Chapter 96 The Five Leaders

“It really is the Purple Wind Building.” Su Li muttered, but did not speak, but stared at Xu Haihai in front of him. Under his eyes, Xu Haihai was a little uneasy.

Su Li is stronger than Chen Xiangyu, Xu Haihai sees it, and he is a little afraid of Su Li.

“I originally lived in the Zifeng Mansion.” Xu Haihai continued: “When I woke up in the morning on the 15th, I found that the city was flooded. Fortunately, the Zifeng Mansion was high enough and eight floors were not flooded. I remember that there were twenty-three survivors who were still alive, and everyone quickly organized themselves, trying to find out the cause and seek rescue.”

“The encounter in the next few days was like a nightmare. Countless monsters appeared endlessly. Everyone died or became stronger, and the survivors from other buildings around were also drifting over because of the purple wind. The building is the most famous in this area and has attracted the attention of all parties.”

Su Li nodded slightly. He remembered that although the Zifeng Building was the highest in this area, there were many buildings over 30 stories within a kilometer or two around the Zifeng Building, but none of them were as high as the Zifeng Building. It is very likely that people from the building will go to the Zifeng Mansion. If it weren’t for the distance of three kilometers, they would have rushed to the Zifeng Mansion a long time ago.

“In short, the number of people gathered in the Zifeng Building has been increasing. Although some people will die, the total number has been increasing. Now it is estimated to exceed 30 people. I don’t know the exact number.”

“As the number of people is large, the supplies will inevitably be in short supply. Although the meat of these monsters can be eaten, it seems to have a great side effect. Sending everyone around to collect supplies and transport them back to the Zifeng Mansion. If there are people who resist, the female will take it back, which is considered a great achievement, while the male will be killed.”

Listening to Xu Haihai’s words here, Su Li understood why Ni Jianrong had acted on them before.

“Is this Chen Xiangyu also one of the leaders?”

Xu Haihai nodded and said: “Yes, there are five leaders among them. They are the strongest and the most cruel among all. Chen Xiangyu is one of these five.”

At this moment, Gong Xiao also walked slowly. Hearing this, he slightly nodded and said: “The Zifeng Mansion where so many people gather, there are all kinds of monsters outside, and there is a shortage of supplies. There is almost no way out. It is almost the end of the world. In this world without legal restraint, morality disappears. Under this circumstance, the law of the jungle will inevitably appear. Respect the strong, and if you are not cruel, you may not be a leader.”

A wry smile appeared on Xu Haihai’s face. He glanced at Gong Xiao before saying: “Maybe you are, you are lucky. Fortunately, you didn’t show up in the Zifeng Building.”

“What do you mean by that?” Gong Xiaoqiao’s face sank slightly, and Dan Feng’s eyes flashed with cold light.

Xu Haihai said: “Do you know why I just said that it was a great achievement to catch a woman? Do you know why we didn’t think about killing your women from the beginning? Because Zifeng Mansion lacks women, I don’t know why. In short, among the survivors, the number of women is very small. The total number of people in Zifeng Building has broken through at least 30, but women only account for five, and the male to female ratio is almost six to one.”

Gong Xiaoqiao’s face paled slightly, she was not stupid, and she naturally understood what such a male-to-female ratio meant.

“You also said that now there are no legal restrictions, and in this world where tomorrow and hope are almost invisible, morality is almost non-existent. At this time, those animals who usually look like dogs are exposed. It’s a man or a ghost. Only in this case can I know. Do you know what happened to the five women in Zifeng Mansion?”

Xu Haihai’s eyes gradually turned red again, his hands slowly formed into fists, and his whole body was trembling slightly. When he said this, his voice was hoarse and his throat was trembling slightly, and the following words could not be said.

When Su Li and Gong Xiao saw this, they faintly understood something, and they felt a hint of coolness in their hearts.

Perhaps only under such extreme circumstances can the ugliness of human nature be fully exposed.

Gong Xiao glanced at Su Li again, suddenly rejoiced and grateful.

If it weren’t for Su Li’s presence today, maybe she and Xu Xuehui would both be caught in the Purple Wind Building, then she couldn’t imagine what kind of experience she would face, she would be palpitated as long as she thought about it, and her whole body would be trembling.

It took a long while before Xu Haihai breathed out a breath and hissed: “I must kill those animals headed by them. Chen Xiangyu is dead, and there are four more.”

Su Li said: “You hate them so much, is it that among the five women…”

Xu Haihai’s excitement and hatred for Chen Xiangyu are absolutely impossible purely because of his sense of justice. The greatest possibility is that some of the five women have a relationship with him.

Su Li’s question made Xu Haihai stiff, and then his face became bloodless, as if it was difficult to face this problem, but in the end he nodded very mechanically and said: “Yes, one of them… she My name is Zhang Ying. Her family and mine are neighbors next door. We have always been in a good relationship. She studied at the same university. She is from the Department of English, and I am from the Department of Architecture. Both she and I have just graduated this year… ”

When he said this, a slight smile appeared on his face, as if he recalled the good old days: “She is very beautiful and kind-hearted. Others laughed at me for being too cowardly and a coward. Even my dad scolded me for not looking like a man. ”

He raised his head when he said that, with a smile on his face, but the smile was very bitter: “Do you know? Because I am thin and short. Since I was studying, I was often bullied and blocked by senior students. Protection fee, but…”

“But Zhang Ying has never disliked me. She is still willing to be friends with me. She treats me very well and often takes care of me. I… I like her very much… But I am very inferior and dare not dare all these years. Confess to her…”

“When I finally made up my mind and decided not to be a coward anymore, I will be a brave man in the future. I bought gifts with my pocket money and decided to confess to her the next morning. Suddenly something like this happened. The city was submerged and the whole world changed. Many people in Zifeng Building became beasts. They… They caught Zhang Ying… They took her right in front of me. , I watched Zhang Ying crying and struggling, right in front of me… But I did not dare to speak, dare not stand up, and even shrank my own body into a dark corner, afraid of being seen by them. Zhang Ying saw…”

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