Wang Yan walked out of the gate of the manor in a swaggering manner and whispered to the three people in the distance: Come here.

Leo and the three of you looked at me and I looked at you. They got up obediently and trotted to Wang Yan.

Follow me. After saying that, Wang Yan turned around and walked into the manor. The three people behind looked at each other for a moment, then stepped in and followed.

I saw two vicious dogs at the door of the manor lying on the ground with their tongues hanging out. There was a pool of blood on their heads. They were obviously dead. On the ground on the other side, there was a shepherd with his eyes wide open, unable to believe it, and holding a shotgun tightly in his arms. Walking into the main room, outside the room was another shepherd whose head had been rotated nearly 180 degrees, with only a layer of skin sticking to it. He died in a miserable state.

Don's two shepherds were somewhat famous not only in Syracuse but throughout Sicily. They had solved a lot of troubles for Tang over the years and protected Tang thoroughly. Now, these two ruthless characters were killed effortlessly and silently by the lunatic from the East. It was so damn scary.

As the madman walked into the house, under the quilt on the bed was a half-exposed and silent woman. On one side was a woman whose mouth was gagged and her limbs were broken, and they were lingering on the ground. When the boss saw them coming in, his eyes widened and he couldn't believe that his subordinates would betray them.

Zoltan and Magnus were okay, after all, there was a level difference between them, but Leo was not okay. Looking at Tang's resentful eyes, his legs were trembling and he felt guilty.

Wang Yan didn't care about that and threw a sharp knife to the ground: Let's do it.

Their lives were in other people's hands, how could they dare to mess with him? The most enjoyable thing was Zoltan, who bent down and picked up the sharp knife, and stabbed the big brother twice in the stomach. The real white knife went in and the red knife came out. Then came Magnus, who was shivering and imitating the situation, and stabbed him twice.

In the end, Leo held a blood-red sharp knife in one hand, made a cross with the other and asked God for forgiveness. He stabbed his eldest brother in the neck with one knife, sending him to death and returning to the embrace of God the Father.

Now you are Don Correa! After a glance, Wang Yan saw that the so-called Tang was completely dead. Wang Yan patted Leo's shoulder intimately: Zoltan and Magnus can help you. , Leo, you won’t let me down, right?”

Sir, don't worry, we will be able to control Syracuse.

It depends on your performance.

Wang Yan ignored the three foreigners and began to search around the house. Before, he searched around, only to knock people out or kill them, but now he was looking for some money.

After searching around, Wang Yan found the place where money was kept. There weren't many, only tens of thousands of dollars and tens of thousands of lire. Maybe the money wasn't here. After all, there is something called a bank. Although no one trusts banks now because of the war, they just don't trust their own country, and it doesn't stop them from trusting the United States.

The money was not much for him, but it was still a lot in this day and age. After all, the per capita income of the most powerful country, the United States, is only eight to nine hundred dollars. The money here is more than ordinary Americans can make in twenty or thirty years. But as a gangster leader who controls almost a town, directly controls dozens of people, and indirectly controls hundreds of people, and runs an illegal business, this money is not right.

Wang Yan waved to Leo, who was chattering while working: Do you know how much money he has?

They're all here. Leo explained: He knows that he can't be respected forever, so he lives a very luxurious life. We also have family members to take care of and give us money, and he also has to give money to the town. The big shots share the money, so he doesn’t have much money in his hands.”

Look down on this gangster, he has no enterprising spirit and is a piece of trash. Wang Yan took out 10,000 US dollars and put 10,000 lire into his pocket: That money is all yours. I will keep an eye on you recently. Today next week, I will go to that tavern to look for you. I hope you don't want to Do stupid things.”

Leo's chest thumped loudly: Don't worry, sir, we won't let you down. Behind them, Zoltan and Magnus also hurriedly promised that they would live up to the madman's expectations.

Wang Yan glanced at the three of them coldly, then turned around and left on his bicycle, leaving the three foreign devils to clean up the mess. This time it was not too messy. Except for the gangster leader who was a little miserable, everyone else was fine and it was not painful to leave.

Because it was late at night, there were very few military police patrolling the road, and there was no emergency. We pedaled all the way to the outside of the town where we started. Then he threw the bicycle away and ran back to Malena's house.

It was already after four o'clock when he got home, and the sky was about to break. Wang Yan did not go to sleep anymore, but simply ate something, washed up again, found a few candles to light, and used the dim light of the candles to illuminate the I read a book on the sofa in the corner. As for what is bad for the eyes, there is no telling.

Time passed slowly, and the sky turned pale to bright. At about eight o'clock, Marlena, fully dressed, walked down. Seeing Wang Yan, who was shirtless with tattoos and wearing only a pair of large white pants, he didn't panic anymore and went downstairs with a normal expression.

In fact, she was in control. This was the second time she had seen that man's body. She had to say that it was very beautiful, very sexy, and it aroused the desire to get to know him deeply. Of course she is not a whore in a brothel, she is just mindless and random.

My clothes are dirty and I need you to wash them. Oh, also, I need you to make me some more pairs of underwear. I've been wearing these for three days now.

Wang Yan was not acting like a hooligan. After all, it was natural for him to command a coerced woman to do things.

Marlena's face turned a little red, because such private things could only be done by a mother to her son or a wife to her husband. Of course she would not refuse. She soaked Wang Yan's clothes in the basin, washed them and started preparing breakfast.

Because I bought a lot of ingredients yesterday, today's breakfast is not that simple. In response to Wang Yan's request, meat, eggs and milk are provided, and life is good. Marlena was still a little excited because of the abundant food that Wang Yan had arrived. Eating to be full and eating well are always two different lives. The main reason was that she couldn't resist Wang Yan. If she could, she certainly didn't want this excitement.

After swallowing an egg in one mouthful, Wang Yan said casually: Are you going to town today?

Yeah. Marlena nodded: I'm looking for a job. What's the matter?

After reading the three books you brought back before, buy a few more books. Also, pay attention to some men's gossip in the past few days.

Marlena was puzzled and hesitated: What are the men's gossip about... about?

Last night I killed your respected Don McDaniel, and three of his powerful men. I helped a man named Leo Correa, who was the same as the three powerful men I killed. , for Don McDaniel. I help him clear the way and help him become Don Correa. But his strength is not as good as others, and there may be some accidents, so I want you to listen to others Let’s hear how it goes.”

Wang Yan told the truth, there was no need to tell lies to fool him, just kill him. After all, in Marlena's eyes, he was a desperado, and it was natural to kill a lot of people. Of course, people outside will definitely not say that. They all know that it was Leo's betrayal that killed the last Tang. This is his and Marlena's little secret, which is quite perverted...

Marlena opened her beautiful big eyes and stared blankly at the man next to her who was eating a big meal. After a while, she responded and ate silently. She didn't think this man could lie, and there was no need to lie to her, so he really killed four people last night. Thinking of the dark red blood stains on her white shirt, she thought that maybe he had killed someone the night before yesterday...

After eating, Wang Yan went directly upstairs to sleep. He was not tired after working for most of the night, but he was still a little sleepy. After eating and drinking, it was time to go to bed.

Marlena cleared the table, washed the plates, cutlery, and tidied up her appearance, put on her high heels, picked up her small bag, and walked out of the house with her buttocks twisted.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw the boy who always followed her on a bicycle, but she didn't pay attention, locked the door and walked towards the town. She is confident in her beauty and this is her pride. She knew that all the men in Syracuse wanted to spend the night with her, and a young man in heat was no exception.

But as she was thinking erratically, she couldn't help but think of the oriental man named Wang at home. He was different. She didn't see any lustful thoughts in his bright and deep eyes. This made her doubt herself and make her unsure of herself. It was only when she walked into the town and felt the intense gazes on her body and the insipid greetings that she was sure that she was still charming. She didn't understand why the oriental man named Wang was indifferent to her.

But then she thought, if Wang really had thoughts about her, would she refuse? Most likely not, because she is unable to resist, she is just a weak woman. But what will she do after that? She should be alive...

With such random thoughts, I don't feel like I'm in town. Amid passers-by pointing and talking, Malena walked into the recruitment office. This was a place where people were introduced to jobs. Although she knew that no one would hire her, she still wanted to try her luck, just in case.

Sorry Marlena, there is no job suitable for you here. The woman at the office shook her head before she could speak.

Marlena nodded, turned and walked out.

In the past, she would explain that she could do laundry, cooking, housework, she could be a waiter, and she could make clothes. But now she won't, because she has known for a long time that anyone who can give her a job has a family, and those women are jealous of her beauty. For the sake of family harmony, no one will give her a job. Therefore, she didn't bother to say anything anymore, it was useless. But what she was sad about was that her beauty was of no benefit to her life and only caused countless troubles.

When she went out, she saw the boy who had been guarding her door recently, panting and pushing his bicycle around. She didn't stop and walked among the crowd, heading towards her biological father's house. On the one hand, she takes care of her father who lives alone. On the other hand, her father has many books and she wants to take them back to Wang.

Speaking of which, she didn't know how Wang read it. He read three books so quickly, but what the heck, just take it back...

It was already noon when she arrived at her biological father's house. She made some rice for her biological father to eat, and she also took a few bites. She had a late breakfast and she wasn't too hungry yet. After eating and packing, I found a bag and put five books in it and left. I don’t have much communication with my biological father, because he is almost completely deaf and communication is too difficult.

After leaving her father's house, she went to the cloth shop in the town to make underwear for Wang, so she had to buy some cloth...

The tailor shop and the cloth shop are next to each other, and the two owners who have no business are smoking and chatting against the wall in front of the shop, gossiping about the mafia with them desperately.

Have you heard? Don McDaniel and the other three leaders of his family died last night, and only leader Leo is still alive.

How could I not know about such a big thing? People say Leo killed them.

I think he will be the next Don. Although the other three leaders have ruthless guys under their command, they will also be afraid of the more ruthless Leo.

As the cloth shop owner was talking, he saw the tailor shop owner grabbing him and winking at him. The cloth shop owner turned back in confusion, and his confusion suddenly turned into happiness: Oh, beautiful Miss Marlena, are you going to my shop to buy cloth?

Seeing Marlena nodding, the cloth shop owner smiled even brighter: It's my honor for you to come to my place. Miss Marlena, let's go in. Don't worry, I will definitely give you a suitable price.

Both of these guys are in their forties. Seeing that Marlena, who is admired by everyone in the town, also showed off the charm of a middle-aged man very well, without being too pretentious.

When she arrived at the store, Marlena told her about the fabric she needed, and the boss cut it himself. He also gave her a 20% discount, indicating that Marlena would come often. Even though you can’t get it, it’s still good to look at it.

Marlena collected the change and put it in her bag. She suppressed the nausea of ​​being taken advantage of and asked, Mr. Sears, what happened to the Tang you were talking about just now?

I didn't expect you to be interested in this matter, Miss Marlena. The cloth store owner named Sears was very happy: Yesterday, Don McDaniel and his three leaders were all killed, and only Neo survived. Come down...I heard that the funeral will be held the day after tomorrow, and then Tang and the leaders of various families on the east coast will arrive. We haven't had such a new thing happen here for a long time...


After hearing what Marlena said, Wang Yan, who was shirtless and acting like a hooligan, nodded: Then you can just ask around and don't pay special attention.

These things are useless. Of course, they just happened. The results will probably be available in the next two days. He helped out for this reason, just to secure Tang's position. If Leo's three foreign devils disappoint him, they must be cut down. They are too useless to keep. Although the past few days have been wasted, the problem is not big. We just need to help other foreign devils. They can't all be trash.

Malena looked at Wang Yan's indifferent expression, sighed secretly, and ate in silence. She was afraid that Wang Yan would be exposed. One day, she couldn't even imagine the scene.

Wang Yan noticed her uneasiness and smiled faintly: You don't have to be afraid. No one knows that I am here. As long as you don't tell anyone, you will be safe, I promise.

Marlena gave Wang Yan an ugly smile and continued to eat.

Wang Yan shook his head and said nothing more. In the movie, Malena behaved very coldly, even when she went into the sea later, she just didn't know how to face it. She had no friends, no one to talk to about her sorrows. She is just a young woman in her 10s and 20s, how deep can she be?

In the empty room, there was only the sound of two people chewing food and drinking wine, and the radio on one side was broadcasting the status of the European War.

Not to mention the subsequent ridicule of Italy by netizens, the ordinary people here criticized Lao Mo’s Fazi government led by Solini, not to mention Sicily, which is different from other places, and there will be no civil war. All good.

Insufficient resources, coupled with those who were forcibly drafted into the battlefield, a group of Italian romantic gentlemen with basically no cultural literacy and absolutely no military literacy, young men who surrendered at every turn, it was strange that they could fight the damn war. Without him causing trouble, there's no telling if the art students can survive for a while longer. To put it another way, if a country were to challenge the European continent alone, it would be better than having such an ally.

Kuang, kuang, kuang

After a while of silence, there was a knock on the door, and someone called Marlena's name.

Seeing Malena look at him nervously for the first time, Wang Yan patted her shoulder and helped her stand up: It's okay, Malena, you don't have to be afraid. Come on, open the door, be more natural, it'll be okay.

When they reached the door while talking, Wang Yan leaned against the wall on the side.

Marlena looked at the natural and trustworthy king, took a deep breath, opened the door, leaned against the door frame and looked outside: Mr. Vargas, do you have my letter?

There was no need to think that Mr. Vargas must be a postman. From the excitement in her voice, it was certain that this was the man who delivered her husband's letters in the past.

The postman outside said: Yes, Miss Marlena, your husband sent you a letter. He is safe.

After muttering a few words, Malena said goodbye to the postman face to face, and then closed the door. He turned around and looked at Wang Yan happily, not forgetting to shake the envelope in his hand: Wang, this is the letter home from my husband.

Let's take a look, Malena. Wang Yan waved his hand, wandered to the dining table and sat down to eat again.

Malena looked at Wang Yan's back and stuck out her tongue playfully. Then she found the scissors and sat on the dining table to carefully cut open the envelope. She glanced at Wang Yan secretly and saw him eating fiercely, so she took out the contents inside. I read the letter.

After a long while, Marlena folded the letter neatly according to the original creases, put it back into the envelope, and trotted upstairs to put it together with the thick pile of family letters.

Sitting at the dinner table again, she gave Wang Yan a beautiful smile. She ate a lot of this meal.

This is considered to be a little angry, but it's not just for him or someone else. He could see clearly that the letter was four pages long, with a lot of densely written words. He can guarantee that there must be a lot of inappropriate content in it. Because Malena was laughing happily at that moment, blushing with embarrassment at that moment, and crying terribly at the next moment.

Wang Yan made a mental note to Marlena's dead husband, the lieutenant officer who died in battle should not come back.

In the following days, Marlena went to her biological father's house to take care of her. She listened to what others said about the Mafia and told Wang Yan during dinner.

Leo did not disappoint him. The main reason was that others had misunderstood Leo's ruthlessness, and the ambitious foreigners did not dare to move. There were only a few idiots who jumped out to oppose Leo. After none of them survived the next day, although they were still a little weak, they were still in Tang's position. At the funeral of the previous Don, witnessed by the Dons and chiefs of families from all over the east coast, Syracuse began the era of the Correa family.

Of course, Leo inherited the status and property of the previous Tang, and correspondingly, he also had to inherit the feud between the previous Tang and other families. And now is the weak time for power transfer. It is foreseeable that a war between mafia is about to start.

Wang Yan looked down upon the so-called family of the mafia very much. It was just a gang of gangsters, not a whole family. It was no different from when he was hanging out in Hong Kong Island, and those groups of people were no different. But really speaking, world-class gangsters like the Mafia look down on the people in Hong Kong and Kowloon. Although it is not easy to use the Mafia in numbers, compared to swinging a blade, a shot from a submachine gun is more powerful.

Late at night a week later, in a tavern outside the town, Wang Yan was smoking a cigarette in one hand and holding a square cup in the other, listening to Leo talking about the entire situation of the organization in detail.

The entire organization mobilized with all its strength and was able to recruit more than two hundred people, but most of them were players who had not passed the so-called test. There are less than forty real core members.

In addition to the casinos, brothels, and pubs mentioned earlier, the industry also has several houses, tobacco smuggling, and human trafficking channels. In addition, the former Tang had a large piece of land nearby that could grow lemons, which was rare. Overall, it's pretty good, and it's all about making money. Even though lemons are a cyclical product, during the war, basically everything is valuable, which is not bad.

The most important network is with the town’s sheriff and other people. Although the Mafia doesn't like the police or anything like that, the fact is that they depend on each other.

As for the grievances between hostile forces, they are nothing more than business disputes and uneven distribution of spoils. Or else, they once wanted to invade the other side's force, and then the dead on both sides accumulated in the battle, resulting in blood feud. No big deal, just kill them.

After hearing this, Wang Yan didn't say anything and just drank.

Leo, Zoltan, and Magnus stood there with their heads bowed, not daring to move, let alone speak. Although Leo had dozens of people under his control, he was still afraid of the madman in front of him. He has been sleeping during the day lately and can't sleep at night, it's terrible. Of course the other two people were in the same situation, and it took a long time to eliminate some of the fear of this madman.

After a long while, Wang Yan said: Leo, this is how the business is now, and the relationship is well maintained. Recently, I went out with a few more subordinates to pay attention to my own safety. You two should also wake up a little, don't be killed by other families, do you understand? ?”

Understood, sir. The three of them straightened their bodies and replied in unison.

Somehow, they were a little touched when they heard this lunatic's concern...

Wang Yan knew that these three foreign devils had succumbed to his force and had no respect for him. Scared, but didn't hesitate to look down on him, so proud.

Leo, give me the information of those thirty people tomorrow. Wang Yan said: This tavern will be open as normal. We will go to McDaniel's house nearby to have a look. If it is suitable, we will stay there in the future. Meet. Also, starting from tomorrow, you will bring five people over every night. I want to get to know them and have a good chat with them. I will discuss the rest after I talk to them. Do you understand? ?”

Sir, I understand.

Very good. Wang Yan drank the wine in the glass in one gulp and patted Leo on the shoulder: Let's go and take a look at that house.

That house was considered the outskirts of the settlement outside the town. Like Marlena's home, it was a single-family two-story building with a small yard. Wang Yan was very satisfied with this place and decided that this would be the place to meet in the future.

Then Wang Yan didn't say any more, and returned to the tavern where he was before under the watchful eyes of the three foreign devils. After going around for a long time, he returned to Marlena's home.

I came back early today, ate something in the kitchen, washed briefly and then went upstairs to rest. Because the time is not fixed, his routine is messed up and there is no order at all.

Lying on the bed, Wang Yan silently thought about the future development.

Making money is easy. The more the law prevents you from doing something, the more Leo is allowed to do whatever he wants. What he has to consider is the direction of the organization this time and the course of action in the future.

Of course, the Mafia is disgraceful. Although it looks like a breeze, it is not easy to mess around with. In the eyes of the real upper class, it is not classy and no one looks up to it. Of course, in looking down on them, they still need the power of the mafia to do things, and they are all bitches.

This is not Hong Kong and Kowloon, let alone the mainland. He can let his hands and feet go even more freely. Therefore, this time the organization will no longer be the same as it was in Hong Kong and Kowloon. It is useless to have tens of thousands of gangsters at every turn. After all, when he was in Hong Kong and Kowloon, he wanted to maintain stability, which is why he raised so many people.

It's different now. It's fine if he doesn't cause trouble, so why should stability be something he should consider. And depending on the overall social situation and political factors, he can't be in the limelight. The main thing is to make money.

He had no intention of unifying the Sicilian underworld, let alone the American underworld. What he wants is that his words will be listened to and obeyed, and he will not dare to disobey or disobey.

So for the above reasons, elite soldiers are needed this time. Instead of raising so many idlers who wander the streets minding other people's business, we need to create a group of ruthless people, and even more importantly, an armed force. Whoever is looking for trouble can be dealt with as soon as possible. It's simple and direct. And compared to the cost of raising tens of thousands of people, it is much more cost-effective to have hundreds of heavily armed bandits.

After thinking about this, Wang Yan aimlessly thought about the mess in the future, and slowly fell asleep...

Thanks to the five elder brothers (Ye Yiyan) (Yi Gu) (Feifeifeifei is coming) (Wrong into the chess game) (fngzi) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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