Chapter 773 The price of prophecy (first one)

The voice sneered slightly, with a hint of sarcasm in it: “When they finally realize that something is wrong, when these gods take action by themselves… everything is too late, Xingyu’s general trend has become… It is that their race gods can Shake?”

The deep voice in the black dragon said: “Even so… there is no need for the three of us… to take action together… Is this…”

Before the words were finished, a cloud of dark phantom suddenly swelled out of the dark temple, which instantly enveloped the dark temple, condensed and appeared, and turned into a giant upright.

The giant was shrouded in the dark armor condensed by the power of the dark origin. His face was white and it looked like a crown of jade, and he could hardly pick out the slightest flaw.

This is a nearly perfect man’s face, but his left eyeball is missing and turned into a bloody hole. It looks like the eyeball has been dug out by life, and the flesh of the wound is slightly turned outwards. , The blood seemed to be alive, flowing slowly down the perfect white jade cheek.

“This is–”

The vague shadow and the voice in the pitch-black dragon couldn’t help but lose their voices at the same time.

“…Your darkest eye…”

“…This is the reward that the prophet wants me to pay…” The man lost an eye and turned a bit hideous on his face without the slightest expression.

The dark shadow and the dark dragon became quiet. Then, a voice in the dark shadow whispered: “The prophet… has dug away the most important dark eye for you. Is it… so cruel…”

“What prophecy did you get…” The deep voice inside the pitch black dragon sounded.

“Regarding the prediction of An Xingyu…the key variable for whether he can finally reach the top…has already appeared…we must solve this variable for him…”

“So, do you think that Su Li of this old human race might be his variable?”

“It’s hard to believe that Su Li and An Xingyu can’t be compared at all…”

“As for what this variable is… that is already the next prophecy… But the prophet has said that this variable… is still very weak… and the best time to solve this variable…”

“This is also the last variable in Dark Xingyu’s summit… As long as this variable is resolved… he will surely succeed in the summit… Otherwise… all kinds of variables will arise…”

The man’s voice gradually increased, and a terrible divine light appeared in the remaining single eye. It is a pity that the darkest eye that was poached away could not be restored, even if it was the power of a god.

“I understand…” The voice in the vague figure sounded: “Since the prophet made such a prediction…this matter involves whether Dark Star can successfully climb to the top…We will definitely go all out…”

“Yes… we will cooperate with you… to completely kill this variable that just appeared…” A deep voice also sounded from the dark dragon.

“Yes, the prophet has such a prediction…this matter, do you want to know…Dark Star Yu?”

The one-eyed man slowly shook his head, the original huge figure is slowly converging.

“No… he just needs to concentrate on the top… and then… the rest… any worries… we will solve him…”

“It makes sense… the next day the Sacred Tower opens… it will be the time when our three gods… shot…”

“Suri of the old human race…must die…”

With this voice, slowly, two great wills disappeared here, and finally, everything here became quiet again.

Twenty days passed soon after Suli entered the huge space of the challenged land.

For the past twenty days, he has been sitting there in Lotus Position, almost motionless, entering Meditation.

Originally, he relied on the crushing of Realm to continuously sharpen the breakthrough, and now he has integrated a large number of Sacred fragments, he has a deeper understanding of Realm, and no longer needs to rely on simple crushing of Realm to breakthrough.

In my mind, the information about Realm contained in countless Sacred fragments was like a brand, and it was branded into his soul little by little.

His Sacred Realm grows almost every day. The Sacred power he holds resonates with this Sacred Realm. Especially those Sacred fragments not only contain a lot of information about Realm, but the most important thing is that it contains With the power of Sacred, he was also refining into the Realm.

Precisely because of this, originally he might need two hundred days to make a breakthrough, but now the time has been directly shortened to twenty days.

His Sacred Realm, which can cover a range of 30 meters, has grown by one meter every day in just 20 days. When it reaches the twentieth day, it has grown to 50 meters.

Almost when the Sacred Realm breakthrough reached 50 meters, there was a shock in his mind, and a series of messages appeared, reminding him that he succeeded in the tenth breakthrough and was promoted to the tenth breakthrough.

Compared with the ninth-level, the tenth level has changed drastically.

The 180,000 spiritual sources merged into one and turned into a powerful energy, which combined with his whole body surgingly, strengthening his body, spirit and soul. In addition, new messages appeared in his mind. Prompt him to comprehend the first Realm technique.

“Sacred Realm, Realm technology, ‘Sacred Stand-in’ to comprehend and master.”

With the successive messages appearing in my mind, they were all information about this Sacred stand-in.

Sensing the Realm technology “Sacred Stand-in”, Su Li was slightly surprised. He didn’t expect that at the time of the big break, with the changes in Realm, he could still master a Realm technology.

The so-called Realm technology is actually a special ability of Realm that Realm has evolved to a certain level.

“It’s no wonder that the Great Breakthrough is so difficult, and the strength will have a huge Ascension, so it is…”

Su Li whispered to himself, the following two basic strengthenings were still used to strengthen the kidneys, strengthening the Baoshen Type IV to the Baoshen Type VI. After the sixth strengthening, his kidneys were much stronger, as long as they were strengthened again. Four times, his precious kidney will also strengthen to the top.

Feeling the boiling expansion of the internal energy of the body, with the strengthening of the soul and spirit, the corresponding third talent is strengthened again.

“About ten more days… The Sacred Tower will be opened. If I don’t think it is bad, Sacred of the Dark Race must move…”

“I’m hiding here. It should be safe, but after all, it belongs to the Sacred Tower. I can think of hiding here. If they are not too stupid, they should be able to guess it… Then, they only need to block the challenge. Around the land, or directly to the third floor to wait for me… At that time, I had only two choices, one was to enter the third floor… to be found by them, and the other was to leave here and still be found by them …”

As he thought about it, Su Li stood up, displayed the realm of virtuality and reality, enveloped himself in it, and then entered the teleportation array that left this space behind.

With a squeak, the scenery around him changed and he appeared in a valley of mountains and valleys. The surroundings were quiet, the sky was pitch black, there were no stars and no moons, and the night had fallen.

After being promoted to the tenth level of Boundary Breaker, the number of spiritual sources he needs to break the boundary again has grown to 200,000. Of course, in the Sacred Tower, no matter how many spiritual sources are not a problem, he can easily. Get together.

Su Li decided to collect these 200,000 spiritual sources first.

The massive Sacred fragments he merged helped him to rush to the level of the Great Destruction in just twenty days, but the subsequent Destruction became difficult again, and the time required would be doubled.

Unless he can obtain massive Sacred Shards again, he can be promoted to breakthrough again in a very short period of time.

“If I want to get massive Sacred fragments again, unless I can win the first place again, based on my current strength, I should be able to give it a try… It’s just that if I succeed in the challenge now, I will enter the third level, those Sacreds of the Dark Race. , Should also enter the third layer…”

“But now I don’t know what the situation is on the third floor. There is at least another challenge to stay in this independent space on the second floor to avoid them safely…”

Su Li swooped down, and soon once again entered among the ten second-level beast kings facing the oncoming group. While hunting the beast king, harvesting the spiritual source, he was thinking.

Soon, Su Li received the 200,000 spiritual sources he needed. He swept away, retreated far away, and blended into the darkness. He flipped his hand to take out a purple crystal and contacted Yuntang.

In ten days, the Sacred Tower will open again, and he wants to break through the current Realm, it will take at least one hundred ten days.

Soon, Yun Tang’s voice came from inside.

“Suri, how is your situation there?”

Seeing that Su Li took the initiative to contact herself, she understood that there must be something very important.

“Holy One, the Sacred Tower will be opened again in ten days. I am afraid that the gods of the dark races will take action. I am a little worried. I don’t know if you have any countermeasures? I also feel at ease to prepare to hit the overall rankings.”Yun Tang said with a slight smile in his voice: “It turns out that this is the case. Don’t worry, I’m ready to let Saint Huang enter the second floor of the Sacred Tower in ten days. With her, there must be nothing wrong.”

Su Li was startled, and then lost her voice: “Have you arranged a Phoenix Saint?”

Sure enough, this Yuntang is really unreliable.

Fortunately, I asked in advance, otherwise she would be scammed to death.

“Don’t worry, the Phoenix Saint is the highest-level Saint, and it’s just a thin line away from the gods. I guess that even if the Dark Races want to deal with you, they should send one or two junior Saints to take action. The limit is Send a top sage, after all, you are still on the second floor of the Sacred Tower, where you can only cultivation to ten fifth-level at most, and one or two junior sages are enough to shoot.”

Listening to Yuntang’s words, Su Li showed a speechless expression.

If he changed himself to be a Sacred of the Dark Races, he would either not make a move. Once he made a move, he would go all out. He would not give the other party a chance to survive. What kind of junior saint would he send? Slowly give away the heads one by one?

“Holy person, haven’t you heard a word? The lion fights the rabbit and uses all its strength. How can you be so sure that the gods of these dark races will not act personally? Only the holy will be sent out?”

Yuntang was startled, and said: “The gods of all races are aloof and cherish their own face very much. Among all races, the symbolic meaning of gods is greater than the actual meaning. The possibility of the gods of the clan is extremely low. This can be regarded as a tacit agreement between our clans. The struggles of the clans are limited to the level of the sacred as much as possible, and now you are too far away from them. It’s not enough to get them to shoot you.”

When Su Li said this to her, she was a little puzzled. There is such a tacit understanding among the various races. Even the war is the best shot by the sage? The gods of all races won’t do it themselves?

But what happened to the Ability God of the Green Linbu Clan? There are several gods in the Forgotten Battle Realm who use the media to do their own hands.

This Yuntang is really a solid-minded saint. You will abide by this kind of tacit understanding between the various races, but what if the gods of the dark races do not comply?

Just like that Ability God, he would rather be imprisoned for the rest of his life, but also kill himself. When encountering such a cruel character who doesn’t want to face, what kind of tacit understanding or conventions of various races has become a shit.

Su Li frowned and thought for a while before saying: “Holy One, this Sacred wants to descend on the second floor of the Sacred Tower. If at all costs, what kind of strength can the limit be displayed in this Sacred Tower.”

Yuntang said: “Sacred wants to enter the lower level of Sacred Tower, so he can only choose to use other people’s bodies as a container. For example, in our Purple Palace Council, there are some breakers who have only reached the second floor of Sacred Tower because of insufficient ability. In order to enter the third floor, they finally left the Sacred Tower, and Sacred can borrow their bodies to enter the second floor…”

“The strongest combat power that these Sacreds can exert depends on the body’s ability to withstand these Boundary Breakers.”

Su Liming became white and said, “It means that if the body container chosen by God is a ten second-level breaker, the strongest combat power he can display is the body’s endurance limit of this ten second-level breaker?”

“Yes, because this limit is exceeded, the body of this breaker can’t bear it, and it shattered immediately. Of course, if he has a healing treasure, the shattered body may recover and can support it. At this time, Sacred The power that can burst out is immeasurable. Of course, this time must be extremely short.”

Su Liming Bai Yuntang’s words mean that he used a similar method. At that time, his body could not support the explosion of stone tools. After the invincible state ended, using stone tools, the body continued to collapse, but relying on healing crystal treasures, It caused the body to collapse while recovering continuously, thus maintaining the stone weapon attack.

If you really enter this state, it means that Sacred’s power may no longer be restricted, which is terrible.

“Of course, because the strength of these Breakers who have returned from the second level mostly stops at ten second-level. Therefore, if a Sacred really wants to exert the strongest power on the second level, he can do it after entering the second level. , Think of a way to replace the body of a ten fifth-level breaker, so that you can exert your most combat power on the second floor of the Sacred Tower.”

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