There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah the latest chapter, Chapter 157 Monster King! The harvest is more generous than I thought! ,Piaotian Literature "No!"

After listening to the voice of system.

Wang Mang is simply ecstatic.

This Stone Monster King is not as powerful as expected.

Don't you still kneel in your own hands?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang is high-spirited and vigorous.

He discovered that after getting the Soul Control seal, he was simply if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas!

There is no opponent at all!

This invincible feeling is so cool!

Suddenly, Wang Mang was in a good mood, and then he looked towards the battlefield in the distance.

Then, Wang Mang saw a very funny scene. m.

On the battlefield far away.

The black bear Monster King is lying on the tortoise Monster King. He is ready to attack the head of the tortoise Monster King at any time, but the tortoise Monster King is the head, always shrunk in the huge turtle shell like a mountain.

"You come out! Turtle Monster King! I will kill you when you come out!"

At this moment, the black bear Monster King couldn't help screaming.

Not only that, but the black bear Monster King is very ignorant of martial arts, holding a huge tree trunk, and constantly poking the back door of the turtle Monster King.

However, this is obviously simply not hurting Monster King.

But although this move can't hurt the Monster King, it can be very insulting!

Therefore, the turtle Monster King was furious and cursed in the turtle shell:

"If you have the ability, you can let go of this king and fight fairly with this king!"


"Hiding behind this king’s sneak attack, what kind of Monster King are you?"

hearing this, Black Bear Monster King, proudly said with a sneer: "If you don’t come out, I’ll continue Poke your ass!"

After that, the black bear Monster King continued to hold the trunk, and slammed the monster King’s back road from under the turtle shell.

Obviously, at this moment Black bear Monster King is in a very good mood.

Especially after seeing Wang Mang has killed Stone Monster King, he is even more happy, without the slightest pressure.

At the same time.

Wang Mang is also very speechless.

He thinks Black Bear Monster King is too shameless.

All such disgusting tricks are used, and he is praised for being despicable!

Moreover, Wang Mang at this moment can't wait to end the battle as soon as possible.

Therefore, Wang Mang asked: "Do you want to help?"

Hearing this, the Black Bear Monster King moved towards Wang Mang confidently said with a big smile: "No need! This turtle Monster King has been beaten by me so that I dare not show up..."

But before he finished speaking, Wang Mang saw that the turtle Monster King had already poked his head out, and fiercely bit his bear. Palm.

Therefore, Monster King, the black bear who was still laughing, immediately let out a heart-piercing scream: "Ah~! I'm so sorry, let go!"

Under flustered and exasperated, the black bear Monster King madly beats the turtle shell of the turtle Monster King. However, the shell is too strong to be beaten.

The turtle Monster King kept biting the black bear Monster King's arm, with his head tucked into the turtle shell, making the black bear Monster King scream in pain.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang almost couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, the screaming black bear Monster King hurriedly moved towards Wang Mang and said in pain: "Python brother, come and help me..."

Obviously, Monster King Biting the black bear Monster King will not let go!

However, in order to resolve the battle earlier, Wang Mang still moved his huge body and moved towards the Turtle Monster King.

Wang Mang felt even more unable to speak after he came to Monster King.

On the contrary, Monster King became a little flustered when he saw Wang Mang's arrival, and subconsciously let go of Monster King, the black bear.

The Black Bear Monster King was able to break free of his arm, and the entire bear's paw was bitten drenched with blood.

Under flustered and exasperated, the black bear Monster King took a big rock from a distance, fiercely smashed it on the turtle shell, angrily roared:

"Turtle Monster King, Come out if you have the ability! What kind of ability do you avoid without fighting?"

Tone barely fell, two loud noises sounded.

I saw that the black bear Monster King hit the turtle shell with a huge stone, but there was no reaction at all.

From here, you can see how powerful the defensive power of the turtle shell of Monster King is.

For a while, Wang Mang was also at a loss for the tortoise.

The Black Bear Monster King has no choice but to look towards Wang Mang in desperation.

"I will try."

After finishing speaking, Wang Mang opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and sprayed a bite of corrosive poison on the huge turtle shell.

In fact, Wang Mang's corrosive and poisonous effect did indeed work.

But the problem is that this turtle shell is too big!

To be honest, Wang Mang doesn't know how much corrosive and poisonous it takes to clean up this guy.

Therefore, Wang Mang couldn't help but feel a headache.

At this time, the black bear Monster King suddenly said with a smile: "Python brother, let's change the prey."

"This turtle Monster King belongs to you, Stone Monster King It’s mine, so it’s settled!"

"Old Brother, I'm leaving now!"

After finishing talking, Black Bear Monster King, he turned towards Stone without saying anything. Monster King rushed away.

After that, this guy started to hug the Stone Monster King body and ran away excitedly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang could not help but almost laughed out loud.

You know, the real body of Stone Monster King is just a red gem.

Now it has been eaten by Wang Mang, and has gained 5000 evolution points.

But this guy has to change with him?

However, this is exactly what Wang Mang wanted.

Exchange a pile of broken stones for a Monster King, this deal is very cost-effective.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang also decided to resolve the battle quickly, so that the black bear Monster King has no place to cry even if he regrets it!

Next moment, Wang Mang casts Soul Control Seal!

After the tortoise Monster King screamed.

Wang Mang opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, directly underneath the huge snake head, spraying the corrosive poison from under the tortoise shell.

This is the only way that Wang Mang thought of.

Next, naturally there will be a lot of water milling work.

Wang Mang continuously displays the Soul Control seal.

Continuously moved towards the head of the turtle shell of the Monster King, spraying out corrosive and poisonous!

More than two hours later.

The Monster King was completely silent.

Obviously, Wang Mang has been killed by Wang Mang with corrosive poison and Soul Control!

At this point, Wang Mang was excited and started to eat.

In the end, it took him more than ten hours to eat this guy into his stomach.

This is also Wang Mang's most strenuous time eating Monster King in so long!

Mainly because this monster King is really not good!

After Wang Mang finished eating Monster King, the system's voice sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully swallowed Monster King! Obtain 4000 evolution points! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Accumulate to reach the conditions of evolution! Is it beginning to evolve? ]


After listening to the voice of system in my mind.

Wang Mang is almost exuberant again.

He doesn't even know how much evolution point he has accumulated now!

Moreover, this is still not counting the two bonus tasks!

As for the two tasks, why are there no settlement rewards?

This is because Wang Mang did not eat the Banana Tree King!

Once Wang Mang eats the Banana Tree King, the two reward tasks will begin to settle!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang muttered in the heart silently: "system, open personal information!"

Next moment, personal information appeared before his eyes.

Host: Wang Mang.

Species: Black evil cow python.

Status: Peak.

cultivation: 3800 years.

Body shape: 69 meters, 6.1 meters wide, and 60,000 kg in weight.

battle strength: The bite force is 60,000 kg, and the speed is 95 kilometers per hour.

Skills: Death Coil, Corrosive Poison, Skin Color Disguise, Iron Body, Super Self-healing, Water Breathing, Bloodthirsty Fury, Ten Thousand Beasts Deterrence, Become Smaller As One Wishes.

divine ability: Royal Enslavement, Soul Control seal decision.

Special: storage space, information detection, Fleeceflower Root Wang Yijie, 10% off evolution card, free Divine Grade divine ability opportunity x1.

Mall: Open state.

Evolution value: 30650/20000.

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