Chapter 317 So, you want us to come out and solve this big trouble?

After Wang Mang greeted several times.

Suddenly became a little confused.

What is going on here?

Why is no one talking this time?

These guys from the Netherworld, are it possible that Chengdu is sleeping?

But do demon ghosts also need to sleep?

Why doesn’t he know?

In desperation, Wang Mang had to continue shouting:

“Every fellow daoist! It’s me! The demon emperor who negotiated with you last time!”

“I’ve come back! I thought about it for a long time when I went back, and I’ve already considered it.”

“Everyone fellow daoist? Let’s talk again?”

At this moment.

The cold voice sounded again:

“Why did fellow daoist suddenly change his mind?”

“If I remember correctly, the fellow daoist walked very hard last time!”

“Going out even blocked the cave for us!”

After hearing this cold voice, Wang Mang was overjoyed.

He thought these guys were sleeping, or didn’t want to come out.

Now it seems that there is still some talk about it!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly smiled enthusiastically:

“Fellow daoist is too anxious. Last time I just went back and thought about it.”

“After thinking about it for a long time, the emperor has decided that as long as the fellow daoist promises to pay me, the emperor will let you out.”

At this time, the cold voice suddenly sounded:

“Sorry fellow daoist! I’m afraid I will disappoint you.”

“Not long ago, a fellow daoist calculated that it is not suitable to go out in the last two months.”

“So fellow daoist should leave! I don’t have to wait, I will be born in two months.”

When he heard this, Wang Mang was completely dumbfounded.

Paralyzed, there is definitely an Earthly Celestial powerhouse in this Netherworld Palace.

Otherwise, it is impossible to calculate it, and disaster will come soon.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang also regretted it.

I knew that sooner or later I would open the gate of the netherworld.

He should accept the task and open the door of the netherworld.

It’s better now, there is no task for him to open the door.

But he had to come to open the door!


unwise! What a mistake!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang felt a lot of fleshy pain in his heart.

However, Wang Mang still gritted his teeth and said: “Fellow daoist! A lot of points are fine!”

“Let’s do it! Anyway, get to know one, eight half-immortal Heavenly and Mortal Treasures will do!”

But after Wang Mang finished speaking.

The voice in the Nether Gate disappeared.

As if there was no one, there was no response for a long time.

This also made Wang Mang a little panicked.

Don’t these guys, don’t want to come out now?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang started to cry without tears.

At the same time, Wang Mang couldn’t help but continue to persuade:

“Fellow daoist! If you think it’s more expensive, it’s okay!”

“If it doesn’t work, just five half-immortal Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, right?”

“Fellow daoist? Tell me something?”

“If there are too many, three and a half fairy Heavenly and Mortal Treasures will be fine.”

It’s a pity to let Wang Mang say what he said, and the golden lotus springs from the ground.

In the Nether Gate, there was no response at all.

After a long time, a cold voice came from the Nether Gate:

“Fellow daoist should go back! I don’t want to go out now.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly became angry.

Paralyzed, these guys are simply not Giving face!

Now he took the initiative to open the door.

These dog comparisons are not only bad.

Are you reluctant to come out now?

This is just not to put him in one’s eyes!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang opened his mouth wide.

At the same time, it was the first time to use own new supernatural powers!

Destroy the laser!

I saw that Wang Mang opened his mouth wide, and the golden destruction laser burst out.


A loud noise rang out!

After the smoke clears.

Wang Mang was surprised to find out.

His this strike blasted open the entire Nether Gate!

I saw behind the collapsed and shattered Nether Gate.

This is a bottomless hole with pitch black and no light.

In addition, the turbid black air is surging in the air.

The next moment, Wang Mang only felt a yin wind blowing.

Then, a cloud of black air surged out.

I saw that the black air gathered into a Daoist figure.

Looking at him, he looked like an old man in a black robe.

Wang Mang was stunned.

Because he can feel it.

The aura of this black robe old man is too strong.

Give him a strong sense of threat.

Even stronger than the Dragon Emperor!

The next moment, Wang Mang couldn’t help but display it, and the information was detected.

Then, the message of the old man in black robe emerged.

Target: Black Dragon Daoist.

Taoism: 8990.

Level: Pseudo-celestial level.

Status: Soul status.

Supernatural powers:? ? ? .

Achievement: As the host opened the door of the Netherworld, the ranking of the global powerhouses has changed.

After reading this black robe old man’s information.

Wang Mang couldn’t help feeling a tingling scalp.

This is too scary!

Daoxing in 8990!

Just the last 10 years!

He will be able to become an Earthly Celestial level existence!

Ma! The demon ghosts in the netherworld, are they so tyrannical?

to be honest.

It is not that Wang Mang has never encountered a ghost before.

He remembered that he had encountered it several times.

Encountered female ghosts and water ghosts.

But Wang Mang has never encountered such a terrifying one!

Similarly, Wang Mang also secretly warned to the extreme.

If this old man wants to disadvantage him.

Wang Mang must show his supernatural powers and run away immediately!

At this moment, the black dragon Daoist was also looking at Wang Mang.

After a long time, Daoist, the black dragon, said with a gloomy expression: “Do you really want to put this seat in one’s eyes?”

“At the time this seat asked you to open this stone gate, you were unwilling to live and die!”

“Now I won’t let you open this stone gate, but you just want to open it!”

“Do you look down on this seat?”

“Still not putting this seat in To put in one’s eyes?”

Accompanied by the cold gaze of the black dragon Daoist.

Wang Mang even felt a tingling scalp.

Wang Mang quickly explained in a panic tone:

“Daxian! You wronged the little demon!”

“The little demon’s admiration for you, I can’t wait to fall into the ground!”

“How can the little demon dare to look down upon you, Daxian?”

“Daxian! You really know something!”

“Now the earth is facing a huge catastrophe!”

“Only a strong man like you, Daxian, can save the world!”

Afterwards, Wang Mang quickly explained this matter to the Black Dragon Daoist.

After listening, Daoist, the black dragon who was still a little angry, fell into contemplation.

Similarly, face the black dragon Daoist who is in deep thought.

Wang Mang did not dare to say anything, but he maintained the highest vigilance in his heart.

Once there is something wrong, he will choose to go away immediately.

After all, Wang Mang is still very confident in own speed.

Suddenly, the Black Dragon Daoist looked at Wang Mang with cold eyes, and said in a harsh tone:

“So, you want us to wait out and solve this big trouble?”

“If there was no such thing, you wouldn’t have come to let us go, would you?”

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