There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 126. Before we talk about it, Great King, you have to make sure you don’t hit me! ,Piaotian Literature next moment, the familiar voice of system sounded: [Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successful use of free lottery opportunities! ]

Then, a lucky compass came to Wang Mang's mind.

But when Wang Mang finished reading the lucky compass, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because these nine prizes did not disappoint him too much.

The nine prizes are:

[3.3 billion evolution points! ]



[10% off evolution card! ]


[3% off evolution card! 】


[40% off evolution card! 】


[primary level blind box x1! 】


【Advanced blind box x1】


【Evolution for free! 】


These nine prizes, although not as explosive as the previous three lottery opportunities.

But in Wang Mang's view, it is still very good.

The worst is also a prize of 600 million!

Thinking of this, Wang Mang was just exuberant.

If you are lucky, just pick a high-level blind box.

Or 3.3 billion evolution points are not bad.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang feels happy.

Then, the lucky wheel in my mind began to spin!

Wang Mang is waiting and waiting.

One minute passed.

The wheel of fortune slowly stopped.

Wang Mang's heartbeat can't help but start to speed up.

Next moment, the familiar voice of system sounds:

[Ding! Congratulations to the host! Get 600 million evolution points! ]

After listening to the voice of system.

Wang Mang is speechless.

He didn't expect, system really gave him 600 million evolution points.

600 million evolution points, although not necessarily the worst among the nine prizes.

But it seems to be almost the same.

Because, even if you win a blind box.

This blind box may produce good things.

Therefore, Wang Mang also felt a little helpless.

He didn't expect his good luck for so long, but when he desperately wanted to evolve, he dropped the chain.

"That's all that's all! It seems lucky that Goddess is still sleeping."

"And, I got 600 million evolution points."

"My distance It’s only 200 million points to evolve again!"

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's mood is much more happy.

He already has a 20% off evolution card.

Once used, 4 billion evolution points, only 800 million is needed!

Now it has received another 600 million, and then it will be 200 million.

For a while, Wang Mang couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

He didn't expect that every time he evolved, he only needed a few hundred evolution points.

How long has it passed now?

The evolution point he needs has reached the unit of billions.

It can only be said that it is the result of his hard work!

After all, Wang Mang has always put evolution first.

Because, everywhere, weak are prey to the strong, and strength is respected.

Therefore, Wang Mang naturally puts the enhancement of strength as the first goal.

However, how do we get together two hundred million evolution points?

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's brain aches again.

He estimated that before the new Great King came to the door, he would not be able to collect 200 million evolution points.

Thinking about it this way, Wang Mang felt a little sad.

It seems that the last-minute preparation method is not feasible!

Therefore, Wang Mang can only hope that the new Great King will come soon.

Of course, this is not what Wang Mang hopes most.

What he hopes most is this new Monster King. Don't be too strong!

At the same time, Wang Mang did not know.

Great Demon, the black bear who was bullied by him.

I have returned to my Great King site.

A dense jungle of towering trees.

I saw my Great King sleeping in hu hu.

Great Demon, the black bear, burst into tears: "Great King! Great King...!"

Hearing this, the sleeping super huge monster, slowly opened his eyes.

This one super huge monster, is a super black bear Monster King with a size of 50 meters.

Nickname: Great King Hei Shan!

This super black bear, Great Demon, sits up slowly, looking at his younger brother, eyes wide staring angrily nesting Fire Dao: "What's the matter?"

"If you don't today Tell me a reason, I will hammer you to death!"

After finishing speaking, this black bear, which is as large as a mountain, began to make fists and graze.

Seeing this scene, Great Demon, a black bear who had already been terrified, knelt on the ground with a plop.

His tone was excited, and he complained with tears of Wang Mang’s arrogant and despotic: "wu wu! Great King, you don’t know anything!"

"The little one is according to Great King’s Order, go to each mountain to patrol the mountain and give the instructions of the Great King."

"Everything was fine, but when the little one came to Huan Mountain Reservoir, the Monster King on the site unexpectedly spoke out Kyogen!"

After hearing this, Wang Mang's black bear, who was already violently angry, rolled his dark eyes and slowly opened the mouth and said: "Are you sure? It's not Great Demon, and Is it Monster King?"

After a while, Great Demon, the black bear, said in a somewhat uncertain tone: "Great King, the little suspect is a Monster King. His breath is terrifying, and it feels like the Great King. You are not far off."

"Small is just looking down at him for a few moments, it feels like being watched by you by the Great King..."

Hear this, Great King Hei Shan was a little surprised, but after a moment of contemplation, he became puzzled.

Before he occupied the site of the Tree Demon Great King, he naturally knew the situation beforehand, and he had never heard of a Monster King!

It's the tyrannical Great Demon. He knows a few of them. They are a stone demon in Fenglin Mountain and the Azure Peak Forest White Python clan!

Another one is a super python in Huan Mountain Reservoir.

He had heard beforehand that this super python Great Demon is very powerful.

I even offended King Tree Demon, but he is still alive and well, is it possible that what's the trick here?

Thinking of this, Great King Hei Shan began to think.

Obviously, no one is a fool to be a Monster King.

They all have lived for thousands of years. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are wily old fox.

But after thinking about it for a long time, this Great King Hei Shan still didn't think of anything else.

Therefore, Great King Hei Shan squinted his dark eyes, looked at his younger brother, and slowly asked: "Oh? You still rant? What did he say?"

hearing this, the black bear Great Demon froze, as if he was hesitant to speak.

It is really Wang Mang who asked him to take it, he dare not say it!

Because what Wang Mang said is crazy!

If his grumpy Great King listened, Wang Mang asked him to take it.

I'm afraid that Wang Mang hasn't been pinched to death yet, so I might pinch him to death first!

I saw the little brother hesitating.

This Great King Hei Shan, shouted furiously: "Hurry up and tell Lao Tzu?"

"Don't tell me, Lao Tzu pinched you to death or not?"

hearing this, the black bear Great Demon scared to the point of shivering, panicked and said: "Great King, you first promise not to hit me after listening."


Great King Hei Shan of eyes wide staring angrily, after thinking about it, nodded and said: "Let’s talk!"

"Big...Great King, it's like this..."

While talking, Great Demon, the black bear, looked at his Great King nervously, and explained the matter at the same time.

After halfway through the conversation, Great Demon, the black bear, began to speak but stopped: "He...he also said, Great King, if you dare to go, he will..."

"What about him? Say!" Great King Hei Shan, who was burning with anger, couldn't help but growl.

Great Demon, the black bear kneeling on the ground in fear, shiver coldly said: "He said, Great King, if you dare to go, he will shoot out Great King your...shit!"

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