There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 177, successfully subverted the cruise ship! Easily complete the task! Start counting the harvest! ,Piaotian Literature at this moment.

On the deck of a huge cruise ship.

The people who were already screaming in horror.

Suddenly saw Wang Mang's huge body on the sea in the distance.

After seeing this scene, many people who were still screaming out of voice were stunned.

But what followed was that everyone who saw the movement on the sea screamed frantically.

"Also! There are monsters! Be careful, everyone! He moved towards us!"

"Omika, my goodness! How come there is such a big python !"

"Help! God save me, it moved towards us!"

"No! no! no! Don't come here!"

"I don't want to die! I don't want to die! It will knock the cruise ship over!" m.

"It's over! I'm going to die, I'm going to die, wu wu..."


It can be said.

On the cruise ship, everyone who saw Wang Mang was panicked and desperate.

Originally, their luxury cruise ship has been pulled to tilt and collapsed.

But now there is still a super python, moved towards the cruise ship rushed over.

This is heaven to destroy them!

Because of this, in the near desperate situation, these people can be described as crazy, like crazy.

Even, many people have chosen to jump off the luxury cruise ship in horror!

This is mainly scared by Wang Mang, the super python is six or seven meters thick!

If this happens to be a luxury cruise ship that is already leaning, I am afraid it will be over!

At the same time.

As he continued to approach, Wang Mang's speed became faster and faster.

Wang Mang itself is very fast in the water.

Nowadays, it is more like a flood dragon dragon-like in the water. Between the swing of the huge body, huge waves are set off.

After a while.

Wang Mang is just a short distance away, a luxury cruise ship, close at hand!

After that, Wang Mang couldn't help but shouted with excitement:

"Turn me over!"

At the same time, Wang Mang also performed skill!

Iron Body!

next moment.

Under the horrified and screaming eyes of countless cruise ship people.

Wang Mang's huge body, jumping from the water, fiercely crashed into the 10,000-ton giant ship!

"no no no! Don't do it!"

"Don't bump into it!"

"God save me!"

When Wang Mang was about to crash into this luxury cruise ship.

He vaguely heard the terrified roar scream from one after another.


Then, a loud noise rang out.

Wang Mang only feels a little pain in his head!

Then, Wang Mang's huge body fell into the water dazedly.

At the same time, a huge luxury cruise ship that was already about to capsize.

After Wang Mang crashed into this huge cruise ship.

This luxury cruise ship is like the last straw that crushes the camel!

In the end, amid the screams of countless people, this super luxury cruise ship was completely overturned!


The moment the cruise ship overturned, it smashed the sea into a huge wave.

The people on the cruise ship even fell into the water along with the cruise ship.

At the same time.

As the huge cruise ship capsized, the Great King squid king stuck to the bottom of the cruise ship also revealed his huge body.

Not only that.

This Great King, the squid king, is attacking like crazy. This huge cruise ship seems to want to destroy it.

Its thick tentacles are frantically tearing and destroying the cruise ship!

In addition, Wang Mang, who sank into the seabed, finally feels that his head is not so dizzy!

It's numb, it hurts!

Wang Mang only feels his brain hurts!

He ran into a cruise ship earlier, and only felt that his head was unconscious!

This is obviously too hard!

However, Wang Mang is still a little proud.

He knocked over the 10,000-ton cruise ship!

It seems that his power is not small!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang is even more in a good mood.

At this time, the familiar voice of system sounded:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully completed the mission! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 80,000 evolution points! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the premium blind box x1! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get the friendship from the Great King Squid King! 】


After listening to the voice of system.

Wang Mang couldn't help but exuberantly.

It's only a few days now?

It's not even a week!

He is about to evolve again!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but get a little excited.

Of course, this is not the time to count the harvest.

Since he has helped the Great King squid king, he naturally wants to help him all.

And, looking at the meaning of Great King Squid King, I want to sink this cruise ship!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang swung his huge body and stepped forward and said: "Fellow Daoist, don’t worry, brother I will help you!"

Hearing this, is sticking to the cruise ship, The madly destroying Great King squid king was shocked, and immediately said with a smile: "many thanks python brother!"

Wang Mang is no nonsense, swinging his huge body, and leaping high again.

Then, his huge body that jumped out of the water fiercely hit the cruise ship.

This smashing down, accompanied by a loud noise, the waves were smashed up several ten zhang high!

At the same time, Wang Mang's huge body also smashed the buildings on the cruise ship into a mess.

This also made the huge cruise ship, which was about to sink in the bottom of the water itself, slowly sinking into the water.

At the same time, the people who survived by chance, screamed in panic, moved towards all around the sea frantically.

They only have one idea at the moment, the farther away from the cruise ship, the better!

Because the cruise ship has been destroyed by these two sea monsters!

But when they are desperate.

Suddenly I saw the sea in the distance, and there were warships coming quickly.

Not only that, there are already dozens of fighter jets, and moved towards here is flying.

Seeing this scene, these people who were lucky enough to survive cheered.


At present, the cruise ship has entered the seabed Wang Mang, and the Great King squid king also saw this scene.

"Fellow Daoist, go!"

Wang Mang is about to speak.

The Great King squid king shouted.

Hearing this, Wang Mang was suddenly surprised.

He didn't expect, Great King squid king, obviously he also knows that humans are not to be trifled with!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang did not hesitate, so he dived into the seabed with Great King squid king.

At this moment, the fighters who had just arrived all rushed into the air.

Moreover, there are too many victims nearby.

They wanted to suppress firepower, but they gave up.


Two hours later.

The waters near a small island.

Wang Mang and Great King squid are chatting with keen interest pleasure.

"Fellow Daoist, why did you come to the sea? You know how dangerous the sea is!"

The Great King squid king said.

Hearing this, Wang Mang was stunned for a while, helplessly said: "I know now."

"This ocean is more dangerous than I thought!"

Great King squid nodded and said: "Yes! Let's put it this way!"

"Old Brother, I am also in the vicinity of one acre and three arable land in the vicinity. The final say."

"But the ocean is too big! The Monster King powerhouse in the ocean is even more numerous!"

"Even the Monster King in the ocean, but you don’t have a good impression of the Monster King on land!"


"You met Old Brother me today. Otherwise, if you meet another Ocean Monster King, you will either be driven away or attacked!"

hearing this, Wang Mang suddenly realized, slowly nodded.

No wonder, when passing a piece of sea, the Blue Whale King actually attacked himself!

If it weren't for Wang Mang to run fast enough and leave its territory quickly, it is estimated that the end will not be much better.

At this moment, Wang Mang has realized that the Monster King in the ocean is very unfriendly to the Monster King on the land.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang is even more urgent and wants to improve his strength.

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang said to Great King Squid King:

"Fellow Daoist, I have something to do, go to the island first."

"Tomorrow, I will come to Fellow Daoist again to have a chat!"

hearing this, Great King squid king, nodded with a smile:

"Okay! Don't worry, brother, this neighborhood It's all Old Brother my site, so you can do it first if you have anything!"

Wang Mang immediately thanked him politely before moving towards the island.

After coming to this deserted island.

Wang Mang found a safe cave.

He is ready to see if he can evolve again!

It’s okay even if it’s almost evolving.

He still has two advanced blind boxes!

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