Chapter 854 one enemy three (second more seeking subscription)

Dafa Shen shook his head secretly. Such a result was as early as his expectation. Su Li wanted to release Yuan Yan on bail. Under the current circumstances, it was almost impossible.

Su Li slowly stood up and said: “I want to bail Yuanyan because the old human race Sacred killed into the Green Linbu tribe. There is a reason. Ability God attacked the old human race members. I was also one of the victims. I have a big fate, how can I stand here today? Although Yuan Yan’s approach is not tolerant of the law, it is pitiful, and should have received a light sentence.”

“According to the rules of the Sacred court, Sacred who can receive a light sentence can be released on bail as long as he is no longer harmful to all races. The Dharma God should deal with it according to his own circumstances. Sex, and I, as a holy god, I would like to vouch for it. It is not merciful, but the law is nothing more than human affection. For an old man with little life span…do you really have no mercy? Sit and watch him die in this prison?”

When Su Li said this, his eyes slowly showed a terrible majesty, and he slowly swept across the faces of the God of Law, the God of Criminal Law, and the God of Civil Law. When he came into contact with the three Dharma Gods in his eyes, his heart was shocked. .

“There is one of the rules of the Sacred court. The Mortal Realm clans, all Sacreds, have enmity, and cannot seek revenge privately, but they can choose to march in the form of engagement, as long as both parties are willing, all Sacreds , Including our God of Law, I am Suli, today we will formally make an appointment with the God of Law, God of Criminal Law and God of Civil Law.”

“Of course, you can refuse.” When Su Li said that, he looked back at the god of Si Zhao, and said: “After these three gods refused, you remember to make this matter known to the world. By the way, make three more plaques and hang them on The Law Hall, the Criminal Law Hall, and the Civil Law Hall.”

Si Zhao Shendao: “My lord, what is written on this plaque?”

“Cowards, scumbags, fear of dead ghosts, pustules, etc., you can just write them, or make a few more pieces and hang them on alternately.”

The two sang and made a peace, saying that the God of Law and the God of Criminal Law had pale faces, and the God of Civil Law was so angry that their chests were ups and downs violently. It’s hard to say who wins and who loses when I fight for a fight?”

Su Li laughed and said, “Well, even a female generation dare to fight, God of Law and God of Criminal Law, how about you? Don’t dare to fight?”

The God of Law’s face became gloomy, and Zu Li’s move was indeed ruthless.

Among the many rules of the Sacred court, there is indeed such a rule that if there is a deep hatred between Sacreds that cannot be resolved, in order to prevent these Sacreds from seeking revenge in private and causing more casualties, there is such a rule, that is, the agreement can be made public. War, of course, this kind of battle can only be carried out with the consent of the other party.

He can completely ignore or refuse the contract that Zuli just made, but if Zuli really asks Si Zhaoshen and others to put on different plaques every day to humiliate his temple of law, even if he refuses the fight, it is in accordance with the rules. Yes, Zuri has nothing to do with them, but they will surely become the laughing stock of The Mortal Realm.

“Sacred Law God… You deceived people too much…” The Criminal Law God couldn’t help it.

Su Li laughed, stretched out his hand and pointed directly at them, and said, “Don’t be afraid. This time I am going to meet the three of you at the same time. You are three to one. You don’t dare to do this?”

“Three to one?” Everyone was taken aback, and even the more and more gods who were guarding the prisons who had gathered around opened their eyes wide, with an incredible expression on their faces, and then slowly turned their eyes to the gods of the law. And the face of the criminal god.

The God of Criminal Law can read the meaning in the eyes of everyone. If they are still afraid to fight in a three-to-one situation, let alone that this face is simply thrown at the grandmother’s house. Even the God of Criminal Law, I’m afraid they will have no face to do it again. Go down.

This Su Li is indeed cruel, but he is too crazy, dare to fight one against three?

“Su Li, you are too crazy. If you can defeat us by one enemy three, I will be the first to agree with this bail incident!”The eyes of the God of Criminal Law were faintly red, and his city was not as deep as the God of Law. With one-to-one, he was really a little bit embarrassed about Zuli, and he didn’t dare to easily agree. But with three to one, this can’t win, then they really live on dogs for so many years.

Although Zuri had an amazing record of defeating the three pinnacle gods of the Dark Temple with one enemy and three, he and the law god are not ordinary pinnacle gods. Most pinnacle gods like Tianjue God are of the same level. The ultimate mid-level combat power in the middle, and the criminal law god, has the ultimate high-level combat power, otherwise he would not be able to stand out from a group of peak gods and become the high-ranking criminal law god among the nine magic gods.

As for the God of Law, the God of Criminal Law knows him well, and he hides it deeply. His true strength is not much weaker than that of a 30th-level Limit God like Dafa God.

As for the Civil Law God, although she is also a pinnacle God, the Criminal Law God did not count her at all.

Now that the God of Civil Law and the God of Criminal Law have agreed, only the God of Law is left.

The God of Dafa and the God of Justice looked at each other, and indeed he didn’t expect that Su Li would come such a hand. It seemed that he knew the God of Law and they would oppose it from the beginning, and then they would persecute them through a battle.

However, Dafa God still opposes Su Li’s daring to fight one against three, and he is secretly anxious, but it is too late to stop him now. He understands that Su Li is afraid that he has fallen into the pit of the Law God.

This god of law does not show mountains and dews, and looks like an ordinary peak god. It seems that the combat power is relatively moderate, but in reality, this man is extremely terrifying. He is a fighting genius, at least he is also a final high-level combat power, and even faintly close to the top. The level of, really is going to be right, even Dafa God himself dare not say that he will surely defeat the Law God, but Su Li’s strength is obviously not as good as himself, and he even dares to boast of going to Haikou, one enemy three.

“This Su Li, he probably regards the God of Law as a general pinnacle god.” Dafa God looked anxious, and immediately focused his own voice into Zu Li’s ears, reminding him of the terrible God of Law. It is very likely that the true strength will not be inferior to him, so that Zuli will give up the battle.

It’s a pity that Su Li just smiled at Dafa God without responding.

The God of Law stared at Su Li silently for a while. Originally, he didn’t plan to pay attention to Su Li’s crazy behavior. He had a very good mentality. No matter how Su Li had trouble, he only needed to get stuck and disagree with bail. But I didn’t want the Civil Law God and the Criminal Law God to be irritated, and even agreed, and now I was left alone.

At this time, if I don’t agree anymore and don’t tell me what others think, I’m afraid that even the criminal gods of the same faction will be dissatisfied with him.

Secretly sighed, Su Li played really beautifully with this hand, in this case, he couldn’t refuse.

Fortunately, he has a thousand fortunes, but he hasn’t calculated that own’s true strength is not just an ordinary pinnacle god on the bright side.

This is his fatal mistake.

The God of Law was calm and unhappy Wu You said: “This kind of engagement, replacing the law with a duel, is purely a struggle of will. As the Law God who maintains the order of The Mortal Realm, it can be said that this is one This is extremely naive and immature.”

When he said this, he paused slightly, and Su Li was also startled. Is this guy really so tolerant? He’s already talking about this, he is still unwilling to challenge?

If the God of Law could really endure this way, he really couldn’t think of a way to save Yuan Yan for a while.

The God of Law paused for a while before continuing: “But this time I can agree to your engagement, not because of your naive actions, but for the sake of the old Shenyuanyan. You have a saying that is right. The truth is that the law is not merciful, but the law is nothing more than human affection. The law is cold and merciless, but the spirit of the law has a warmth. Yuan Yan’s life is not much left. It depends on this point, I will give you a chance.”

Seeing that the God of Law also agreed, and in all directions, many of the gods who were watching took a breath, and understood that there was a good show. Zuri challenged the three gods at the same time with one enemy and three. This must be spread. It is bound to cause a sensation.

Su Li looked at the God of Law with a smile on his face, and said: “If all three lose, do you agree to bail the old god?”

The God of Criminal Law said solemnly: “I just said, if this can also be lost to you, I will be the first to agree.”

The God of Law slowly said: “If I lose, I can abstain and don’t object.”

Obviously, he has his own belief and persistence. Even if he loses, he will not approve of bail, but he can abstain.

Su Li knows that the bail rule is that no law god can oppose it. As long as the law god does not oppose it, abstaining from voting will not affect Yuan Yan’s bail.

The Civil Law God yelled: “I also abstained, but I want you to beat us first.”

Su Li ignored her, but looked at the Dafa God, the Judicial God, and the Divine Dao: “According to the bail regulations, as long as there is no objection from the nine magic gods, the bail can be passed. I don’t know where I am. Can these two be considered abstentions?”

Dafa Shen sighed secretly. Seeing that Su Li insisted on fighting the God of Law and the others, he could only nod his head and said: “According to the rules, if there is a God of Law that cannot be contacted, it will be regarded as abstention.”

Su Li hummed and said, “Okay, then as long as I can beat these three, will I be able to bail out Yuan Yan even if I pass my bail application?”

The God of Dafa and the God of Justice looked at each other, then nodded one after another to show their approval.

The God of Law and the God of Criminal Law also nodded in agreement.

“Okay, let’s start now.” Su Li didn’t want to be too wordy, so he wanted to make a quick fight and Ying Yuanyan went home.

The Civil Law God took a step forward, his face was righteous, and there was still an air in his bones.

The Dafa God frowned and said, “This kind of internal discussions between the Fa and God is not suitable for this place. Come with me.”

While speaking, he turned and walked outside.

The other gods and subordinate gods all followed, and soon walked out of this building, Dafa god moved towards the subordinate gods: “You all stay here, and this time of discussion, it must be kept secret, if anyone It’s passed out, and it will never be merciless.”

As he spoke, he looked at these gods with majesty, and when he saw Dafa gods getting serious, these gods were busy nodding their heads and didn’t dare not obey them.

After Dafashen gave a warning, he rose into the air and walked toward the void of Sacred’s court.

After that, the God of Justice, God of Law, God of Criminal Law, God of Land Law, God of Civil Law, and Zuri followed one after another. As for the God of Si Zhao and other subordinate gods, they could only look forward to it and dare not follow.

Dafa God does not want the process of this battle to be seen by others, let alone spread it out. In fact, no matter who wins or loses, this battle is disgraceful to the Sacred court, and even allows outsiders to see the disagreement of the Sacred court. Harmony, serious internal fighting.

He didn’t think that Su Li used this method to bail Yuan Yan, but at the moment, it seems that there is no better way.

He doesn’t want to spread it out. In fact, he doesn’t want Su Li to lose in front of everyone. After all, this is a person who has the hope of reaching the top. If the defeat is too miserable, it will inevitably affect him.

For this battle, Dafa God is not very optimistic about Su Li.

The seven Dharma gods continued to ascend into the air, and kept going up, finally reaching the end of the void.

The Dafa God and the Judicial God made a move together and sealed up the space above this, mainly to prevent anyone from peeping at the course of the battle from a distance.

After that, the Gods of Dafa, the Gods of Justice, and the Gods of Earth Law retreated to a distance. The audience in this battle was the only three of them.

Su Li levitated at the end of the void, looking at the God of Law, the God of Criminal Law, and the God of Civil Law in front of him.

In his observations, these three are all peak gods at twenty ninth-level, and their combat power at the same level is all of the last class.

“Let’s start!” Su Li’s head was surging, and the Immortal furnace appeared.

The Civil Law God uttered a jealous cry and said: “The two Law Gods don’t need to act first, let me try if he is so powerful and dare to be so arrogant, and treat our Law God as nothing!”

Her eyes opened, and her pupils turned into crimson.

At the same moment, her message data also appeared in Su Li’s mind.

“Name: Holy Apostle of Vientiane, level: 20 ninth-level, Talent: red eyes, reincarnation curse seal, Realm: Vientiane Realm, treasure: ancient beast vessel, evaluation of the same level of combat power: final.”

What she is opening now is the first talent “Red Eyes”, her eyes turned into a blood red, two different ripples appeared in the position of the pupils, and they began to rotate.

Under her red eyes, she can enter a 360-degree observation without blind spots. This red eyes can see the energy flow in any surrounding life, and can even predict the opponent’s moves.

In her red eyes, she immediately saw the energy flow of Su Li’s whole body, and could predict the attack he was about to carry out. This alone made her almost invincible in the battle at the same level. land.

Her Vientiane Realm opened up, and Su Li saw buildings appearing around her, growing, and besieging herself.

A magnificent palace appeared above, manifested in the Vientiane Realm, and pressed down.

The Immortal sacred furnace above Su Li ran into him.

With a loud bang, the magnificent palace above it collided with the Immortal sacred furnace, the Civil Law God took a step, Vientiane Realm launched with all its strength, in all directions, countless buildings appeared, crashing towards Zurich, every building Carrying terrifying energy fluctuations.

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