There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 410, just one look makes the earth fall? Complete missions to get massive rewards! ,Piaotian Literature looked at the land public with a pleased look.

Wang Mang's heart sank.

Of course he can see it.

The landlord is obviously very afraid of the Demon Venerable building.

Therefore, I desperately want to build relationships, even to please.

This made Wang Mang very suffocated.

Can be the next moment, a red light flashed.

Then, Wang Mang heard a scream.

At the same time, the land man next to Wang Mang flew out.

After he came back to his senses, Wang Mang saw him. The land man who was bombarded directly hit the ground in embarrassment, lifting the sky full of smoke and dust.

After that, he embraced the indifferent Demon Venerable building with his hands and said indifferently: "Get back."

Tone barely fell, Wang Mang saw it, and the earth man quickly flew back. , The left face has been swollen high.

To be honest.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang almost couldn't help laughing.

Because the swollen face of the land is too funny.

Moreover, he didn't dare to let go of a fart, and he always had a pleasing smile on his face.

At this time, Demon Venerable replied slowly and indifferently:

"Don't interrupt me! Don't interrupt when I speak!"

hearing this, the land man is nodded like a chicken pecking rice, with a pleasing pinch on his face said with a smile: "Yes, yes!"

But at the next moment, Wang Mang saw it. The red light flashed again, and the land man flew out again.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was speechless.

Afterwards, Wang Mang saw Di Gong who flew back from the ground in embarrassment.

However, at this moment, the landlord has lost the slightest powerhouse backbone.

He always smirked to please, and never dared to say anything again.

In fact, the land public is also very wronged.

He didn't interrupt, either!

Why hit him?

After all, Demon Venerable was indeed talking to him just now!

He is afraid that if he fails to respond to Demon Venerable, he will be beaten again!

But now it's ready! The response was beaten!

If you do not respond, will you be beaten?

However, Demon Venerable is too powerful, so powerful that he dare not even think of resistance.

On the contrary, in the eyes of Lord Land, the reason why he was so humiliated is entirely because of Wang Mang!

Therefore, Wang Mang has hated Wang Mang gnashing teeth in his heart, and he can't wait to chopped up Wang Mang ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.

Wang Mang naturally saw the hatred and resentment in the eyes of Lord Land looked towards him.

But Wang Mang didn't take it seriously. This guy hates him for a fart!

He didn't worry that the landlord could kill him.

At the moment, summon is still coming out first, and the master will take care of it. Let's talk about it!

At the same time.

Wang Mang suddenly saw that the Demon Venerable building was frowned again.

This also made Wang Mang's heart jumped again.

Next moment, Wang Mang felt saw a flash again, and then another scream sounded.


Then there was a loud noise from below.

Wang Mang looked back quickly.

He found out speechlessly that this Lord of the Land was beaten again?

Before one minute, both faces of this landlord were swollen high, and discevelled hair covered in dirt came back.

He has tears in his eyes, and he looks at the Demon Venerable building in tears, as if he wants to know why he hit him this time?

After all, he didn't say anything!

But next moment, Demon Venerable Chonglou asked indifferently: "I am asking you something, are you ignoring me?"

Listen At this point, the earth's head suddenly burst into tears.

He cried and shook his head quickly, his face puffed up on both sides, and he looked pitiful.

Similarly, at this moment, the landlord wanted to question Demon Venerable's heavy building if it was intentional.

Beat him without speaking!

Hit him if he speaks!

What do you want from me?

What do you want?

The landlord once doubted whether Demon Venerable was against him!

Fortunately, Demon Venerable did not hit him again.

However, Duke of the Land did not dare to say anything.

He is afraid that Demon Venerable will smoke him again!

At this moment, Demon Venerable Building, moved towards Wang Mang slightly nodded and said: "Let’s talk about it! Tell me what you know."

hearing this, Wang Mang was very honest, so he told all the news he knew.

Even Wang Mang told the news that the landlord did not know.

After listening, the Demon Venerable building was silent for a long time, with a wicked smile on his face:

"It seems this World is more interesting than I imagined!"

Because, in the world where Demon Venerable is located.

It can be said that the strongest is the fourth rank powerhouse.

Similarly, his Demon Venerable building is the fourth rank super powerhouse!

But the fourth rank powerhouse is far behind the fifth rank powerhouse.

Because, in front of the fifth rank powerhouse, the fourth rank powerhouse also has no room to compete!

Moreover, it is very weird that Small World can give birth to a fifth rank powerhouse.

It can be said that the original this Devil Venerable has basically no interest in this World.

But after Wang Mang's explanation, he became more and more interested in this World.

Facing the Demon Venerable building, he muttered to himself.

Wang Mang did not dare to interrupt.

Stop talking about Wang Mang.

The landlord even dare not let go.

He is afraid of getting a big mouth again!

At this time, Demon Venerable Chonglou looked towards Wang Mang, nodded and said: "This seat is here because of your summon."

"Among you and me, I have already There is cause and effect."

"You can make a request for you, and this seat will fulfill it for you. At this point, this seat has completely broken the cause and effect with you."

Hear the words of Demon Venerable. , Wang Mang was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help being overjoyed.

Compared with Wang Mang's exhilaration, Tian Gong was frightened.

Because he knows that Wang Mang has irreconcilable hatred with him.

The hatred between the two parties has reached incompatible as fire and water.

Therefore, under the horror, Di Gong suddenly looked at Wang Mang pleadingly, and trembled: "Fellow Daoist, please take your life! Fellow Daoist!"

hearing this, Wang Mang did not pay any attention to Duke Di's panic begging for mercy.

Paralyzed, this guy had bitter and hateful eyes.

Wang Mang, but remember it vividly!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang said respectfully: "Many thanks, Sir, the little demon hopes that Sir, can help me get rid of him."

Hearing this, Demon Venerable suddenly reopened the building. I couldn't help laughing:

"It's that simple? Did you think about it?"

Wang Mang was taken aback first, but finally he gritted his teeth:

"My lord, it's that simple."

At this time.

The landlord looked at Wang Mang in fear, and begged in tears:

"No! No! python Fellow Daoist, as long as you spare my life!" "

"The old man is willing to respect you from now on! Be a bull and horse for Fellow Daoist!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was sneer.

At the same time, the Demon Venerable building clearly saw Wang Mang's determination.

Therefore, under Wang Mang's gaze, Demon Venerable rebuilds slightly nodded, and suddenly expands his scarlet eyes.

Next moment, Wang Mang hadn't reacted yet, there was a huge explosion beside him, and blood even splashed on him.

After Wang Mang turned his head and looked around, he discovered that the Lord Die next to him had exploded into a burst of blood mist.

Afterwards, Demon Venerable's heavy building opened his mouth slightly, and the flood of blood mist from this land commune poured into his mouth.

At the same time.

The voice of system also sounded:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the mission! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 100 billion evolution points! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get top grade blind box X1! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the designated lottery chance X1! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get Diamond Treasure Box X3! ]

[Ding! Accumulation has met the evolutionary conditions, does it begin to evolve? 】

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