Chapter 804 Total War (second more)

Thor knew all kinds of rumors about Su Li through the purple crystal. Originally, he wanted to try Su Li, but immediately disappeared. He looked at the spirit god with a trace of gratitude. If she didn’t stop him, I’m afraid. The next thing was a bit difficult to clean up.

Although he didn’t want to kill Su Li, he just wanted to test the depth of Su Li at first.

The dark elves were silently looking at Su Li, who was in countless white lights and shadows, but his eyes slowly lit up.

Su Li is currently only ten sixth-level things, I’m afraid that even Sacred from the outside race doesn’t know about it, and she is not going to say it.

The lower his level, the ability to do so many earth-shattering things, also means that his future achievements will be higher.

Her mind became more alive.

The “dark elves” have been in a difficult situation these years. Although several racial gods have been added to the clan, their opponents are too strong. These years have been suppressed everywhere, the territory area has been continuously swallowed and eaten, resources have been plundered in large quantities, and the situation is getting worse and worse. .

She wanted to make friends with Thor, because “Lei Zeguo” produced a “Great Thor” Lei Yi who entered the Sacred Tower list during these millennia, and wanted to gain Lei Yi’s relationship through Thor.

It is a pity that Thor was not moved by the olive branch that she extended.

She also understands that people know that their opponents are strong, and they don’t want to drip this muddy water easily.

“Those big guys are aloof, it’s too difficult to cling to them, but this Zurich is different… He is only the sixth-level now, and there are many opportunities to help him. If you can help him a lot at this time…”

The more she thought about it, the more alive she was, and her eyes couldn’t help shining slightly.

Contrary to the spirit god, although Thor is a little afraid of Zuli, he does not have so many thoughts. “Lei Ze Country” has a Lei Yi that can protect it for thousands of years. They will not infringe on others casually, but all the worlds are all. To give “Lei Zeguo” Face, stay away.

So he didn’t even want to deliberately make friends or even indulge in Zuli’s idea, he has the pride of being the “Lei Ze Country” Thor.

After knowing the identity of Su Li, his body flashed, and he left here, to the place of his original cultivation more than ten kilometers away, and began to re-meditation cultivation, to sharpen his own soul. Although he is only a junior racial god, he still wants to Go further.

The elves thought for a while, and backed a kilometer, came to a place about two kilometers away from Zurich, and sat down on the pile of bones below.

“If someone comes to harass or attack Zuli at this time, I can take action to defend him and sell him a friendship.” The elf god secretly regretted, then closed her eyes and entered Meditation, but she was half thinking about Meditation. Half of his mind is tied to Su Li’s body.

Ten days later.

For these ten days, Su Li remained motionless and entered a deep Meditation.

His Sacred Realm range has grown to 320 meters, basically an average of about two meters per day.

Under the erosion of that ocean-like white light and shadow, his soul power was fully activated. In order to resist the erosion of this increasingly terrifying light and shadow undead, the energy of the four soul-like gods fused in it was almost completely stimulated.Previously, he merged four soul-like fetishes. Although the soul is powerful, it is mixed and impure. The four fetishes have their own characteristics. This is the main reason why he is trapped in the eighth level of the Sacred Tower.

And now this endless light and shadow undead, like a melting pot of souls, is refining his soul, making it slowly and truly complete integration, gradually becoming pure.

For others, cultivating here and fighting against these undead souls can slowly increase the power of their own souls.

For Su Li, the power of his soul is far superior to the racial gods, but it is mixed and impure, unable to exert real effects.

Now with refining, his soul power has gradually become pure, and the soul energy of the four gods has gradually become pure, and it has truly turned into his soul power.

The domain of no thoughts corresponding to his soul, the ancient city also began to change.

The most dramatic change is the stone house at the end of the ancient city.

Above the stone house, the mist formed by the fusion of more than two hundred talented spirits has been completely sucked into the stone house.

Now with the transformation of the soul of Su Li, it gradually becomes pure. In this stone house, shadows appear faintly, and even on the four stone benches outside, light and shadow occasionally seem to pass by, seemingly true and illusory. Very weird.

Su Li noticed this change and wanted to capture these lights and shadows, but when he noticed, these lights and shadows completely disappeared, just as everything was just his illusion before.

In addition to the strange changes in the stone house, in the ancient city, the ancient temples, temples, courtyards, and the inner palace of the palace that he has refined now, resonate with his soul every day.

With this opportunity, Su Li continued to refine the inner temple into his left arm, and at the same time wanted to fully refine the power of prayer in the ancient temple.

As for the temple and courtyard, it is similar to an altar, and although it resonates with Zuli, it is relatively weak.

Moreover, he has a faint sense of wariness and rejection in his heart for the temple, courtyard and altar, and it seems that once he is summoned, something bad will happen.

Although he was forced to sacrifice himself last time, and finally summoned an unprecedentedly terrifying existence, sacrificed four racial gods in one fell swoop, but deep in his heart, there was always a feeling that as he continued to sacrifice, The body in which this horrible existence appeared became more and more complete, and the unknown premonition became stronger and stronger.

It seems that one day, this horrible existence will completely come, maybe… there will be some great horror.

Su Li thought that only the big blood-red tongue appeared at the beginning, and then the mouth and giant hands. Last time, even the big face and two giant hands appeared. If it continues to develop, what else will appear?

“If you are not forced to be helpless in the future, there is a danger of life and death, you must not use the altar casually.”

Su Li thought silently, he understood that it was his instinct to warn him, not absolutely necessary, it is best not to provoke the altar.

In the first five days, Su Li’s soul changed the most, but as his soul gradually adapted to the erosion of the light and shadow of the undead, the influence of the light and shadow of the undead on his soul became weaker day by day.

By the eighth day, this change was very small, which made Su Li’s expectations come to nothing, knowing that he still has to spend time in this sea of ​​dead, and want to have a deeper understanding of the soul in a short time, almost It is impossible.

On the tenth day, Zu Li was in Meditation Insight, but the spirit god two kilometers away was a little restless. She was always thinking about how to make friends with Zu Li, it is best to sell some friendship, only temporarily…

It seems that there is nowhere to start, and I can’t find two wicked men to pretend to attack him, and then play the beauty and save the hero by myself.

The elves were thinking wildly, and suddenly there was a thunderous sound from the very distant horizon.

It’s just that the distance is too far away. If it weren’t for her as a god, she would be so sensitive that she would almost be unable to sense it.

Then, the sea of ​​the dead seemed to have been affected as well. Waves were set off on the surface of the sea, and a large number of floating bones made a humming sound and were lifted up by the volley.

Some Sacreds of various races who were hiding here for cultivation opened their eyes and raised their heads, looking towards the distant horizon, feeling inexplicably uneasy in their hearts. It seems that just now, something extremely terrifying and terrifying happened.

Su Li also woke up from the deep Meditation, frowning, his sense of non-consciousness was extremely sensitive, and he immediately realized that something had happened in the distant horizon, but it was too far away from the sea of ​​the dead. No one knows what happened.

The thunderous voice disappeared, and the huge waves that had risen on the sea of ​​the dead gradually subsided, and everything returned to its original tranquility.

After the concerned Sacred was confused and confused, he slowly closed his eyes one after another and continued Insight Meditation.

All of them just want the deeper soul power of Insight. Besides, they are not very interested in what is happening outside.

Su Li closed his eyes again and entered Meditation again.

After about a while, a message suddenly came from his purple crystal.

The only person who can contact his purple crystal is Yun Tang. She usually takes the initiative to find herself. There must be something important.

Su Li opened his eyes, flipped his left hand, and the purple crystal floated on his palm, and then Yun Tang’s anxious voice came from inside.

“Zuli, the old god asked me to tell you, leave the sea of ​​the dead and return to the fortress as quickly as possible. The dark tribes just suddenly launched a war and entered the orc tribe. It happened suddenly, quickly, and leave immediately. Fearing that they will enter the Sea of ​​the Dead and attack you, the old gods are rushing to the Sea of ​​the Dead to find you—”

Su Li’s heart was shaken when he heard the information.

Before, the old gods assured him to enter the sea of ​​the dead alone, because among the top ten human races, Sacred’s court came forward. It is impossible for the human gods to provoke Sacred’s court and attack Zuli.

Races outside of The Mortal Realm are even more serious, representing a war against The Mortal Realm.

Now the world is still peaceful, small frictions and conflicts occur from time to time, but no one dares to provoke a real all-out war.

After all, The Mortal Realm has a profound background and ranks among the best in all realms, and no one dares to insult it lightly.

In addition, Su Li is now very powerful. In the battle of the Sacred Tower, he sacrificed to the gods and shocked the tens of thousands of people. Under this premise, the old god was relieved to let him go to the Sea of ​​the Dead alone.

But no one had expected that the dark tribes would actually launch a war, and without any warning, they suddenly entered the orc tribe.

Now that the war has been launched, the dark races have no worries, and they must dare to directly attack Su Li.The old god was anxious, and immediately came towards the sea of ​​the dead at full speed, and at the same time asked Yuntang to notify Su Li to return to the old human fortress as quickly as possible.

As soon as his mind moved, Su Li immediately activated his third talent, covering the whole body, condensing all aura, the sun and moon god wheel behind it was activated, and it turned into a white rainbow light with a scream, and rose into the sky.

The dark elves were thinking about things, but Su Li did not expect Su Li to act suddenly, soaring into the sky, and in a daze, she also stood up from a pile of bones.

Almost at the same moment, in the distance of the Sea of ​​Dead, the void image was torn apart, and a giant snake that was hundreds of meters long, black as ink and with a pair of small wings appeared.

This giant snake uttered a terrible scream and broke through the air. It had already sneaked in and approached within a hundred miles of Su Li. If it hadn’t been for Su Li’s sudden receipt of Yuntang’s message, it quickly rose to the sky in shock. He appeared, but was preparing to sneak close to Su Li, taking advantage of his lack of preparation, and sending a fatal blow.

Its ability to hide breath is very powerful, and because Su Li was in a deep Meditation, and he was still far away, he couldn’t notice it.

Seeing that Su Li was about to flee, the pitch-black giant snake uttered a sharp roar and broke out of the air. With a wave of the giant tail, the distance between the two sides suddenly became infinitely close.

With a radius of a hundred miles, he immediately entered his Realm, and wanted to ban Zurich from it.

The dark elf raised her head, her eyes glistened, she was worrying about how to befriend Su Li, and when she didn’t want to fall asleep, someone would give her a pillow, and her chance came.

With a scream, she rose up into the sky and turned into a black rainbow light, her body stretched, and also opened up the Realm of the gods, and against the Realm of the black giant snake, there was a loud noise in the void.

The giant tail that the pitch-black giant snake volleyed over hit the Realm she had just opened. With a thud, her Realm shattered, and she opened her mouth, let out a muffled snort, and spewed blood into her eyes. A look of shock appeared.

She only recognized that the other party was the Dark Snake Clan, but she didn’t know which god it was.

After all, there are too many racial gods in the heavens and races, and she can’t understand all of them, let alone the other party’s strength so powerful.

Su Li soared into the sky, not wanting to be banned suddenly, the gods of the dark races came too fast.

His current strength can compete with the peak-level holy one, but facing the level of gods, his only means of confrontation is the altar.

This is not in the Sacred Tower. Those racial gods are restrained and suppressed, and cannot unscrupulously exert their strongest power. The current racial gods are their original strength.

What surprised him was that the female race god who had been silently two kilometers away from her for the past ten days would take the initiative to help herself fight the black giant snake.

Su Li was greatly surprised. The giant snake blasted the dark elf god with a single blow, and issued a world-shaking snake roar. The big mouth of the blood basin, a dark beam of light, broke through the air, and the divine power contained here. Enough to destroy everything.

This power, and the power of the racial gods that appeared in the Sacred Tower, are simply indistinguishable from each other.

Su Li took a deep breath, too late to dodge, so she could only enter an invincible state for eleven seconds in an instant, and the energy above her head was surging, spreading like boiling.

The ancient city appeared, and with a low roar, he sacrificed the altar that he was least willing to use but was forced to use but was forced to use.

The black beam of light flooded Zuli. Zuli was in it, unscathed. The pitch-black giant snake suddenly noticed that a huge ancient altar appeared under its feet. The snake’s tail curled up and slapped towards the altar below. .

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