There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 164. This is what Beast God Space said about python? I was so scared that I almost ran out of water! Obviously , Piaotian Literature .

Wang Mang is still choosing the most rewarding task.


Wang Mang really wants to kill all these Beast God Spaces!

Since you dare to trouble him, you have to pay the price of blood!

Originally, Wang Mang thought that after the last time, Beast God Space should not dare to provoke him.

But he absolutely didn't expect, now Beast God Space appears again!

Moreover, it is still unkind to those who come to me!

Wang Mang, who has greatly increased his strength, how can he bear it?

Don't say the strength has increased greatly!

Even before Wang Mang was not afraid of each other! Remember for a second.

After all, in today's terrestrial creatures, even the Monster King, Wang Mang always talks about killing.

These members of Beast God Space are unusual, but Wang Mang is really not afraid of it!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's anger dissipated a lot.

Just when Wang Mang was about to leave.


Not far from the jungle clearing.

Actually appear out of thin air, more than a dozen Peak predators.

Among these Peak predators, they are hyenas, hippos, rhinos, buffalos, lions and so on.

These appear out of thin air, the huge predators, also looked at all around at a loss.

Afterwards, these Beast God Space members began to discuss:

A big wild boar with a size of four or five meters, could not help but look at all around blankly and asked: " What mission is this?"

"What mission? Of course it is a mission to die." At this time, a snow-white fox sounded ethereal and sweet.

Hearing this, the rest of the Beast God Space members looked towards this snow-white fox and raised their questions.

"Why is it a mission to kill you?"

"Yes! Isn't it just killing a python?"

"That's right! We have so many Members, are you still afraid that a python will not be successful?"

"The ants are afraid. For you little fox, it is a task of sending death. For us, with no difficulty."

Many large members of the Beast God Space spoke with disdain, apparently it was the first time they encountered this task.

Of course, there are also some weak members, such as antelopes, zebras, and huskies, who are worried.

However, when I heard these huge predators taunting myself, this snow-white little fox was coldly snorted and said: "Okay! If you can complete the task, I I am eager!"

"Tell you the truth! The goal of hunting in this mission is a python!"

Hearing this, the huge hippopotamus said with a sneer:

"And then? What about a python? Is it possible that or those Great Demon, Monster King?"

"If it's not those Great Demon, or Monster King level, isn't it with no difficulty for us?"

The other large predators also echoed nodded one after another. Obviously, none of them have experienced the horror of Wang Mang.

In this regard, this little white fox simply didn’t bother to explain it. On the contrary, he was a terrifying hyena. She couldn’t help shiver coldly and said in horror:

"Don’t think this task is simple. This mission is really a mortal mission, and the little fox is right.”

Obviously, this hyena was also one of the targets that died tragically in the hands of Wang Mang last time.

Moreover, he was not only one of the targets that died tragically in Wang Mang's hands.

He was the last time he died last time, Wang Mang's goal!

Because of this, he knows exactly how terrifying Wang Mang is.

This is also one of the reasons why he feels so desperate!

Because, their strength at the beginning is not weaker than it is now!

Moreover, the large Peak predators who participated in the siege of Wang Mang are not much worse than this mission.

But the result is that all members, without exception, died tragically in Wang Mang's hands.

Therefore, if this hyena is most afraid of any task.

In fact, what he fears most is the task of besieging the owner of Huan Mountain Reservoir.

At the same time.

Over time, Wang Mang also discovered that these Beast God Space members have grown in number!

Just a moment of effort.

There were only dozens of Beast God Space members, but now they have taken up the nearby jungle.

At a glance, it was black and black.

All kinds of land Peak predators are among them, and the number is huge!

However, after Wang Mang glanced at it, he became even more disdainful in his heart.

The reason why he continued to wait without doing anything is to wait for all these guys to come together.

When the time comes, he will do it all at once!

Moreover, what surprised Wang Mang was.

His fame is very loud in Beast God Space!

What Wang Mang doesn't know is.

In fact, in the eyes of some Beast God Space members.

The Huan Mountain Reservoir where Wang Mang is located is considered a restricted area by many Beast God Space members!

That's the kind of restricted zone where everyone will die!

In a blink of an eye.

Half an hour passed.

At this moment, in the entire huge jungle.

Wang Mang glanced at it, and at least nearly a thousand Beast God Space members appeared.

However, Wang Mang is still not in a hurry, he wants to see if there are any more.

At the same time.

These Beast God Space members at this moment.

They haven't started fighting, but they have become a quarrel.

Because a small group of tragic guys participated in the siege of Wang Mang for the second time.

But in the eyes of this small group of Beast God Space members, they have already seen Wang Mang's fierce power.

Therefore, before they saw Wang Mang this time, they were already desperate, waiting to die.

But their negative attitude makes most Beast God Space members feel very dissatisfied.

In their eyes, these guys are simply cartilage!


Suddenly, all kinds of ugly words appeared in endlessly.

"Looking at how you are afraid of death, I just want to laugh!"

"So afraid of death, I really don't know, how did you live until now?"

"That's right! Once this task is completed, the benefits will be too great."

"Yes! No matter what python, we have so many members, can't we kill a python?"

"Yes! Even if it is python, we have so many numbers, it consumes all energy, okay?"

Hearing this, I have experienced the horror of Wang Mang, this small part The members of Beast God Space all smiled bitterly.

At this time, the huge hyena could not help but helplessly said: "Anyway, don't hold on too much hope!"

hearing this, most of the Beast God Space members , I was about to make a mockery again.

Suddenly, a very cold voice sounded: "Yes! This hyena speaks very fast, don't hold on too much hope!"

Hearing this, present one The members of the Beast God Space were stunned, and then looked towards where the sound was.

Then, they saw a strange black python with a length of six meters, moving its body from a distance to appear.

Seeing this scene, the seven or eight-meter huge hippopotamus headed by him couldn’t help but laugh, his tone taunted:

"Hyena! This is what you said, impossible to complete Mission?"

hearing this, the rest of the Beast God Space members laughed and mocked:

"Fuck, scared me to death, such a big python!"

"Is this the Beast God Space talking about python?"

"Fuck! Really, he has a task mark on his head!"

"ah ha ha ! This Beast God Space, the cliff is giving benefits to everyone!"

"Motherfucker, I'm scared to death, I thought this mission is really terrifying!"

"Mom! I'm so scared! What a big snake! Come and eat me!"

"I'm going! I'm so ridiculous, it's six meters away!" Longer? Much bigger than the zoo!"

"This is what Beast God Space said about python? It scared me almost to run out of water..."

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