After listening to the content of the imperial edict, Wang Yan looked at the trembling little eunuch delivering the edict in front of him and waved his hand: Wang Ming, take this father-in-law to have a good rest. Don't lose sight of etiquette.

Yes, sir. Wang Ming at the door responded, walked in, took the imperial edict from the little eunuch's hand, and threw it into Sun Fugui's hand: Eunuch, please...

Ah? Thank you... thank you General Wang. The little eunuch had no one in the palace and no money in his hands, otherwise he would not have been sent to announce the decree to the leader of the rebellion. Realizing that he was safe, the little eunuch hurriedly bowed his hands.

Go ahead.

Without waiting for the little eunuch to say anything more, Wang Ming grabbed the silly little eunuch impatiently and turned around to leave.

Seeing the young eunuch being taken away, Sun Fugui, who was standing nearby, looked at the imperial edict in his hand and smacked his lips: Sir, this is coming for us. They are treating us as slaves.

He had worked with Sun Chengzong's subordinates before. Although his position was low, he could still imagine that Sun Chengzong was much better than him. After all, Sun Chengzong had been stationed in Liaodong, building forts, and training troops for four years without fighting a single battle. Not long after Sun Chongzong was captured, Ningyuan was besieged. No matter what the reason was, it explained a lot of problems.

Don't worry, I have my own plan. Liaodong is such a big deal, don't think about useless things, just do it.

Sun Fugui came here to report on his work, and he just happened to make a casual comment. Besides, now that he was in the car, he could only hope that Wang Yan would come true. It was useless to talk so much.

Yes, sir.

After Sun Fugui left, what Wang Yan was thinking about

These changes had a great impact on Wang Yan. If nothing else, just blocking one of Shanhaiguan was quite annoying. Regardless of population or supplies, Liaodong is still relatively scarce. In addition, its productivity has not increased in the first place. Shanhaiguan is seriously a lifeline.

However, he did not really rebel in the end. Everyone was definitely quite polite on the surface. Although there would be certain difficulties in getting the materials out of the customs, it was easy to do research.

Moreover, Sun Chengzong's supervisor Ji Liao and Wang Zhichen, who originally had the same position, were very embarrassed. Now that they are in this position, Wang Zhichen has no way out and he can't run away. So this person who was once Wang Yan's eldest brother can now be said to be his little brother.

Wang Zhichen has been stationed in Shanhaiguan, and in one year, he has been running a relatively good business. Although many of them looked down on Wang Yan and were not good friends with them, there were also some who were good friends with him. With mutual checks and balances, Shanhaiguan's problems would not be big.

As for Sun Chengzong's blocking of the external channel, Wang Yan didn't need to take action even if it was said to be unpleasant. The businessmen doing business with them would open up the relationship. You must know that the product in Wang Yan's hands is unique to Ming Dynasty, and its sales are quite popular. A group of savvy businessmen have been cracking it for a year, but they still don't have a clue. It's also the case that they can't let go of this source of wealth. Even if they had the chance to destroy the Jiannu slaves, they could use their influence to give them a chance to breathe, let alone a marginalized Sun Chengzong...

So in summary, this impact is quite large, and it will gradually become less of a problem.

In the past half month, Wang Yan didn't do anything. He had already emptied Mangui and controlled Ningyuan, so naturally he would not let go of other places in Liaodong.

At this point, it would be impossible for him not to capture Liaodong. What if other people who are not on good terms with him work together to fuck him? It's not that they are afraid of not being able to do it, but a major chaos in Liaodong will destroy the already cultivated fields and built fortresses, and the gains outweigh the losses.

So after a period of time, the area from Jinzhou to the entrance of Shanhaiguan in Guangning Zhongqiansuo and Qiantun all cooperated with his gathered troops to capture, and soldiers were sent to suppress it with guns. The generals, who were not all of the same mind, all gave up their military power and stayed with Mangui. Those who resisted, the leaders, and officers of all sizes were all killed, and the top soldiers were reduced to hard labor.

The reason why Shanhaiguan was not touched was to preserve dignity for both parties. Otherwise, if the Ming Dynasty is in the hands of others, we will have to do it if we can't defeat it. After all, after passing Shanhaiguan, it is a smooth river and heading straight to the capital. Wang Yan didn't want to take action. He really didn't think about entering the border and bombarding the capital. Moreover, his men were in a lot of trouble now and they had to be settled first.

Now, Wang Yan has nearly 100,000 men and horses, and the number of military households has reached 150,000. However, this is only superficial stability. After all, the generals who surrendered to him are all forced by the big stick and are loyal on the surface. No one knows when they will betray him.

Of course, Mr. Wang is the most honest and the most shameless person. If it weren't for setting an example for those who would surrender in the future, these people who surrendered to him would have been killed as soon as he took control of the troops... Now, after he slowly isolated these generals, they all followed Manchu Gui, let's go together and take care of ourselves, and have a good death.

As for the civil servant group in Liaodong, Wang Yan really didn't have enough manpower. If they were all killed, his subordinates would really have nothing to do. This is also the reason why the civil servant group is so aloof and dares to roar at the court and complain at the emperor. It is impossible to live without them as a group of cultural people. So the obedient ones were kept, and they were left as they were before, and the disobedient ones were all demoted to hard labor.

This has to be the case for a long time. Wang Yan will not care whether they are greedy or not, as long as he implements his policies. As for the future... when his children are raised, each of these bastards will have to dig mines and build roads.

There is a saying that goes well, if you take a big step, it is easy to pull your balls, and he is pulling them now...

Not to mention the other internal intricacies, just to support so many people, the wealth he had worked so hard to save was far from enough. Not to mention paying the big-headed soldiers to eat meat, it would be damn good if they were not hungry. It was only because he gathered all the materials in Liaodong and copied some of the money obtained from civil and military affairs that he barely ensured that it would not collapse.

It is estimated that his situation is almost similar to that of Huang Taiji. There is a shortage of logistics, and the hearts of his men are divided. But even so, Huang Taiji didn't have the guts to come over and beat him. No matter how poor Wang Yan is, his elite men will definitely be given priority. This is the basis for his establishment in Liaodong. Anyone who refuses to accept will be beaten.

It was a coincidence that this man couldn't help but talk about it. Just when he was thinking about Huang Taiji, a guard from outside came in: Sir, I just received news that Huang Taiji has sent troops to attack Mongolia.

When did it happen?


Wang Yan couldn't help but frown. Huang Taiji sent troops yesterday, and he only received the news now. It should be said that the transmission of news in ancient times was slow. This is because he has a little pigeon. If he relies solely on people and horses to pass it, it will take two days no matter what, and then he will have to do it.

Spring has begun, and life, production and other things have to start. He had beaten him again before, losing tens of thousands of troops and Guangning Guards. That old bastard Huang Taiji couldn't stand it anymore. If he didn't dare to beat him, he would find a soft persimmon to deal with. Wang Yan specified that Huang Taiji would not be allowed to succeed and must be in the northeast.

After thinking for a while, Wang Yan said: Send the order, five thousand Guangning guards will stay behind, and the rest will support the Mongolian tribes who surrendered to us. We must not let the slaves break through the blockade. Also, try to let the Mongols hold up the front.

As you command!

The soldier fisted his fist, turned around and ran out quickly to deliver the order to Guangning Guard.

Then Wang Yan immersed himself in work. Now it is a mess and he has been working on it for several months.

Now the entire Liaodong except Shanhaiguan is in his hands. He has more than 300,000 soldiers, military households, civilian households, and other old masters, master craftsmen, doctors, etc. in total.

Earn money from doing business, prepare supplies, prepare soldiers and armor, eliminate soldiers, select and train, build roads and bridges, build water conservancy, farm and farm, basic health construction, basic industrial construction, basic employee training, upgrade technology trees, and make guns Building cannons and ships, cultivating a bunch of little babies, researching how to decentralize a bunch of useless generals and so on.

Not only that, there are five women in his back house who need daily care and attention... they are too damn busy...

Half a month passed by in the blink of an eye, at the beginning of May, outside Jinzhou City.

On a flat ground not far from the foot of the mountain, several artillerymen worked together to set up the cannon. Then, as the order flag of the ordering soldier in the distance fell, they fired the cannon.

The pointed cannonball rushed out of the barrel in an instant, spinning straight towards the mountain. With a boom, the artillery shells fell on the mountain, collided and exploded, smoke and dust rose up, and rubble filled the sky.

After a while, the smoke and dust dispersed, and the large crater visible to the naked eye showed the power of the cannonball just fired.

In the distance, Wang Yan and several personal guards, an old man with a white beard and a weathered face, full of white hair, and a green gown, were looking at the large crater in the mountain with a telescope.

Seeing the power of the artillery, the old man with the white beard couldn't help but gasp.

Wang Yan casually threw the telescope behind him, and the guard caught it accurately and put it away. He looked at the old man with a white beard next to him with a smile: How about it, Old Sun? Can you block my artillery?

Of course, this old man with a white beard is not Sun Fugui, but the life-threatening Sun Chengzong.

Sun Chengzong had already taken office before Wang Yan received the imperial edict. After more than half a month, he clarified the situation in Yongping Mansion and Liaodong, and after making plans, Sun Chengzong directly took a bookboy and a guard and left the border with great fanfare.

Due to the game between the two parties, Shanhaiguan is closed and wide open. You can pass the customs in both directions with some simple inspections. Those who enter the customs will undergo an extremely detailed interrogation when they arrive at Sun Chengzong's territory. As for those who leave seclusion, as long as they don't violate the laws set by Wang Yan, they can do whatever they like, regardless of ulterior motives or whatever.

Although Wang Yan implemented military control, it was only an institutional centralized allocation of resources. For non-combatants, reservists, and master craftsmen, as long as they listen to the local governor and get the job done, the rest is optional. We have already said that against the rules and regulations, those who are dishonest and cause trouble or engage in sabotage will be sent to do heavy work without any mercy when caught. This was Wang Yan's main achievement in half a month, letting most people at the bottom know the rules.

In the same way, Sun Chengzong got out of the pass easily, strolled all the way to see the situation outside the pass, and finally went directly to Jinzhou City to find the General's Mansion, reported his home and took the seal to see Wang Yan.

To be honest, Wang Yan did not expect Sun Chengzong to be so courageous. What is he, General Wang, now? He is a warlord through and through, a Liaodong native emperor, and a terrorist. Sun Chengzong came directly to his territory, and he still dared to come to see him. Are you tired of living? You know, there is nothing wrong with him even if he directly tortures Sun Chengzong to death. The people in the court will not take the risk of starting a war with him just because of a fool he sent to his door.

Of course, it does not rule out that Sun Chengzong analyzed Wang Yan's behavior and knew what he was like. It does not rule out that people themselves have nothing to fear. Wang Yan is more inclined to combine the two. History tells him that Sun Chengzong is a ruthless man who fights to the death for the country, the people and the whole family. Another example is the mutiny in Liaodong. The civil and military officials he brought down rarely killed people and basically worked. And this also told Sun Chengzong that he was not just a common man who only knew how to kill people.

However, according to Sun Chengzong's behavior, Wang Yan guessed that if he was not so awesome, Sun Chengzong would be unsure. He said that he would not come to see him, but without saying a word, he went to Shanhaiguan with his sword and killed Wang Zhichen. Wang Yan believed that Sun Chengzong could definitely do this kind of thing.

After hearing Wang Yan's words, Sun Chengzong shook his head and sighed: I can't guard against it, I can't guard against it...

You don't believe me after saying so much that I won't enter the test. Do you believe it now?

Yesterday, Sun Chengzong came over. When he saw Wang Yan, he started to sneer at him. From the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors to Zhu Youxiao, he treated him well. He was testing Wang Yan's bottom line crazily and seeking death like crazy. He sprayed spittle all over his face and scolded him. .

It was also at this time that Wang Yan realized what a real civil servant with blood and backbone was like in ancient times. He was really unaccustomed to illness. In the eyes of Sun Chengzong, who is he?

If someone is not afraid of death, what can he do? Besides, Sun Chengzong was already an old man in his sixties. If something happened to him, it would be his fault. In the end, Wang Yan persuaded the old man with good words and gave him good food and drinks. Today he came out to show off his muscles.

I believe it, I believe it...

Can we have a good talk?

Hey... Sun Chengzong looked up and sighed to the sky: Let's talk.

After seeing the power of the artillery and the previous muskets, he also knew that he had wrongly blamed Wang Yan. Although I don't know how many such cannons Wang Yan has, the ability to bombard Shengjing scared Huang Taiji to the point of becoming a bastard. If you think about it, you will know that he cannot defeat Wang Yan. If Wang Yan was really serious, he would have reached the capital in the past month...

After thinking about this, he even felt a little embarrassed. After all, I dragged her to spray for a long time yesterday, and I wrongly blamed her. But this little bit of embarrassment is fleeting, so you just have to rely on your old age and act like you are old, so what?

Seeing the old man's shock, Wang Yan said with a smile: Let's talk while walking.

Sun Chengzong nodded, turned around and walked side by side with Wang Yan, strolling towards Jinzhou City.

Then I'll just tell you the truth?

Say it.

Okay. Wang Yan nodded: I only have two requirements. First, there should be refugees. Second, trade cannot be hindered.

Only these two points? Seeing Wang Yan nodding, Sun Chengzong said: These two points are easy to say, but I can't say this...

Wang Yan nodded to show understanding.

Sun Chengzong was transferred here to fuck his king, not to get along with them and make a fortune. If Sun Chengzong had given the order himself, he would have been seeking death.

Is it okay to turn a blind eye and close one eye?

Sun Chengzong nodded, as long as the issue of refugees is released, there will be many people running over to survive. As for trade matters... in fact, even if he strictly investigates and arrests them, it will be in vain. In the past month, a group of businessmen who knew the news in advance and had great powers have already opened up Yongning Mansion. They can't be banned at all, and it's not easy for him to use...

Not thinking about those who should be killed, Sun Chengzong asked: Are you paying attention to the war between Jiannu and Mongolia?

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows and glanced at him with a smile: That is the tribe that surrendered to me, how could you not know?

Oh? This game of chess you played is quite big... Sun Chengzong glanced at Wang Yan in surprise. He really didn't know the news: So you are fighting with Jiannu again?

They can't escape. They have only two ways to go north and go to the sea, otherwise they will be trapped in the northeast.

Appreciate further details.

Except for artillery, muskets, steam engines, etc., he was not afraid of anything else leaking out. It's not easy for Zhu Youjian and others to play with open cards.

While walking, Wang Yan briefly talked to Sun Chengzong about the current situation and some of his big plans. Including the analysis that the Ming Dynasty was about to perish, and that it would be easy for him to take over the country.

It doesn't matter if these things were taken down like Wei Zhongxian, or it doesn't matter if they only have Yan and Huang like Sun Chengzong.

Even the reason why Sun Chengzong decided to be in harmony with him was that he was one of his own. The only reason I was criticizing him before was because once he rebelled, the Central Plains would be in chaos, and the people at the bottom would be the ones who would suffer the most. Although the life of ordinary people is not very good now, the lesser of the two powers.

Speaking of Sun Chengzong's level, it is impossible not to see that Ming Dynasty is useless now. It's just that they can't find a way to save the country for the time being, and the resistance to reform is too great.

Even as long as Wang Yan doesn't have to worry about it and can develop in Liaodong with peace of mind, Sun Chengzong is quite happy. After all, Wang Yan was rich, so many refugees came and helped Ming in disguise. As for helping Wang Yan and making this scourge more powerful, Sun Chengzong said that I already have people who are going to die, so I don’t care about so much.

The most important thing is that Wang Yan really has no intention of doing anything big. After all, his strength is there, and he has captured most of the troops in Liaodong. He is much more ruthless than Jiannu. Sun Chengzong knew what level he was, and he couldn't stop him at all. He also knew that there was no need for Wang Yan to lie to him. Changing dynasties was an easy matter, but he hadn't done it yet, so there was nothing else to lie to.

The delicious food and drinks, as well as the long talk, kept Sun Chengzong for a day. The next day, Wang Yan sent his bodyguard to drive a carriage to pull a bunch of his specialties and send them back to Sun Chengzong. He couldn't afford to offend this old man, so he would try to stay away from him if nothing happened in the future.

No one disturbed him, and Wang Yan once again devoted himself to busy official duties.

Wang Yan is not worried about the war between Mongolia and Huang Taiji in the north.

Although many men from the Mongolian tribesmen who joined him died, they were still evenly matched in the past half month, regardless of who was suppressing and beating whom.

Guangningwei originally had 10,000 troops stationed in the city. This time, 5,000 troops were sent out. In addition to the 4,000 troops previously dispersed by the Mongolian tribes, there were a total of 9,000 troops. Including less than 40,000 troops from the Mongolian tribes, the total was The less than 50,000 troops and the 60,000 troops sent by Huang Taiji fought back and forth.

Seriously speaking, Huang Taiji's strength can crush the Mongolian tribes, but who let Wang Yan's nine thousand men carry guns? Although there are no cannons, when fighting in the field, these nine thousand guns fired in one wave are more powerful than the powerful bows and crossbows of the Houjin Iron Cavalry.

However, the generals who led the team carried out Wang Yan's orders very well and started to fight, otherwise the men of the various Mongolian tribes would not have died so many. No one is a fool. The leaders of various Mongolian tribes have opinions, but they dare not speak out...

We have been fighting for half a month now. Huang Taiji will definitely withdraw his troops if he cannot attack for a long time, because he cannot hold on for long.

In fact, this was exactly the case. Huang Taiji had long discovered Wang Yan's sinister intention of letting them and the Mongolian tribes lose each other, and then Wang Yan sat back and enjoyed the gains. The reason why he didn't retreat before was just because of luck, in case Wang Yan lost his job.

Moreover, their supplies are now extremely tight. It is not impossible to rely on merchants from the Ming Dynasty to transport them here, but they also have to pay a corresponding price, right?

In the past, they had money that could not be converted into materials, so Ming merchants came to make profits. But now they have not made any big gains in two years, and they have exhausted their money and treasures. The Ming merchants who were always smiling have also shown a hateful face and no longer coax them amiably. We are almost at the end of our rope and have no other way out.

That’s why I fought for half a month and kept fighting. But Wang Yan's people are so hateful. They always let them see the hope of victory, and then kill them back after giving up. They always give people the illusion that they can win if they work harder...

But now, after suffering thousands of casualties, and listening to the dwindling numbers reported by the logistics officer, Huang Taiji had no choice but to wake up and withdraw his troops.

He withdrew, but not completely. Although he didn't dare to fight against the Guangning Guards and would be beaten against the Jinzhou Guards, he still had an obedient little brother who had already been dealt with. In early May, Huang Taiji withdrew his troops from Mongolia and headed eastward to North Korea...

In mid-May, after a series of friendly conversations, I happily returned to my hometown in Shengjing at the end of May with a lot of supplies.

The war between the Mongolian tribes and Huang Taiji ended. Wang Yan had his men chop off thousands of heads, and sent people to the capital to ask for rewards...

Although Zhu Youjian and others were disgusted, they still pinched their noses and admitted it. After understanding the situation, I found that Wang Yan had actually begun to annex Mongolia, and spent several days uselessly discussing the impact of this and that. In the end, Wang Yan was promoted to the rank of Right Commander-in-Chief, the title of general was promoted from 'Longhu' to 'Jianwei', and he was rewarded with forty taels of silver.

It's all vain anyway, as long as the commander-in-chief is not given the remaining lifeless promotion. If that doesn't work, then he will be promoted to the left governor. If he reaches the top, he will be promoted. If he reaches the top, he will be promoted to Shaobao, Shaofu, Taibao, Taifu and so on. In any case, he does not recognize the real power.

Wang Yan didn't care. After all, he was still a minister of the Ming Dynasty and was just trying to maintain his dignity.

In fact, when Huang Taiji passed by Shengjing before returning home, Wang Yan knew what the old bastard Huang Taiji was going to do. This time we scraped North Korea again, and we did get a lot of supplies. They were useful but not very useful. Those things couldn't last long, only a few months. But by then it would be winter, and he still had to train his troops and work hard. He might not be able to do anything for Houjin this year.

Wang Yan had a good idea, but the development of things was driven by people, and Wang Yan couldn't help but look at the person who was driving it.

Huang Taiji is also a smart man who knows all the tricks, so how could he not expect that Wang Yan would come to trouble him when winter comes? He asked himself that he couldn't stand up to the guerrillas who came and went without a trace, could not do it with a small number of people, and could not be caught by a large number of people. After all, he was today thanks to such a team. Therefore, after several months of hard work, Huang Taiji made a very wise and powerful decision that shocked the forces in the Ming Dynasty and surrounding areas, and he accepted it.

Yes, Huang Taiji is convinced.

In October of the first year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji submitted his submission to the Ming Dynasty and requested trade and mutual exchange...

It's impossible that Huang Taiji didn't know about Wang Yan and Ming Dynasty. Now this old bastard thought he would seize the opportunity to fight Wang Yan in the south and north of Ming Dynasty... Of course, this was an excuse for the envoy he sent to convince the Ming court. After all, can he do it without counting?

The kings and ministers of the Ming Dynasty entertained Huang Taiji's envoys and read the document requesting surrender. Their first reaction was very happy at first. After all, the slaves who had not been conquered since Wanli came to proclaim themselves vassals this time. This shows that they have become civilized and martial arts, and the Ming Dynasty is reviving.

But after thinking about it, it felt as chilling as if someone had poured cold water on my head while being shirtless for three to nine days.

Why is it so unclear? Huang Taiji couldn't defeat Wang Yan, and was so good that he was almost killed by Wang Yan, so he had to join forces with them to deal with Wang Yan.

What does this mean? It showed that Wang Yan was so good at the competition... This made them so happy.

I'm not happy, but I still have to do what I have to do.

Wang Yan didn't really rebel, that is, he didn't fall out. Moreover, after such a long time, they also had a rough understanding of Wang Yan's strength. They really didn't have the intention to enter the border, so they were relieved.

However, not entering the customs now does not mean that you will not enter the customs in the future. After all, it will be a disaster. Now another scourge has come forward to surrender. Two scourges are dog biting dogs, and they are happy to see what happens. They even planned to grit their teeth and support Huang Taiji with a large amount of supplies when there was a severe drought in Shaanxi and refugees were everywhere. They wanted to protect such a scourge and must not disappear, so that they would restrain Wang Yan's energy and have no intention of entering the pass and going south.

Therefore, after more than a month of negotiations and communication, in November of the first year of Chongzhen, Jiannu re-affiliated to the Ming Dynasty and became an independent vassal state.

At the same time, Zhu Youjian also issued an imperial edict to Wang Yan in a very spiteful manner, asking him to stop all military operations against Jiannu, open the Guangning market, and conduct normal trade with Jiannu. He doesn't care whether Wang Yanzun abides by it or not. He is a monarch and his ministers in name only, and he hates Wang Yan if he makes it clear.

Wang Yan really didn't expect Huang Taiji to make such a decision. Not to mention the internal doubts he would encounter, he even ignored the seven hates created by his father Nurhachi. This was like forgetting his ancestors.

But whether it should be said or not, Huang Taiji's decision was indeed the most correct. After all, they are all going to fall apart and die, so what are you talking about with so many useless things? The most important thing is to stay alive and maintain your vitality.

As for Zhu Youjian's imperial decree that disgusted him, Wang Yan didn't care and he obeyed it.

After all, everyone is his own family. As long as he operates according to his rules and pays taxes, he doesn't care about that. In this way, we can ease the relationship with the ordinary Houjin Banner people first, and then it will be easier to accept them when they do heavy work in mining and road construction. They are all acquaintances...

As for the supplies that Ming Dynasty went to Mongolia and made a big circle to send to Huang Taiji, Wang Yan did not let anyone snatch them away. He has to keep those laborers alive...

Another reason is that he no longer has the military pay and materials allocated by the Ming Dynasty. Although he was often in arrears in the past, he still had some, but the amount was not enough. And he has no military supplies anymore. Although he saves a lot of money, not much can go to the local area, but if something goes wrong and the Ming Dynasty collapses a little late, wouldn't he be embarrassed?

So it would be good for Huang Taiji to drag down the already poor finances of Ming Dynasty. Try to finish the matter as early as possible. At the worst, you have to follow the original script...

Thanks to Brother (Baidatang) for the reward of 200 coins for your continued support.

Thanks to the three elder brothers (Yu Huang), (Aokeng) and (Human Fireworks) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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