There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 404, successfully exited after half a month! Let us go, now we are Earth Immortal, know you are afraid? Piaotian Literature This kind of power is not only reflected in the body of Immortal Qi.

It is even reflected in all aspects, and even the divine ability seems to have been greatly improved.

Of course, the biggest change is the physical change.

This is not to say that Wang Mang's volume has skyrocketed.

On the contrary, his evolutionary volume is still increasing according to the normal level.

However, Wang Mang's body now has a trace of divinity!

For example, now Wang Mang throws a drop of blood out.

I am afraid that in the distant future, this drop of blood can also give birth to a new creature.

This is the so-called divinity, washing away all the dust and dirt, shedding body, exchanging bones.

Even a piece of meat or a drop of blood possesses a divinity that mortal world cannot possess.

Not only that, but after raising the cultivation to Earth Immortal.

Wang Mang can feel that he fits more closely with the Divine Token of the Wuyue Mountain God.

Because of the previous Wang Mang, although he has the Divine Token of the Five Mountains Mountain God, it does not fit.

This is because Wang Mang used to be filled with True Qi in his body, but Divine Token is Divine Token after all.

This kind of True Qi simply cannot fit perfectly with Divine Token.

Only Immortal Qi, the air, is the power that perfectly fits the Divine Token.

In addition, after upgrading Earth Immortal.

Wang Mang finally knows the power of Earth Immortal.

The size of Earth Immortal can be changed at will, without limitation.

This is just the basic ability of Earth Immortal.

Apart from this, after Earth Immortal was injured, Immortal Qi's recovery speed was even more exaggerated than Wang Mang's previous super self-healing skills.

This is the divinity based on Earth Immortal!

And after breakthrough Earth Immortal.

In Wang Mang, there is no longer the kind of shackles that are bound by life.

The shackles of life are actually life essence!

Life is a problem that any creature needs to face, even Earth Immortal.

It is not to say that Rank 2 creatures can have unlimited life essence.

The lifespan life essence of Rank 2 creatures is indeed very long, but there are limitations.

This is the shackles of life in the dark!

However, after the breakthrough third rank, this feeling disappeared.

Wang Mang guessed that it is very likely that after he stepped into the third rank powerhouse, lifespan has skyrocketed.

Wang Mang is so proud, I just remembered that he can check his personal information!

Moreover, when he evolved, he seemed to have heard it vaguely.

After this evolution, personal information has changed.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang muttered in the heart silently:

"system! Open your personal information!"

Next moment, personal information appeared before his eyes.

Host: Wang Mang.

Identity: God of Five Mountains.

Species: Eight-winged three-headed python.

Cultivation: 9000 years (Earth Immortal).

Posture: 272 meters long, 15 meters wide, 20 million kg weight, 20 million kg bite force, 200 kilometers per hour.

divine ability: Royal Enslavement, Soul Control Sealing, Breaking the Body, Destroying Laser, Destroying Fire Sea, Eternal Scar Frost, flying through the skies or escaping through the ground, Wishful Bone Spurs, thunder spell , One step at the end of the world, countless changes.

Space: Information detection, Immortal Token X1, random powerhouse summon card X1, free upgrade divine ability opportunity X1, divine ability lottery opportunity X1, one-time designated prize card X1, and Miqingxiang X1.

Lucky value: 299 (flood of good fortune fills the heavens).

Evolution value: 20 billion

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