Chapter 551 The Dark Portal

These new dark monsters are very similar to dark soldiers. The difference is that their physique looks more robust, and the four tentacles behind them also appear larger, reaching a length of one or two feet. They also hold various black weapons in their hands. It seems to be much more powerful.

Su Li opened the “Peep Rune” and immediately captured their information.

“Name: Dark Soldiers, Level: eighth-level, the elites of the Dark Soldiers have obtained the special ability’weird power’ and evolved into the Dark Soldiers, but they still belong to the lower creatures in the dark forces, and their status is only slightly higher than that of the Dark Soldiers. Killing the Dark Soldiers has a very low probability of obtaining the special ability’weird power’.”

This dark soldier is an eighth-level elite beast general. Now Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun and Xu Xuehui have reached the advanced level 10 level. Killing this dark soldier still cannot obtain an effective spiritual source.

Su Li’s figure flashed, and suddenly rushed into these monsters, launching a “dance of demons.”

With the blow of “Dancing Demons”, these dark soldiers and dark soldiers died.

Everyone took action one after another, advancing all the way, hoping to find a stronger monster.

When everyone arrived at a black tall building facing on, they finally encountered a group of ninth-level elite dark soldiers.

Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun, and Xu Xuehui are all at level 10, but Jiang Shuijue has the most spiritual sources, exceeding 6,500, and Xu Xuehui has the least. He just broke through to level 10 and killed this kind of ninth-level elite. For the ranks of dark elites, they can harvest a spiritual source.

Su Li stopped and handed them the hordes of dark soldiers who appeared oncoming.

Jiang Shuijue has been promoted to level 10. The fourth spiritual source art he has understood is not a large-scale group attack, but a “fog magic armor”. Fortunately, she has the special ability of one into three, and then launches the “fog shadow”. “The Snake”, cooperating with the demons summoned by the three demons, the speed of harvesting the spiritual source is no slower than a large-scale group attack.

Now she, the special ability of Big Droplet has been transformed into three. The treasure “Evil Summoning”, a full set of rare and monarch-level equipment, plus her quite good combat awareness, she has truly possessed the “supreme” in the same level. Waiting for” combat power.

Of course, in the “superior” combat power, she can only be regarded as an ordinary level.

Gong Xiao is now a level 10 berserker. The fourth spiritual source technique is the large-scale destructive “Meteor Fire Rain”. With her launch, flame meteors appear all over the sky, blasting towards the front, in an instant. Huge potholes were smashed by the flame meteor for several tens of meters, and I don’t know how many dark soldiers were killed by the meteor.

Ding Longyun’s fourth spiritual source technique is the “air cannon”. Like Jiang Shuijue, it is not a large-scale lethal attack. However, he holds that the “air missile” is originally a powerful group attack. This “air cannon” “Ascension to another level of his strength, the power is almost not inferior to the “air blast bomb”, but it can be launched in an instant.

With this “air cannon” and his treasure “green worm”, Ding Longyun’s current strength belongs to the existence of the strong in the “medium” combat power.

Xu Xuehui once asked Su Li for the fourth spiritual source art mastered at level 10. With Su Li’s approval, she chose the “Thousand Eyes Art”.

This “Thousand Eyes technique” is a large-scale group attack. Once launched, numerous eyes will appear around her. Although they are all in phantom state, these phantom-like eyes are not small, and they can emit rays of light from them. Carry out an attackThe four of them attacked and fought with the ninth-level dark soldiers that appeared in front of them. Su Li and Shui Qilin just followed and killed the ninth-level dark soldiers, which was of no use to them.

No amount of dark soldiers could resist them. They were fast and moved forward quickly, quickly bypassing the oncoming black tall building, and advancing towards the black tall tower farther away.

In order not to affect the speed at which each other’s spiritual source is harvested, Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun and Xu Xuehui are all scattered. This can increase the speed at which they can obtain spiritual source. Su Li and Shui Qilin are silently following behind, observing the surroundings from time to time. Circumstance, in case something unexpected happens.

Although the monsters here didn’t seem to be strong, Su Li was still very cautious and kept turning on the “Peep Rune” to observe the surroundings.

When they reached the black tower, Jiang Shuijue’s number of spiritual sources had reached about 7,500. In this short period of time, she had hunted and killed thousands of dark soldiers.

Suddenly, a dull roar came from the black tower, followed by a huge figure, and jumped down in the sky, making a loud bang, with a great momentum.

Su Li immediately captured the new monster information.

“Name: General Darkness, Level: Tenth Level, General Darkness is the leader of the Dark Soldiers. It is the middle level of the Dark Forces. In addition to mastering the’Strange Power’, it also possesses the’Dark Shield’, which can form a black energy. The shield, which surrounds the owner’s body for defense, is much stronger than the dark soldier. It not only has terrible strange power, but also has a powerful dark shield defense. Killing the dark general has a certain probability of obtaining’ Strange power’ or’Shield of Darkness’.”

Receiving this message, Su Li’s spirit was lifted. This dark general is a tenth-level leader. Although he is two levels lower than himself, he can also gain a spiritual source by killing him.

Just like a fly seeing blood, Su Li kicked his feet and immediately rushed up. Then he saw dark generals emerge from this black tower one after another, jumping down.

Su Li’s eyes narrowed slightly with excitement. Originally, he thought that there were no monsters useful to him in this dark castle, so he was not in a high mood, but he did not expect that he would finally have the tenth-level leader beast general.

When they met, they launched the “dance of demons”, and the terrifying six-armed Devil appeared, rushing in all directions, and immediately killed the dark generals and dark soldiers within a radius of 30 meters, and immediately harvested several spiritual sources. , And then, Su Li rushed into the oncoming tower.

This high tower has ten floors, and it is full of dark generals. They were alarmed and appeared one after another, trying to stop Su Li.

Su Li easily killed them all the way. The first five floors were all ten-level dark generals. Starting from the sixth floor, there appeared more powerful ten first-level dark generals.

Killing a ten first-level dark general can bring two spiritual sources to Zuri.

At this moment, they are fighting on their own. Su Li is hunting down the dark generals in these ten-story towers. The Shui Lin beast has circled to the other side of the tower. There are also dark generals. Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding Longyun and Xu Xuehui mainly fight the dark ones. The elite soldiers fight together, of course, with their current strength, they are almost crushed.

Su Li quickly reached the top of the ten-story tower and cleared all the dark generals in the tower. The number of spiritual sources he possessed slowly reached 2,000. Then he jumped and jumped from the ten-story tower. Jumped down in the volley.

He saw the back of the tower, the Shui Lin beast was already fighting with groups of dark generals, and behind this tower, there were more dark generals.

As the people from Zurich slid into the depths of the dark castle, a group of people appeared on the water in the north of the dark castle.

This group of nineteen people, riding six mounts, is approaching here at extreme speed.

The head was a young woman who was about 20 years old. She was very beautiful and had a cold and arrogant face. Except for her face, her body completely showed the spirit source equipment. A few parts of the equipment had a faint glimmer flowing on the surface, which shows that this is Several pieces of monarch equipment of the same attribute.

This cold and arrogant woman is riding a half-bird, half-fish monster, rushing to the front of the team, and everyone else is slightly behind her half body. Obviously, this team is headed by her.

She was sullen, and seemed to be sulking. The others were all riding a mount together, silently following her, no one spoke.

Soon, they arrived at the dark castle.

Su Li and others entered from the south of the dark castle, and this group of people arrived at the castle from the north, and all they could see was that groups of dark soldiers appeared on the castle wall.

These nineteen people were not weak in strength, and they easily dispersed the dark soldiers and boarded the wall. At this time, they saw the fight in the dark castle from a distance.

In the central area of ​​this very magnificent dark castle, there is a fortress, surrounded by four gun towers, it seems to be heavily guarded, it seems to be the most important place in the entire dark castle.

At this moment, Su Li and others, crushed all the way, have gradually approached this central fortress.

“Someone gets the first step.” Seeing the fight in the distance, among the nineteen people, a man in his thirties couldn’t help but screamed, his face could not hide his disappointment.

Another man in his twenties looked at the arrogant young woman and said, “Boss, what should I do now? Leave here?”

“We searched for a long time before finally finding this place. I’m afraid we will have to look for a long time after leaving here.”

Another sighed.

The arrogant and arrogant woman who was called the boss, her face was stern, as if everyone owed her a lot of money, coldly said: “This place is an unowned thing, and it’s not their place. Is it important to come first and come first? We and them Just keep the water from the river, let’s go!”

While speaking, he stood up, jumped from the castle wall, and rushed into the crowd of dark soldiers facing him.

Others heard her say so, and jumped down one after another.

This group of nineteen people was powerful, and these dark soldiers couldn’t resist them at all. They smashed a path of blood as if they were devastated, and all the monsters that rushed up were easily cleared by them.

“The level of these dark soldiers is too weak, I don’t know if there are any more powerful ones before.”

These people pushed forward while complaining that the monster level was too low. Obviously, their level was not low.

The sound of fighting in the distance also alarmed Su Li and the others. They all looked up and looked into the distance. Then they saw a group of people appearing on the north side, and they also came in.”Who is this here? Don’t they know we are here?” Ding Longyun looked up and saw it from a distance, suddenly dissatisfied.

“Don’t worry about it.” Su Li said as he moved forward, easily killing a group of dark generals, and had arrived at the fortress in the center of the dark castle.

As soon as he arrived at the fortress, it felt dark in front of him. From the fortress, a black figure rushed out, like a sculpture made of black crystal. It was the dark military division he had encountered before.

The dark sergeant he met that day was a rare beast of the sixth-level, and the dark sergeant that appeared in front of him had reached the tenth first-level.

Ten first-level rare beast generals, dark military divisions appeared, surrounded by strong dark power, and powerful, not comparable to the previous sixth-level.

It’s a pity that he was killed by a punch by Su Li just after he appeared, and then he was rewarded with a rare quality dark boots.

Killed this dark military division and harvested 3 spiritual sources. Su Li has entered the fortress and found that there is nothing in the fortress in the center, only a cloud of darkness. In the darkness, a giant gate seems to rise vaguely, like a leading Another world.

With a slight movement in his heart, Su Li summoned “Devil enchantment”, the six-armed Devil phantom appeared, and walked in to face the dark giant gate.

Use Devil phantom to test, make sure there is no danger, he followed into it.

Shui Lin Beast, Jiang Shui Jue, Gong Xiao, Ding Long Yun, and Xu Xuehui entered the central fortress one after another, and then followed Su Li and entered the oncoming dark giant gate.

At this moment, the nineteen Leng Ao women and her party were also killing in the direction of this central fortress.

Whether it was a dark soldier or a dark soldier standing in front of them, encountering them, they couldn’t withstand a single blow.

Su Li followed the six-armed Devil phantom that she had summoned behind, and entered the oncoming dark giant door. She only felt that her eyes were dark, as if she had entered a huge dark space, and then her eyes slowly adapted to the darkness. , The surrounding scenery became bright and clear.

Behind him, Jiang Shuijue and Gong Xiao also walked over, and everyone had a look of surprise on their faces. Unexpectedly, after entering this central fortress and breaking into the huge dark gate, they would enter such a huge darkness. space.

Around this huge dark space, there are huge dark gates. These huge gates are engraved with one after another. They are faintly exuding black light, faintly containing a certain mysterious energy.

They just walked out of one of the dark giant gates, and in the central area of ​​this dark space, there was a round black jade on the ground. The jade was about three meters in diameter, and it looked like it was carved from black jade. Many complex rune spells are engraved on the surface.

Everyone felt astonishment in their hearts, and Su Li opened the “Peeping Rune” and constantly scanned the surroundings, trying to capture some information.

Soon he scanned the huge dark gates around him and caught a simple message.

“Name: The Dark Portal, with the power of darkness and dark spells, through the Dark Portal, you can enter the world shrouded in darkness.”

Every time he peeped into the huge dark doors around him, he would get exactly the same message.

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