There Are Billions Of Gods Inside Me

Chapter 6 Bai Muchan, is this my girlfriend?

Outside the Jianmen Pass is the endless wilderness, behind the Jianmen Pass is the sacred mountain of Jianmen, and within the Jianmen Pass are the thirteen ancient cities in the North. One after another, the flying boats are staying inside the Jianmen Pass.

The young man from the ancient city flew from the North to Jianmen Pass, riding a horse-drawn carriage.

According to the flying carriage, we can also see the background of the boy in the ancient city.

Among them was a carriage driven by three dragons and horses. Each dragon and horse was strong, and its figure had a trace of light, exuding a clear divine light in the night.

Inside Feixun, Qu Yaozhou's hands had been repaired as before.

In front of him, there was an old man standing.

That boy from the Gu family is a little too much.

This is an old man from the Qu family. He is over a hundred years old, but he has good looks and looks like he is only in his thirties.

He stood in front of Qu Yaozhou, his eyes flickering, and traces of mana flowed down, constantly flowing on Qu Yaozhou's body.

Today is the day of the Sword Sect's big exam. If you are injured, it will be almost impossible to complete your second transformation.

Gu Jiuqing, this is going to ruin Qu Yaozhou's future.

A mere downtrodden Gu family dared to take action against the Qu family master.

Gu Jiuqing has transformed into a mortal twice in a row. If he really relies on his own talent, I'm afraid he will definitely be able to complete his third transformation within the remaining six days!

After three transformations, he worshiped at the inner gate of the Sword Gate.

Qu Yaozhou gritted his teeth with hatred.

He would never allow Gu Jiuqing to become an inner disciple of Jianmen.

Yaozhou, there are many geniuses in this world. Jianmen guards Jianmen Pass in the Great Wilderness North. But this time the only ones who come to Jianmen Pass are young people from thirteen ancient cities in the North.

You should take a longer view. The path of cultivation depends not on talent, but on your firm Taoist heart.

The old man of the Qu family was indifferent.

He has been through too many storms, genius?

There is no shortage of geniuses in this world, and moreover!

Which person who can embark on the path of spiritual practice is not the proud one of heaven?

In the past few days, you have completed three transformations as soon as possible. My ancestor has sent me a message. When the time comes, he will personally come forward and accept you as a disciple.

That ancestor!

Do you want to accept me as your disciple?

Qu Yaozhou was excited.

That was the elder of Jianmen, and the most powerful ancestor of the Qu family.

Being able to become the disciple of this ancestor, what did Gu Jiu need to clear out?

Are you worthy enough to challenge him?

Qu Yaozhou nodded quickly, and the old man left. The light on the carriage dimmed and then went out.

Rental house, nine o'clock, Gu Jiuqing is getting ready to go out.

He lives not far from the school, only ten minutes' walk away.

During this ten-minute journey, Gu Jiuqing saw more than ten martial arts schools on the street.

The chief instructor of Jingwu Martial Arts School won the championship of Linjiang's third martial arts competition. He is a veteran bone refining master!

Not ninety-eight, not ninety-eight, but only ninety-eight dollars, and you have a chance to get the guidance of a martial arts champion?

Only the last ten spots are left, and now there are only nine spots left.


There are only three months left for the college entrance examination. Why don't you enroll your children in the martial arts sprint class? In three months, the qi and blood will increase by 0.01. Just sprinkle water. The qi and blood will increase by 0.02 with hands. If the qi and blood increase by 0.03, a little hard work will be enough. Qi and blood will increase by 0.01. If your blood level increases by 0.04, come and apply for our Dragon Tiger Martial Arts School!

The instructors at Longhu Martial Arts School are all martial arts graduates from universities. It is not a dream to increase 0.1 qi and blood in three months!

The registration fee is only 6666. If two people travel together, they will get 10% off the tuition! If three people travel together, they will get 20% off the tuition!



too crazy.

Laws should not be taught lightly, and martial arts should not be learned randomly. However, in Gaowu Blue Star, everyone really practices martial arts.

Walking on the street, Gu Jiuqing found that every pedestrian showed signs of practicing cultivation.

Compulsory education in primary school has been universalized. Everyone has the foundation of six years of martial arts training. With a little effort, he can be admitted to junior high school, which is another three years of martial arts training.

High school has become a watershed. Only those who work hard can pass the high school and rush to college.

school gate.

Teacher Gu? Why are you here again today?

Haha, I really envy Teacher Gu. You are already a teacher at the school at a young age. I heard that the principal will give you a promotion.

Old Man Yang and Old Man Jin were so powerful that they even knew this kind of news.

Gu Jiuqing was embarrassed.

job title?

What kind of fun is that?

By the way, I almost forgot, today is the physical test, and students from all four classes of high school must take it.

Old Man Yang and Old Man Jin stood at the school gate and looked towards the playground, where a large number of senior high school students had gathered.

Soon, screams came from the playground, and the crowd burst into roars.

Attracting the school's armed police to come forward, one police car drove into the playground. After a long time, the playground returned to silence.

Gu Jiuqing walked into the office with doubts.

The office was noisy.

In addition to Gu Jiuqing, there are three teachers in the office.

Teacher Yueqing, a female martial artist in her thirties, practices martial arts all year round, allowing Teacher Yueqing to maintain her youthful figure.

He is a warrior at the peak of meat refining!

Teacher Dayang is over fifty years old, and his energy and blood have declined severely. It is said that he was once a bone refining master!

Therefore, Teacher Dayang has the highest authority in the office.

The third teacher is younger than Gu Jiuqing.

Gu Zixiu, a high-ranking blue star, entered university at the age of eighteen. He graduated from Imperial University four years later and then came to Linjiang School.

And this Teacher Tong was two years younger than Gu Zixiu, and he was also a warrior.

Warrior! Such a young warrior? Impossible, right?

The school must have made a mistake.

Teacher Yueqing was lying on the table, staring at the report on the computer, with a surprised look on his face.

There must be an error in the physical test results.

Otherwise, why would two warriors appear at once?

1.037! Yang Miaojing!

1.025! Ning Que!

These two students from Class 2, their Qi and blood have exceeded 1! This is the energy and blood that only warriors have.

That’s not all!

The other students in the second class of the third year of high school have greatly improved their energy and blood.

0.9921! Fang Linli!

0.9914! Blue cypress!

0.9948! Ke Jing!

0.9977! Wen Dynasty paintings!

0.9994! Lu Qing!

Forty-five students in the second class of high school, class president Yang Miaojing and deputy class president Ning Que became martial artists, while the other forty-three students were all quasi-combatants.

Not to mention two warriors appearing in a class, are all the remaining students quasi-martialists? ?

Go crazy!

How is this possible?

Teacher Dayang and Teacher Tong also saw the results of this physical test on their respective computers.

The two of them also stared at the computer screen and pushed the results of the second class of high school students to the last.

Quasi warriors! All of them are quasi warriors!

Their energy and blood all exceeded 0.99!

Why are there so many quasi-warriors? What happened to the students in Class 2? Why have they improved so much?

If one or two students' scores improve significantly, they can accept it.

But now, the scores of the entire class of students have improved a lot.

Teacher Dayang has been teaching for many years and has taught several senior high school students as well as three college students. He also knows how difficult it is to become a warrior before the age of eighteen.

And the report placed in front of him was from two warriors.


Absolutely not.

Teacher Gu, are you here?

Teacher Yueqing's expression changed when she saw Gu Jiuqing.

Class 2, Grade 3, is the class led by Gu Jiuqing. Gu Jiuqing took leave half a month ago, and since then, Class 2 has been led by Teacher Yueqing.

She can be sure that the students in Class 2, Grade 3, were normal two days ago.

Why is it that just two days later, the completion is different?

What's going on.

Teacher Gu, what happened in Class 2, Grade 3?

In front of the computer desktop, Gu Jiuqing also saw this report.

For the students in Class 2, their energy and blood have increased significantly?

Is there any connection between this and Gu Jiuqing's two mortal transformations?

He had just taught the eight forms of the Dragon Elephant Kung Fu to the students in Class 2, Grade 3. One day later, his physical body completed two mortal transformations and gained insights into the eight forms of the Dragon Elephant Kung Fu.

These insights were very messy, with a total of forty-five. After being merged together, they became Gu Jiuqing's insights.

The forty-five insights correspond exactly to the forty-five students in Class 2, Grade 3.

Gu Jiuqing has already made a guess!

He was a little excited!

He didn't know if his speculation was true, but he could verify his conclusion if he tried again.

“Ring ring ring————————”

“Ring ring ring——————————”

The class bell rang, and the three teachers in the office stared at Gu Jiuqing.

I'm going to class first, and we'll talk about this later.

Gu Jiuqing pushed open the office door and came to Class 2, Grade 3, with excitement.

Class two classroom!

Hello teacher!

Hello students!

sit down.


In the classroom, every student looked at Gu Jiuqing with wide eyes and excitement.

How could they not be excited?

They were worried all night last night, they were afraid that they would be hallucinating through practice.

But this morning's physical test can prove that all this is true.

They have all become quasi-warriors, and Yang Miaojing and Ning Que have even become warriors!

Within three months!

All the students in the second class of high school are admitted to college, so what’s the difficulty?

Even getting admitted to Teito University was a piece of cake.


Yang Miaojing took the initiative and said, Teacher Gu, yesterday's homework has been collected.

She was about to hand in the homework on the table.

No need to look, I know you just work hard in practicing Dragon Elephant Kung Fu.

Still need to see it?

The homework assigned by Gu Jiuqing is to gain their insights into the practice of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu, so that they can transform into ordinary people.

But now!

He has already completed two mortal transformations, and he even has a big secret that needs to be verified by himself, and he can't wait.

Yesterday, I taught you all the eight moves of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu, and today I plan to teach you the remaining fourteen moves.


Take a breath!

Tian Ling Gai is trembling!

That was because he was shocked by Gu Jiuqing's aura.

Dragon Elephant Kung Fu, this can be said to be a unique martial art. It is many times better than the martial arts in martial arts schools.


The martial arts at Imperial University, the martial arts in Imperial Library, and the martial arts at the town and national level are far inferior to the Dragon Elephant Kung Fu.

But now, Teacher Gu actually wants to pass on the complete version of the Dragon Elephant Skill to them? ?

What a blessing this is.

Forty-five students were moved, and some students had wet eyes and were even moved to tears.

Gu Jiuqing picked up his pen and started painting for the third time.

He performed the twenty-two movements of the Dragon Elephant Skill backwards and forward, and painted the remaining fourteen movements with flowing clouds and flowing water.

On the podium, Gu Jiuqing picked up his pen and painted. He recalled the illustrations of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu on the stone tablet under Jianmen Pass. One style of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu was drawn on the blackboard.

The ninth form of the Dragon Elephant Kung Fu, the hidden dragon emerges from the abyss!

The tenth form, the dragon soars all over the world!

The eleventh pose, the dragon has regrets!

The twelfth position, the leaderless!

Four large pictures were drawn on the blackboard, filling the entire blackboard. Gu Jiuqing came to the blackboard at the back of the classroom.

The students' eyes were all directed to the blackboard at the back.

The thirteenth pose, Nine Dragons ascend to the sky!

The fourteenth pose, Dragon Swims in the Great Abyss!

In the fifteenth position, dragons roam the world!

The sixteenth pose, the dragon is in the sky!

These four large pictures fill the blackboard at the back.

Gu Jiuqing looked at the classroom and saw that there was no other place to draw. It seemed that he had to erase the pictures on the blackboard before he could draw the remaining eight forms of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu.

Did you bring your mobile phone?

cell phone?

Yang Miaojing didn't understand what Gu Jiuqing meant, but she still took out her phone.

This is the latest Apple mobile phone, which has been released for more than 300 generations.

Have you brought them all? Why don't you take pictures of the Dragon Elephant Skill?

I'll give you one stick of incense. Well, I'll give you five minutes.

Gu Jiuqing stood aside and gave way to the blackboard.

The students were shocked at first, and then stepped forward one after another to take pictures of all the eight Dragon Elephant Kung Fu pictures on the blackboard.

This is a unique martial arts skill. Teacher Gu actually asked them to take pictures? ?

In this way, wouldn't they be able to pass on the Dragon Elephant Skill to others?

They quickly threw the idea out of their minds.

Teacher Gu taught us the Dragon Elephant Skill, which was a sign of trust in us. How could he teach it to others again?

Five minutes later, each student had hundreds of photos on his phone. With so many photos, he could definitely take a clear picture.

Gu Jiuqing erased the Dragon Elephant Skill on the blackboard and painted again.

The seventeenth form of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu, dragon and elephant attack together!

The 18th pose, dragon and elephant soar into the air!

Posture 19: Dragon moves like leaping!

The twentieth position, dragon and elephant clash!

The twenty-first move, the dragon and the elephant reach the sky!

The twenty-second pose, dragon and elephant merge into one!

All the twenty-two movements of Dragon Elephant were passed down to him. Gu Jiuqing was a little tired after painting for so long, but the students in the classroom were extremely excited.

This is the complete version of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu, and the martial arts secrets are clearly displayed before their eyes.

A road leading to the perfection of martial arts appeared under their feet.

This life!

It belongs to the second class of their third year of high school.

Forty-five students were so excited that they tremblingly picked up their mobile phones and took pictures of the remaining eight postures of the Dragon Elephant Kung Fu.

In this way, they have the complete 16-position Dragon Elephant Kung Fu on their mobile phones.

Some students took photos when Gu Jiuqing painted the eight movements of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu for the first time. Of course, they did not dare to take photos openly and only took some pictures.

This also resulted in the fact that the first eight movements of the Twenty-Two Movements of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu required forty-five of them to teach them in order to practice them.

At ten o'clock in class, Gu Jiuqing painted the fourteen movements of Dragon Elephant Kung Fu. Four hours had passed.

It's already two o'clock in the afternoon.

These students still looked excited. Gu Jiuqing shook his head. He closed the classroom door and left on his own.

Wait for tomorrow!

Gu Jiuqing will know whether his guess is correct tomorrow.

I'm a little hungry. The school cafeteria is closed now. It seems I can only have lunch outside the school.

As soon as Gu Jiuqing walked to the school gate, he saw a young and beautiful woman getting into a big car.

The woman has a curvy figure and is wearing work clothes. Her slender legs are wrapped in trousers, and the shape of her beautiful legs can be seen. Her upper body is in a white shirt, with two buttons unbuttoned, and the semicircle can be clearly seen.




Just burn it!

Gu Jiuqing just took a look and prepared to go back to the rental house.

Teacher Gu, isn't that your girlfriend?

Why did Teacher Xiaobai get on the bus with other people?

Old man Yang at the school gate was surprised.

Daben drove away from the school, and it could be seen from the cab that the car owner was a young male.

Bai Muchan!

It was Gu Zixiu's girlfriend who was making a lot of noise in the school.

This was the first time Gu Jiuqing met Bai Muchan.

With gorgeous makeup and slim figure, he stands out from the crowd. If Gu Jiuqing hadn't loved playing chess, calligraphy and painting, he would have looked twice at her.

The eyes of the passers-by on the road were all fixed on Bai Muchan.

Gu Jiuqing pretended not to hear what Old Man Yang said and walked away from the door.

If you are hungry, fill your stomach first and then go online.

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