Chapter 843 This side and the other side (first more seeking subscription)

“How is the senior’s health now?” Su Li asked him concerned when he saw him pale.

“It’s okay, just rest for a while.” Dafa God waved his hand and said, “You come to me, do you have any questions to ask me?”

He knew that Su Li would not come to him casually, since he came, there must be a problem.

Su Li gave a hum, nodded and said: “Yes, the King of God gave me the flesh and blood of the first ancestor of the old human race last time. Weird, like a living creature, I just want to inquire about the first ancestor of the old human race and the mystery.”

Su Li didn’t conceal it, so he said what he was puzzled about, hoping to use the experience of the Dafa God to know what the flesh and blood of this first ancestor was. Faintly uneasy.

The last time I had a problem with my altar, I had to be advised by Dafa God, and I knew what was going on.

The Dafa God showed a contemplative expression before he said, “Is this flesh and blood like a living thing?”

Su Li nodded and said, “So I am also a little confused now. I don’t know how to deal with it. I want to ask senior’s opinion.”

Dafa God tapped his fingers lightly, and said in a deep voice, “If it’s really as you said, I’m afraid it will be a bit troublesome. After all, it has reached the existence of the first ancestor of the old human race. It has completely exceeded our imagination, even if it is us. It can also be regenerated with a little flesh and blood, let alone the first ancestor?”

Su Li was slightly surprised: “Do you mean that the first ancestor will regenerate with this flesh and blood?”

Dafa Shen shook his head and said, “That’s not necessarily true. After all, the first ancestor of the old human race has fallen a long time ago. I just said that this possibility cannot be ruled out, although this possibility is very small.”

“The Yixuan went to the place of exile, why did he get the flesh and blood of the first ancestor there? Did the first ancestor also go to the place of exile?”

“Yes.” Dafa God nodded and said, “There are many legends about the first ancestor of your old human race, but there are different legends about his final destination. Some say that his life is dead, some say that he entered the land of exile, and finally disappeared there. It is also said that the first ancestor of the old human race finally left the world and gained ultimate detachment. In short, there are various legends, but now the Yixuan has obtained his flesh and blood in the exile. Then, it is said that the first ancestor of the old human entered the exile. It should be true, and he may have fallen there, leaving his flesh and blood, and then he may be captured by Yixuan.”

Su Li said, “Where is this place of exile?”

Dafa Shendao: “This world is endless, and there are all kinds of worlds in it, the most famous of which is nothing more than worlds like The Mortal Realm, Heaven, Demon, Dark World, or Purgatory. There are countless creatures in these worlds. , Bred various civilizations and races, but have you ever thought about it, at the end of these worlds, what is it?”Su Li said, “Is it the place of exile?”

Dafa Divine Dao: “It is, it is not. In the legend, there is a sea of ​​chaos surrounding the worlds. There is still a chaos, like the world before the beginning of the world, everything is in a state of chaos, right here. In this chaotic state, there is a continent, which is called the land of exile. The origin of this land of exile dates back to ancient times. It is said that before us, the worlds were not separated, but were one world. At that time, the gods and demons came together. Later, in order to rule this ancient world, the ancient gods and demons fought. This battle caused the ancient world to fall apart and split into countless worlds of different sizes. This slowly evolved into what is today. The Mortal Realm and many worlds such as sky, demon, darkness, etc. In this war between gods and demons, the loser was banished to the Chaos Sea, trapped on the continent of the Chaos Sea, and could no longer leave. Slowly, This continent is called the land of exile.”

“Of course, these are legends, and it is impossible to verify the authenticity. According to the current view, this legend is half true and half false. They are all different, and should be the worlds of the heavens where Innate was born. As for the origin of the place of exile, there is a certain degree of credibility, so Yixuan entered the place of exile a thousand years ago, and everyone thought that he would definitely die there. I thought he would come back alive.”

“Speaking of which, the Fashen King killed him without asking how he left the exile. It’s a pity…” Dafa God was a little regretful.

Su Li said: “The Cultivation Base of the King of God is completely beyond imagination. I think maybe he already knows about the exile, so he won’t be curious.”

Dafa God nodded and said, “This is possible.”

Su Li said: “Senior, you just said about the final whereabouts of the first ancestor of the old human race. One of the legends is that he entered the place of exile. I am curious, why did the first ancestor go to such a dangerous place of exile? Did you mention it?”

Dafa Shen hummed: “It is said that he encountered a life enemy from the Exile Land, and he took the initiative to enter the Exile Land to solve this enemy, but unfortunately he never appeared again in the end.”

“A life enemy from the Land of Exile?” Su Li frowned, thinking that among the first ancestor’s flesh and blood in the Immortal Sacred Furnace, some of the Impurities that were obviously not part of the first ancestor’s flesh and blood had been refined by himself, his mind Suddenly there was a conjecture.

Could it be said that this Impurities actually belonged to the great enemy of the first ancestor?

Perhaps in the distant past, the first ancestor descended to the exile and started a shocking battle with the enemy in the exile. In this battle, the two sides were evenly matched, and they died together, and they all burst into flesh and blood.

Because they were smashed together, the flesh and blood of each other were mixed together. After Yixuan entered the exile, he obtained a part of the flesh and blood of the original ancestor and its arch enemy.

Now in the own Immortal furnace, this part of the Great Enemy of the First Ancestor has been refined, and the rest is the flesh and blood of the First Ancestor.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this possibility is very great.

“Senior, do you know the detailed information about the great enemy of the first ancestor?”

Dafa Shen shook his head and said: “This legend does not go into details. It is only known that this great enemy does not belong to the worlds, but was born in the deepest part of the Chaos Sea, from the land of exile. It is said that once fully grown, it will endanger the worlds. Safety is in danger, so the first ancestors of the old human race will take the initiative to rush into the exile, trying to stifle this danger.”

Su Li was taken aback and said, “So, when the first ancestor shot, this enemy hadn’t fully grown up?”

Dafa God nodded and said, “Yes.”

Su Li suddenly thought of something and said: “Have you all seen the first ancestor of the old human race?”

Dafa God was startled, “Why do you ask?”

“If you haven’t seen it, how can you immediately know that this is the flesh and blood of the first ancestor of the old human race? Then Yixuan knows, the King of Dharma knows it, and you know it.”

Su Li has used the third eye and the ultimate sacred eye to observe the flesh and blood, and failed to capture any information. Some of them cannot understand. Why do these people know that this must be the flesh and blood of the first ancestor?

Dafa God laughed and said: “It turns out that this is the age of the first ancestor of the old human race, which is much earlier than us. How could we have seen it with our own eyes? The breath of the old human race, and secondly, the blood Qi generated when Yixuan used the flesh and blood. The legendary ancestor of the old human race, every time he fights, Blood Qi is overwhelming. This blood Qi represents the beginning of the old human race. The power of the ancestor, coupled with the level of energy contained in this flesh and blood, we all know this legend. Combining these three, only the first ancestor of the old human race can meet it. This flesh and blood can only be left by your first ancestor of the old human race. A bit of flesh and blood.”

But Su Li’s expression became more solemn as he listened to it. He also had a vague sense of the old human aura that Dafa God said before, but the aura was too weak. After the transformation, the unique aura of the old human race disappeared completely, and could no longer be sensed.

After listening to the Dafa God judging the three reasons why the flesh and blood belonged to the first ancestor of the old human race, Su Li felt a little uneasy. After thinking about it, he opened the Immortal furnace, wrapped a mass of flesh and blood in it with energy, and placed it in the Dafa God. In front of.

After ten days of refining in the Immortal furnace, this mass of flesh and blood became more and more alive, like a piece of fresh flesh, with faint images and bloodshots emerging on the surface.

Looking at this piece of flesh and blood, Dafa God’s face suddenly became serious.

“Su Li, this is…”

Su Li slowly said: “This piece of the original ancestor flesh and blood has been refined by me for ten days. Now it is like this. Senior just said that he recognized it as the original ancestor flesh and blood. breath.”

Dafa Shen said, “Now this old human aura has disappeared.”

“Yes…then, is this still the flesh and blood left over from the first ancestor of the old human race?” Su Li asked back.

Dafa God’s face gradually became ugly, and he murmured: “So, I, the Fashen King, and even the dead Yixuan, have all seen away? Isn’t this the flesh and blood of the first ancestor… But, it is not the first ancestor. Flesh, what will it be.”

Looking at the living flesh and blood in front of him, Su Li had already guessed some answers in his heart, and even knew what the impurities in the so-called first ancestor flesh and blood he had refined over the past ten days.

“Senior, I have a guess.”Dafa God looked at him and said, “Tell me.”

“According to the legend that the senior just said, in the distant past, at the end of the Chaos Sea, there was a great enemy of the first ancestor of the old human race. Kill the enemy before it grows.”

These are what Dafa God has just said. Listening to Su Li’s repetition at this moment, he did not speak, but listened quietly.

Su Li went on to say: “I think the first ancestor should have found this great enemy. There has been a cruel battle between the two sides that we can’t imagine. In this battle, both sides may fall, or even both sides may be crushed. , The flesh and blood flew wildly, extremely cruel, and even the flesh and blood of each other was stained with the flesh and blood of the other party. After the war, one of the flesh and blood of this first ancestor enemy fell somewhere, and after countless years, he was put into exile. The Yixuan of the land has been found.”

“Because this piece of flesh and blood is stained with a little breath of the first ancestor, or some blood Qi, the first ancestor of the old human race was mistaken for the flesh and blood of the first ancestor of the old human race. In these ten days, some of the Blood Qi that belonged to the first ancestor of the old human race was contaminated in this flesh and blood was refined, and the remaining flesh and blood is here, so this flesh and blood no longer has the breath of the old human race.”

Su Li said this in one breath, stopped and looked at Dafa God.

The Dafa statue was stunned. He silently looked at the fresh flesh and blood in front of him, then let out a sigh of relief before saying: “You mean, this is not the flesh and blood of your first ancestor of the old human race, but that… The flesh and blood of the great enemy of the first ancestor in the legend?”

Su Li nodded and said: “Yes, this piece of flesh and blood gives me an unspeakable feeling of anxiety, and even a feeling… It is not that Yixuan found it, but it chose Yixuan and used Yixuan. , Get out of the place of exile.”

This kind of statement made Dafa God’s face change, and he raised his head and looked at Su Li, as if he had known him for the first time.

If everything Su Li said is true, then this piece of flesh and blood is equivalent to blinding Yixuan, himself, and even the King of the Law God.

“Zuli, do you know? If what you guess is true, then the origin of this piece of flesh and blood is amazing.”

Seeing Su Li looking at him, Dafa God’s emotions became a little ups and downs, closed his eyes slightly, took a deep breath, opened his eyes again, calmed down the ups and downs, and said: “In the legend, about this beginning Grand Enemy Ancestor, although there is no detailed information, there is another saying about the Chaos Sea and the Land of Exile.”

He paused for a while before continuing: “There is a saying that the worlds we live on are this shore, and this shore is the world of birth and death. Therefore, we living creatures on this shore will have birth, old age, sickness and death. How amazing you are, you will decay and perish if you suppress all races in all realms.”

“At the end of the Chaos Sea, there is the opposite shore opposite this shore. It is also called the Baltic or Porzanian world. Of course, there is also a saying that the place of exile is actually the other shore, which is the opposite of our shore. There is no birth and death, the creatures on the other side, neither birth nor death…”

As Dafa God said, he looked at the flesh and blood again, and muttered: “Combine your guess with the legend. The great enemy of the first ancestor of the old human race may be the immortal creature on the other side, just like the flesh and blood in front of you. , Even after endless years, this piece of flesh and blood is still so alive, it seems to have life.”

Su Li listened silently, and felt a faint vibration in his heart. Thinking back to the ten-day experience of refining this flesh and blood, the more he refines, the more he feels the strange and magical of this flesh and blood. It is almost like a living thing, and even the loss of energy can continue. recover.

Could it be that this piece of flesh and blood is really a creature with endless life, immortality, and the legendary world of the other shore and Bo Zun?

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