There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 194, has reached 96 meters! The old nest site was actually occupied? ,Piaotian Literature At this time.

The system voice sounded for the fourth time:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Obtain 400,000 evolution points! ]

[Ding! The evolution conditions have been met, do you start to evolve? ]


After listening to the system's voice.

Wang Mang couldn't help laughing out loud.

This intermediate blind box really gave him 1 million evolution points!

This is simply refreshed, Wang Mang opened the blind box to obtain the record of evolution value!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was in a good mood, without the slightest hesitation, he muttered in the heart silently:

"system, start evolving!" Remember in a second

next moment, the sound of the system sounded again:

【Ding! Successfully deducted 2.5 million evolution points! Starting to evolve...]


Wang Mang was evolving again and lost consciousness.

Two hours later.

The evolution is over, and Wang Mang wakes up.

First of all.

Wang Mang naturally observes himself immediately.

Not surprisingly!

His pair of sharp double horns have grown a lot longer.

It is now more than eight meters long!

With this pair of horns alone, Wang Mang is on land and can't find an opponent!

apart from this is the change in the body.

Of course, the physical changes are more straightforward in the data.

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang said in the heart silently:

"system, open personal information!"

next moment, personal information Emerges in front of us.

Host: Wang Mang.

Type: Darkflame Bull Python.

Status: Adult.

Cultivation: 4600 years.

Body shape: 96 meters in length, 8.3 meters in width, and 95,000 kg in weight.

battle strength: The bite force is 95,000 kg, and the speed is 95 kilometers per hour.

Skills: Death Coil, Corrosive Poison, Skin Color Disguise, Iron Body, Super Self-healing, Water Breathing, Bloodthirsty Fury, Ten Thousand Beasts Deterrence, Become Smaller As One Wishes.

divine ability: Royal Enslavement, Soul Control Sealing, Falling Black Inflammation, Broken Body Rebirth.

Special: storage space, information detection, 10% off evolution card x1, 20% off evolution card x1, free upgrade divine ability opportunity x1, designated lottery opportunity x2, intermediate blind box x3, random lottery opportunity x3, iron sand Palm.

Mall: Open state.

Lucky value: 50 (the capital of the mean).

Evolution value: 120,000

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