
You can search “World of Gods 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapters!

The 2nd day after arriving at Puluoguan, everything is calm and tranquil.

At night, one after another information was sent to Suye’s Magic Book.

The Persia army in Russia is ready to set off!

All signs indicate that the Persia army will leave tomorrow.

It only takes two days to reach Tempe Valley or Puroguan.

Soon, the Miltiades General held a pre-war meeting, where everyone each airs his own views, but Suye could see that many people were a little panicked.

However, there are no deserters.

Before the meeting was over, a magic owl flew over, carrying a blank letter in its mouth, and flew in front of Meders.

All the generals stopped talking and stared at Meders, stared at the magic owl.

Only messengers from the coalition headquarters, Areopagus or God’s Temple can reach here directly, not even the magic letter from Plato Academy.

“It’s from the coalition headquarters.” Meders glanced at the pattern of the wax print.

She tore open the envelope in public, took out the letter and read it.

After reading it, pass it to Miltiades.

Miltiades passed it to Suye after reading it.

Suye handed Meders back after reading, and asked: “How do you choose?”

Meders said: “This is the suggestion of the coalition headquarters. I hope that I will lead the cavalry Legion to the Tempe Valley to support, instead of staying in Puroguan.”

The generals stared at Meders nervously.

“It’s up to you.” Meders held the letter and pushed it in front of Suye.

Suye raised his hand to tear it apart.

“It’s a pity this piece of paper.” Suye said.

The generals relaxed, and some generals even laughed happily.

This Magician is good, right temper!

“Keep on preparing!” Miltiades General said.

After the meeting, Puluoguan ran at high speed.

All Magicians continue to use magic to create large soil slopes. Although many people are worried, for fear that Persian will rush into Pluoguan through the breakthrough, they feel a little relieved when they think of the hundreds of thousands of peculiar cavalry.

The entire cavalry Legion is completely isolated from the outside world. It is still forbidden to talk about the details of the horse gear and the cavalry Legion.

Suye spends a small part of his time studying the next battle, but more time is still devoted to learning.

The Academy cannot be directly contacted here, but the Academy is very considerate to dispatch magic letter messengers every day to pass important magic letter information and related articles to Suye’s Magic Book.

Euclid is the same, most of the time writing “Geometric Originals”.

The Saint Domain Magic Tool bought by Niederne has also been delivered.

3rd day, Suye glanced at the emergency magic letter, and quickly left the room, Euclid and the others had also walked out.

Everyone made their faces calm, and walked quickly up the city wall along the built slope.

The rays of light of the setting sun are scattered on the valleys and flat ground outside Puluoguan.

The golden fluff covers Earth.

The close and numerous Persia army is like a moving colony of ants, slowly approaching.

They separate the Earth of pale-gold separately to block the sunlight

I can’t see the side at a glance.

The team is not neat, and the imposing manner is not magnificent, but there are too many people.

Only quantity, Condensation becomes a great coercion, like a black cloud weighing on everyone’s heart.

“Will the first battle be today or tomorrow for their attack?” Miltiades asked the many generals present.

“They are not marching fast today, and they still have physical strength. If we attack rashly, we may be in the right position.”

“Yes, they will definitely expect us to attack and they must be prepared.”

“I think we should attack, even if we don’t have a full battle, it’s okay to test it out.”

“Don’t we have archers? I think they are of very high level. Let them harass them.”

“The cavalry exists for the final word, not for harassment!”

Suye glanced at the general.

The generals expressed their opinions one after another, but more than half of the generals did not speak, and there was a cloud of lead under their eyelids.

The generals who spoke were either opposed to today’s offense, or only tentative and harassed.

Suye shook his head slightly.

Miltiades suddenly said: “Suye, since you shook your head, tell me your opinion.”

Everyone looked at Suye, and some of them were smiling.

Suye almost rolled his eyes at Miltiades. These Old Guys are really not good things.

“I only see the single king flag.”

Suye looked at the center of the covering the mountains and plains. Hundreds of giant elephants were like moving wheels, carrying a wooden palace.

Outside the main entrance of the palace, a dark black royal flag with gold rim was erected.

Miltiades nodded, said: “Intelligence shows that Xerxes led a 2,000,000 army first, and Gilgamesh set off afterwards. However, Gilgamesh’s army stopped at the fork in the valleys of Oluson, Plow and Tempe, not at all chose to attack Plow. Guan is still Tempe Valley. He should be waiting for news from Xerxes.”

Suye slowly said: “It’s just a trifling Xerxes. My opinion is very simple, ready to attack! In any case, we must take the initiative to battle and win today’s battle. We, let the whole world and even Gods know, here It’s Greece, this is Greece’s Greece! Any enemy who dares to invade Greece will suffer a devastating blow! No enemy can show off on the Earth of Greece, no!”

“Okay!” Miltiades suddenly stretched out his hand, took out a rough gray black magic horn, and blew it himself.


Weird magic sounds spread throughout the entire Puluoguan, everyone at first seemed to be in a nightmare, their bodies were suppressed by invisible forces, and then, as if cold water poured down their heads, their bodies were involuntarily shivered, spirit inspired, Attention has become highly hit, and the entire world seems brighter and clearer.

The sound of the horn continued to spread outwards, and after leaving the Puluoguan, the power changed, as if it was Devil’s life-killing sound.

Suddenly, in the Persia army on the opposite side, the drum of war sounded.

Above the sky, white clouds are tumbling, and the sun shines everywhere, as if the gods are fighting in the clouds.

“Greek, line up, attack!” Miltiades straightened his chest tall, his deep voice spread throughout the fortress.

“Line up!”

“Line up!”

The teams from all over the city gather, line up neatly, and walk out of the city along the city gate.

The Legion cavalry were all mobilized. The hundred thousand cavalry quickly put on their belligerent gear, led the horse, and walked out of the station slowly.

In the end, all the regular warriors and Magicians in the city came out, and only some soldiers will stay behind.

The cavalry Legion stayed under the big soil slope in the city.

The cavalry held the reins tightly and wiped the sweat from their hands from time to time.

They were upright and their eyes were firm, but everyone’s breathing was messy.

This is the first formed cavalry Legion in the history of Greece and the largest pure cavalry Legion in the history of Human.

This is also the first time this Legion has played.

The history of Legion is less than half a year.

They don’t know what they are facing after rushing out of Puluoguan, whether they are winning, or being submerged by Persian’s vast ocean.

They are worried, they are anxious, but not afraid.

There are more than half of the generals on the city wall. The warrior and Magician of the overwhelming majority Golden rank have left, and only a few Golden ranks such as Suye are still there.

Euclid is still sullenly creating “Geometric Elements”. The medicine jars around Kabazin are much less, but each medicine jar is wrapped in mist of different colors.

Rockett’s God of War sword and Sea Shield puppets stood behind him, transforming into two two-meter-high Golden puppets.

The Saint Domain warriors are empty-handed.

The crowd watched 150,000 Greek infantry slowly walk out of the fortress.

Suye took out piece after piece of Saint Domain Magic Tool from Ring of Space and put it on her body.

At first, only a few people watched. Later, all the people on the city wall stared at Suye, forgetting that the soldiers outside the city wall were moving forward, and they were welcoming Persia with a force of more than 100,000. Army.

Transmission Gate rings, three, worn on the pinkie, ring finger and middle finger of the left hand.

The ring of teleportation, two, worn on the index finger and thumb of the left hand.

The ring of the ice throne, the ring of rock battle armour, and the cloak of shadow are worn on the ring finger, middle finger, and index finger of the left hand, respectively.

Golden Magician is still not satisfied with two rows of magic rings, but has been able to wear three more.

On the right hand, there are also eight shiny rings, all of which are offensive magic.

Although creating magic cannot be made into Magic Tool, every offensive magic is powerful enough.

Two rings of the gaze of death, a pair of material dissociation rings, a Banshee weeping ring, a chain lightning ring, a blizzard ring, and a gale gun ring.

Wearing a black force field robe, weakens all external attacks.

The waist is a belt of resistance. In addition to Niederne’s ancestral Demon Ox Rope, there is also a small double puppet hidden in the belt, worth 2,000,000 golden eagle.

Two Wristguards have additional holy light dispersal and dark sanctions respectively.

The Saint Domain-class strongest Protection Magic, Holy Tree fortress is sealed in the necklace.

Suye didn’t seem to notice anyone’s sight, so after thinking about it, he took out another chest ornament and put it on his chest.

Thinking about it again, and took out two exactly the same bras.

“Death magic protection, in case of one, would you wear three at once?” Euclid could not calm down to write a book, flustered and exasperated.

However, Su did not stop either, took out a black magic hat and put it on his head.

The magic hat is inlaid with a dozen magic gems, which are shiny and vulgar.

The warriors are not doing well, but the Magicians are stunned.

“Someone really bought this spirit immunity cap? 300,000 golden eagle! The value of a medium Legendary equipment! Typical Golden and Saint Domain can’t afford it. Legendary doesn’t need it.”

“This hat is famous?” Meders asked curiously.

“It is more than famous, it is simply researched by a group of lunatics. They calculated that as long as they are paired with enough magic gems to form a strong interference position, any spirit attack under Legendary cannot penetrate this hat. Even Legendary Part of the spirit-like magic of Grandmaster does not affect people wearing hats. It was good at first, but it was built, but it was found to be wrong, because the cost was too high. Then the guys brace oneself made it and it cost a full 300,000 golden Eagle. They sold 400,000 at first, and no one bought it. Later, it was reduced to 300,000 cost price. It has been on the magic market in Athens for five years. Now, it is in Suye’s head.” Rockett said helplessly.

Magicians are envious and jealous, who doesn’t want this hat? Can’t afford it.

Faust didn’t know whether to cry or laugh and said: “Suye alone is worth the total wealth of the entire Saint Domain family.”

“No way…”

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