Chapter 233 Chong Zheng proud! Even if all the snakes in the world are dead, I won’t fall in love with you!

I’m so peculiar!

The first time we did a good deed, did the Demon King want to post it upside down?

If I knew it, we shouldn’t do good things!

Sure enough, doing good things is not for us!

This damn charm is simply too big!

Wang Mang even suspects that his own charm has crossed races.

When he is a human being, he is the most beautiful boy!

When I was a demon, my charm didn’t diminish back then!

Thought of this.

Wang Mang felt a little smug in his heart.

Of course, they are impossible.

Even if it’s the other party upside down!

He will not succumb!

Because even if it’s an inverted post, it’s not right!

He is a python demon, and the opponent is Fox Demon!

What’s going on…

This is a complete mess…

Thought of this.

Wang Mang resolutely said:


“I’m afraid you are thinking of eating farts!”

“Even if all the snakes in the world are dead, I won’t be able to fall in love with you.”

After hearing what Wang Mang said.

The fox king, who was originally puzzled, suddenly sank.

She felt Wang Mang looked down on her completely!

He is the Demon Emperor!

If the other demon emperor knew her.

These demon emperors would definitely pursue her frantically.

But how about Wang Mang? He even dismissed her!

This was so angry that the Emperor Fox gritted his teeth.

The goodwill for Wang Mang disappeared immediately.

Especially after thinking of her own love, she became a little bit ashamed and angry.

For a while, the Fox Emperor said coldly: “Which do you want? Demon Emperor Heavenly and Mortal Treasures?”

“Okay! I will give it to you!”

“What else?”

Seeing the other party so talkative, Wang Mang was overjoyed and said quickly:

“There is also a fight with the emperor!”

“You should recover now, right?”

“The emperor didn’t bully you now, right?”

After hearing Wang Mang’s words, the Fox Emperor gritted his teeth and said:

“Okay! Don’t blame the emperor for being unsympathetic.”

Hearing this, Wang Mang felt very disdainful in his heart.

He didn’t think the fox king had recovered.

It has only been a few days before it has recovered?

How can this be?

Therefore, Wang Mang is also confident in his own strength.

Not to mention that the fox king has not recovered.

Even if he recovers, he is not afraid!

New Demon Emperor, Wang Mang is really not afraid at all!

Therefore, Wang Mang proudly said: “Where to go out and try!”

“Look at your strength, whether you have such a big tone!!”

Seeing Wang Mang’s shameless face, the Fox Emperor was even more angry.

She gritted her teeth and said coldly:

“You are not the demon emperor! You are not qualified to be the emperor in front of your own emperor!”

After speaking, she stepped forward and walked out of the cave.

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang was very annoyed, feeling that his majesty had been provoked.

Therefore, he decided to teach the fox king a lesson.

After coming to a flat ground outside the cave, Wang Mang turned into a huge body.

Afterwards, Wang Mang said with contempt:

“Come on! Don’t say the emperor bullies you!”

“Seeing your mother-in-law, this emperor has three tricks for you!”

Wang Mang’s words completely angered the fox emperor.

She turned into a huge body and rushed towards Wang Mang.

When she was about to rush to Wang Mang, she leaped up.

The three snow-white tails rose up against the wind in an instant, and they attacked Wang Mang!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was disdainful and drew away directly.

Accompanied by a loud noise!

I saw where Wang Mang was before.

Has been bombed out of a huge pit!

Dust is flying all over the sky, flying sand and rocks.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was amazed. This fox emperor is so capable!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang also looked squarely in his heart.

At this time, Wang Mang saw the Emperor Fox Demon rushing again.

“Three-tailed flames!”

Accompanied by a cold Jiao Jiao shout.

I saw that the tiger fox emperor drew three tails again.

Not only that, but on its three tails, there was a strange white flame.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang quickly opened his mouth in the blood basin, and the falling black flame spewed from Wang Mang’s mouth.

When he saw Wang Mang’s flames, the fox emperor sank suddenly and threw the flames on his tail towards Wang Mang.

At the same time, facing the falling black flame that Wang Mang sprayed, it quickly avoided.

Damn it! This flame is incredible!

At the same time, after avoiding the flames of the Fox Emperor, Wang Mang was even more surprised.

The power of this flame is terrifying!

Even the threat to Wang Mang was very great.

Moreover, Wang Mang guessed that the power of this flame was definitely not weaker than the magical power of his Falling Black Flame.

This was also the reason why Wang Mang didn’t dare to insist on it.

The next moment, Wang Mang proved his own conjecture.

I saw that the flame fell on where he was before.

The flames of the white coquettish Ru Lian were still difficult to extinguish, burning on the ground.

At the same time, the fox emperor asked in a cold tone: “Didn’t you say, let the emperor use three tricks?”

Hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but his head suddenly flashed.

Afterwards, Wang Mang said righteously: “If you use three tails to attack together, there are naturally three moves!”

? ? ?

Fox Emperor: “o(╥﹏╥)o!”

to be honest.

Fox Emperor was also defeated by Wang Mang’s rhetoric.

She had never seen such a shameless person!

Smelly not wanting face, I can’t describe this guy anymore!

Is it three tricks to attack with three tails together?

There are so many tricks?

Therefore, under the anger, the Fox Emperor began to make a full shot.

She started fighting against Wang Mang, but Wang Mang’s combat effectiveness surprised her.

Because Wang Mang’s own strength did not reach the level of the Demon Emperor, or even a little short of it.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, Wang Mang is absolutely outstanding, even heaven-defying is not an exaggeration.

Obviously it has not reached the demon emperor’s Taoism, but the strength is not weaker than the demon emperor!

In particular, Wang Mang’s fighting skills and his flying combat methods are even more impressive.

Even the Fox Emperor had to admit that the brazen python in front of him was not weak in strength!

Therefore, the longer she fought Wang Mang, the more angry she became.

Because Wang Mang is too shameless and indecent!

Knowing that she is a mother, he should attack her ass and tail.

The methods are extremely inferior, and I want to bite her tail and ass!

All kinds of despicable methods are even more so that she can’t stand it at all!

And, after a few hours of fighting.

The Fox Emperor also knows.

She couldn’t help Wang Mang!

It is even hard for her to hurt Wang Mang!

Because Wang Mang even has rare spiritual supernatural powers!

If it wasn’t that she also had spiritual supernatural powers, she would definitely be defeated by Wang Mang!

So, a few hours later.

The Emperor Fox closed his hand indifferently, and said coldly:

“Get out! The emperor can’t kill you!”

Upon hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly became unhappy.

He is the winner. Okay!

If it weren’t for this fox’s agility, once he was entangled, he would definitely die!

Because he can miss, the fox king can’t kill him.

However, if the Fox Emperor missed his hand, Wang Mang had a chance to kill the opponent.

Just when Wang Mang was very upset.

The voice of the system sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the mission! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 1 billion evolution points! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the best blind box X1! 】

【Ding! The host’s combat power is detected and verified in actual combat! 】

【Ding! The host’s current strength ranking: 95th in the global strong list! 】

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