There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah the latest chapter, Chapter 171 The shameless degree of the Black Bear Monster King! Refresh the three views that subverted Wang Mang again! ,Piaotian Literature after listening to the voice of system.

Wang Mang is exuberant again.

Oh my god! Is this the advantage of a strong lucky value?

He has only just left for a long distance, and he has encountered such a good thing!

First, the black bear Monster King, brought heavenly materials and earthly treasures to the door.

He even brought three Monster Kings to the door.

This benefit is as if you have long feet, constantly rushing to yourself!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang is in a wonderful mood. It feels like this kind of good thing has come to the door by himself.

Oh my god! It's just luck, it can't stop it!

At the same time, Wang Mang couldn't help but want to see, how much evolution value is it now?

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang silently said in his heart: "system, open personal information!" m.

next moment, personal information appeared before his eyes.

Host: Wang Mang.

Type: Darkflame Bull Python.

Status: Adult.

Cultivation: 4000 years.

Body shape: 75 meters long, 6.7 meters wide, and weighs 70,000 kg.

battle strength: The bite force is 70,000 kg, and the speed is 95 kilometers per hour.

Skills: Death Coil, Corrosive Poison, Skin Color Disguise, Iron Body, Super Self-healing, Water Breathing, Bloodthirsty Fury, Ten Thousand Beasts Deterrence, Become Smaller As One Wishes.

divine ability: Royal Enslavement, Soul Control Sealing, Falling Black Flame.

Special: storage space, information detection, 10% off evolution card x1, free upgrade divine ability opportunity x1.

Mall: Open state.

Lucky value: 50 (the capital of the mean).

Evolution value: 81300/80000.


After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang is even more satisfied.

How long has he just been out?

This can evolve again!

Moreover, this does not include the division of heavenly materials, earthly treasures, and task rewards.

Thinking about it this way, Wang Mang is even more high-spirited and vigorous!

At this moment, Wang Mang is very ambitious!

He is going to push all the way to the bullet country!

if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas!

I am invincible, you are free!

This time.

The Black Bear Monster King came back to his senses.

I was extremely frightened.

Before Wang Mang's methods, he saw them all.

At the same time, he also wants to know.

Has Wang Mang got the means to control others?

Otherwise, how do you explain the previous screen?

Thinking of this, Monster King, the black bear, was secretly wary.

At the same time, he couldn't help but yelled in the heart:

Heavenly Dao is unfair! Old Xiong, I have worked so hard, and my strength has not improved faster than this dog!

The last time he hunted Monster King with Wang Mang, his strength has also improved a lot.

After parting ways with Wang Mang, he kept on running and started tossing around again.

In the end, the strength is not as fast as Wang Mang's improvement, and the black bear feels wronged.

Is it the old bear, I haven't worked hard enough?

It seems that the old bear has more to patronize, other Fellow Daoist lairs!

At this time, when I saw Wang Mang looked towards his own eyes, Monster King, the black bear, said with a smile: "Python brother, if it's okay, let's part ways!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang's heart is neered, gloomily said: "Old Brother, heavenly materials and earthly treasures are not taken out yet?"

Black bear Monster King helplessly said: "Python old brother, said good Monster King corpse , I’m one of you."

"It turns out you are good, none of them stayed with Old Brother!"

Obviously, the Black Bear Monster King wants to renege on a debt.

Of course, Wang Mang can see it too, so he gloomily said: "Old Brother, my divine ability has improved recently. Would you like Old Brother to try the formidable power for me again?"

Hearing Wang Mang's words, Monster King, the black bear, immediately thought of the previous scenes, and immediately pleased said with a smile:

"Python brother has something to say, Old Brother is joking with you. "

After speaking, Monster King opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and took out a wooden box.

Then, he turned into a size of two meters, and moved towards Wang Mang swayed the wooden box in his hand.

Similarly, after this guy took out the wooden box, Wang Mang smelled the scent of assaults the senses.

However, what makes Wang Mang a little speechless is that this guy has hidden the heavenly materials and earthly treasures in his stomach!

After Wang Mang reduced his body, he came to the side of the black bear Monster King and said blankly: "Open it! Let me see!"

Seeing it, the black bear Monster King opened the wooden box with a painful expression on his face, and the medicine was immediately scented.

In the wooden box, a green grass that is more than two meters high will immediately struggle to run.

At this time, Monster King, the black bear, immediately held down the heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

To be honest, the appearance of these heavenly materials and earthly treasures looks too ordinary.

If he hadn't felt it, the very strong smell of medicine.

It is probably no different from an ordinary dog's tail grass.

At the same time, Wang Mang also performed information detection.

Next moment, the information of heavenly materials and earthly treasures immediately appeared in front of you.

Target: Ten Thousand Poisonous Grass King.

cultivation: 4499 years.

Level: Monster King level.


After reading the information.

Wang Mang was simply surprised.

No wonder this king of poisonous weeds has such a strong and agile fragrance.

This is simply stronger than the Fleeceflower Root king he swallowed at the beginning!

The Fleeceflower Root that he swallowed at the time was only a 3800-year cultivation.

But this king of poisonous plants has been cultivation for 4500 years.

In theory, such heavenly materials and earthly treasures, shouldn't they exist as a Monster King?

At this time, the black bear Monster King saw Wang Mang's doubts and said with a smile proudly:

"My brother is thinking, why didn't it turn into a Monster King? "

Hearing this, Wang Mang nodded.

Monster King, the black bear, explained: "I don’t know the python brother!"

"The spirit woods that are grouped into heavenly materials and earthly treasures, they are very difficult to transform into Monster King."

"But they are blessed by heaven. Once the 9,000-year limit is broken, they can be directly transformed into Earth Immortal!"

"And, these heavenly materials earthly treasures, they don’t need Transcending Tribulation every thousand years! To put it bluntly, they don’t need Transcending Tribulation!"

"Once the age reaches nine thousand years, they can be directly transformed into Earth Immortal!"

After listening to the explanation of Black Bear Monster King.

Wang Mang was shocked.

He didn't expect, this heavenly materials, earthly treasures category, and blessed by heaven in this respect!

It can be said that as long as these heavenly materials and earthly treasures can survive nine thousand years of calamity, they can be transformed into Earth Immortal.

This is so much more than usual!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang looked forward to nodded and said: "Hurry up! I can’t wait!"

Hearing this, the black bear Monster King nodded and said The color of reluctance.

At this time, the King of Poisonous Grass couldn't help making an ethereal and melodious cry: "Can the Great Kings keep their little lives? Just leave the roots!"


hearing this, Monster King, the black bear, glanced at the roots, and said with emotion:

"It's not impossible to keep you alive, but you have to establish Life Source Oath, and you have to repay you in the future. Yu Lao Xiong me!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang was speechless.

This guy is still shameless as always!

The roots of this King of Poisonous Weeds are very thin and do not occupy much of the body at all. The roots are just like the roots of onions.

But Monster King, the black bear, is good. He wants to eat others, and he has to repay him for his mercy in the future, and he has to force others to swear!

To be honest, Wang Mang can't do this kind of behavior that has to eat other people and have to repay them in the future.

This kind of thing can only be done by black bears who have never been an improper, shameless black bear...

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