strength.

Therefore, Wang Mang now speaks more casually.

Before Ascension’s strength, Wang Mang was cautious.

Don’t you dare to call the black dragon Daoist fellow daoist directly!

But the strength is different after Ascension.

Wang Mang didn’t persuade the black dragon Daoist anymore.

Even if he can’t beat him, the opponent can’t kill him.

His own strength is no longer weak, not to mention his superb speed.

Therefore, Wang Mang really deserves these powerhouses close to Earthly Celestial.

We can’t beat, can we still run?

Maybe we have a gap with these guys.

But by no means will the disparity in strength be too great.

At this time, the black dragon Daoist flew towards Wang Mang.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was not worried.

Because, the black dragon Daoist is not in the posture of coming up to fight.

In fact, the same is true. After the Black Dragon Daoist came up, he frowned and said:

“Wang Mang fellow daoist, why did you come to Western Tibet?”

“Could it be that these four Demon Sovereigns have the same old age as you?”

Obviously, with Wang Mang’s strength ascension, this black dragon Daoist finally recognized him, otherwise he would not call him fellow daoist.

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang smiled and shook his head immediately:

“Heilong Daoist misunderstood, and I just met them peacefully.”

“It’s the black dragon fellow daoist, why did you start with them?”

Hearing that, the Black Dragon Daoist didn’t hide it either:

“Here is our Netherworld, an Earthly Celestial powerhouse has taken a fancy to, let the old man take care of this matter.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang was immediately surprised and asked quickly:

“Black Dragon fellow daoist, what the hell is going on?”

“Are you going to all the powerhouses in the Netherworld Palace to be born?”

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