There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 422 Use a one-time Transmission Gate! Ready to start sending hundreds of millions of zombies to Dangan! ,Piaotian Literature "Damn! What did you do to this Monarch King!?"

Hear the screams of the Imperial Family King of the zombies.

The little imperial family girl with a zombie hiding in the distance has a pretty face full of look of shock.

In particular, I saw that the Emperor of the Imperial Family of the zombies was rolling on the ground with painful screams.

She couldn't help feeling stunned.


How long is this!

Wang Mang's strength is so strong!

Can actually hang the Emperor of the Imperial Family Zombie!


This is no ordinary zombie Imperial Family king!

After seeing the zombie Imperial Family king, she knew that the zombie Imperial Family king must have swallowed the demonic fetus!

Moreover, this zombie Imperial Family king is still an extremely powerful demon fetus that has been swallowed, otherwise, the strength is impossible so powerful!

Because, at this moment, this powerful ontology state that resembles a draconian is not what a zombie Imperial Family should have at all!

But even so, the Emperor of the Zombie Imperial Family was still easily beaten by Wang Mang!

This stunned her speechless.

At the same time.

Seeing the Emperor Imperial Family screaming on the ground, Wang Mang even sneered.


Did you dare to compete with Lao Tzu just now?

Now try to install another one?

To be honest.

Wang Mang actually has a lot of confidence in whether he can control himself or not, the king of the zombie Imperial Family.

Because, the strength of the zombie Imperial Family king is still a bit worse than Wang Mang.

Even though the gap is not large, it is definitely not small.

Therefore, Wang Mang directly displayed two divine abilities of control!

In half an hour.

in the heart under a somewhat nervous gaze.

The imperial family king of the zombie who had been screaming in pain, suddenly fell silent.

Then, the king of the Imperial Family zombie got up from the ground.

He looked respectful, with one-knee kneels on the ground, and said respectfully: "The king! I have seen the master!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang couldn't help but smile. stand up.

He knows that this is obviously a successful control!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly feels good.

However, the only thing that made Wang Mang a little uncomfortable.

This dog than dare to claim to be a king?

Who is paralyzed, who is Lao Tzu?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang suddenly coldly said: "I will be renamed Gougan!"

The Emperor of the Zombie Imperial Family was stunned, looking at Wang Mang’s majestic eyes, he had to be nodded. and said: "Dogdan has seen the owner!"

Wang Mang was nodded with satisfaction, and then opened the mouth and said: "Come here!"

hearing this, this zombie The Imperial Family King, without the slightest hesitation, moved towards Wang Mang and walked up.

Next moment, Wang Mang directly hit a giant tail, and fiercely beat the zombie king.


Accompanied by a loud noise.

I saw, this zombie Imperial Family king, suddenly screamed and flew far away.

It didn't take long before he climbed up from the rubble in embarrassment, and then looked at Wang Mang with some fear.

"Come here quickly!" Upon seeing this, Wang Mang immediately exclaimed triumphantly.

The Emperor of the Zombie Imperial Family walked up in fear, but his huge body seemed to want to keep a distance from Wang Mang.

"What are you doing? You fucking hide so far, how can I beat you?"

"Bring me closer!"

Wang Mang Suddenly said unhappy.

Majestic, the Emperor of the Imperial Family of the zombies wanted to cry without tears, and almost couldn't help crying out loud.

But he took the initiative to get together, and then he was flew out by Wang Mang.

A few minutes later, the imperial family of zombies just came back, and Wang Mang flew out with a tail.

In half an hour.

The imperial family king of the zombie riddled with scars came to Wang Mang again in fear.

Wang Mang, who was about to continue his hands, saw the tragic situation of the zombie Imperial Family king, and suddenly thought about it and didn't do it.

Because, his anger is almost gone.

Moreover, he still needs to use this guy to help him control the zombies teleported to Dangan country!

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang said: "You can't pretend to be compared in the future, do you know?"

After listening to the Emperor of the Zombie Imperial Family, he almost couldn't bear it Live crying out loud.

How can he pretend to be better!

He wants to pretend to be compared!

But he just started to pretend.

Wang Mang took care of it!

Who is pretending to be?

At this time, the little girl from the Imperial Family zombie in the distance rushed up excitedly.

Of course she can see that Wang Mang has controlled the Emperor of the Zombie Imperial Family.

Therefore, besides her awe of Wang Mang, she is more of admiration.

Then, the little girl of the Imperial Family zombie looked towards Wang Mang expectantly:

"python Fellow Daoist, please help me kill him quickly, I want to absorb him The bloodline."

Hearing this, the king of the Imperial Family of the zombies was furious in his heart.

At the same time, he also looked towards Wang Mang with some horror, and quickly pleaded:

"Master! I am your most loyal servant!"

Wang Mang also ordered nodded and said: "He is my subordinate now! And I still have something to do, I need him to do it for me!"

Hearing this, the imperial family girl of the zombie, Hai suddenly did not be happy.

At the same time, the look in her eyes towards Wang Mang became full of anger.

She feels deceived!

After that, the little zombie girl was coldly snorted and prepared to leave.

Upon seeing this, Wang Mang sound transmission said: "After he helped me finish, I will kill him again!"

The zombie girl was originally angry, This turned into joy, and turned around and responded: "You must not lie to me."

Wang Mang slightly nodded, disdainfully said: "This seat is one word worth nine sacred tripods! How can it be erratic and treachery A disciple?"

"I believe you." The imperial family zombie girl repeatedly nodded and said.

Wang Mang is satisfied with nodded.

Then, Wang Mang looked around again.

Finally, Wang Mang decided to use Transmission Gate here.

Anyway, this place has also been destroyed in a mess.

It might as well be here, sending hundreds of millions of zombies to the Dangan country!

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang said in the heart silently:

"system! Use one-time Transmission Gate!"

"Transmission Gate The location is set here, the destination of the Transmission Gate, the location of the projectile country."

Next moment, the voice of the system will sound:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully use the one-time Transmission Gate! ]

[Ding! Transmission Gate is under construction...]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully established Transmission Gate! 】

Then, Wang Mang saw it, and a strange grey door suddenly appeared not far below.

This gray gate is very big, tens of meters high and tens of meters wide!

At a glance, the center of the gate is pitch black, like a black hole.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was overjoyed.

He knew this must be Transmission Gate!

the thoughts got to this point.

Wang Mang suddenly had an idea!

He has already decided in his heart.

Right now, there are at least 20 to 30 million zombies.

He can send tens of millions of zombies first.

Think of it as sending some supplies to these projectile nations!

Especially those who think of Dangan.

See the scene of the appearance of a large number of zombies.

Wang Mang couldn't help but feel a little excited.

At the next moment, Wang Mang excitedly moved to the Emperor of the Zombie Imperial Family, ordered:

"Dogdan! You control these zombies now and let them all jump into the Transmission Gate Here!"

"Oh! There's more! Within three days! You must clean up the zombies in the state and Guizhou province!"

"And within these three days! You have to control A large number of zombies have entered the Transmission Gate!"

"The number of zombies must never be less than 100 million! Only more than less!"

"If the number of zombies you send is not enough If you do, you will apologize yourself!"

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