Chapter 824

The cross and the crown giant exploded with terrifying energy almost at the same time, and a white rainbow light almost rose up into the sky, against the red golden light that was covered, the power of this white rainbow light was simply shocking.

With a bang, the Immortal furnace that had fallen was overturned in an instant.

Suddenly, even though Su Li had already guessed the horror of the cross, his mighty power was completely beyond his expectation. With a muffled groan, Immortal Sacred’s heart beat violently, faintly giving birth to the pain that was about to be torn apart.

He staggered and fell back, with blood oozing out of his mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

Although the white rainbow light that erupted from the body of the cross and the crown giant was terrifying, the Immortal Sacred furnace was not broken. The level of this Immortal Sacred was definitely not inferior to the cross and the crown giant in terms of quality.

With a loud shout, the energy above Su Li’s head surging out, the ancient city floating and sinking in it, the ancient temple appeared behind him, and colorful rainbow lights gushing out from his body.

The prayer power of the ancient temple exploded, and the Ascension could increase his various abilities infinitely. The Immortal furnace that had just been overturned made a hum and suppressed it again.

The cross was also ringing, shooting a white rainbow light, holding the Immortal furnace and fighting against it.

Xu Xuehui couldn’t help, so she could only watch nervously from a distance.

Zuli went all out, and the power of prayer in the ancient temple was exerted to its limit. Void Universe, the faint voice of prayer came down. With this kind of prayer power, the power of Immortal sacred furnace in Zuli became stronger and stronger. It is getting bigger and bigger. In a short time, its height exceeds 50 meters, and it is still growing.

The cross also blasted the white rainbow light, against it, no matter how strong the Immortal Sacred Furnace was, it couldn’t fall.

The crown giant that was nailed to the cross seemed to be very painful. It opened its mouth and roared in the white rainbow light, and its body was also bursting with terrifying energy, but it was all absorbed by the cross. Turned into a white rainbow light, used together to resist the Immortal furnace.

Amidst the collision and interweaving of the power of Immortal and the white rainbow light of the cross, the crown giant seemed to be in purgatory, constantly being refined, and the roaring roar became more and more intense.

Its body burst out with the heavy power of First Stage, and it appeared to be more and more powerful, because in this extreme environment, its internal energy was completely detonated, and it gradually had an incredible change.

Zuli went all out, Sacred Realm fully extended and incorporated the cross and the crown giant into the Realm. Sacred’s breath suppressed them in all directions, reducing the power of the opponent, while he was praying, the power of the Immortal Sacred Furnace More and more powerful.

Suddenly, the ancient city with floating loads on top of Su Li’s head flew out, and under his control, he slammed into the cross below.

The Immortal sacred furnace was used to suppress the refining above, and then cooperated with the ancient city collision, the current Suli was getting stronger and stronger, let alone a high-level god, even if the old gods who lived for more than a thousand years came, he would dare to fight.

It was precisely because of his absolute confidence and tyrannical strength that he dared to re-enter the underworld, trying to rescue the huge woman who was trapped and help Xu Xuehui fulfill his wish.

With a “boom”, the ancient city struck the cross sideways from behind.

The white rainbow light blasted from the surface of the cross shook violently. The Immortal sacred furnace took advantage of the momentum to press down and immediately dropped a meter. Cracks appeared on the surface of the huge rock of ten meters square where the cross was inserted.With the effect, Su Li was delighted and directly opened the mirage. With a cry from the inside, the giant stone hammer flew out, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the stone hammer in his hand.

Above the ancient city, the Starry Sky Universe was braced. There was a little Universe’s energy here. At this moment, the starry sky opened and the stars were shining. Under the control of Zuli, Star began to fall downward, continuously moving towards the cross and below. The crown giant smashed.

There was a loud bang, and the stars fell, like thousands of meteors, hitting the cross.

The white light rushing out of the cross fluctuated more and more fiercely. The Immortal sacred furnace suppressed above gradually went down. The distance between the two sides was nearly 100 meters, but now it is constantly shortening.

With a low whistle, Su Li held a stone hammer in his right hand and launched an attack in the air.

After refining the Immortal furnace, Zuri rarely used stone hammers.

Although the stone hammer is connected to his flesh and blood, it is a powerful weapon, but it is still a weapon after all. Zuri believes in own body most now, and his future goal is to build the body into an Immortal’s strongest weapon. Besides, no other weapons are needed.

At this moment, the cross was so powerful that even the Immortal Sacred Furnace could not be completely suppressed. Only then did he think of using the power of the stone hammer.

The right hand gripped the stone hammer, and as soon as he applied force, the sun and moon dragon in his right arm was swallowed and absorbed by the stone hammer. In the next instant, the terrifying energy in the stone hammer was activated and combined with the sun and moon dragon, with a buzzing sound. A thousand-meter-long dragon condenses.

The power of the sun and moon dragon is unified with the energy of the stone hammer, and the Ascension is more than ten times more powerful?

The thousand-meter-long dragon, with its head hanging from the sun and the moon, with its eyes opened and closed, has a world-shaking power, and this piece of void is shaking and shaking slightly.

A dragon claw protruded and pressed down towards the cross and the crown giant.

Although after this strike, the power of the sun and moon dragon stored in the right arm will be exhausted and can no longer be used in a short time, but the power of this strike is really ridiculously powerful. Wherever the dragon claw catches, the void is In shattering, the huge rock of ten meters square inserted in the cross shattered and shattered in an instant.

The dragon claw grasps the cross and the crown giant, and this dragon claw alone is larger than the cross and the crown giant combined.

The white rainbow light blasted from the cross shattered like glass, and the simple armor on the surface of the crown giant’s body was shattering and disappearing.

“Chuck” with a crisp sound, the cross that constantly blasted the white rainbow light, while bearing the power of the Immortal God furnace and the ancient starry sky city above, was caught by the claws of the giant dragon, and finally could not bear it, and cracks appeared.

As soon as this crack appeared, there was an endless “click” sound. The stone on the surface of the cross appeared densely like a spider web with countless cracks, and the stone chips on the surface were peeling and splashing.

A dazzling white light shot out from the stone chips and cracks.

Su Li looked at the surface of the cross cracking. He did not expect that only the surface layer of the cross was made of stone. When the surface layer of stone was crushed and peeled off, the cross that originally looked like a cross made of stone became a cross. A cross formed by the crisscrossing white rainbow light.

Almost at the moment when this rainbow light cross took shape, the crown giant who was struggling and howling suddenly quieted down.

After the stone hammer hit, the kilometer dragon was disappearing, and the sun and moon dragon in Zuri’s right arm was exhausted. It would take at least an hour to wait for it to recover again.

The Immortal Sacred Furnace is slowly being suppressed, and the distance between the two sides has been shortened to 30 meters.

Su Li frowned, and he saw that after the stone material on the surface of the cross was peeled off, the white iridescent cross was fusing into the crown giant’s body.

Soon, the erect white rainbow light passed through the center of the crown giant’s body, and the horizontal white rainbow light penetrated between the arms of the crown giant’s straight outstretched arms.

Its body, combined with this white rainbow light, became one, and it became a huge human-shaped cross.

Almost at the same moment, the white light that had been holding the Immortal Sacred Furnace disappeared. The Immortal Sacred Furnace suddenly went down, with a cry to the ground, covering the cross and the crown giant that had just merged into one below.

Covering the crown giant, the scarlet gold aura exploded. On the surface and inside of the Immortal sacred furnace, a row of scarlet gold gods appeared, and the cross and the crown giant were being refined together.

Although the Immortal sacred furnace covered the crown giant and the cross, Su Li suddenly felt a sense of anxiety. The next second, terrifying energy erupted from the sacred furnace, shaking Su Li’s heart tightly. , There was a hum in his head, and the whole person was dizzy and almost fell into the air.

The chest exploded, bloody and bloody.

The energy of his Immortal heart was too terrifying, the energy exploded, and it directly tore the Immortal muscles in his chest.

Immortal’s muscles and heart are like living things, contracting and recovering quickly, and even the blood that was originally vomited is returning back.

Su Li’s eyes widened and staring straight ahead. In just that instant, the Immortal furnace that had been covered was overturned again, and the crown giant that had merged with the cross was already out of trouble.

The cross of rainbow light that penetrated its body disappeared, and a white rainbow light appeared on its chest that was cross-shaped to appear bloody.

The town of Cross made up its lost heart, and the bloody wound turned into a rainbow light, which happened to condense into a new cross shape on its chest.

This crowned giant, with his head lowered, and the shadow covering his face, had been nailed to the cross, but was finally freed. It had a pair of giant hands closed on its chest.

Su Li slowly backed away, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, showing a solemn expression on his face.

The space suddenly quieted down.

Originally he wanted to get rid of the crown giant, but now it looks like something is wrong.

Xu Xuehui in the distance opened her eyes wide, and her face was also astonished. This change was also beyond her expectation.

“Thanks…Thanks…” Suddenly, the crown giant with his hands folded in front of his chest made an intermittent voice.

The voice was ethereal and ethereal, seemingly real and illusory, then, it raised its head slightly, and the simple and tattered crown on its head was reappearing, turning into divine light, and gradually falling downward.

Everything it once had is returning.

Su Li opened the third eye again, still unable to capture any information about it. He originally wanted to help the crown giant to get rid of it, but now it seems that this is not the case.The crown giant in front of him seemed to absorb the power of the cross and came back to life. There were horrible energy fluctuations in his body. Thank you, just exited, and closed his hands on his chest. One of his right hands suddenly stretched out, across the void, towards Xu Xuehui’s direction. Grab it.

Su Li was alert. Seeing its behavior, his heart was awe-inspiring, and he flickered in front of Xu Xuehui. With a wave of his right hand, the stone hammer was thrown out and turned into a rainbow light, volleying towards the crown giant.

The Immortal sacred furnace that had been overturned once again stood in the air, and the strongest Chijin Qi burst out of it.

The thrown stone hammer fell in front of the crown giant. It stretched out a left hand and pressed it lightly. The powerful stone hammer was blocked by it, like a mud cow entering the sea, becoming silent.

The Immortal God Furnace that Su Li had suppressed again burst into the sky, and instantly reached the top of its head.

The crown giant stretched out his right hand and stretched it upward, and the white rainbow light of a cross spread from its palm, blocking the Immortal furnace.

With a “buzz”, the void vibrated, and it lasted for a long time. The crown giant supported the suppressed Immortal furnace with one right hand.

Su Li’s face was solemn, and he stepped forward. The colorful prayer power in his body burst out again. In his left arm, the power of Heaven’s Grace and Heaven’s might came up. On top of his head, the energy was surging, and the ancient city rose.

The crown giant didn’t seem to want to fight with him, his right hand shook, and one after another cross rainbow light spread from his palm, and the Immortal furnace was shocked and became wobbly and buzzing incessantly.

With every impact, Su Li felt like a blow in his heart, groaning, and staggering.

With a bang, finally, the Immortal furnace was overturned and flew out.

The crown giant stretched out again, trying to hold Xu Xuehui in his hand.

“Death–” Su Li suddenly let out a violent roar, and entered a state of invincibility for eleven seconds. Wunian Xiangyu finally launched with all his strength, and under the void, a huge and incomparable altar appeared.

As the altar appeared, the trembling void suddenly stopped, and all directions suddenly became silent.

Now Zurich is so powerful, the altar has risen, and the power has already reached the terrifying Realm. With only one shot, it immediately bound the crown giant among them, and black figures appeared on all sides, dancing wildly.

Because of the special nature of the crown giant, the black figure that appeared this time became extraordinarily crazy, and the entire altar was shaking. It seemed that the altar wanted the existence of sacrifices, and the excitement jumped to the extreme.

The crown giant was not like the racial god who was sacrificed before. The first reaction was to escape the shackles of the altar. It raised its head slightly, revealing a trace of curiosity.

This altar aroused its interest and made it give up and continue to shoot Xu Xuehui.

A breath of ancient vicissitudes appeared, black silhouettes dancing around, bowed towards the crown giant in the center, the sacrificial ceremony was completed, and at the end of this dilapidated void, a big blood-red tongue appeared.

With the blessing of prayer power, coupled with the incomparable strength of the soul of Su Li, the blood-red tongue summoned this time looked extremely powerful, and it was huge enough to fill the entire dilapidated space with just one shot, and it licked the crown giant below.

The blood-red tongue was too fast, and the crown giant was licked before he could react, but an accident happened at The next moment. The crown giant was not licked away by the blood-red tongue, and a dazzling rainbow burst from the cross-shaped scar on its chest. There was a loud and earth-shaking noise.

Su Li opened the Sacred Realm and kept backing up to protect Xu Xuehui.

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