Chapter 829

In the end, the huge woman turned into pink fragments in the sky, flying in all directions, a pink energy seed appeared in her body, slowly flying towards Xu Xuehui.

Xu Xuehui was still unconscious, the energy seeds melted into her body and disappeared.

The huge woman was completely turned into pink fragments, slowly gathering towards Xu Xuehui in the void, like a pair of open arms, hugging Xu Xuehui, like a mother caring for her favorite child.

This is her last tenderness.

When all the fragments disappeared, this dilapidated world slowly recovered. The giant cocoon formed on the outside of Su Li’s body shattered, and the originally broken body reunited, faintly exuding a bright light.

Just now, his soul and body were reshaped, and his muscles, bones, heart, brain, kidney, spleen, and lungs completed Immortal Sacred. The remaining skin, blood, liver, stomach, gallbladder, eyes, and muscles were not ten times. Strengthening, without special abilities, is still the ultimate Sacred, unable to transform.

But every organ that has not been Immortal Sacred is fused with a large amount of energy fragments. Su Limingbai, this is a huge woman who survived. In the future, he only needs to strengthen these remaining parts and organs to the limit of ten times. Able to activate these energy fragments, transform the ultimate Sacred, and be promoted to the Immortal Sacred level.

Slowly opening her eyes, the huge woman has completely disappeared. In this space, a trace of sadness and worry remains faintly, and it will not go away for a long time.

Su Li turned to look at the huge face floating in the void, motionless, a huge face, full of tears, it seemed to be extremely sad.

There was a slight astonishment in his heart, and Su Li faintly moved. Could it be that this huge face… admires the huge woman?

Standing up slowly, watching Xu Xuehui who was floating beside her was still in a coma, she could vaguely feel that there were unusual energy fluctuations in her body.

Su Limingbai, the giant woman planted an energy seed into Xu Xuehui’s body when she finally fell. In the future, if Xu Xuehui can make this energy seed germinate and grow step by step, she may eventually grow to reach the Realm of a giant woman.

Stretching out his hand, he gently hugged Xu Xuehui who was sleeping. Su Li looked up at the void, feeling the sorrow and dissatisfaction remaining in the void. He understood that this was the last ray of concern for the huge woman, and she was worried. Xu Xuehui cannot rest in peace.

“Senior, don’t worry…I won’t let her suffer any harm, as long as I’m here…no one!”

Following his words, the lingering emotions that remained in the void finally gradually dissipated. It seems that the “she” in the dark, rest assured, “she” can finally… rest in peace!

There is nothing left here, Su Li hugged Xu Xuehui and flew towards the gap above.

Soon he flew out of the gap at the end and returned to the original world full of countless gears.

The cyan ground here showed cracks, and the cracks continued to grow and extend. All the gears collapsed and shattered, and there were endless gear fragments above them crashing down.

The entire gear world is being destroyed.

They existed because of the huge woman, and now the huge woman rests in peace, they will eventually return to nothingness.

Su Li didn’t stop, holding Xu Xuehui, holding Sacred Realm open, resisting the smashing gear pieces from the sky, and flying towards the outside at extreme speed.

The huge face Yu Tu, tried to wipe her tears with a pair of small hands, but the result was tears all over her face.

In the end, it also left here with endless nostalgia and sadness.

As Su Li, Xu Xuehui and Yu Tu left one after another, this space finally became silent.

After a long time, in this endless emptiness and darkness, a beam of light lit up.

The light gradually became blazing, extending to both sides, and finally turned into a fuzzy cross shape.

The brilliance rose, and finally filled the entire space, with a bright Sacred aura fluctuating.

“Unexpectedly… it would be like this…”

A deep voice came out from the faint cross light, and this voice was faintly heavy.

Another cold voice interface continued: “…Originally, the Xu family can still persist for a thousand years… There is a thousand years of time… she can just grow up and replace the You Xu family…”

“Now it’s trouble…” the low voice slowly said: “Lost the seal of Youxu… the magic will continue to erode and assimilate… the strategy must be changed…”

An icy voice said: “Now it can only help her grow at the fastest speed…to replace the Youxu family…re-seal the magic 醯…”

“… Almost the entire army of Gabriel did not fall back, and he was also severely injured… As expected of the Xu family… this power… really scares all beings…”

“Only the Xu clan…can seal the devil…it’s a pity…”

These two voices finally slowly disappeared here, the brilliance converged, and this space returned to darkness and turned into dead silence.

Su Li hugged Xu Xuehui who was sleeping, and rushed in the void at full speed, nearly half of his body was Immortal Sacred, his strength was diligent, and his speed became more terrifying.

Marked by a few drops of Sacred’s blood sprinkled before, it quickly soared out of a whirlpool of space debris and landed on a huge rock.

Finally returned to the inner city.

Su Li glanced down at Xu Xuehui who was sleeping, and saw that her breathing was smooth and her heart felt calm.

Without staying any longer, he soon left the inner city and came to the ancient city of Longqiu Mountain.

The ancient city was silent, and I looked up at the gloomy sky. Estimated time, I seemed to have only been in the inner city for a while. In fact, at least two days had passed. It was the night of October 17th.

Although the huge woman had fallen, she was at least free from the endless pain, and Su Li secretly sighed.

The underworld was completely destroyed and ceased to exist, but he felt more and more disgusted with the cross in his heart, and he was still faintly puzzled.

The forces represented by the crosses imprisoned huge women, but according to Yuntang’s words, one year ago, she had seen the King of God of Sacred Court. Among them was a man with a cross pattern on his forehead and told them that Xu Xuehui would be with him. The new people of the old human race appeared together.

“The man with a cross pattern on his forehead known by the King of Fa should be the accomplices of these people who imprisoned the huge woman. They knew Xuehui’s existence from the beginning, but left her in the old human race. Together with the new one, they will survive. What is the purpose?”

Su Li originally thought that the cross-patterned man might be Xu Xuehui’s relatives, old friends, and so on. He was silently guarding her, but he didn’t want to interfere with her free growth, but now it seems that it’s not that simple at all.

“These people may not be at ease with Xuehui at all, or they may have some other purpose.”

Gently put down Xu Xuehui who was sleeping, and Su Li sat down in Lotus Position beside her.

This ancient city of Longqiu Mountain is very quiet and undisturbed. It happens to be a good place for practice.

Su Li’s trip is not small, especially the huge woman who reshapes her soul. The body and soul of her own have merged a large amount of energy that originally belonged to the huge woman in the recasting. Now he needs to hurry up and digest it all, thinking that Self-use.

While protecting Xu Xuehui and waiting for her to wake up, Su Li’s Lotus Position entered the Meditation, Sacred Realm opened up and began to cultivate.

Xu Xuehui slept for ten years before waking up slowly.

Su Li hasn’t been idle in these days, and is helped by the energy of a huge woman. His Sacred Realm, with great diligence, has only ten days, and its range has increased from the original five kilometers to nearly ten kilometers. level.

In addition, he slowly merged the power of heavenly grace and mighty power contained in his left arm with the bones of own Immortal, the power of heavenly grace has been perfectly integrated, the power of heavenly might, It is also being merged.

With the successful integration of the power of grace, he is now able to control the Immortal bones all over his body. The power of Immortal Sacred combined with the power of grace, using Immortal bone as a weapon, the destructive power is amazing.

When Xu Xuehui woke up, Su Li looked at her and suddenly realized that she seemed to be a little older.

When I saw her for the first time, she was just over thirteen years old. One year has passed, and now October is almost over. Two months later, in the new year, she will be fifteen years old.

I didn’t pay much attention before, but now before I know it, Su Li suddenly realizes that the girl has really grown up.

In Su Li’s heart, she has always been regarded as her own Little Sister. Xu Xuehui has given herself too much help along the way. It can be said that without her, she would not have achieved what she is today.

For Xu Xuehui, Su Li was both grateful and pity, thinking that the identity of that huge woman might be her mother, who had experienced endless pain, and now finally was relieved. He was both happy for her and sad for her.

Originally, Su Li thought Xu Xuehui would be sad when she woke up, and when she didn’t want to mention the huge woman herself, she shook her head in confusion, forgetting the memory of her previous trip to the underworld.

Su Li was startled slightly, and then realized that perhaps the huge woman was afraid that she would be stimulated or could not accept it, and temporarily blocked the memories of her previous trip to the underworld.

The huge woman only hopes that Xu Xuehui will grow up happily, but she does not want her to suffer pain and grief due to her own death.

Vaguely able to understand the feelings of the huge woman, Su Li didn’t mention it anymore, just smiled and said: “Girl, we should go back.”

“Oh.” Xu Xuehui nodded, stood up, and then thought of something, stretched out her hand and pointed towards Yuping Peak in the distance, and said: “Would you like to go there and see?”Originally, Su Li mentioned to her before that when she was going to return from the underworld, she went to see the world hanging upside down in another Yuping Peak, but Xu Xuehui slept for more than ten days. Today is the last day of October, and tomorrow will be the opening of the Sacred Tower. day.

Su Li didn’t want to miss it, and decided to enter the Sacred Tower tomorrow. Only with the help of the Sacred Fragments of the Sacred Tower, can he quickly break through and promote.

After experiencing the battle of the underworld, Su Limingbai’s own strength is still too weak. Now the fastest way to increase strength is to promote breakthrough. As long as his own level is reached, he will naturally be able to master more powerful strength.

“I’m going to the Sacred Tower tomorrow. Time is too late. Next time I will go out of the Sacred Tower.”

Once Su Limingbai enters the world of hanging upside down that day, the time on the two sides is different. In case he misses the time to enter the tower tomorrow, he will have to wait another month.

Xu Xuehui said, she had no objection to Su Li’s decision.

After that, Su Li took her and left the ancient city of Longqiu Mountain, flew out of Jiangdong Province, returned to the Seven Fortresses, and sent Xu Xuehui to rejoin Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao and others.

That huge woman planted seeds in Xu Xuehui’s body, Su Liming was white, and Xu Xuehui’s next growth must be amazing. Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao and others may not be as good as her.

The next day, the entrance to the Sacred Tower was opened again.

Zuri passed the entrance and returned to the fourteenth floor of the Sacred Tower.

Returning to the Sacred Tower, first collected 1.2 million spiritual sources, and then challenged. He has been promoted to the twenty first-level. With the top-level power of God, Su Li easily broke the record of the top dark star and won the first place. Choose to enter the fifteenth floor.

In my mind, a message appeared immediately.

“Sacred Tower’s fourteenth floor has been successfully cleared and challenged. The overall ranking is the first. Reward: Sacred Fragment, Ultimate Sacred Essence.”

In response to this message, Su Li’s heart moved slightly. The reward he received this time, except for the Sacred fragments, was no longer the ultimate Sacredization of a certain part of his body, because he had completed Immortal and ultimate Sacredization all over his body. The second time is the essence of the ultimate Sacred.

As the surrounding scenery changed, Su Li appeared on the edge of a beach, and a divine light struck him down, enveloping him.

In this divine light, there is a huge amount of Sacred fragments, which continuously merge into his Realm. In addition, this divine light converges, turns into a light liquid, merges into his body, and slowly converges and merges into his Realm. A group of pure energy, shaped like an energy crystal nucleus, is attributed to his lower abdomen.

This is an extremely huge ultimate Sacred power, and Su Li understands through induction, this is the essence of the ultimate Sacred energy highly compressed and stored in his lower abdomen.

Merging the endless stream of Sacred fragments, the Sacred Realm in Zuri immediately grew to ten kilometers. There was a shock in my mind, and he immediately succeeded in breaking through and was promoted to the twenty second-level breaker.

With the breakthrough, 1.2 million spiritual source energies merged into one and merged with his body, and his large Heavenly Demon dragon body grew again, reaching 6.2 meters.

Two basic enhancements to enhance Blood Essence II Ascension to Blood Essence IV.

Feeling the energy billowing in his body, as long as he strengthens Blood Essence ten times to arouse new special abilities, combined with the energy left by the huge woman stored in it, he can transform the blood from the ultimate Sacred into an Immortal Sacred.

Every time the Immortal Sacred of his body increases, this Immortal power doubles, and the power of his current Immortal Sacred becomes more and more terrifying.

Before his combat power was comparable to a top god, he was helped by a huge woman to complete the Immortal Sacred everywhere, and the power of the Immortal Sacred Furnace was more than twice as powerful. Now he has been promoted to breakthrough to twenty second-level, and he has reached the high-sage cultivation. Base, Su Li has strong confidence in his heart, even if he is a top god now, I am afraid that he is no longer an own opponent.

As for whether or not to fight against the 20-ninth-level peak god, Zuli is still not easy to assess, only the real battle can know the depth.

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