Chapter 814

The inside of this sacred furnace is a heart-shaped space, which is intertwined with endless aura of red gold.

This pure golden air can suppress all enemies and refine everything.

At the moment when his Immortal furnace was formed, a message appeared in his mind.

He finally succeeded in becoming a saint, forged his own saint path, and was promoted to a twentieth-level first saint.

If you want to give his holy way a name, it is the Immortal way.

This time into the holy, the changes in Su Li’s body were simply earth-shaking.

The Immortal God Furnace is formed, this will be his real big killer, sensing the red gold aura that emerges like chaos inside, the breath of Immortal lingers in the Universe, and Su Li’s eyes glow.

As soon as the mind moved, it suddenly rose into the sky, floating in the void.

After entering the sacred, it is almost a metamorphosis of life level, can completely get rid of gravity, can fly freely in the sky, in a flash of tens of thousands of meters, and no longer need to rely on those flying treasures or wings.

His large Heavenly Demon dragon body, fused with the power of those hundreds of thousands of spiritual sources, has grown to six meters, with two basic strengthenings, strengthening the spleen type Ⅷ to spleen type Ⅹ, ten times of strengthening is full, and the achievement is obtained. Spleen MAX, comprehend the “endless sea of ​​blood” about the special ability of the spleen.

“From now on, I’m also a holy…”

Su Li was condescending, looking down at the twelfth floor of the Sacred Tower, feeling a little bit emotional.

He thought of Sacred, who once needed to look up, and now he is one of them. He also thought of entering the underworld with Xu Xuehui, trying to rescue the huge woman who looked exactly like Xu Xuehui.

Xu Xuehui’s answer is that she must at least achieve Sacred in order to have hope.

At that time, I secretly vowed that I would become Sacred, but now I am considered preliminary sanctified. According to the agreement, I should also help Xu Xuehui.

In more than a month, a new batch of newcomers should come, and I don’t know what it will be like by then.

Parents, Wang Lan, will they show up?

His pair of eyes are finally Sacred, combined with the third eye, its peeping and insight ability is simply amazing. It can be scanned at will, and everything in the distance can be seen. The information and information of the saints of the races can be seen in his eyes.

Some saints who could not see the information materials before are now clearly seen by him.

On the twelfth floor of the Sacred Tower, those who can enter here basically reach the twenty second-level, which is considered to be High Sage Realm.

However, the number is very small, and the number of saints of the various races staying here is only about two hundred.

Among those who break the realm, they become holy at the 20th level, and their title changes every time they are promoted to the first-level.

Among them, the twenty fourth-level breakers are the peak-level saints, Yuntang, Huo saints, and thunder saints are all of this level.

And if it can break the border for the twenty-fifth time, it is God.Some of the most common racial gods are actually twenty fifth-level breakers.

However, the twenty-fifth time to break the border is the most difficult. If there is no very special opportunity, the super top-level combat power is almost hopeless, even if it is the super peak-level combat power, it is only half of the hope to succeed.

Those who can become a racial god are generally at least superior peak combat power.

Su Li’s mind moved, moved 10,000 meters, and came to the mother nest of the mountains, hunted the group of beast kings, and harvested enough spiritual source to break through again. Then, he came to the central area of ​​the twelfth floor. Ready to continue the challenge.

Su Limingbai, after becoming a saint, it will be more and more difficult to advance to breakthrough.

The challenge to clear the twelfth floor of the Sacred Tower is the challenge of the powerful Sacred beast. He used the power of the Immortal Sacred Furnace to easily kill the Sacred beasts and obtain a large number of Sacred fragments. It broke the first record of Dark Xingyu.

Soon, he entered the thirteenth floor of the Sacred Tower.

In addition to the massive Sacred fragments, the reward he received this time was the ultimate Sacredization of the brain.

This time, he sat for five days in Meditation cultivation, and all the Sacred fragments he obtained merged into his own Sacred Realm. The realm range increased from the original one kilometer directly to two kilometers, but he did not promote breakthrough.

The rapid growth in these five days was due to the Sacred fragments. Now all the reward fragments have been integrated. Then, relying on self-cultivation slowly, the growth of this Realm slowed down.

I contacted Yuntang and asked, and then I realized that I wanted to break the realm again and be promoted to the first-level middle sage of 20. The Realm range must reach at least 5 kilometers to break the realm again, and I want to be promoted to the second-level 20. The high Saint, Realm range, reaches ten kilometers.

“The further the Realm grows, the more terrible it grows. No wonder it gets harder and harder.”

On the thirteenth floor of the Sacred Tower, the number of people is getting dwindled. Zuri moved towards the surroundings and observed from a distance, I am afraid that the total number of people on the thirteenth floor is only about a hundred people.

Able to enter the thirteenth floor, except for special exceptions like Zuri, they are generally the top sages who have reached the twenty third-level, even in a race, they are all high-ranking existences.

Those who can stay here think that they still have some hope to hit the monthly ranking or higher.

In it, Su Li also saw a few pinnacle sages who had reached the twenty fourth-level.

When Zuri appeared in the central area, there were also more than 20 saints gathered around these four sides, basically all top saints.

Seeing Su Li appearing, they all looked at him in surprise.

Although they have all cultivated here for a long time, they still have heard of Su Li. Of course, there are many who don’t know his sage.

These ten third-level clearance challenges are still hunting Sacred beasts. In the first challenge, every time you kill one, you will be rewarded with Sacred fragments.

The strength of the first Sacred beast to appear is comparable to a peak-level saint.

As long as you kill this Sacred beast, you are eligible to enter the fourteenth floor.

The pinnacle saint, in the eyes of Su Li now, is vulnerable to a blow. There is no need to use the power of the Immortal furnace, but his body flashes and bangs. With Sacred’s tyrannical body, he directly removes this one. The Sacred beast broke apart.

His Immortal Sacredized muscles and bones, coupled with the basic ultimate Sacredized internal organs, his body is gradually perfected, combined with the six-meter-large Heavenly Demon dragon body, and combined with the over-limit state, this body is the most in the world. A tyrannical weapon.

Now, he is ready to merge and refine the four dragon wings behind him, the strength of the ancient dragon and the giant dragon, into the body of the Heavenly Demon dragon, making it stronger.

The next step that Su Li wants to take is to make Own’s body more and more tyrannical.

He not only needs to slowly refine and integrate the various powers of the ancient city, but also the power of the devil in the Devil enchantment and the magic circle, and the power of the gods sealed by the Sacred of the Realm technique, plus the power of the dragon. , All refining into the body in one fell swoop.

Su Li has now decided to use his body as a weapon for sacrifice. It is conceivable that as these various forces are gradually being cultivated into the body, his body will become more and more powerful and completely transformed into a super weapon.

Easily smash the Sacred beast, get Sacred fragments, and then enter the second level.

The second level is another Sacred beast, but the strength of this Sacred beast is already comparable to the twenty fifth-level racial god with super peak combat power.

Compared with the previous Sacred beast, it is much stronger.

The Sacred beast spit out Sacred power, and even grasped the Realm of the gods, shrank suddenly, and immediately captured Su Li.

Facing the heavy suppression of this god Realm, Su Li did not use any strength, only relying on his body to carry it hard, approaching it step by step.

There was a “boom” and one step was stepped out. The space was shaking. Then he stomped his feet and slapped his feet. The power bursting out of his six-meter body directly shattered the enemy’s heavy Realm blockade.

There was a harsh sound in the void, and Su Li’s right fist hit the Sacred beast’s chest.

There is no god pattern power, just a simple punch, but the power that bursts out of it has far surpassed the previous 36 god pattern power.

The Sacred beast stretched from its chest in all directions, exploded and burst into Sacred fragments in the sky.

The Sacred Realm in Zurich swept outside and collected all of it.

Now, he does not need to borrow the power of the third talent, only relying on the imperious body of Immortal and Ultimate Sacred, the almost endless bursts of energy contained in the body are enough to kill the holy god, under a single strike, you can Sacred Hun and Po who directly smashed the opponent, no matter how many healing methods they mastered, they would be ineffective.

As he stepped into the Holy Realm, Su Li gradually began to understand that the biggest difference between the battle of Sacred and the previous battle was that in addition to crushing and destroying the opponent’s body, it also needed to destroy the soul, so that its body and spirit were destroyed, before it could be regarded as truly killing the opponent.

Otherwise, the simple body is destroyed. With Sacred’s powerful soul, he can still exist for a short time, and then find a way to find a new soul container to live.

Su Li killed all the way.

The Sacred beast in the third level has become stronger and has reached the level of an intermediate god.

Intermediate god, that is, the twenty sixth-level breaker.

Ordinary racial gods cannot reach this level. Only some powerful racial gods of large races can reach the level of intermediate gods, such as the previous Dark God, or the Deva god from the Deva tribe, all of which have reached the level of intermediate gods. level.

Su Li was still just a punch, killing this Sacred beast comparable to an intermediate god.

Behind him, the four dragon wings gradually disappeared. In his battle, this almost completely Sacredized Heavenly Demon dragon body completely combined the dragon wings formed by a pair of ancient dragons and the dragon wings formed by a pair of giant dragons. Integrate them.

With the disappearance of these four dragon wings, the power of these two dragons merged into one, thrown into the Immortal furnace of the heart, continuously refining, fusing, and compressing, and finally turned into the purest dragon power.

Feeling unsatisfied with this dragon power, Su Li also threw in the now useless Sun Moon God Wheel and began refining.

In the past, he wanted to enhance the power of the ancient city in the domain of no-mind dreams. Most of the Moon God Wheel merged into the starry sky of that ancient city on this day, Ascension starry sky power.

But after knowing that something was wrong with the altar in this ancient city, and the stone house in the depths was even more weird, Su Li began to change his mind.

He is slowly dismantling the power of this ancient city. Naturally, the Sun Moon God Wheel will no longer merge into the starry sky, and he is even considering how to refine the starry sky into a part of his own body.The sun and moon god wheel is a sacred object, but after being thrown into the Immortal god furnace, it can’t resist the power of red gold there. There is a roar from the god furnace, and countless Immortal god patterns appear, and the sun and moon god wheel Refining, forming the power of the sun and the moon, and then combining with the power of the dragon.

Combining these three powers together, he returned to his right hand and combined with his right arm. On the surface of his right arm, a phantom dragon appeared immediately, one left and one right, and the phantom of the sun and the moon was suspended. film.

In his left arm, he has the power of Heaven’s Grace and Heaven’s might. Now he has the power of Moon, Sun and Dragon in his right arm.

The energy contained in his six-meter-high Sacred body has reached the incredible Realm.

Easily kill the Sacred beast comparable to the intermediate god, obtain the fragments, and enter the next level.

The Sacred beast in the next level has Ascension strength, which is equivalent to an advanced god level with super peak combat power.

With Su Li’s current twentieth level of the elementary sacred realm, challenging a high-level god is equivalent to surpassing seven levels.

These thirteen levels of challenge, the Sacred beast in front of him, is the last level.

An Xingyu was at the top of the list. When he was on the thirteenth floor, he killed the Sacred beast, which was comparable to a high-level god, within five seconds.

If Su Li wants to break his record, he needs to kill the Sacred beast faster than him.

In order to kill the Sacred beast as quickly as possible, Su Li finally used the Immortal Sacred Furnace in a real battle for the first time.

The red-gold Immortal sacred furnace flew out and fell into the air.

With a bang, the space shook violently, and there were faint cracks in the dark space.

Before this Sacred beast could react, it was killed by Immortal God Furnace Town and exploded into Sacred fragments all over the sky.

The result of the clearance came out, and the town of Zuli killed the Sacred beast, which was comparable to a high-level god, in a second.

Taking a deep breath, Zuri chose to clear the level and entered the fourteenth floor of the Sacred Tower.

When his results appeared in the rankings of the Sacred Palace from all walks of life, it aroused attention and was in an uproar.

However, because most Sacreds failed to enter the challenge of the last level on the thirteenth floor, they didn’t know that this meant that Su Li had killed a high-level god in one second.

They will be surprised that what Dark Xingyu takes five seconds to do. Su Li completes it in one second and Ascension this record to one second, then how can the latecomer surpass him?

This has almost become an unbreakable record.

Only those Sacred beasts who have the qualifications to challenge the overall rankings and have played the fourth level know what the meaning of this second is.

Su Li is now all over his body, from the skin, flesh and bones, to the internal organs and the brain, all have completed the Immortal and the ultimate Sacred. He is very curious about what kind of reward he will get after clearing the thirteenth level, and he will be the ultimate Sacred. Where is it? Or does the reward change?

In my mind, a message appeared.

“The thirteenth floor of the Sacred Tower was successfully cleared and challenged. The overall ranking is the first. The reward: Sacred fragments and the ultimate sacredization of tendons.”

Su Li’s heart moved, and the surrounding scenery changed. He has appeared on the fourteenth floor of the Sacred Tower.

The 14-story Sacred Tower is full of Sacred gas, and those who can enter here are at least the pinnacle holy.

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