There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 135 Devouring the heart of the earth! After two months, it can finally evolve again! ,Piaotian Literature tell the truth.

Had it not been for such a magical scene.

Wang Mang probably forgot the essence of the earth.

Thought of this.

Wang Mang is simply not too excited.

This heart of the earth, since it is called heavenly materials, earthly treasures.

Then it should be able to support his evolution once!

the thoughts got to this point, Wang Mang swayed his huge body quickly, swimming very fast in the water.

Because Wang Mang knows that there are heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the reservoir, he, the Great King, must arrive immediately.

Otherwise, just the Spirit Opening big fish in the reservoir will be completely crazy.

Because heavenly materials and earthly treasures are an irresistible temptation for any monster. m.

This old turtle was able to rush to inform himself immediately, which proved that he was indeed loyal to him.

Therefore, after Wang Mang came to the west waters, he immediately came to the reservoir’s nest.

At this moment, the entire underwater world of the reservoir has been illuminated!

And the culprit is the earth's marrow in the water lair of Wang Mang!

When Wang Mang came to the lair, he was even more shocked when he looked at the dazzling white light of the earth's marrow on the stone wall.

Because on the stone wall that relies on the mountain, these earth marrows are crystal clear and near-transparent, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

Even Wang Mang can't resist this scent.

The old turtle, who was honestly guarding the entrance of the cave, couldn't help but stare eagerly.

"Is this the marrow of the earth?"

Wang Mang looked at the nest in the water with shock, and couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

After that, Wang Mang couldn't help but open his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, gnawing the heart of the earth into his mouth.

When Wang Mang swallowed, he almost felt an indescribable feeling of comfort all over his body.

At the same time, Wang Mang could feel that when he swallowed the heart of the earth, his body seemed to change.

At the same time, the familiar voice of system sounded: [Ding! Congratulations to the host for devouring a marrow of the earth! Get 1 point of evolution! 】

After listening to the voice of system, Wang Mang was stunned.

What the hell is that so-called evolution value?

When Wang Mang was in doubt.

The system voice sounded: [Remind the host! The evolution value is the name of an energy body that is more advanced than the evolution point! ]

[1 evolution value equals 1 million evolution points! ]

[The ratio of the two is: 1 to 1 million! 】

After listening to the explanation of system.

Wang Mang was stunned! In other words!

The earth marrow he eats is equivalent to swallowing one million evolution points?

Fuck! This also isn't this too ridiculous!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was so excited.

This whole cave is full of souls!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang has the urge to laugh with excitement!

Next moment, Wang Mang was excited and began to eat the marrow of the earth.

At the same time, the voice of system also rang frantically:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Swallow 3 earth marrows! Get 3 evolution points! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Swallow 9 earth marrows! Obtain 9 evolution points! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Swallow 18 earth marrows! Get 18 evolution points! ]


Three hours later.

Wang Mang has gnawed at the core of the cave.

At the same time, Wang Mang's harvest is also unimaginable!

At this moment, in the originally bright nest.

Most of the marrow of the earth has been eaten almost by Wang Mang.

Even some of the heart of the earth was directly gnawed down by Wang Mang with the stone wall.

Of course, but there are still some leftovers.

Therefore, after Wang Mang took away two more plants, he nodded and said to the old turtle: "The rest is up to you!"

Hearing Wang Mang's words, early The old turtle who has already seen the limpid autumn water is even more excited.

He didn't expect that he also had the opportunity to eat heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Although, now the heavenly materials and earthly treasures of the entire lair have been eaten by Wang Mang almost.

But there is still a little left!

Therefore, after listening to Wang Mang's words, the old turtle excitedly said: "Many thanks to the Great King's reward, the old turtle will definitely striving to the utmost Great King striving to the utmost after death!"

Satisfied with the nodded Wang Mang, swinging his huge body, he left the nest in the water.

After watching Wang Mang leave, the old turtle crawled into Wang Mang's lair excitedly and began to eat the leftovers of Wang Mang.

After arriving at the shore of the reservoir, Wang Mang was in a good mood. He was finally about to evolve again!

Because, this wave of heavenly materials and earthly treasures directly allowed him to get a huge amount of evolution points!

So Wang Mang was very happy on the way back to the cave.

After returning to the cave nest, Wang Mang took out two earth marrows.

When Wang Mang took out the marrow of the earth, he was lying down and gnawing on the little thing of the poisonous snake, it immediately seemed like a dog smelling shit.

After the little thing stiffened, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the two marrows in Wang Mang's mouth.

Afterwards, this Little Brat was so excited that he threw away the spicy strips he was holding in his paws, and moved towards Wang Mang and rushed forward.


The little thing wants to climb onto Wang Mang's body to snatch the heart of the earth, but Wang Mang is too big.

Therefore, he can only be anxious, jumping and jumping on the spot, making constant gestures with his paws.

A pair of small eyes, always staring at the two earth marrows in Wang Mang's mouth, and constantly beckoning to Wang Mang.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang smiled triumphantly. He knew that any animal is interested in this kind of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

In fact, it is true!

When I was in the reservoir nest earlier, many Spirit Opening big fish gathered outside.

It's just that Wang Mang eats in the lair, no Spirit Opening big fish dared to enter it.

And there are old turtles guarding the nest.

The facts have indeed proved it.

These real heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

It is very attractive to these animals.

Especially seeing this little thing anxious, flustered and exasperated.

Wang Mang couldn't help feeling happy, and threw two of the earth's cores to it.

Seeing the marrow thrown by Wang Mang, the little thing immediately hugged and gnawed excitedly.

Besides, it was delicious!

It is much more fragrant than the spicy noodles it used to eat!

It seems that I have never eaten this kind of good thing.

Moreover, after eating, this little thing feels even more delicious.

It is 10,000 times more delicious than its spicy noodles!

Wait until after eating two earth cores.

Wang Mang saw the little thing and fell to the ground staggeringly, motionless.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang was shocked.

Isn't this little thing crushed to death by heavenly materials and earthly treasures?

Wang Mang no longer paid attention to until he felt that this little thing was still breathing.

I hope this little thing can Spirit Opening! Otherwise, he will be blind to the two earth's cores for nothing!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang feels happy, and at the same time he is ready to start his own evolution.

Therefore, Wang Mang couldn't help but muttered silently in the heart: "system, start evolving! Use the 2% off evolution card!"

The familiar voice of system also sounded. :

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully use the 2% off evolution card! ]

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully deducted 1.6 billion evolution points! ]

[Ding! Starting to evolve...]

[Ding! Warm reminder to the host, after this evolution, the evolution point will be fully replaced by the evolution value! ]

[Moreover, system will also make certain adjustments! 】

Hearing this, Wang Mang was surprised and wanted to ask a few more questions.

At the next moment, he is evolving and completely loses consciousness.

In addition.

What Wang Mang doesn't know is that after the evolution this time, he will undergo tremendous changes!

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