Chapter 302: How to use only 10% of the strength to defeat the old Nanhua immortal? Finally successfully completed!

After hearing Wang Mang’s conceited words.

Old Nanhua immortal was even more angry.

He has never seen such a brazen monster!

Since he became king, he has pushed all the way and beat the world’s invincible hand?

Who was chased by him and fled in embarrassment?

Thinking of this, Old Nanhua sneered and said:

“Only you? I was chased and killed by the old man like a bereaved dog!”

Upon hearing the words of Old Immortal Nanhua, Wang Mang became furious and said coldly:

“The demon words deceive the crowd! Don’t be ashamed of talking!”

“Bad old man, is your head burnt out?”

“Now the emperor is chasing you down!”

“This emperor can easily suppress you with 10% of his strength!”

“You don’t even dare to fight with the emperor with 10% strength, and you are so scared that you are holding your head!”

After listening to Wang Mang’s words, Old Immortal Nanhua stayed on top of a mountain.

Afterwards, he turned to stare at Wang Mang coldly, and said sternly:

“Okay! Which old man would like to see, how do you use 10% of your strength to suppress the old man?”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang couldn’t help but smile.

This old man seems to be really irrational by him!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang sneered and said, “Ready? The emperor is about to make a move!”

“The emperor will display 10% of his strength, let alone the emperor bullying you and being an old man!”

Hearing that, Nanhua Old Fairy was very disdainful in his heart.

With Wang Mang’s full strength, it is estimated that he could threaten his life.

But 10% strength is simply whimsical!

His Nanhua Old Immortal was seriously injured.

But a lean camel is bigger than a horse!

If Wang Mang really dared to be big.

He doesn’t even mind, seize the opportunity to kill Wang Mang!

At this point, Nanhua old fairy coldly said: “Let’s do it! Old man, see what you can do?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang began to gather a huge amount of thunder and lightning power between the two corners.

At the same time, Old Immortal Nanhua’s gaze was also attracted by Wang Mang.

After a long time, Wang Mang brought out the power of thunder that had been gathered.

While displaying the power of thunder, Wang Mang quietly displayed his magical powers.

They are: the slavery of the king! Controlling the soul!

The next moment, the old Nanhua immortal, who was already tense, suddenly frowned, and a trace of pain flashed across his old face.

Obviously, this is Wang Mang’s slavery to the king, and the spiritual supernatural power of controlling the soul has worked!

However, these two spiritual abilities, even when the old Nanhua immortal was seriously injured, did not hurt him much.

However, Wang Mang had no hope at all, using the slavery of the king and the soul-controlling seal to kill the old Nanhua immortal.

All he needs is that Old Nanhua has no time to escape, and his thunder spell will do it!

Moreover, Wang Mang said that he was 10% strength on the surface, and he had gathered his strongest strength secretly.

Therefore, the power of the thunder roaring out swept away like a thunder dragon.

The old Nanhua immortal whose complexion changed drastically, just as he condensed a True Qi gas mask, the power of this terrifying thunder whistled.


Accompanied by a loud noise, after it sounded.

Old Nanhua was overwhelmed by the power of this terrifying thunder.

After the smoke clears.

Wang Mang saw it, the old Nanhua immortal with disheveled hair, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, and his expression sullen and angry:

“This is your 10% strength? Without words! Shameless!”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang sneered and said:

“The emperor has already displayed 10% of his strength!”

“Do you believe it or not! Anyway, I believe it!”

After that, Wang Mang didn’t give Nanhua Old Immortal any time to react.

Under the frightened and angry eyes of Nanhua old fairy.

He erupted with a mouthful of magma and burst out from the big mouth of the blood basin!

When the old fairy Nanhua was preparing to escape in embarrassment.


Suddenly, he couldn’t help but let out a scream.

Because Wang Mang performed again: the slave of the king, the soul-controlling seal!

These two supernatural powers!

In a short time.

It caused a disturbance to the old Nanhua immortal in an instant!

at the same time.

The old Nanhua immortal, even more forcefully endured a splitting headache.

He was very embarrassed, barely avoiding the dangerous eruption of magma.

The next moment, the very angry old Nanhua immortal, just about to fight to the death.

But as soon as he raised his head, he saw a sharp, white bone, whizzing towards him.

This snow-white slender and straight sharp bone burst out too fast!

Soon he has no reaction time at all, and soon he has no time to escape.

Only heard a puff!

The slender and sharp bones passed through Nanhua’s chest!

Later, Old Immortal Nanhua reacted.

He lowered his head, looking at the big hole in his chest, he couldn’t help being stunned.

Because, Old Immortal Nanhua never dreamed that he would end up with his apprentice.

His apprentice also died from a hole in his chest!

But now he was also killed by the same method?

Thinking of this, Nanhua Old Immortal was particularly unwilling.

In particular, I feel that the vitality in the body is dissipating.

At the same time, the True Qi in his body is constantly spreading from the body.

Afterwards, Old Immortal Nanhua suddenly raised his head and looked at Wang Mang with a bitter expression on his face, his eyes full of madness.

“Even if I die! I will drag you to die together!”

As soon as the voice fell, the old Nanhua immortal had clearly lost his heart, but he still burst out, as fast as thunder.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was shocked, knowing that Old Immortal Nanhua had gone crazy.

Obviously, even before dying, I want to pull myself as a backstop!

At this point, Wang Mang did not dare to hesitate at all, and immediately vibrated his four wings and rushed straight into the sky.

At the same time, Wang Mang also took a step forward, and his speed increased a hundred times!

In the blink of an eye, Wang Mang had already flown hundreds of miles away.

Afterwards, Wang Mang did not forget to look back.

The next moment, Wang Mang saw it, far away in space.

Suddenly, a huge fire broke out.

The image of this explosion is like a small mushroom cloud.

Even the True Qi that exploded, like a sea wave, swept the surrounding world.

As a result, the color of the world on one side changed, the wind was surging, and the wind was blowing!


Accompanied by a loud noise!

I saw that at the place of the explosion, dozens of miles of mountains instantly turned into ashes!

The power of horror made Wang Mang stunned.

Even Wang Mang felt a panic.

Ma yeah.

This old Nanhua fairy is too terrifying!

Can he blew himself up before he died?

Moreover, want to drag him to death?

In addition, the power of this self-destruction is too awkward!

So that dozens of miles of mountains are instantly turned into ashes!

Just as Wang Mang felt lingering in his heart, he secretly sighed with emotion.

The voice of the system also sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the mission! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Obtain 2 billion evolution points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the best blind box X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get a chance to win a random lottery X1! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the designated lucky draw chance X1! 】

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