There Are No Pythons In My Reservoir Ah, the latest chapter, Chapter 109. This is the legendary imposing manner. Fierce as a tiger? Actually six seconds five? ,Piaotian Literature "Let’s turn you all into evolutionary points to calm the anger in my heart!"

Under the anger, Wang Mang muttered to himself.

Then, Wang Mang began to move his huge body, rushing towards the two guys.

After seeing Wang Mang rushing up.

The twenty-meter-high brown bear stood upright, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and uttered a strong roar at Wang Mang: "roar roar!"

"Let me come and meet you first!"

The words fall, this brown bear is like a hill of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, moved towards Wang Mang rushed swiftly!

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang secretly sneaked in his heart, these two guys are really crazy!

In this case, choose to fight him alone?

Isn't this giving Wang Mang a chance to kill them in seconds?

Of course, the cultivation of these two guys is similar to that of Wang Mang. m.

Therefore, Wang Mang didn't use this skill, Ten Thousand Beasts Deterrence.

On the contrary, Wang Mang used another skill that must be used in combat, Iron Body!

Next moment, the super brown bear that rushed forward stood upright again when he was about to meet Wang Mang!

Then, this super brown bear, with two huge bear paws, moved towards Wang Mang and grabbed his head!

Obviously, this super brown bear Great Demon has dealt with super python many times, and it can be said to be familiar.

Seeing this scene, Wang Mang also subconsciously avoided the giant snake head.

But his body is still hugged by this guy's huge bear paw.

When Wang Mang saw this, he didn't evade anymore, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and sprayed the corrosive poison directly to the brown bear face door.

Seeing this scene, this brown bear turned pale with fright.

He subconsciously wanted to avoid, but it was too late.


Wang Mang's corrosive and poisonous, all sprayed on his bear face!

Next moment, the brown bear could not help making a miserable roar sound.

At the same time, his huge bear paw released Wang Mang, covered the bear face in pain, and screamed: "Ah! My eyes! My eyes!"

Obviously, this super brown bear Great Demon also didn't expect a dream, Wang Mang's special super python can spray venom!

In fact, Tree Demon Great King had already asked him to be more careful about Wang Mang before he came, but he didn't take it seriously that's all!

If he had been alert and careful in advance, he wouldn't be able to face Wang Mang's corrosive poison!

Now that it is corrosive and poisonous, it is rapidly decaying his face. The sour and refreshing feeling can be imagined!

It made this super brown bear, howling in pain, rolling on the ground and knocking down a large area of ​​trees.

Seeing this scene, the azure super python Great Demon not far away can't help but startled!

He didn't expect, Wang Mang's strength is so powerful!

This is just one round, and the super brown bear Great Demon hovered between life and death with a bit of poison!

It can even be said that Wang Mang's strength is simply to hang the opponent up and fight!

Thinking of this, this azure python feels very heavy.

Now that the Super Brown Bear loses its battle strength in just one round, he is terrified!

Even azure python has already retired, and Wang Mang's strength is a bit scary.

Obviously both are python Great Demon, but Wang Mang can spray poison, which is simply unscientific!

After all, although he has a lot of powerful methods, he does not have the means to spray poison!

Just thinking about the scenes of Wang Mang spraying poison, he felt that he would be burnt.

For a while, this azure python is already timid!

The Tiger Mountain Monarch not far away was stunned to see this scene!

When he saw Great Demon, the super brown bear, tearing his facial flesh in pain on the ground, his hairs stood up even more.

This move was used by Wang Mang in front of the Tree Demon Great King and killed the Golden Eagle King in one move.

At first he thought it was the Golden Eagle King's strength too weak, but now it seems not at all!

Wang Mang's method of spraying poison was the same method, which hovered this super brown bear between life and death, and instantly lost its battle strength!

Is this the legendary trick to eat fresh all over the sky?

After all, the strength of this super brown bear has not been displayed at all!

Thinking of this, Tiger Mountain Monarch feels envious in his heart.

The same is Great Demon. When he encounters this brown bear Great Demon, he can only escape for his life, but Wang Mang has one move to control the enemy!

At the same time, Wang Mang seized the opportunity again, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and bit fiercely on the arm of the super brown bear.

Subsequently, Wang Mang did the same, biting the super brown bear several bites in a row, and the pain caused the super brown bear to scream wildly.

Because, Wang Mang didn't just bite him!

Every bite he injects a lot of corrosive poison!

Therefore, under Wang Mang's five or six bites of corrosion and poison, this super brown bear basically has to wait to die.

After finishing all this, Wang Mang slowly erected his ten-meter-high front body with a huge snake head, staring at the azure python coldly.

In the face of Wang Mang's fierce imposing manner, the azure python already has fear, and it can't help but subconsciously lower the giant snake head.

Obviously, when facing Wang Mang, this azure python only knows how powerful Wang Mang is.

Even after he faced Wang Mang at this moment, he felt an inexplicable sense of fear in his heart!

Of course, what azure python doesn't know is that Wang Mang has already displayed a skill on him: the deterrent of the beasts!

This guy is not as big as his own, so he definitely can't calculate the size of this super brown bear!

Therefore, Wang Mang only displayed his skill without the slightest hesitation: the deterrence of all beasts!

After all, if this super brown bear is 50 meters in size, the battle strength is simply not to mention terrifying.

Because, the rare beast that destroys Earth in Ultraman is only about sixty or seventy meters high.

If this super brown bear really reaches more than 50 meters, it will be no different from rare beast.

At the same time, Wang Mang also slowly moved his huge body, and began to move towards the azure python constantly approaching.

After seeing Wang Mang approaching, the azure python headed back subconsciously for a long distance.

"This colleague, this is all a misunderstanding, I really never thought about the trouble with Fellow Daoist!"

"I was completely forced by the Tree Demon Great King! "

Wang Mang felt speechless after hearing the words of azure python. This guy is also a clumsy man!

But now Wang Mang, who is lack of evolution, can easily let this guy go?

This guy and the super brown bear can be said to be Wang Mang's Chinese food, which is a massive evolution point!

Therefore, Wang Mang opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, coldly said:

"Since I have come to trouble me, I should have made a good sense of death Come on!"

"I will send the two Fellow Daoists a ride, so that they can be reunited with the Golden Eagle King below!"

After speaking, Wang Mang moved Huge body, unscrupulously moved towards this azure python rushed away.

Seeing this scene, azure python felt bitter, so I had to brace oneself to rush up.

He knew that it would be impossible if he escaped.

Wang Mang is bigger than him, will he be slower?

"Ah! Even if I die, I will take you with me!"

With nowhere to go, azure python roared and moved towards Wang Mang and rushed quickly .

At the moment of meeting, Wang Mang opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and bit the azure python body in one bite.

Similarly, this azure python also bit Wang Mang's body, but the rigidity of Wang Mang's body almost made him cry.

On the contrary, Wang Mang bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl easily bit his body. Although he also bit Wang Mang's body, he is definitely not as deep as Wang Mang.

Because Wang Mang's bite force is good, or the degree of defense, it is not azure python Great Demon, which can mention on equal terms.

At this moment after Wang Mang was bitten, not only did he not panic at all, on the contrary, his huge body was entangled with azure python.

The huge bodies of the two sides are entangled together, and the picture is like fried dough sticks, and they are still rolling crazily on the ground.

But as Wang Mang continued to twist and strengthen, and even after the corrosive poison was used, the azure python suddenly screamed in pain.

Although, azure python has also used its own means of healing and even defense.

But in every respect, he is no match for Wang Mang in any field!

Regardless of power!

Still defensive power!

It's still bite force!

Even the body!

None of Wang Mang's opponents!

When he found that he could not beat Wang Mang completely.

This azure python is even more pleading without discipline:

"I beg the Great King to spare the little demon's life, the little demon is willing to follow the Great King to the death!"

"Great King! It was born from the same root, why is it too anxious..."

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