There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 182 The Great King. Great King, the big brother of the Squid King? ,Piaotian Literature is paralyzed!

I must have read it wrong!

I must be dazzled!

To be honest.

For a while, Wang Mang couldn't believe his eyes.

Because, what did he see?

He saw prehistoric creatures!


You read that right!

Wang Mang saw prehistoric creatures!

This is a big guy with a body of more than 300 meters! Remember for a second

This guy is too big!

Bigger than the Blue Whale King Wang Mang saw!

At the same time, Wang Mang also subconsciously displayed information detection.

Then, this super horrible guy, information emerged before his eyes.

Target: Green Dragon King.

Volume: 333 meters long and 6,300 tons in weight.

cultivation:? ? ?

Level:? ? ?

divine ability:? ? ?

Degree of danger:? ? ?


After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang is even more confused!

This thing is not only a prehistoric creature!

Besides, this guy is too big!

Green Dragon.

Wang Mang still knows a little bit.

This is a prehistoric creature.

But Wang Mang doesn't know according to some information.

Wang Mang feels very incredible.

How can this thing grow so big?

The Blue Whale King grew up so big, it is understandable.

After all, the blue whale itself is the largest overlord in the ocean.

The problem is that Wang Mang has never heard of that Green Dragon can grow so big!

Especially the huge mouth, Wang Mang's scalp is tingling!

At the same time.

Wang Mang also saw a guy!

This guy also shocked Wang Mang.

Isn't this the Great King Squid King?

He remembers the Great King, the squid king, who has been taken away by the warship!

Because of this, Wang Mang looks completely hell.

Moreover, Wang Mang can see the body of the Great King squid king.

It is indeed a lot of wounds, and these wounds have not completely healed yet!

Therefore, Wang Mang can be sure that he is absolutely right!

After a little hesitation.

Wang Mang is ready to bugger.

But at this time, this huge Green Dragon King.

Apparently I have felt the Monster Qi on Wang Mang.

After that, the huge Green Dragon King moved towards Wang Mang and swam over quickly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was so scared that his scalp was numb.

He quickly turned into a huge ontology, and at the same time shouted: "Fellow Daoist! My own! My own!"

After Wang Mang turned into a huge ontology, it was originally The Green Dragon King chasing Wang Mang, only then stopped.

On the contrary, it was the inadvertent Great King squid king. After seeing Wang Mang, he was shocked and said happily: "Fellow Daoist, why are you here!"

, Wang Mang secretly relaxed in his heart, and then immediately said: "Great King squid Old Brother! I saw you were arrested, I have been looking for a chance to save you!"

"But I have been suffering from not chasing you. But I lost it in the end! Fortunately, Great King Squid Old Brother, you are all right!"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, Great King Squid was immediately moved and said, "Many thanks for my concern. , Old Brother, after I got out of trouble, I have been worried about my brother!"

"If it weren’t for the injury, I would definitely go back to look for my brother."

"Fortunately, my brother is safe." I’m afraid I’ll be guilty for the rest of my life with Old Brother."

After he was saved, he was always worried about Wang Mang and thought that Wang Mang was killed.

Fortunately, seeing Wang Mang again now makes him finally relieved.


Be heartless than Wang Mang first.

This Great King squid king is more loyal than Wang Mang.

Even after he was rescued, he still worried about Wang Mang's safety.

After all, Wang Mang was implicated when he helped him.

After hearing the words of the Great King Squid King, Wang Mang felt even more guilty.

He can hear that the Great King squid really cares about him.

At least from the tone of voice, Wang Mang has not heard anything wrong.

Thinking of his shameless behavior, Wang Mang couldn't help but feel a little guilty.


I'm so inhuman!

In the future, if conditions permit.

We promise not to sell teammates!

Wang Mang in the heart secretly moved.

"Boy python, this Green Dragon King is my big brother."

"My big brother is also one of the five old ocean families!"

"Big brother, this is what I told you, python brother."

At this moment, Great King squid king, introduced.

Hearing this, Wang Mang quickly nodded, and said in admiration: "It turns out that Fellow Daoist is one of the five old family members!"

"Two Old Brothers! I don't know what Is it the five old families?"

Obviously, Wang Mang doesn't even know what Five Great Families are in the ocean!

Therefore, Wang Mang still has some doubts about this so-called ocean family.

Facing Wang Mang’s question, the Green Dragon King slowly opened the mouth and said: "The so-called five great ocean masters are the Five Great Families in the sea."

"The Green Dragon clan, the Great King squid clan, are one of the five old ocean families"

On hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly realized, and at the same time he was surprised.

It seems that there are many forces in this ocean!

Thought of this.

Wang Mang is more awed by the ocean in his heart.

It seems that this ocean is not a place where he can get mixed up!

"My python, where are you going?"

At this time, the Great King squid couldn't help but ask.

hearing this, Wang Mang Chan said with a smile: "I was looking for the squid Old Brother."

"But if the squid Old Brother is all right now, the old man is going to go What about Dangan."

After hearing what Wang Mang said, the Great King squid thought about it and said, "Big brother, can you take care of my brother?"

" Good! Python brother, if you encounter danger in the waters of the nearby Dangan country, go lurking in the depths of the waters."

"Where is my friend's site? Just tell me the name of Green Dragon King." Good!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was quickly thankful and nodded and said: "Many thanks Green Dragon King Old Brother."

Hearing this, Green Dragon King slightly nodded, but Great King Squid King, helplessly said: "Python brother, I won't accompany you."

"If it wasn't for Green Dragon King Old Brother to save me, Old Brother, I'm dead, I'll be there first The Green Dragon King big brother is healing here."

After hearing the words of the Great King Squid King, Wang Mang knows why the Great King Squid King escaped.

It turned out to be saved by the Green Dragon King!

Moreover, listening to the tone of the Great King squid king, it is obvious that the relationship with the Green Dragon King is very good.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang quickly nodded and said: "Many thanks, the two Old Brothers, the squid Old Brother is healed first, my brother, I will leave first."

"Wait when I have time. , I’m coming to see the squid Old Brother."

Hearing this, the Great King squid ordered nodded, and then after a chat with Wang Mang for a while.

Wang Mang only then began to embark on a journey on the road again.

In a blink of an eye.

One week has passed.

Wang Mang today.

There is still 5 days away from Dangan Country.

After careful calculation, Wang Mang entered the sea on his way, almost half a month has passed.

On this day, bright sun and a gentle breeze

Wang Mang moved his huge body, still driving on the sea.

But at this moment, Wang Mang suddenly saw the sea in front of him.

There are actually two huge monsters fighting!

These two guys are also very big!

Moreover, what surprised Wang Mang more is these two big guys.

All of them are types he has never seen before!

One of the big guys seems to be a shark!

But the problem is that the shark is not that big!

Another fighting guy is a black super python!

Just then.

The familiar voice of system sounds:

[Ding! The current status of the host has been detected! Give the host the following task choices! ]

[Task first: turn a blind eye, continue on the road! ]

[Task time: Choose to get it. ]

[Task Reward: 50,000 Evolution Points! ]


[Task 2: Help the Megalodon King and kill the Deep Sea Python King! ]

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. ]

[Task Reward: 100,000 Evolution Points, Intermediate Blind Box x1! ]


[Task 3: Help Deep Sea Python King and kill Megalodon King! ]

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. ]

[Task reward: 150,000 evolution points, advanced blind box x1! ]


[Task 4: Take advantage of the fishermen! Kill them all! ]

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. ]

[Task reward: 200,000 evolution value, advanced blind box x1! Specify lottery chance x1! 】

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