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At the end, Larens suddenly raised his voice.

“I want to announce a very important thing!”

All the students hurriedly raised their heads and looked towards the serious Larens.

“Battle of Marathon, just a prologue.”

“The Solon speech is just a prologue.”

“Even the Dead Spirit power that everyone knows now may be just the prologue.”

“We live in a turbulent era.”

“As Suye said, a peaceful life makes us think that we are on a boat but forget that we are at sea.”

A large number of students looked at Suye.

Their eyes are full of envy. Not only did they have such a great feat before, but at such a young age, they already have a famous saying that can be quoted by Saint Domain Master.

Those freshmen in the first grade have their eyes brightened, looking at Suye with admiring eyes.

In their minds, Suye is already an influential figure similar to Plato.

Aristotle is incomparable!

Larens continued: “The signs from all sides show that Persian will not give up. After the Marathon, they not only did not give up, but instead stepped up their combat readiness. Not surprisingly, they are already on the way to the Long March.”

“Egyptian will not stand by. They are afraid of the development of Greece and have secretly acted together with Persian. Once the Persia army wins the initial victory, Egypt will definitely go north to Crete and participate in the containment of Greece.”

“We not only have external contradictions, but internal contradictions are becoming increasingly acute. Some criminal leaders only see themselves and only their own family, but forget the well-being of all Athens and Greece. Such people, as Suye said, Will be thrown into the garbage heap of history.”

The students simultaneously looked at Suye again.

Some teachers are looking thoughtful. It seems that the Academy’s intentions are a bit obvious.

Suye didn’t say a word, and looked ahead quietly.

“However, both external and internal problems cannot be solved in a day. Rome was not built in a day. This is not what Suye said.”

The teachers and students all smiled heartily.

“Next, we must abandon luck, prevent carelessness, and make long-term preparations. I believe that Plato Academy and everyone present are the future of Greece and the entire world!”

Larens then explained the specific situation of the Academy, and each class returned to the classroom one after another.

Everyone is seated, Niederne walks into the classroom with a serious face.

The noise in the classroom stopped instantly.

Some classmates looked at him restlessly.

“Larens Master’s words are not alarmist. I believe that some students who are concerned about the world situation have discovered that the world is changing. All the signs we know show that this year may be the best in the next decade One year.”

The students were silent.

“I especially like Suye’s words, success is not important, failure is not important, what is important is what we can learn from success and failure, what is important is that we ask the reasons for success and failure, and then act. So , I hope everyone will not regard the changes in the future as difficulties, but as challenges, as our ascending ladder, as a force to help us learn and progress.”

The students kept nodding their heads.

The originally dark classroom gradually became clear.

“In addition, after this holiday, Suye must have achieved new results. Let’s continue to prepare for a new grass lecture this afternoon. This time, you decide what to talk about.”

The students laughed and looked at Suye.

Suye’s face is dumb.

Anyway, when the time comes, it’s awkward. Anyway, I don’t have any illusions about Niederne.

The morning class ends soon.

After lunch, Suye did not go to the third grade classroom, but found Niederne and went to a small sect room nearby.

Earth, fire, wind and water four elements four teachers specializing in strengthening creation are all there, and the Fire Attribute Magic Association even sent a Saint Domain Master.

Suye secretly smacked his tongue, the Fire Attribute Magic Association has really lost its blood.

After a brief introduction, the two parties conducted discussions and exchanges, and finally finalized the details of the lecture time and direction.

From now on, Suye will learn magic creation here every afternoon. At present, she mainly learns to strengthen the creation of magic materials, and minors in compensation enhancement.

However, at Suye’s request, he will occasionally add a basic knowledge of combination creation.

In the second class in the afternoon, Suye first learns the magical enhancement of Fire Attribute magic.

Fire Attribute Saint Domain Master Hakadi teaches Suye very seriously, and even with the help of the expensive Magic Tool, he often conducts image demonstrations to make the learning process more vivid and intuitive, and the learning effect is greatly improved.

As for the other teachers, they teach step by step, but what they teach is the core of the strengthening of the magic materials of each department.

Even if there are so many innate skills now, the body will not tire easily. After a few classes, Suye is still a little giddy.

Fortunately, there are summer make-up classes, otherwise I would not understand it at all.

When it was time for the self-study class, Suye reluctantly gave the first grass class in the new school year.

This time the grass teaches, Suye did the opposite. The content of the class seems to be completely opposite to what Larens said in the morning.

Throughout the class, Suye used data and graphs to lengthen the history of Human, and used a larger scale, broader perspective to explain one thing.

Human has been making continuous progress. Human has been getting better and better for so many years, so the future of Human will be better and better.

All difficulties and dangers are only temporary. Growth and progress are the eternal of Human.

In this class, the students were inspired by spirit and full of confidence.

After finishing the grass class, everyone discussed the future together. The atmosphere was enthusiastic and every student became more active.

Except for Albert, who didn’t say a word.

As soon as school was over, Suye went straight to the Dwarf workshop and asked about porcelain and papermaking.

I haven’t been here for several days.

Suye walked and watched, and soon saw something familiar.

Part of the porcelain is very dark in color, with a grainy inside, but the surface is smooth, like pottery with a layer of enamel.

And these porcelains are very thick and very large.

In the eyes of the craftsman, these are failures.

However, Suye was very happy and asked some artisans to change the research direction and develop these coarse porcelains specifically.

After Suye’s explanation, the craftsmen realized that those delicate porcelains can be used as tableware, but they are not suitable for large containers.

These coarse porcelains are very thick, stronger, and low-cost. They are especially suitable for large containers, and because of their low cost, they can be used by more civilians.

Suye went to look at papermaking again.

The process of papermaking is basically determined, but the quality of the finished product is only a little better than coco-grass paper. The craftsmen are satisfied, but Suye and Magician think it is unqualified, and demand to continue to improve the process and continue research.

After reading papermaking, Suye was about to go home when she received a surprise magic letter and hurried to the porcelain workshop.

A new batch of porcelain from the kiln is placed on the table. The quality of this batch of porcelain from the kiln is far better than before!

This is why the craftsman came to Suye.

At the same time, another porcelain kiln has been opened, and the white porcelains in the kiln are all arranged simultaneously.

Then, the bracket holding the porcelain was slowly slid out of the porcelain kiln under the action of the magic pulley.

The clear sound, like ice cracking, sounded endlessly, like a wind chime ringing, pleasing to the ear.

“This is… the sound of the opening of the kiln…”

Suye didn’t expect that with the help of Alchemy, the craftsman’s progress was so great.

Afterwards, other magic porcelain kilns opened one after another, and a large number of porcelain wares came out of the kiln.

Because porcelain clay contains different ingredients, different porcelains show different colors.

However, except for the lack of patterns, all these porcelains meet the standards of Suye in mind porcelain.

Round, smooth, full of the beauty of hard to describe.

The craftsmen and Magicians present were almost dumbfounded.

This batch of porcelain is simply synonymous with beauty.

If the porcelain hadn’t just left the kiln, they would definitely rush to touch it.

Soon, everyone went to take a shower, changed into a new set of clothes, and began to observe and identify the porcelain.

Finally, the craftsmen single out the one third finished product with few defects and place it in front of Suye.

Suye nodded lightly.

The audience cheered, and some craftsmen even shed tears.

A few months of hard work finally yielded results.

Although the yield rate is not high, since Suye nodded, it means that the direction is right.

Next, just continue to improve the process.

At this time, Vice-President Nader of the Plato chamber of commerce hurried over and watched the exquisite porcelain go into a frenzy.

Suye asked: “How long do we need to increase the yield to over 80%?”

After discussing with the Magicians, the craftsman and the Magician came to a result that satisfies Suye, at most one month.

“Okay, then, during this month, you need to step up your research on colored glaze. The price of porcelain is not only affected by quality, but also by color and pattern. Of course, you are already good, but you need to improve.” Suye hopes To some poorer polychrome.

“So, can we expand the porcelain kiln?”

“Yes! We want to make the Plato workshop the best porcelain production place in Greece and the world. Nader, next we will recruit a large number of craftsmen for training. At the same time, we will establish three different brands of high, middle and low. As before, high-end brands are only manufactured in Plato Academy.”

“No problem! No problem! In other words, 1 month later, we can sell porcelain?” Nader asked excitedly.

“Yes, now we are starting to determine the style of the first batch of porcelain. We want this batch of porcelain to shock all Athens, then Greece, and finally the world!”

“Absolutely! Absolutely! I can almost see that the whole world’s Golden is flowing to Plato Academy, it is wonderful, it is wonderful!”

“The acquisition of the horse farm is going well, right?” Suye asked.

“Very smoothly. All the golden eagles have been exhausted. Next, I will wait for the first cavalry battle. I really hope that the Persia army will make the same mistake and land again from the Marathon Plain. There is really a treasure place for cavalry. ”

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