The next day, Wu Fei didn't get up as early as usual, so she didn't care. Since the child didn't have breakfast, she took him out to have a bite. But Su Mingzhe got up early and started making breakfast.

On the one hand, it was because he had a quarrel with Wu Fei yesterday, on the other hand, he lost his job, and on the other hand, he felt that Su Mingcheng and his wife had treated his father harshly by not cooking for them, and now they are here. On the other hand, naturally his eldest son cannot be as unfilial and irresponsible as Su Mingcheng.

After a good night's sleep, Su Daqiang regained his energy and walked downstairs briskly: You guys are also making breakfast here? I thought they were all going out to buy something.

How can you do it, dad? It's unhygienic to go out to buy it. It's better to make it yourself for peace of mind. Besides, I still have my little pussy.

Oh... Su Daqiang drew out his voice and asked, Hey, Mingzhe, why are you making breakfast? Where is your wife?

This is not because Su Daqiang is being hypocritical. He has been a coward all his life. Zhao Meilan also cooks breakfast, lunch and dinner at home. He is basically the underdog. In Su Mingcheng's case, Zhu Li also learned to do it, and Su Mingcheng started to do it. According to him, the most promising eldest son should not be cooking for himself.

She has to take care of the children, which is very hard. I do my best to share the burden with her. Su Mingzhe said casually and asked: Dad, why did you get up so early? Did you sleep well?

I must have slept well. Don't tell me, son, America is great. I feel much better when I sleep. I sleep until dawn. It's not like at Mingcheng's house, where I always wake up late this night and can't sleep well.

It's not that exaggerated. I was just tired from the long-distance flight yesterday. Su Mingzhe laughed and said, Dad, go wash up. Breakfast will be ready soon.

Su Daqiang responded with a smile, turned around and slowly went upstairs. The stairs were narrow and steep. He didn't feel anything bad yesterday. Now it was quite difficult for his old arms and legs. He walked back halfway and said, Mingzhe, please clean up a room on the first floor for me. You These stairs are difficult to walk, what if I fall again?

Oh, I'm sorry, Dad. I was negligent. I was negligent. Su Mingzhe patted his head and said, Dad, don't worry, I'll clean up for you after dinner. Come on, I'll help you up.

After a lot of work, Su Daqiang washed up and made breakfast. Su Mingzhe ran upstairs to call his wife and children.

Wu Fei had woken up early, so she knew Su Mingzhe was making breakfast, but she didn't feel the warmth. Because Su Daqiang didn't come here some time ago, he was raising the uncle at home and just made dinner. She was busy all morning every day, taking care of the baby and cooking. Therefore, she does not think that Su Mingzhe's diligence is for herself.

Fei Fei, wake up Xiaomi, wash up and eat. Su Mingzhe didn't look like he had had a quarrel yesterday.

Wu Fei ignored him and woke up the child. The couple washed up and went downstairs to eat. Out of politeness, Wu Fei still said hello to Su Daqiang without saying a word, but she really didn't want to stay in this house any longer and didn't want to see the two of them. It was a rare opportunity to teach a child who was slow and didn't eat well, and then after having a hasty meal, he packed up and went straight out to work.

Su Daqiang was not a fool. Why couldn't he feel the weirdness at the dinner table? Taking into account what happened yesterday, he sighed and put down his chopsticks, and drooped his old face again: Mingzhe, I understand, Wu Fei is not irritating the child. Ah, she is just going after me. Since you don’t want me to come, then I will go back and not cause any trouble to you. Buy me a plane ticket, the sooner the better.”

Dad, don't think too much about it. We have had some quarrels recently, and it's because of Xiaomi's problem. It has nothing to do with you. After breakfast, I will take you out for a walk. There are still many scenic spots in San Francisco, such as the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's Wharf, Jiuquhua Street, etc., you will know when the time comes. At noon, we will find a good Western restaurant outside and eat steak.

It's really not because of me?

That's not true, dad, just stay calm. I'll go out to see Feifei and Xiaomi off first, and you can eat slowly first. There's nothing wrong anyway, so don't be in a hurry.

After explaining, Su Mingzhe hurriedly ran out to find Wu Fei who was about to leave: Fei Fei, how could you do this? I admit that it was wrong of me to secretly pick up my dad behind your back, but you can't do that to my dad either. Huh? What's your attitude? Why can't you be considerate and considerate of me? My dad is getting old, Mingcheng and his wife can't take care of him, Mingyu is not filial and can't be counted on, so who do you think my dad can rely on if he doesn't rely on me?

Wu Fei took a deep breath and controlled himself not to argue with him in front of the children: I don't want to tell you this anymore, let's go, Xiaomi.

She is still the only daughter in the family. Now that her parents are older, why doesn't she have to fulfill her filial duty? She was too lazy to argue anymore, because it was really meaningless and the argument would not produce any results.

Yesterday she cried for a long time thinking about herself and that. She was crying while thinking about it, and she was crying while thinking about it. Although this time it really broke her heart and the idea of ​​divorce was swirling in her mind, she still had a child after all. Apart from anything else, you should not make impulsive decisions even for the sake of your children, as this will do too much harm to your children. Although Su Mingzhe didn't seem to take this seriously, she couldn't ignore it.

Seeing the big one and the small one walking away, Su Mingzhe felt very aggrieved. Because he was angry and couldn't get out, Wu Fei didn't accept the move. Noisy, noisy, but he felt a little more comfortable. Now this is like hitting cotton with a punch, which is very uncomfortable.

Su Mingzhe took a deep breath helplessly, calmed down, and went back to take care of his father.

In the following time, apart from submitting some resumes online and occasionally going out for interviews and being rejected every day, Su Mingzhe spent most of his time taking Su Daqiang out to play, eat and drink. I visited some scenic spots in San Francisco, ate seafood, steak, this and that. Anyway, I just felt the American characteristics.

Su Daqiang was happy now, hoping that the stars and the moon would finally come. I didn’t do much, after all, I just came here and the freshness hasn’t worn off yet. Even if he was not very satisfied with Wu Fei, he would occasionally call back and complain to Su Mingcheng. In the end, I couldn't hold it back and called Su Mingyu to complain. He scolded Su Mingcheng with Su Mingzhe at Su Mingcheng's house, and challenged Su Mingzhe with Su Mingzhe at Su Mingzhe's house. He had to decide whether it was good or bad.

And he is not stupid. After living for a period of time, he also realized that his eldest son has a lot of potential. He has a car and a house abroad, a wife and children. But in comparison, although he has not seen it in detail, he can feel through the various revelations that among these children, Mingyu must be a good one. That's why I couldn't help but call Su Mingyu. Even though it was a little unpleasant, and even though he didn't seem to recognize him, he was his biological father.

Su Mingyu was playing comfortably with her little one outside. She had no time to listen to his nonsense. After hearing the beginning, she hung up the phone impatiently.

This is also because Su Mingzhe has lived in San Francisco for many years and only took Su Daqiang to good places and not to some bad places. Otherwise, Su Daqiang would be scared back if he caught up with the idea. After all, there are quite a few gangs here, including black gangs and Chinese gangs. In addition, thefts, robberies, and occasional gun battles are not frequent, but they are always there. According to statistics, in 2017, about 40,000 people were killed by gunshots in the United States...

Su Daqiang has just arrived, and there is no old man or lady to chat with. Otherwise, he would still know these things, and he must be playing drums in his heart, and he may not want to quit. After all, he came here to enjoy happiness, not to suffer unforeseen disasters. He wanted to live a few more years, didn't he?

Maybe it was due to Su Mingyu's unfilial attitude, or maybe he was just acclimatized, but after a week of fun, Su Daqiang fell ill and rested for two days. After knowing that going to a clinic to see a doctor and get fluids would probably cost several hundred yuan, which is one to two thousand Chinese dollars, although I wanted to enjoy American medical care, I still made a wise choice to take medicine at home and endure. After he was well raised, Su Mingzhe continued to take him around.

It's just that Su Daqiang is happy, but Wu Feike is not happy yet. My biological father is here, and he has never been to the United States before, so it is understandable to take him out for fun. But why are you not in any hurry to find a job? You spend money lavishly every day when you go out. Are you really just sitting back and waiting until everything is exhausted? Don’t you know what’s going on at home? Is there anyone living like this?

Everything is calculated. Su Mingzhe's annual salary before unemployment was 90,000 yuan. Her annual salary was less than 40,000 yuan. The total is about 130,000 yuan, and this figure is before tax. Although it is much higher than the average household income in the United States, it depends on the place, the consumption, and who you are comparing with. Among the familiar Chinese people around them, which one doesn’t do better than them?

And their income, including houses, various insurances, various taxes, food, clothing, gas money, etc., how much is left? The current situation is that Su Mingzhe is unemployed and has no income at home, and he has also added an old man to the family, so does he still need to settle accounts? Even if you have savings, how long can you last? What's more, when Zhao Meilan passed away before, they paid for the final cemetery, which was 40,000 yuan. I was just afraid of making too much noise and what I thought of her, so I never mentioned this.

She knew that Su Mingzhe was pretending to be a good big brother. The situation at that time was that Zhu Li had to pay back the money no matter what, but Su Mingzhe refused life or death. He said that he should have not come back all these years, and let them return all the money they have to Su Daqiang...

Of course, Wu Fei didn't tell Su Mingzhe this. She knew that it would do nothing but quarrel and get angry, and it would be too lazy to argue. But at the same time, she is powerless and powerless to deal with the current situation. After all, she won't listen and noisy is useless. What can she do?

I want to find someone to talk to, tell my parents to worry my parents, tell my friends that it’s useless, tell Zhu Li that they don’t know her well, tell Su Mingyu that people are playing with their children outside, and they won’t listen to what she says. Even if Su Mingyu doesn't want to see the old Su family, it's always bad to be picky about the old Su family behind their backs.

After staying here for a while, Su Daqiang's problems were revealed little by little. For example, he didn't take a shower. He washed very diligently in the first two days, but then he stopped doing anything. For example, I called Su Mingcheng and told him that things were wrong here, such as vanity, unsanitary, sometimes not flushing the toilet and so on. Although Wu Fei didn't say anything, she saw all this. She also heard Su Daqiang's phone call, and she finally understood what happened when she was at Su Mingcheng's place.

Although Su Mingzhe can say a few words, it is of little use if it is neither light nor serious. But after all, he was his biological father. Su Mingcheng didn't say anything and waited patiently. What he couldn't stand the most was that Su Mingcheng actually called him to question him for treating his biological father badly. It was too much. Of course he knew it was his biological father who said it. How could a filial son like him complain and suffer.

Of course Su Mingcheng did it on purpose. Didn't he always call him to lecture him before? The whole family didn't do this, and they were so disappointed in him. It's back to him...

So, on a Saturday half a month later, Wu Fei, who had not cooked dinner for a long time and had been having a cold war with Su Mingzhe, bought a lot of things and started getting busy early. Looking at those things, he knew it was a sumptuous meal.

Su Daqiang was sitting on the sofa watching TV that the foreign Jiligulu couldn't understand, while bragging and competing with a group of people in China. He has been boasting about it happily for half a month. For that group of people, let alone going abroad, the number of trips to the province is limited, so he must make them envious and jealous, let them know what it means to be fat first and not to be fat.

Su Mingzhe saw that Wu Fei was surprisingly diligent today and thought that she had figured it out. He was very happy and went to help. He said with a look of relief that having you is my greatest happiness in this life: Fei Fei, thank you for your understanding. Me. Don’t worry, I promise you will find a job as soon as possible. It’s recruitment time in a few days, I will definitely be able to do it.”

In the past half month, instead of looking for a job in a down-to-earth manner, I have been traveling everywhere, which is really cool. Su Daqiang asked why he didn't go to work, and he even boasted that he took a month's leave to accompany him. Now talking about the job fair, he looks confident, as if the work is waiting for him to do easily, why is he so big-faced.

Wu Fei sneered: Su Mingzhe, you are too sentimental and self-righteous. I understand you? Save it. My mother is here today and will arrive in the evening.

Your mother is coming here? Su Mingzhe paused in picking vegetables, and subconsciously wanted to shout, but remembering that his biological father was still there, he took a deep breath and walked to Wu Fei: Why didn't you come in advance for such a big thing? tell me?

Discuss with you? Wu Fei said without raising his head: Su Mingzhe, do you have the nerve to say this? Did you bring your dad over privately and tell me? You can pick up your dad, but I can't pick up my mother?

Su Mingzhe knew he was in the wrong, so he didn't bother, and instead asked: Why is your mother here? Didn't it mean that your father's waist and legs are not good, so it is inconvenient to do anything? Then who will take care of your father?

Thank you for remembering our family. Wu Fei said, I have thought about sending Xiaomi back to China and letting my parents help take care of her for a while.

After being stunned for a moment, Su Mingzhe asked in a low voice: Why should Xiaomi be sent back to China? Just because I brought my dad over? But my dad doesn't need you to take care of him. And are you willing to separate the child from us?

Of course I can't let go, but what should I do? You didn't let me take care of your dad, but you don't have a job or make any money. Then I can't let Xiaomi suffer here, right?

The child cannot leave us, Wu Fei, let me tell you, a child only grows up once, and we cannot miss it. Leaving a child from her parents at such a young age will cause harm to her and affect her mental health. I will not send the child back to China. Agree. Su Mingzhe frowned and said sincerely with a helpless face: Why can't you believe me? After all, is it because of work? I will definitely find a job. If it's Feifei, you can't be patient. Wait for a while?”

Am I not patient enough? How can I be patient? It's been more than a month, Su Mingzhe, tell me what you have been doing this month?

Su Mingzhe frowned: Is it wrong for me to be filial to my father?

Of course that's true, but have you ever thought about the price of honoring your father? It's us, mother and daughter, Su Mingzhe. Now I'm the only one working, and you've been spending money lavishly recently. My little salary How can we support three generations?

No matter what, I will not agree to the child returning to China.

Wu Fei looked lifeless: Then what do you want?

I will definitely be able to find a job. Su Mingzhe's tone was unquestionable: Your mother hasn't seen Xiaomi for a long time. She will stay for a while and see the situation. That's it.

After saying that, Su Mingzhe turned around and left. He stopped helping pick vegetables and went to the living room to accompany his biological father.

Wu Fei sniffed, wiped his tears, and continued working silently...

Dad, Fei Fei's mother is here today. She will be there in the evening.

Su Daqiang was happy when he saw the sour tone of his old colleagues in the group. When he heard this, he suddenly raised his head: Why is she here?

Su Mingzhe explained with a smile: Don't you want to blame the two of them? Come and see them.

Wu Fei.

Hey, Dad, tell me what's wrong.

It's such a long way, it's a plane and a car. Your mother is not young, so why bother? Besides, the round-trip air ticket is so expensive.

Wu Fei understood. He felt that the money was spent unjustly. Maybe he didn't want to see him either. He was about to reply with a few words. Su Mingzhe on the other side saw that the situation was not good and quickly answered: Fei Fei, hurry up and cook. I Tell dad.

After receiving a murderous look, Su Mingzhe sat next to his biological father and said, Dad, look at what you said. That's not my mother either. We must have paid for the air tickets. You're looking at us from all the way. How can she spend money on a trip? Besides, my mother-in-law is on a plane right now and will arrive in a few hours.

Su Daqiang's eyes widened: You said you, your child, didn't tell me until your mother-in-law arrived, and you didn't tell me to get ready. By the way, how long will she stay here?

Stay...well, ten days and a half month. Su Mingzhe waved his hand and said with a smile, Dad, if you have any preparations, they are all from your own family.

It's been such a long time... Su Daqiang said in a weird voice, expressing his dissatisfaction: It's good to be mentally prepared. You said it's so sudden now...

It's okay, Dad. My mother-in-law is very easy to get along with. It's not like you haven't seen her before. Okay, Dad, you continue talking to your old friend, and I'll go help Feifei with her work.

Su Daqiang leaned back on the sofa and said Ouch: The dishes that have been cooking for so long are not made for me. This is different. There were no such rich and delicious dishes when I came here.

When Su Mingzhe stood up and was about to leave, he quickly winked at Wu Fei. After seeing that she didn't say anything, he comforted his father: Dad, look at what you said, Fei Fei is not that kind of person. It's just that it was a working day when you came that day. Did you have to go to work? It was already very rich. No matter how much you did, she couldn't handle it. If you really want to talk about it, it was my fault as a son. I couldn't do it. Be prepared in advance. I'm sorry, Dad.

After saying this, Su Daqiang couldn't say anything else. He turned back to watch the TV and stopped talking to his eldest son. But in fact, his heart was quite empty. After all, when Wu Fei gave birth to the baby during confinement, neither he nor Zhao Meilan came. It was Wu Fei's mother who retired early to take care of her. Moreover, it was said that he had an imbalance of ear fluid at first, but now it has come back, and it is a problem that no one can tolerate. On the surface he was watching TV, but in his mind he was thinking about how to deal with it.

Su Daqiang was very cruel to his family members, and he was not easy to deal with outsiders.

After Su Mingzhe comforted his biological father, he turned around and comforted Wu Fei again. This time he really had nothing to say. He felt that his biological father had gone too far, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart. But who said that he is a son or the boss, so he must be filial.

Wu Fei ignored Su Mingzhe and kept picking vegetables, his face turning red from suppressing it. But after all, he was an elder, his husband's biological father, and his father-in-law, so he could only adjust his luck constantly. She couldn't help but think about it again, how could such a family be involved...

Time passed in the blink of an eye and it was time to set off. Wu Fei didn't let Su Mingzhe go and asked him to cook at home. He drove his daughter to the airport to pick her up. She had to let her mother control her emotions and stop coming over to have sex with Su Daqiang. She had not told her family about many things before, just to avoid worrying them and having to explain them on the way.

But there are two sides to the matter, three sides, and several sides. Although she was trying to persuade him, she was still looking forward to letting her mother have sex with Su Daqiang for a while. After all, as a daughter-in-law, it is inconvenient and difficult for her to talk a lot. If her mother comes here, her status will be equal. Moreover, life is not good now. If it continues like this, we will have to leave.

More than two hours later, when the lanterns started to turn on, Wu Fei came back with her mother and daughter.

Wu's mother is also in her sixties, and her hair is not very good, it is still black. She is over 1.6 meters tall and on the thin side. Wu Fei's appearance was copied from hers. The eyebrows are very similar. She was also a beauty when she was young. Judging from his behavior, he is a well-educated person. And Wu Fei can also see that their family is quite good. Although they are not rich, they are better than well-off. Otherwise, Wu Fei would not have the conditions to study abroad.

Hearing the noise outside, Su Mingzhe ran out quickly: Mom, you're here, come in quickly, come in quickly, I'll just get the things.

Wu's mother turned to look at her, said nothing, and led Xiaomi in.

Su Mingzhe was convinced that he had read it correctly. The mother-in-law's look just now was full of dissatisfaction, and she asked Wu Fei, who was getting something in the trunk: Fei Fei, have you told mom everything?

Then what if I don't tell you? She came here without knowing anything. Can she and your father not quarrel? Besides, can you keep it a secret?

Su Mingzhe was running around in circles anxiously: After what you said, isn't Mom going to make more trouble? You, you, what can I say to you? The quarrel is on the one hand, and the mother-in-law is dissatisfied with him on the other. It was also his case that was exposed, and he would be very embarrassed in front of his biological father. His biological father called and told Su Mingcheng and Su Mingyu, which would make him even more embarrassed.

Stop talking, just grab your things and go in.

Su Mingzhe sighed, silently took a bunch of things in the trunk, and followed Wu Fei into the house.

Inside the house, Wu's mother was sitting opposite Su Daqiang, who was pretending to be dead. The reason why Su Daqiang pretended to be dead was because Wu's mother came in and said, 'My dear, I remember you have an imbalance of ear fluids. How did you get here? ’, looking at Wu’s mother with a serious face and ready to fight, Su Daqiang subconsciously ran away.

Just when he was pretending to be dead and not knowing what to do, Su Mingzhe and Wu Fei came in. They quickly and tremblingly stretched out their hands to greet him: Mingzhe, dad suddenly feels a little uncomfortable. Please help dad go back to his room to rest. Let's have dinner. Dad won’t eat anymore.”

No matter how well-educated a woman is, she will turn into a shrew for the sake of her children. If Su Daqiang wants to hide, Mother Wu will certainly not do it: Su Daqiang, please speak clearly to me.

Seeing that Su Mingzhe didn't move, Su Daqiang had no choice but to reply: That's what Mingzhe said. What does it have to do with me? You can't tell me. I have been suppressed by my mother all my life, so if she doesn't want to come, I any idea?

Mother Wu was full of firepower: Then why do you have the nerve to come here now? Huh?

That's my son's house. Isn't it wrong for me to come here? Su Daqiang muttered softly.

What did you say? Louder, I can't hear you.

Su Mingzhe didn't dare to watch the show anymore. His father was scolded like a third grandson. As a son and the main person responsible for the incident, he stepped forward and said, Mom, why are you so angry with my father? You came all the way...

Am I angry with your father? Mother Wu glared at Su Mingzhe who was standing in front of Su Daqiang: I haven't talked to you yet, are you here on your own?

Mom... calm down, come all the way here, eat first, and then rest to get rid of the jet lag. If you have anything to do, we can talk about it tomorrow, okay?

Wu Fei also stepped forward to persuade: Yes, Mom, let's eat first. I don't know how true or false it is.

Eat? Can I still eat? Su Mingzhe, what did you say when you married Feifei? And now this is how you treat her? And you, Su Daqiang, you are so old and you are always away from home. Stay here, why are you causing trouble to the children by running here?

Su Mingzhe still dissuaded: Mom...

Don't call me mom. If you're unemployed, you're unemployed. What can you do? In this situation, why do you want to bring your father over to make trouble? He's a big man. Why can't he do something? Does it have to be such a waste? You waste it? It doesn’t matter, don’t drag Fei Fei and the kids down.”

When Su Daqiang heard this, he suddenly stood up: Wait a minute, what did you say? Mingzhe is unemployed? Mingzhe, didn't you say you took a month's leave to accompany me? Besides, you have such a big house. It doesn't matter if you have a car or you're unemployed, right? He said the next words very carefully, because he was not familiar with the place and could not be sure. The most important thing is that his son is quite rich and he is making a lot of money here, so he thinks the problem shouldn't be big.

It doesn't matter? Mother Wu sneered: The mortgage of the house, various insurances and taxes, miscellaneous living expenses, why don't you need money? They didn't have much savings. The last time Zhao Meilan lost it, they gave her 40,000 dollars. Arrange the funeral arrangements. Now my daughter is the only one working at home. She earns 3,000 yuan a month to support you two and Xiaomi. What can I do? Oh, by the way, I heard that you have been here for a while, playing around and eating nonsense. Doesn’t it cost less to drink from the sea?”

Su Daqiang's focus was not on Wu's mother's sarcasm, but on 'no money'. After hearing this, he let out a long sigh of disappointment and slapped his thigh with an 'oops': So you have no money, Mingzhe, even if you are unemployed, you will If you didn't tell me earlier, then why did you take me over? You said you, this child, are still causing trouble for me now. I'd better pack up and go back, so as not to cause any trouble to you. He spoke slowly. He was about to go back to the room with a groan, pack up his clothes and run away.

At this moment, Su Mingzhe's face had long been red and dark. At this moment, he was demolished. An unprecedented sense of humiliation filled his heart. He knew that it was in front of the old Su family and a group of classmates in China that he had experienced for so many years. The collapse of the maintained personality. Under this huge sense of shame, Su Mingzhe exploded.

Yes, I am unemployed, but what happened to being unemployed? It is normal to be unemployed in the United States. Why are you holding on, why can't you believe me? Also, Mom, Wu Fei, let me ask you, I will take my dad over What's wrong with enjoying the blessings? Why not? I haven't returned to China for ten years to fulfill my filial piety. Is it wrong for me to take care of my mother's funeral? Now we still have savings, and we haven't run out of money yet. Why should I let Wu Fei and his child Are you suffering with me? Are they hungry or cold? Huh? Why are you forcing me like this? What did I do wrong?

Su Mingzhe screamed at the top of his lungs. Su Daqiang was stunned for a moment, turned around silently and sat in the corner of the sofa; Wu's mother did not expect that her always submissive son-in-law would talk to her like this; Wu Fei did not expect that Su Mingzhe was still so harsh in his words. , Maybe he really doesn't understand... Xiaomi, who was in Wu's mother's arms, had never seen her father so angry, and was so frightened by such a loud voice that she started to cry.

Wu Fei took two steps forward and pushed Su Mingzhe: Su Mingzhe, you are crazy. Why are you talking to my mother like this? You scared Xiaomi.

Wu Fei, you just called your mother here on purpose. You're not looking after the child. You just called her over to watch my jokes. Are you satisfied now? Huh?

Wu Fei felt quite aggrieved. Is that human talk? He immediately came up with tears in his eyes and said loudly: Su Mingzhe, you bastard, my mother is not an outsider. What are you talking about? Do you still have me in your eyes?

Su Mingzhe had a headache this morning and was slapped. He turned his head and felt the burning of his skin. The anger he had squeezed for a long time burst out, and he slapped him back with a big mouth: I am a bastard. I'm unemployed, that's all, how is it? Ah? How is it?

How did Wu Fei think that Su Mingzhe would hit her? Dare to hit her? In addition to the man's great strength, he was immediately knocked to the ground with a Ah sound. By coincidence, my forehead came into close contact with the edge of the coffee table.

In pain, Wu Fei cried in embarrassment and covered his forehead with his hands. After a while, blood flowed down...

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