There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 192 has evolved successfully again! Random lottery again! ,Piaotian Literature At this time, the system voice sounded for the fifth time:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 500,000 evolution points! ]

After listening to the voice of system.

Wang Mang is just exuberant.

Not bad! This advanced blind box has no loss!

More than 700,000 evolution points have been released one after another!

It can be said to be very good!

Compared with the previous advanced blind box.

The advanced blind box he opened this time is very rich!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang is in a good mood.

Besides, he still has several blind boxes unopened. m.

Oh, there are lottery opportunities too!

the thoughts got to this point.

Wang Mang decided to wait for evolution before continuing!

Strive to get the volume to 100 meters early!

To be honest, since coming to the sea.

He just found out that he has this strength, which is simply not enough!

First I met the terrifying Blue Whale King, then the Green Dragon King, and then the Big Banyan Super Monster.

These big guys one after another make Wang Mang helpless.

After all, on the land, he is the king and hegemony.

But now when he is in the ocean, Wang Mang realizes how small he is.

This feeling of not being strong enough can be said to have greatly stimulated Wang Mang.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang muttered silently in the heart: "system, start evolving!"

Next moment, the voice of system sounded again:

【 Ding! Successfully deducted 1.28 million evolution points! Beginning to evolve...]

After that, Wang Mang completely lost consciousness in the evolution.

Two hours later.

Wang Mang only awakened from evolution again.

After waking up, Wang Mang immediately observed his own changes.

It is worth mentioning.

His two sharp corners should be eight meters tall!

apart from this is other changes in the body.

Therefore, Wang Mang is too lazy to guess by himself.

In the heart, he said silently: "system, open personal information."

Next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Host: Wang Mang.

Type: Darkflame Bull Python.

Status: Adult.

cultivation: 4500 years.

Posture: 92 meters in length, 8 meters in width, and 90,000 kg in weight.

battle strength: The bite force is 90,000 kg, and the speed is 95 kilometers per hour.

Skills: Death Coil, Corrosive Poison, Skin Color Disguise, Iron Body, Super Self-healing, Water Breathing, Bloodthirsty Fury, Ten Thousand Beasts Deterrence, Become Smaller As One Wishes.

divine ability: Royal Enslavement, Soul Control Sealing, Falling Black Inflammation, Broken Body Rebirth.

Special: storage space, information detection, 10% off evolution card x1, 20% off evolution card x1, free upgrade divine ability opportunity x1, designated lottery opportunity x2, intermediate blind box x4, random lottery opportunity x4, iron sand Palm.

Mall: Open state.

Lucky value: 50 (the capital of the mean).

Evolution value: 620,000/2.5 million.


After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang is satisfied and nodded.

Not bad!

Now his size has increased to 92 meters.

His body width has also increased to the point of 8 meters!

His bite force has reached 90,000 kg!

In addition, even the cultivation has increased to 4500 years!

It can be said.

In this evolution, his strength has been greatly improved in all aspects!

Of course.

His speed remains the same!

Wrong! It should be said that I haven't moved!

This has become a topic that Wang Mang does not want to mention.

I'm paralyzed. I have evolved for so long, and my speed just can't rise.

This is too bad!

I feel that this speed attribute is playing me!

Wang Mang even wondered if it was a template problem?

Although Wang Mang is also very upset.

However, he was still helpless.

After all, he can only wait for the result each time he evolves.

For the rest, Wang Mang couldn't get in at all.

Mom's a target!

It seems that there is a chance, we also have to find a way to increase the speed!

Wang Mang in the heart whispered secretly.

Fortunately, when he thought, he still had so many good things that were of no use.

Wang Mang feels much better.

Do you want to continue to open the blind box?

Or random lottery?

It seems that I haven't had a random lottery for a long time, right?

After all, it has been almost a month since he came out.

On the way, blind boxes have always been opened.

Among them, the most advanced blind boxes are opened.

On the contrary, random lottery has very few opportunities.

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang couldn't help but move a little.

Now he desperately wants to increase the volume to 100 meters!

According to the current momentum, he estimated that he would have to evolve twice to be enough!

Because of this, Wang Mang has made a decision in his mind.

Afterwards, Wang Mang muttered silently in the heart:

"System, use a random lottery opportunity!"

Next moment, the system voice sounded again:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Opportunity to successfully use random lottery! 】

Afterwards, a huge compass immediately appeared in Wang Mang's mind.

But when you see this compass, after nine prizes.

Wang Mang couldn't help but smile even more.

Sure enough!

It's been too long since random lottery.

This one is all good things!

The nine prizes are:

[divine ability: Get into the ground! 】


[divine ability: soar into the clouds and mount the mists! 】


[divine ability: Confinement Within A Circle Drawn On The Ground! ]


[divine ability: eight wings on the back! ]


[1 million evolution points! ]


[5 million evolution value! ]


[10 million evolution points! ]


[50 million evolution value! 】


[Choose three prizes! 】


To be honest.

After watching these nine prizes.

Wang Mang's mood is like this prize, it's so sour and refreshing.

Aiya Damn!

Sure enough, my luck is really good!

Maybe it's been too long since there has been a random lottery!

Otherwise, why are all nine prizes good?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling proud.

At the same time, I look forward to this lottery opportunity even more!

Especially the last prize, if you let yourself choose three, that would be great!

At the same time.

Wang Mang expects it.

The lucky compass in his mind also began to rotate slowly.

Wang Mang's heart also immediately mentioned his throat.

He can get whatever he wants, as long as it doesn't give him 1 million evolution points.

Feel free to bring you other things.

After all, what evolution is worth, Wang Mang doesn't care at all.

Moreover, he is not the kind of superficial person.

After one minute.

The spinning speed of the lucky compass finally slowed down.

Wang Mang is even more nervous and speechless.

He prayed madly in the heart: lucky Goddess bless!

system father, give me something good! Son, kneel for you!

next moment.

The voice of system sounded:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get...]

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