There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the newest chapter, Chapter 137 The Lord of the Desert? A very vicious monk in history? ,Piaotian Literature After listening to the voice of system.

Wang Mang can also be sure that the Great King Hei Shan did not lie.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang decided to accept the task after a moment of contemplation.

After all, he is now strong enough to rely on self-reliance!

2000 evolution value, once you get it.

He is one step closer to evolution.

Therefore, Wang Mang in the heart silently said: "system, I choose mission 3!"

Next moment, the familiar voice of system sounded again: [Ding! The host selects the mission Success, please complete the task as soon as possible to get rewards! 】

After choosing, Wang Mang looked towards the Great King Hei Shan.

At this moment, Great King Hei Shan is also looking at Wang Mang, waiting for Wang Mang's reply.

"We joined forces and got the Fleeceflower Root King, how do you divide it?" Remember for a second

Upon hearing Wang Mang's words, Great King Hei Shan as it should be by rights said: "Of course it is divided into 64!"

Wang Mang's eyes lit up and said: "I am six and you are four? It's okay."

Hei Han Great King suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth. With a bear face, he said: "It's me six, you four!"

Wang Mang, who was in a good mood, suddenly became unhappy: "You are thinking about fart!"

" What, you six and four?"

Great King Hei Shan quickly explained: "Of course I am better than you!"

"Fart, you are better than me, last time You have not been beaten up by me and fled?"

"If we are not convinced, we will fight again!"

After that, Wang Mang be eager to have a try stand up.

He has evolved twice now, and he has already been eager to have a try.

At the same time, this evolutionary strength has also been greatly improved, and Zhengzhou has no opponents.

Hearing what Wang Mang said, the Great King Hei Shan was also speechless.

He found that Wang Mang and him are really the same kind, there is no shame in the slightest.

Great King Hei Shan, who thinks he has always been shameless, feels that he has found a confidant after seeing Wang Mang.

After all, there are few shameless and shameless like Wang Mang.

However, when he felt it carefully, he found that Wang Mang's breath was much stronger than before.

This also made Great King Hei Shan surprised secretly, Wang Mang's strength increased so fast?

After thinking of this, Great King Hei Shan suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Let’s do it! Split! Fair enough!"

Facing Great King Hei Shan’s concession, Wang Mang was satisfied with nodded and said: "Then I won't make it difficult to promise you!"

Wang Mang's words made Great King Hei Shan so much that he almost couldn't hold back his hands.

He found that he was really no match for the monster King in front of him in terms of irritating.

But thinking of the Fleeceflower Root King, he had to bear it secretly.

As for Wang Mang, the reason why he agreed so easily is mainly because he was jealous of the Fleeceflower Root King.

At the same time, I also want to know how many Monster Kings there are in this province.

After all, this black bear Monster King definitely knows the situation in this province better than himself.

His other mission is to defeat all the Monster Kings in the province. Of course, I need to consult carefully.

"Let's go! Since we are going to fight for the Fleeceflower Root King, it is best to get on the road early."

"Stone Monster King and Turtle Monster King have already set off, and we can't Too slow."

Hearing this, Wang Mang clicked nodded, then shook his body and left with Great King Hei Shan.

While on the road, Wang Mang couldn't help but consult about the Monster King in this province.

Faced with Wang Mang’s consultation, the black bear Monster King disapproved: “There should be nine Monster Kings in this province.”

“You, me, Stone Monster King, Turtle Monster King, there are five in the waters of rivers and lakes."

"As far as I know, there are five Monster Kings in the waters. One of the Monster King is a crocodile, and the other is a python Monster. King, just like you."

After hearing this, Wang Mang finally learned about the Monster King in this province.

He didn't expect so many Monster Kings in this province!

With the addition of the dead Tree Demon Great King, doesn’t it mean that the number of Monster Kings in this province has reached a rare ten?

This surprised Wang Mang.

He has heard that in a province, there are basically ten Monster Kings!

At this time, Monster King, the black bear, clearly saw Wang Mang's doubts and surprises.

The black bear Monster King slowly said: "What's this? Monster Kings in the sea are called more."

"The place with the most Monster Kings on land is the Daxinganling area on land. , And the waters of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River."

"No, there are more than Monster Kings in the Yellow River and Yangtze River waters! There are even Ghost Kings!"

Hearing the words of the black bear Monster King, Wang Mang was suddenly surprised: "There is also Ghost King? What kind of?"

"Is it possible that there are real dungeons?"

Hearing Wang Mang's words, Black Bear Monster King shook his head and said:

"No, there would be no underworld in the Shang Dynasty."

"However, it did exist before!"

Seeing the black bear Monster After King's affirmation, Wang Mang couldn't help but become a little curious:

"Why are you so sure, the underworld must exist?"

The Black Bear Monster King couldn't help saying ill-humoredly : "Of course I have seen people from the underworld."

"Ghost Messenger knows, right? I have seen."

"And, I have also dealt with Ghost King. "

"But those Ghost Kings are really very difficult to deal with."

"They can switch between virtual and real, but they don't have a fleshy body, which is very difficult to get around."

"Especially after Taoism is lonely, these ghosts are even more rampant."

"Much more rampant than our monsters."

After listening to the Black Bear Monster King Later, Wang Mang was full of emotion.

This guy deserves to have lived for more than three thousand years!

This knowledge is far from what Wang Mang can compare!

At this time, it seemed that Monster King was thinking of something, and suddenly said:

"That's right! Among these people, there have also been very difficult to deal with guys."


"I once heard of a monk who was very difficult to deal with when I was not a Monster King."

"It seems to be called Da Mo, the master of the desert..."

Wang Mang was dumbfounded for a while before he couldn't help but ask: "Da Mo??"

"The monk you are talking about is Dharma Sect Founder, right?"

After hearing Wang Mang's words, the black bear Monster King repeatedly nodded and said: "Yes, yes, that's the monk."

"I heard that this monk was going to cross the river, but he was caught by the river. One of the Flood Dragon Kings was stopped, and the other Flood Dragon King was killed by this monk several times."

"This monk is very fierce! At that time, the Flood Dragon King was four thousand. After years of cultivation!"

After hearing this, Wang Mang was completely stunned.

Is this the story of the legendary Bodhidharma Sect Founder, a Reed Crossing the River?

How can it be different from the rumored story!

Moreover, Wang Mang can be sure.

The monk referred to by the black bear Monster King.

It is estimated that in history, the Bodhidharma Sect Founder of Zen Sect Buddhism.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang couldn't help but gossip, and quickly asked: "What happened later? Later, did Monk Bodhidharma really become a Buddha?"

Listen To Wang Mang, the Black Bear Monster King sneered: "Where is it so easy to become an immortal and a Buddha!"

"However, that monk in the desert is really fierce."

" At that time, many Monster Kings don’t dare provoke him. This king didn’t know what happened to the monk later."

"But many Monster Kings of the older generation said that this fierce monk is The most suspected figure of the Earth Immortal level..."

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