There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 168 ,Piaotian Literature after listening to the tasks released by the system.

Wang Mang was stunned again!

He absolutely didn't expect that system actually released this kind of task!

Is this asking him to pretend to be compared?

But the problem is that it is too risky to install than location!

For example, task one.

Let him announce his existence in Red Empire, the Oriental Pearl Tower, the magic capital.

This is so special, tell the people of Red Empire: Come on! I am a monster! How about I am big enough?

Anyway, it means the same thing!

Of course.

Wang Mang also knows what kind of bead above surface coiled around the Dongfang Ming, and the feeling of pretending to be compared must be very cool. m.

But Wang Mang also knows that the risk is definitely very big!

If he really dares to do this, what Red Empire says, it is estimated that he will be eliminated!

After all, the territory of Red Empire itself has entered a state of high alert.

In the daytime, the sky overhead is still flying over gunships from time to time!

Therefore, the Red Empire is in a state of high mental tension today.

Wang Mang really wants to go to the top of the prosperous magic capital of the Oriental Pearl to clamor, I am afraid he will face terrorist suppression by military force!

So, after Wang Mang thought about task 1, he stopped thinking about it.

The reward for this task is at least not to mention, and Wang Mang does not want to make trouble in the empire.

And, to be honest, Wang Mang is very clear about the strength of Red Empire.

Nowadays, the status of Red Empire in the world is absolutely one of the best!

So, task one can be eliminated.

Task three can almost be eliminated.

If you talk about mission one, Red Empire is the one to fight for.

Then let alone the Stars and Stripes.

It is even more famous in the star-tangle country!

After all, there is a saying: Happy America, every day of the gunfight.

It can be said that Red Empire is the empire with the best public security, so the Star-Stripe Nation must be the most chaotic.

After all, the Star-Tangled Kingdom can be said to be a country with a gun, happy bang bang bang!

So, if you are serious about it.

Wang Mang can only choose task 2.

Although the small country is not big, it should be easier to bully.

But to be honest, Wang Mang still has no bottom line about going to the bullet country.

After all, people’s bullet country is a hot chicken, so it’s also a country anyway.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang only felt a pain in his brain, and he was a little hesitant about this task.

To be honest, if possible, Wang Mang still wants to continue to be wretched.

Looking at the meaning of system, I obviously don't want him to develop at ease!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but secretly said in one's heart:

If the system, I really don’t want me to develop wretchedly.

Then I rejected this mission and I will most likely reappear!

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang said cruelly: "system, I reject this task!!"

After making his choice, Wang Mang couldn't help but relax secretly , But also a little helpless.

The next moment, the sound of system, really sounded again:

[Ding! Detected that the current status of the host is invincible in the province, and gives the host the following task choices! ]

[Task first: Please host at the top of the Red Empire Oriental Pearl Tower, tell the world your existence, and let the world shock you! ]

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. ]

[Task reward: 300,000 evolution value! Premium blind box x2! random lottery x3! 】


[Task 2: Please host at the top of Tokyo Tower, the tallest building in Dangan Country, tell the world about your existence, and let the world lose its voice for you! ]

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. ]

[Task Reward: 450,000 Evolution Points! Intermediate blind box x4! random lottery x3! 】


[Task 3: Please host at the top of the first skyscraper in New York, Star Stripe Nation, tell the world your existence, and let the world tremble for you! ]

[Task time: You can get it when you complete it. ]

[Task Reward: 450,000 Evolution Points! Intermediate blind box x5! random lottery x3! ]

[Note: After the host rejects this task, the same task will no longer appear! 】


After watching the three tasks.

Wang Mang couldn't help but smile.

He knew that this task will definitely appear again!

Moreover, there is still a doubling of rewards, and there have been changes!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang has no more hesitation.

450,000 evolution points!

The rest of the accompanying prizes add up, definitely enough for him to evolve a few times.

Therefore, Wang Mang was very calm this time. In the heart, he said silently: "system, I choose mission 2!"

Next moment, the familiar voice of system sounded:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! The selected task is successful, please complete the task as soon as possible to get rewards! ]

After listening to the voice of system.

Wang Mang felt a little helpless whispered in his heart:

"The country of bullets! It's not that I want you guys!"

"It's really a reward from the system too That's too much..."

Of course.

It is good to say that Wang Mang is bullying and fearing hardship.

In other words, Wang Mang doesn't like Dangan.

In fact, there are all these factors.

Wang Mang itself is bullying and fearing hardship.

Isn't he always the only one who only promises powerhouse and strikes hard at the weak?

Therefore, Wang Mang naturally chose the ball country without the slightest hesitation.

Of course.

Although a choice was made.

But Wang Mang did not dare to go right away.

According to his idea, he is rushing to improve his strength.

When the time comes, when he arrives in Dangan, maybe he can get stronger on the way?

After all, it's only more than 70 meters, so it's not shocking enough!

Anyway, you have to pretend to be compared, so of course Wang Mang should pretend to be cool.

However, Wang Mang also knows that he can no longer stay in his own reservoir.

How can he become stronger if he continues to stay?

After all, he killed all the Monster Kings in this province.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang is ready to push it all the way.

After pushing to the island country, we can run away after finishing the game!

The reason why he chose the national outfit comparison of Dangan is actually that all around the country of Dangan is the sea, and he can run directly into the sea after finishing the comparison.

Once he enters the sea, he doesn't have to worry about the revenge of the bullet country.

When he enters the sea, when the time comes, isn’t he just surfing?

the thoughts got to this point.

Wang Mang has made a decision in his mind.

This time he is really going to go far.

After all, system won't let him grow up!

Fortunately, Wang Mang is not too worried about his size now.

Wang Mang believes that he should belong to the land, the kind of big boss who is hard to find opponents.

Of course, before leaving, Wang Mang still has to explain everything.

So that night.

Wang Mang found Mr. Yang, contacted his father, and told him about the trip.


Wang Mang got a few maps from Mr. Yang again, for fear that he was going the wrong way.


Wang Mang needn't be so troublesome.

He can directly ask Dad to send him over.

But in fact, Wang Mang is somewhat guilty!

He is somewhat guilty of his own strength!

He was afraid that he would really die, and the firepower of Dangan was under fire.

Therefore, Wang Mang will choose to set off on his own, by the way, improve his strength on the road.

After telling his father that he was going to travel, Wang Mang arranged to tell his men again.

Let the old turtle have three Great Demon, oh, and the little flathead brother, take good care of him.

So far, early in the morning of 3rd day, Wang Mang set out resolutely.

On this day, the sky is clear ten thousand li.

Wang Mang is a tearful monk, oh no, it's a long trip!

In a few days.

Wang Mang has already left the province and successfully entered Xiguang Province.

At this moment, in a jungle.

Wang Mang is humming a little tune on the road, while fantasizing about his Guangxi cousin.

At the next moment, Wang Mang saw that in the jungle in the distance, a familiar black bear was running away.

But when Wang Mang saw the black bear clearly, he couldn't help being confused again!

He has just entered the boundary of Xiguang Province, and he is talking about his Guangxi cousin!

But how can he also meet this black bear Monster King in the borders of other provinces?

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