There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 166, first heard of ways to increase luck? Can you plunder other's lucky value by swallowing it? ,Piaotian Literature when you hear the voice of system.

Wang Mang is just exuberant.

This task is estimated to be the fastest he can complete.

It's as easy as blowing off dust!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang is in a good mood.

He even felt that this Beast God Space was here to give him food!

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang couldn't help being proud.

After all, Wang Mang also knows that he is evolving very fast!

He still remembers that more than half a year ago, he was just a little python that's all.

How long has passed now, his volume has reached more than seventy meters!

Just thinking about it, Wang Mang can't help but feel a little sour! m.

For this kind of cooking, this kind of task, Wang Mang just wants to say the more the better!

After all, this task is so easy to earn!

In a happy mood, Wang Mang went home and returned to the Cave Mansion.

After returning to Cave Mansion, Wang Mang couldn't help but want to take stock of his recent gains.

At the same time, see how far away the next evolution is from the evolution value.

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang said silently in the heart: "system, open personal information!"

Next moment, personal information appeared in front of him.

Host: Wang Mang.

Type: Darkflame Bull Python.

Status: Peak.

Cultivation: 4000 years.

Body shape: 75 meters long, 6.7 meters wide, and weighs 70,000 kg.

battle strength: The bite force is 70,000 kg, and the speed is 95 kilometers per hour.

Skills: Death Coil, Corrosive Poison, Skin Color Disguise, Iron Body, Super Self-healing, Water Breathing, Bloodthirsty Fury, Ten Thousand Beasts Deterrence, Become Smaller As One Wishes.

divine ability: Royal Enslavement, Soul Control Sealing, Falling Black Flame.

Special: storage space, information detection, 10% off evolution card x1, free upgrade divine ability opportunity x1, designated lottery opportunity x1, intermediate blind box x1, black evil cow python incomplete template.

Mall: Open state.

Lucky value: 25 (unlucky).

Evolution value: 38150/80000.


After reading the personal information.

Wang Mang couldn't help being satisfied with nodded.

Now that he is less than four more evolutionary points, he can evolve again.

Not bad, not bad!

Wang Mang was in a good mood. He suddenly saw that the black evil cow python template he found last time was still there?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang muttered silently in the heart: "system, sell the black evil cow python template! This inferior spicy chicken template is completely inconsistent with my identity!"

Next moment, the voice of system sounds:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully sold the incomplete template of Heisha Niu Python! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 150 evolution points! 】

After listening to the system's voice, Wang Mang was stunned.

He remembers that when he paid for it, he spent 5 mall coins on the purchase!

5 mall coins! = 500 million evolution points! =500 evolution value!

As a result, system recycling is so cheap?

Fuck! Not so profiteer!

Wang Mang is speechless.

He thought he could sell a 500 evolution point.

Okay! It seems that he is too simple!

After thinking about it for a while.

Wang Mang is thinking about what he needs most.

It can be said that now he does not lack the means of attack and the means of defense.

Now he has three kinds of divine ability!

Moreover, he has another chance to upgrade the divine ability, which is useless.

Mainly, his Divine Ability is enough for now.

I want to leave this opportunity to upgrade the divine ability to Divine Ability!

Therefore, Wang Mang has never used it to upgrade the divine ability.

What he is thinking about is his designated lottery opportunity, which aspect is it used to improve?

Specify lottery opportunities, to be honest, Wang Mang thinks it is the most embarrassing.

Therefore, Wang Mang did not use it rashly when he did not think clearly about what he needed!

Is it good for me to use it to gain evolutionary value?

Is it better to obtain divine ability?

Or skills?

Forget it.

There are so many skills.


When Wang Mang was in entanglement, he suddenly thought of something.


"It seems that my lucky value is not high!"

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's eyes lit up.

He knows what he needs to improve!

He should increase his lucky value!

After all, his luck is too low.

If his luck is full, he will not be gods block then kill gods, Heaven and Earth will be lucky?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but look forward to it.

In his mind, he seemed to have imagined that his luck was added to him, like the Demon Lord descending from the sky, turning into a picture of the god of the earth!

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang couldn't help but asked in the heart: "system, if I increase my luck, my luck will become better."

The system voice sounded again:

[Yes! When the host has enough luck, he is the darling of Heaven and Earth and becomes the focus of the times. ]

[In fact, the host wants to increase the lucky value, there is also a way! It is the darling who devours luck! 】

[For example, in the Red Empire, the peak people in the political arena, or the peak people in the business world! 】

After listening to the explanation of system.

Wang Mang was stunned, didn't he say that he could not improve?

It turns out that it can be improved!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked again: "system, for example?"

System's voice sounded again:

【 For example: political circles! The person in charge of the Peak in the Dangan kingdom, the person in charge of the Peak in the White Bear Nation, the person in charge of the Peak in the Stars and Stripes, the person in charge of the Peak in the Red Empire! ]

[For example: business world! Boss Ma, the richest man in the empire, and the richest man in the world! ]

[Explanation: In short, the higher the achievement, the better the luck, and the lucky value will not be too low! ]

[Explanation: But if the host swallows these people, he must resist Heavenly Retribution backlash to successfully plunder him! 】


After listening to the explanation of system.

Wang Mang was stunned again.

These guys mentioned by system, where can he eat!

Big brother! These people just eat one, I'm afraid it will be messy!

Wang Mang doesn't want to provoke those powerful people!

After all, this era.

But these imperial peak people have the final say!

Therefore, it is obvious that Wang Mang does not consider it at all.

Unless he has a bag in his brain, he will think of a way to eat these guys.

If he really dared to do this, I'm afraid it's all about eating.

Even if he does eat it, it is estimated that he will be suppressed by the modern military force!

As for the business world, the richest man in a country, or even the richest man in the world.

These people who master the Peak of Fortune are not good at it!

Therefore, all can be ruled out!

These are the targets of system examples.

He can't devour plunder at all!

At least for a short time, he has no such ability.

Unless it is the entire world chaos, he has a little chance.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help his face full of helplessness.

It seems that wanting to plunder other people’s luck is not that simple!

Not to mention the difficulty, you still have to encounter the Heavenly Retribution backlash, this is a fart!

that's all that's all! He is still obediently and honestly, think of a way to increase his luck!

These darlings of Heaven and Earth born in conformity with the times, he hasn't thought about the ability for the time being!

After a long period of contemplation, Wang Mang has a decision!

He decided to use this designated lottery opportunity to increase his lucky value!

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang said silently in the heart: "system, use the designated lottery opportunity!"

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