Chapter 323 Succeeded in Flickering to the Half Immortal Level Heavenly and Mortal Treasures! Can you do it? How come the strong haven’t appeared yet?

Seeing this scene, a group of strong demon emperors were present.

Even the strong of the Earthly Celestial level.

They are all very confused.

“Which is it?”


“Bullah? Ukaraka?”

Is this the spell that summons supernatural powers?

Thinking of this, the many Demon Emperor powerhouses present quietly kept an eye on it.

It can be said that he quietly remembered the spell Wang Mang had recited in his heart.

Even the strong Earthly Celestial remembered it secretly.

at the same time.

Wang Mang was still eloquent, chanting the spell:


“Rotten Melon Melon Huang Po sells cucumbers…”

While pretending to be, Wang Mang was hesitating in his heart.

Is he going to take the opportunity to ask for a benefit?

After all, the powerhouses present now can be said to have been fooled by him!

If you don’t take the opportunity to ask for benefits this time, then it is estimated that there will be no chance next.

Because, even if the meteorite incident is resolved, the next step will be a catastrophe.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang’s heart was cruel.

Paralyzed, it’s done!

People are not rich without windfall!

Horses have no night and grass is not fat!

Hold the courageous to death, starve the cowardly to death!

What about Earthly Celestial?

Daddy still fools you!

Thought of this.

Wang Mang quietly opened a gap in his eyes.

Seeing that all the strong in the room are paying attention to him.

After Wang Mang pretended to talk for a while.

Wang Mang suddenly opened his eyes, his tone was full of pain and shouted:

“Dear celestial beings, fellow daoist, hurry up! Get out the half celestial Heavenly and Mortal Treasures to me.”

“The more the better, otherwise, the emperor will be killed by the backlash on the spot if he hasn’t summoned the strong man in the dark!”

Hearing Wang Mang’s incident, he looked extremely painful, obviously not pretending to be.

However, there are still many strong people present with doubts in their hearts.

Because they didn’t see the strong call out!

However, when Wang Mang said that he suffered a backlash, the strong people present basically did not doubt it.

In the eyes of many demon emperors, even those of the Earthly Celestial level.

If Wang Mang’s life-saving card is supernatural, if there are no restrictions or even drawbacks, wouldn’t it be invincible?

After all, it is possible to summon the strong! This is too heaven-defying!

Thinking of this, many demon emperors even remembered the spells that Wang Mang said earlier in their hearts.

Although the use of this magical power requires a great price.

But no strong person will give up a strong god-tier pass.

Therefore, the spell summoned by magical powers must be well remembered!

However, as for Wang Mang to ask them to take out the benefits?

All the demon emperors present at the scene chose to ignore them, pretending not to hear them.

Don’t say they don’t have Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, but who would be willing to take them out?

Seeing this scene, the seven Earthly Celestial powerhouses present frowned.

Of course they heard Wang Mang’s request.

What makes them helpless is that the strong people present did not hesitate to give their strength.

But when they asked them to take out Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, they all chose to be silent.

This obviously does not want to take advantage of it!

It can also be seen from this that at any time, the strong are still selfish.

Similarly, Wang Mang, who had been quietly observing the situation, also saw everything in his eyes.


These damn guys.

It’s too picky!

Thought of this.

Wang Mang felt very upset.

After all, he wasted a summoning card!

This summoning card is very precious to Wang Mang!

As a result, I want to take the opportunity to ask for some benefits, these guys, even picking up Soso?

He is saving the world!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang let out a painful scream:

“Quick! Quick! I’m going to die soon!”

Seeing this scene, the Lord of The Underworld, who was finally headed, opened his mouth and said:

“There is a plant here in this seat!”

As soon as the voice fell, a plant appeared out of thin air in the hands of the master of The Underworld, a half-celestial Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

This half-celestial Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, with its medicinal fragrance overflowing, is like a black and ink lotus flower, which is exceptionally strange.

Upon seeing this, the old man of the land opened his palm, and a large tender and micro-powder peach emerged in his palm, saying:

“This is a half fairy peach.”

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang suddenly became happy in his heart.

Afterwards, he quietly glanced at the other powerful Earthly Celestial.

Seeing the rest of the Earthly Celestial powerhouses, there was no idea of ​​taking out treasures at all.

Wang Mang suddenly felt regret in his heart.

It seems that he can only get these two half-celestial Heavenly and Mortal Treasures at most.

Paralyzed, these guys are simply too picky!

After Wang Mang severely scolded the strong man present in his heart.

He immediately screamed in pain: “Ah~! Come on! Two great immortals, give it to me!”

Hearing that, the Lord of The Underworld and Lord of the Land did not talk nonsense, and threw the two half-immortal Heavenly and Mortal Treasures at Wang Mang.

Seeing Yemu alive, there are many demon king powerhouses present, not to mention many eyes were red.

If it hadn’t been for Earthly Celestial, they would have been unable to stand up long ago.

Even, many Demon King powerhouses have seen the Half Immortal Heavenly and Mortal Treasures for the first time.

Because, the half fairy Heavenly and Mortal Treasures are too rare.

Not only is it useful for the Demon King, even for those who are infinitely close to the Earthly Celestial level.

It may also have a huge effect on Earthly Celestial.

But how about Wang Mang? This easily resulted in two plants.

Of course they were eyes were red!

At the same time, many demon king powerhouses are also very confused in their hearts.

Is this summoning supernatural power, must use the half immortal level Heavenly and Mortal Treasures to be able to use it?

If this is the case, it can be said that many Demon Emperor powerhouses present have already beaten the drums in their hearts.

Because the cost of showing it is too great!

At the same time, after obtaining these two half-celestial Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

Wang Mang pretended to swallow it, but when he closed his mouth, he put it in the storage space.

So far! Two and a half fairy Heavenly and Mortal Treasures are here!

Only then did Wang Mang pretend that he was no longer in pain.

In this way, Wang Mang spent nearly half an hour in full pretense.

At the same time, the meteorite is very close to the earth.

If there is no accident, it will crash into the earth within half an hour.

This also caused all the strong players present to lose their patience.

They panicked and questioned Wang Mang angrily:

“Damn it! What the hell is going on?”

“Aren’t you talking about calling out the strong?”

“Where is the strong? Where is the strong you summoned?”

“Can you do it! Isn’t it just playing around with us?”

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