Chapter 288 Faced with the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, of course you have to choose to occupy it!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was a little confused, ready to continue listening.

At this time, Mr. Bai Shui’s next sentence made Wang Mang even more embarrassed.

Just listen, Bai Shui Jun still said in a cold tone:

“This black python demon, in a Huanshan Reservoir, is very powerful.”

“If it is Master Demon Sovereign, if you can help the little demon kill it.”

“The little demon told Master Demon Sovereign that this is close to the trace of the fairy-level Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.”

After hearing Jun Bai Shui’s words, Wang Mang was speechless.

Wang Mang didn’t expect that Bai Shui Jun was still thinking about himself!

How much I hate myself!

Want to kill yourself?

Ma! How much hatred is there!

To be honest, Wang Mang himself felt that he didn’t care about Bai Shui Jun.

But he never expected that he didn’t care about her, and Bai Shuijun was still thinking about her.

Now it is even more of a condition for myself to let myself help kill myself?

Then did he tell him that he was approaching the trace of the fairy-level Heavenly and Mortal Treasures?

This simply gave De Wang Mang the feeling of Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

He didn’t know whether to rejoice, or to smile wryly.

If he reveals his identity.

Bai Shui Jun will never tell him, this is close to the fairy-level Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, right?

This is why Wang Mang Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Of course, since Mr. Bai Shui has not found his own identity.

Then Wang Mang would naturally not be exposed.

Moreover, since Bai Shui Jun knows the whereabouts of the Celestial Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

Wang Mang naturally wanted to find a way.

From the opponent’s mouth, this is close to the whereabouts of the fairy-level Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

At this point, Wang Mang suddenly said with a majestic face: “Who are you as the emperor?”

“You can’t be the ants that come, call, and go?”

“The emperor advises you to tell the emperor immediately, otherwise don’t blame the emperor for destroying your white python demon clan!”

Hearing Wang Mang’s murderous Ling Ran’s words, the Great Demon King of the White Python Demon Race was so scared that his body was trembling.

To be honest, when Wang Mang said this sentence.

The members of the white python demon clan present panicked.

Even many members of the White Python demon clan looked at Bai Shui Jun angrily.

In their eyes, it was Bai Shui Jun who had nothing to look for, and he was going to send Wang Mang away.

But in the end, Bai Shui-jun had to speak, and he also proposed Heavenly and Mortal Treasures, which was close to the fairy level.

Now he immediately attracted this strange demon emperor, not to mention, moreover, it may bring disaster to their clan!

This is also the reason why the members of their white pythons are very angry.

Similarly, in the face of Wang Mang’s cold threat, Bai Shui Jun was also a little flustered.

She didn’t expect Wang Mang to play his cards completely inconsistent with common sense.

But she couldn’t understand it very much. It was clear that Wang Mang was only asking Wang Mang to kill a monster.

It stands to reason that this demon emperor will be completely jealous when he receives the news of a Heavenly and Mortal Treasures plant that is close to the immortal level.

But Wang Mang’s answer was indeed beyond her expectation.

In fact, what she didn’t know was that if Bai Shui Jun asked her to kill another monster, Wang Mang would definitely agree without hesitation.

But Wang Mang can’t kill himself!

In fact.

If Bai Shuijun said this to other demon emperors, she would definitely not guess wrong.

The problem is, Bai Shui Jun doesn’t even know the identity of Wang Mang!

Therefore, in the face of Wang Mang’s threat, Bai Shui Jun immediately calmed down after the initial panic.

Her tone was a little frustrated and said helplessly: “Lord Demon King, score some benefits for Little Demon.”

“And afterwards promised to help the little demon and kill the black python!”

Hearing Bai Shui Jun’s soft words, Wang Mang suddenly became proud of himself.

Of course, on the surface, Wang Mang said calmly: “Let’s talk about it first, what benefits do you want?”

Hearing this, Bai Shuijun immediately said without hesitation: “The Demon King will divide all the benefits of the little demon into half!”

Hearing what Bai Shuijun said, Wang Mang couldn’t help but smile.

Although this Lord Bai Shui does speak loudly.

But her confidence is not as strong as the bear big demon king’s foot.

Because, if Wang Mang doesn’t know where the Baishui Jun demon clan is.

Then Bai Shui Jun could still threaten Wang Mang very bachelor as the Black Bear Demon King.

But now, this is completely impossible.

It can be said that Wang Mang has completely taken him down.

Therefore, Wang Mang said unceremoniously:

“Give you half? Innocent dreaming?”

“I can give you a King-level Heavenly and Mortal Treasures as a reward, please say it obediently!”

“Otherwise, don’t blame the emperor for killing!”

Hear Wang Mang’s naked threat.

Bai Shui Jun was obviously irritated.

Because Wang Mang threatened her again and again.

It made her feel aggrieved like never before!

Therefore, Bai Shuijun said coldly:

“How can I disappoint Master Demon Sovereign? Even if he died, the Little Demon wouldn’t speak.”

Hear Bai Shui Jun’s resolute words.

Wang Mang was immediately happy.

However, Wang Mang had already eaten her.

However, this time Wang Mang did not choose to threaten Bai Shui Jun.

Instead, the threat target was placed on the white python demon clan.

Suddenly, Wang Mang looked at the white python demon clan with sorrow, and smiled sorrowfully:

“It seems that you white python monster race are very tough!”

“You guys think about it! The emperor doesn’t want to kill him today!”

“You yourself can communicate with this little demon!”

Hearing this, the big demon king of the white python demon clan headed, said in horror: “The demon king, please give the little demon some time.”

After speaking, it together with the White Python Demon Race called Lord Bai Shui into the jungle not far away to speak.

Even if Wang Mang did not listen carefully, he could vaguely hear the accusations made by members of the white python demon clan against Bai Shui Jun:

“Mr. Baishui, you are the royal family of our white python demon clan, but you have always let our white python demon clan pay for you.”

“But you have been bringing disasters to our White Python Demon Race. The investment that the White Python Demon Race has made in you has never gotten back!”

“Yes! Lord Baishui, do you still want to destroy our white python demon clan?”

“Mr. Bai Shui, how much has the family paid for you over the years? What has it brought to the White Python Demon Race? You have brought endless troubles!”

After hearing these words, Wang Mang couldn’t help but want to laugh.

Sure enough, this white python demon clan is the weakness of Lord Bai Shui!

Just when Wang Mang was proud.

The system sound followed:

【Ding! The current status of the host is detected, and the host is given the following task choices! 】

[Task First: Face the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures who are close to the immortal level, stay unmoved, the Lord is not rare! 】

【Task time: You can get it by choosing. 】

[Task reward: 500 million evolution value! Advanced blind box X1! 】

[Task 2: Facing the Heavenly and Mortal Treasures who are close to the immortal level, for the sake of safety, make appropriate gains! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 1 billion evolution value! Advanced blind box X1! 】

[Task 3: Facing a genius treasure close to the immortal level, you must occupy it if you do not give up! 】

【Task time: You can get it when you complete it. 】

[Task reward: 1.5 billion evolution value! The best blind box X1! 】

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