Chapter 781 Taboo Divine Art (first one)

Su Limingbai, this should be the opponent’s “Starry Sky Realm”.

“Nine seconds…”

The dark Xingyu expression became calm, a terrifying calm, without the slightest emotional fluctuations. He whispered in his mouth, pushing the realm of the starry sky, distorting Su Li’s attack, and he was evading, constantly pulling away from him. the distance.

He caught the invincibility state held by Zu Li in a flash. Obviously, he was going to delay until the end of the invincibility state of Zu Li.

This dark star is simply terrible.

The stone tool of Su Li was handed over to the left hand, energy gushing out from his chest, the spear of the ruler appeared, and the King was activated to fuse the power of the light of the stone tool into the spear of the ruler. , Unleash the legendary skill that combines the power of the light of the stone tool, the ruler’s wrath.

With an angry roar, the flame ruler combined with the light of the stone tool, stepped on the huge magic circle under his feet, absorbing the power of the magic world continuously, shrouded in the terrifying flame of the light, occupying this space At the end, it was a hundred feet tall, and it ruled the ring, stepped out in one step, making a loud bang, and the whole ring was shaking.

Dark Xingyu, who had been retreating, stopped, with a glow in his eyes.

“Interesting… Will the old humans have such characters in the future…”

He did not dodge the attack of the ruler’s wrath anymore.

In the loud noise of the shaking of the earth and the mountains, the flame ruler’s fists slammed firmly into the starry sky Realm propped by the dark star.

The starry sky around his body was distorting, and finally reached its limit and collapsed, but it offset the attack of the ruler’s wrath that combined the light of the stone tool and the power of the devil.

Seeing the flame ruler with a height of hundreds of meters and the own star Realm collapse together, Dark Xingyu’s expression was calm, just whispering in his mouth: “Eight seconds—”

Su Li took a deep breath. Around the ring, a city wall appeared and stood up to block the space of the ring. Within the ascending city wall, one building after another appeared.

There was a strange light in An Xingyu’s eyes, staring around, silently, he knew that Su Li was in an invincible state at the moment, he did not attack again, but was paying attention to Su Li’s methods.

In an invincible state, Zuli sacrificed the ancient city of Wunianxiangyu. This is his strongest method now. In the third level, he relied on the altar in the ancient city to collect the more than 1,000 Sacred puppets at once. Sacrifice, he didn’t believe that this was only a tenth-level dark star, able to fight against the ancient city that he played to the extreme.

“Interesting… more and more interesting…”

An Xingyu was muttering in his mouth, and his eyes were shining, as if he had seen something wonderful.

“The talent of this old human race… simply…”

In his words, in the ancient city, the majestic tower rose into the sky, and under the control of Su Li, it suppressed him.The surface of this high tower was engraved with golden charms, and it also released a strong golden light at the same moment.

A beam of golden light blasted out from the tower. The thirty-six-story tower was swelling, becoming extremely huge, and falling down instantly. The dark star universe was shrouded in the tower without any room for struggle. Went in.

Su Li was slightly astonished. He didn’t expect to suppress Dark Star Universe so easily. The golden charms in the tower also lit up, and the golden light from the sky began to appear, refining the suppressed Dark Star Universe.

Right here, the voice of An Xingyu came from inside.

“Seven seconds left—”

Immediately after the high tower, something swelled violently, as if a piece of sky expanded from it, and only a bang was heard. The tower burst from it, exploding into thousands of fragments shooting everywhere, countless rays of golden light. And the golden runes collapsed.

Su Li’s mind was hit hard, and he let out a muffled hum. With a grab with his right hand, the magnificent palace flew out, and the sky smashed towards the dark star that emerged from the broken tower.

Above the dark star universe, there appeared a firmament formed by countless Stars arrangement. This is not his realm of the starry sky, nor is it the divine art he has mastered, but a kind of divine object, the famous star firmament, which he just relied on This star dome shattered the tower.

At this moment, the starry sky is fully expanded, matching his Realm, which covers a radius of nearly a hundred meters. Realm is combined with the gods, and the dark stars seem to be completely integrated into the starry sky, and the palace is heavily smashed into it. Not only didn’t break open the star dome and Realm, but was absorbed in them, and slowly swallowed by them.

The palace kept struggling, and the heavy terrifying power of First Stage erupted in it, but it got deeper and deeper, like a person who fell into a living quagmire. The more struggling, the faster the sinking.

The tower was shattered, the palace was gradually swallowed, and the blood began to seep out in Zuri’s nostrils and ears.

He said nothing, the vicissitudes of life and simplicity of the altar reappeared.

Although the altar almost backlashed last time, it was because the Sacred puppets that were sacrificed were not real creatures, and the dark stars in front of them were so powerful that they would eventually like the existence of the peak.

Sure enough, as soon as the altar came out, it immediately appeared under An Xingyu’s feet, and countless black figures appeared. This time the figures were unprecedentedly clear, which seemed to represent the altar’s joy.

These figures can already be seen to be the figures of some young women, they are dancing around the dark stars with excitement, a lot of singing sounds like coming from time and space from the ancient times, a simple and solemn and strange atmosphere. Appeared.

Dark Xingyu, who had always looked calm, seemed to feel the extraordinaryness of this altar. His celestial dome could not suck in the altar like it swallowed the palace. This altar was like the invincible state of Su Li, free from any attack. Or power influence.

When Dark Xingyu stepped and wanted to escape from here, it was too late. The space on all sides was locked by the power of the altar. Following the countless black figures dancing crazy, bowed down and suddenly appeared at the end of the void. Big blood-red tongue.

Seeing the appearance of this big tongue, Su Li let out a sigh of relief.

With a cry to the ground, the big tongue licked down. It was stronger than Dark Xingyu and could not resist it. He opened the starry sky Realm and became vulnerable, instantly bursting, followed by the fetish star dome that was protecting him, and was licked by the big tongue. Opened.

At the moment when the fetish star dome was opened, An Xingyu put his hands together, and finally showed a solemn expression on his face. Under his feet, a starry sky pattern appeared. This pattern was rotating, extending out nine starlights, this starlight. Soaring into the air, it turned into nine gates.

Almost at the moment when these nine star gates appeared, the big bright red tongue drooped, and he was about to lick the dark stars when he saw it. From one of the star gates, a starlight burst out like a horse, and hit it firmly. Big tongue.

The starlight coming out of the star gate turns into a giant dragon. This giant dragon is like the gathering of countless stars. Every scale on the surface of the body is a star, and a pair of dragons are like two black holes. It stretches out. With a pair of claws formed by Star, he grabbed the big blood-red tongue, and suddenly wanted to drag it into the star gate.

Su Li was stunned. He couldn’t estimate how strong this dragon formed by Star was.

That Dark Star had a solemn face, it seemed that it was not easy to summon this giant dragon.

However, his mouth couldn’t be idle, and he couldn’t help but mutter: “This is called Taigu Xinglong, the universe of heaven and earth, all Stars come because of it…”

As soon as the words came to this point, the blood-red big tongue suddenly retracted upwards, pulling the Taikoo Star Dragon completely out of the star gate, followed by a big mouth of blood basin appeared in the void, the big mouth Zhang venomously bit the Taikoo Star Dragon who was entangled with the blood-red big tongue.

The fighting in this scene has completely surpassed Su Li’s imagination. He couldn’t help but open his eyes wide, watching that Dark Xingyu suddenly opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood.

The blood turned into a blood arrow and sprayed into another star gate.

There was a loud bang from the star gate, and a bloody day flew out.

This blood-stained giant sun was as huge as the sky, rising through the sky, and almost at the same moment when the big mouth above it bit the Taikoo Star Dragon, it hit the big mouth sturdily, triggering an earth-shattering explosion.

The ancient city and the altar were completely submerged by the blood-red light. Although Su Li was in an invincible state, he still felt the tremor in the depths of his soul.

The power generated by the explosion of the blood day was so great that Su Li’s soul had instinctive fear.

At the end of the void, a roar of Ruoyouruowu sounded, and there was a faintly painful roar, and then, a lot of blood spurted out.

Su Li saw that the big mouth that appeared at the end of the void was blown up, and a large amount of minced meat mixed with blood was splashing down. On the altar, it was like a downpour of flesh and blood.

Su Li felt the same way. He made a muffled mouth, and his head seemed to have been hit hard. He couldn’t help but open his mouth and spout a mouthful of blood. At the same moment, he pushed his strength to the limit, his face was vaguely hideous, and he sacrificed the strongest. The large amount of Mental Energy violently urged the ancient temple in the ancient city.


The ancient temple released thousands of rays of light, and there was a melodious bell ringing inside.

This ancient temple seems to hide a colorful rainbow of light. It is activated at this moment, and it immediately gushes out. This rainbow light bathes the entire ancient city and all the buildings, and moisturizes everything in the ancient city. Even Zurich is bathed in this colorful light. , I feel that the injury I received has disappeared instantly, and my strength, spirit, and soul are all rising.

This ancient temple is not used to attack the enemy, but to strengthen itself.

The altar was greedily devouring the colorful light that spewed out of the ancient temple. As soon as the big mouth was blown up, a hand was stretched out at the end of the void, grabbed the ancient star dragon, and shook the giant hand.

Taigu Xinglong let out a scream, was directly squeezed and exploded by the giant hand, and threw it into the rotten big mouth.

The blasted mouth is recovering in the colorful light.An Xingyu looked up at everything that happened in the sky. Like Su Li, blood began to flow out of his eyes, nose, and ears at this moment, but what appeared in his eyes was not a look of fear, but a touch of fear. Excitement and enthusiasm, like a child who sees a novel toy.

“Interesting… Unexpectedly, there is still power in this world that can resist my forbidden magic, but… it’s over…”

He changed his fingerprints with both hands and slammed back, towering high in the huge star gate behind him, and rushing out of a chariot.

This chariot, the stars guarding, the endless starlight swaying, his bicycle, the star gate on the left, a round of dark meniscus, hanging high in the sky on the left of his head, and the sky on the right. A new round of blood red giant sun, hung high above the right side of the head.

The Taikoo Star Dragon that had just been smashed reappeared, pulling the chariot, crushing the void, making a rumble, and rushing towards the end of the void.

An Xingyu stretched his right hand into the air, and another starlight rose up from a star gate, which fell into his right hand and turned into a war spear.

This war spear hovered around the endless bright starlight, wherever the spear tip swept across, the void seemed to have a terrifying sight of stars falling.

With his feet on the chariot and the sun and the moon hanging over his head, An Xingyu is like a god king who is admiring the universe starry sky, fighting and killing.

At the end of the void, the giant hand that just squeezed the Primordial Star Dragon, stretched out one of its fingers, and pressed it towards the dark Xingyu who rushed up.

Obviously, the existence at the end of the void did not see An Xingyu in his eyes. This gesture was like pressing a tiny ant.


An Xingyu suddenly let out a violent roar, and the war spear in his hand pierced out, hitting the huge fingertips that had been pressed down.

The void suddenly distorted, and there was a horrible scene of stars falling like rain. The endless Star phantom, seemingly like a phantom, fell down, smashed into the ancient city controlled by Zuli with all its strength, and erupted with a loud noise.

The entire ancient city was shaking and shaking, and it seemed that there were signs that it was about to collapse and disintegrate.

This is not the forbidden magic of the ancient city that is incomparable to the opponent, but the amount of mental energy used by Su Li to support this thoughtless domain, which has gradually reached its limit.

Amidst the falling stars in the sky, all the buildings in the ancient city were attacked, including the unremarkable stone houses that had been hidden at the end of the magnificent buildings in the ancient city.

Above the stone house, most of the mist turned into by the more than two hundred talented spirits has been sucked in by the stone house, and the rest is shrouded above the stone house. The original atmosphere inside it seems to have changed. It’s a little deeper.

Dark Xingyu’s attack is an indiscriminate attack. The entire ancient city is under its attack. Zuri is in an invincible state and can be immune to it, while the buildings in the ancient city were hit by the fallen Stars, and all kinds of earth-shaking noises erupted. .

Star fell, and he was about to hit the stone house when he saw it. Suddenly, in the small courtyard outside the stone house, the stone from the secret storehouse of the old human god moved.

The stone slammed upright and slammed into the sky, hitting the falling Star. The Star exploded in an instant and turned into powder scattered around the stone house to keep the stone house safe and sound.

On the void, An Xingyu suddenly let out a wild roar.

The war spear he stabbed out that would make the stars fall could not pierce the finger that was pushed down. When the finger fell, his war spear couldn’t stand the force and bent and deformed.

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