Chapter 534 Advanced Will (first one)

Now the king Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai and Shi Dalong have become 9th level like Zuli. They have harvested the number of spiritual sources. Without the bonus, the speed is not as good as Zuli. Of course, with their strength, they are only better than Su. Li is a little slower, not much difference.

It was still the same as yesterday, everyone was desperately trying their best to fight against this endless stream of giant insects, but the battlefield moved to the Moon-watching Peak.

When I get tired, I go back to rest, my strength is restored, and then continue to fight.

Zurich now has an average of one hour, plus the time to retreat and rest. The time to really fight with the giant insects is about forty minutes. The number of spiritual sources that can be harvested is about 2,000. On average, you can harvest every minute. 50 spiritual sources.

The giant insects he beheaded include not only the Dead Light Green Giant Worm and Alien Armor Beetle, but also the more powerful Abyssal Scarab.

It seems that it is not much to harvest 50 spiritual sources in one minute. In fact, in an hour, except for wasted time such as rest, being able to maintain such a high-intensity fighting battle can be said to be a very high test, except Su Li, now there are more than 500 people who can maintain the same high-intensity fighting as him, none of them.

Even if the closest king Celestial Immortals and Lin Xinghai are the three who are the closest to him, in the same hour and at the same level 9, their limit is that they can harvest between 1,000 and 1,500, which is far less than Zurich. The standard of 2000 pieces.

Originally, Su Li already had about 3,000 Spirit Sources. On average, he could harvest 2,000 in one hour, and 4,000 in two hours. However, if Su Li wants to be promoted again, he needs 7,000.

The spiritual source gained in two hours is just enough for him to make breakthrough, advancement and breakthrough.

After slaying an abyss scarab and harvesting 2 spiritual sources, Su Li finally possessed the 7000 spiritual sources needed for breakthrough. In my mind, messages continued to sound.

“Level 9 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 70007000”

“Start promotion”

“Muscles begin to strengthen, bones begin to strengthen, internal organs begin to strengthen”

“Strength Increase, Defense Ascension”

“Basic strength Ascension reaches 12,000 jin”

“The basic defense Ascension reaches 12,000 jin”

“Physical strength is increased, and the basic duration of the outbreak is extended to 24 minutes”

“The vital capacity increases, and the basic suffocation time is extended to 24 minutes”

“Speed ​​Ascension, Vision Enhancement, Hearing Enhancement”


“Promotion complete”

“Level 10 Sacred Knight: Spiritual Source 010000”

“First Talent: Strengthen Care”

“Second Talent: Those who exceed the limit”

“Third Talent: Unknown”

“Basic Enhancement: Muscle Gain MAX, Super Heart MAX, Steel Bone Type Ⅲ, Strong Lung Type Ⅰ, Violent Liver Type Ⅰ, Glandular Control Type Ⅰ, Sacred Power Ninth Layer”

“Special skills: peep rune, gluttonous tooth, spider walk, silver armor cover, hunting ghost claw, high voltage electric shock, shark king ghost step, liquefied muscle, super regeneration, thousand shadows, black mysterious light, black thunder energy, hidden breath, ten thousand Electric shock, power of darkness, self-healing of life, information shielding, glazed spikes, heart melting pot”

“The Art of Spiritual Origin 1: The Third Form of Devil’s Muscle”

“Spiritual Art 2: Devil Enchantment Third Form”

“Spiritual Technique 3: Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone Third Form”

“Basic Strengthening Options: Steel Bone Type III, Strong Lung Type I, Liver Violence Type I, Glandular Control Type I, Sacred Power Ninth Layer, Stomach”

In response to the messages in the mind, the body once again acquired a comprehensive Ascension, with a small Ascension in strength, defense, physical stamina, and speed.

Immediately afterwards, another message appeared.

“The fourth kind of spiritual source art has begun to comprehend, the dance of the group of demons, the magic of the sky demon, two kinds of spiritual source art, you can choose one of them to master and comprehend.”

Receiving the message in his mind, Su Li’s heart was slightly startled.

A group of demons dances wildly, the sky demons Dafa, listen to the name, and don’t know its specific effects at all. How do you choose?

While continuing to hunt down the giant insects in front of him, Su Li first strengthened Sacred’s power to the tenth level. As for these two spiritual sources, he was going to put them away first.

The tenth level of Sacred’s power, lasts for five seconds, exceeds the limit, and is invincible for six seconds.

As the Sacred’s power reached the tenth level, a message appeared in his mind again.

“The first talent’Strengthening Favor’ is activated, and you will get an extra chance to strengthen. The strengthened parts you can choose are Steel Bone Type III, Strong Lung Type I, Violent Liver Type I, Adenosine Control Type I, and Kidney.”

Thinking of these messages, the steel bone can be put aside temporarily, because he now has the Heavenly Demon sacred bone. The sacred bone is extremely powerful and can withstand unimaginable forces. Therefore, the steel bone will be at least for a long time in the future. There is no need for additional strengthening, and then the lungs, liver, glands and kidneys can be selected. After thinking about it, Su Li chose to strengthen the kidneys that had never been strengthened.

Immediately, a new message appeared in his mind again.

“Baoshen Type I comprehension, lasting growth, increased hardness, increased physical fitness, an additional 2 minutes of physical fitness, and an additional strength of 100 catties.”

With the comprehension of Baoshen Type I, Su Li’s strength in a normal state has reached 60,100 kilograms, and his physical energy has reached 113 minutes.

And now Su Li’s mind was thinking about two spiritual source techniques, Qun Demon Flurry and Sky Demon Dafa, which one should he choose.

It is difficult to see the effect of these two spiritual source arts purely by looking at the name. From the judgment of Su Li, it seems that the sky demon Dafa is better and the personality is higher.

If it is the first time to pick these two spiritual source techniques, there is a high probability that Su Li will choose to comprehend the Heavenly Demon Dafa.

But his situation is different. He has now mastered three spiritual source arts, almost all of which are related to demons, especially the “Devil Muscle” and “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone”, which can produce special effects and turn them into Heavenly Demon’s real body.

And now in these two spiritual source arts, look at the name, “Qun Demon Flurry” coincides with Heavenly Demon’s real body, and the names of the three spiritual source arts previously mastered, all with a magic word, in case it does “Qun Demon Flurry” can also produce a similar bonus effect to the previous spirit source art. Did you miss it?

So if he simply compares these two spiritual source techniques, he will choose “Sky Demon Dafa”, but considering the three spiritual source arts he has previously mastered, after comprehensive consideration, Su Li still chooses “Quan Demon Flurry”. .

With Zu Li’s choice, a new message immediately rang in his mind.

“The first form of the ‘Flurry of Demons’, began to comprehend and master…”

Immediately afterwards, a series of messages appeared in Su Li’s mind. He felt a new power emerge in his body, and he was mastering the spirit source art of “dancing demons”.

Soon, he understood what “Demon Flurry” was. It was a powerful spiritual source art of gang attack, and his previous guess really came true. This “Demon Flurry” could be compared with the “Devil” he mastered. “Enchantment” has a mutually beneficial effect.

The so-called “dancing demons” is actually to summon groups of Devils to come and launch large-scale attacks from all directions. It is most suitable for this kind of fighting battle with giant insects in all directions.

Following the mastery of the first form of “Dancing Demons”, Su Li immediately performed it.

With his thoughts moving, with him as the center, a huge black circular magic circle suddenly appeared under his feet. In the strong light released by this circle, six-armed Devil phantoms descended one after another. NS.

These six-armed Devils are exactly the same as the six-armed Devils summoned by the “Devil enchantment” in Zurich. They all have six arms and hold six weapons. They all look hideous and ugly and extremely vicious.

However, they are all in a ghost state, about five meters tall, holding six weapons, appearing around Zurich, and then rushing out in all directions.

The ability of “Devil enchantment” is mainly for defense, so although the six-armed Devil summoned by it has a certain lethality, it is not powerful.

The six-armed Devil phantoms summoned by this “dancing demons” are different. They kill and kill, and each one is extremely powerful, almost not much weaker than the current Zurich, and their power will follow the state of Zurich. The strength changes.

The stronger the power released by Zuri, the stronger their power.

It is conceivable that if Su Li is in the strongest state of Heavenly Demon’s real body, and performs this “dancing of demons”, how amazing will the power of the demons rushing out in all directions reach?

Su Li looked at a respectable Devil phantom, brandishing six weapons, making a terrible roar, and rushing out from all directions. The scene suddenly became chaotic. He was in a radius of 20 to 30 meters centered on him. Among them, the giant insects one after another were crushed and strangled by the group demons in the phantom state.

It was almost just a face-to-face, these Devil phantoms that rushed out faded and disappeared, and the “dance of demons” ended, and all the giant insects within a radius of 20 to 30 meters were completely killed, and Zuri harvested dozens of spirits in one breath. source.

The power of this “dancing demons” is so overbearing, and it can kill so many giant insects in this area in an instant, it also made Su Li a little stunned. Then, he became excited. This “dancing demons” is definitely hunting. Monsters, the best ability to harvest spiritual sources.

Whether he casts a black lightning thunder or slashes with a red moon dragon, how can he compare to this group of “devil dances” of harvesting giant insects?”The group of demons dances wildly, once it is cast, it really looks like a group of Devil dances in a wild, this name is a bit interesting, fortunately, I chose this ability.”

Su Li was excited and rushed forward. He just emptied the giant worms in this area with a move of “Dancing Demon Flurry”, and he had to rush towards the oncoming swarms of giant worms again.

Two screams came from a distance, and two giant insects appeared at the foot of the mountain, rushing towards them at a terrifying speed, and the other giant insects evaded one after another, giving way to two paths to let them pass.

One of the 20-meter-long giant worms is the Titan giant worm, exactly the same as the one that Su Li killed yesterday. Obviously, this is a ninth-level monarch, the Titan giant worm.

The other giant worm is much smaller, not even half the size of the Titan giant worm, only eight or nine meters long, but this giant worm is a bit weird, resembling a beetle, but with a human face.

Seven orifices formed on that face, and a pair of fish-like eyes, which made people feel horrified after only one glance, and they didn’t want to look more.

The speed of these two giant worms is very fast, and a magma bomb has condensed on the back of the giant giant worm, shooting towards everyone in the air.

The human face giant worm seemed to be a little faster than the Titan giant worm, and soon surpassed it, rushing towards the people on the mountainside.

Su Li opened the peeping rune and immediately caught the information of this giant insect with a human face.

“Name: Insect of Enlightenment, Level: Ten, Race: Abyssal Zerg, Insect of Enlightenment, like Titan, is the monarch of Abyss Zerg. Compared with the bloodline of the Titan God inherited by Titan, the Insect of Enlightenment inherits With the brains of the three gods of wisdom, it has three brains. Unless all three brains are destroyed, it will die completely. If the body is hit by a crushing blow, its brains can separate out from the body and escape and save their lives. As long as there is enough flesh and food, it can recover within a week. It has a special ability called “Advanced Will”. It is precisely by using the powerful abilities of these three brains that it can be easily used through “Advanced Will”. It’s a terrifying existence to control the opponent, turn it into an own puppet, or let the opponent commit suicide, or even kill each other. This is an extremely terrifying existence. A bug that enlightens is enough to disintegrate an army.”

Receiving this message, Su Li’s face changed.

This worm of enlightenment is a tenth-level monarch, and this is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that it has a special ability such as “high-level will”, which can control people’s spiritual will and turn into a puppet.

Su Li naturally understands that this ability related to the spirit is the most terrifying.

As soon as he sensed this ability, he immediately thought of Xu Xuehui.

Xu Xuehui’s abilities are also related to spirit, and Xu Xuehui’s power may be needed to decipher the “advanced will” of this enlightened insect.

Although he has eaten two fruits of breaking the realm, according to Xu Xuehui, his mind has become much stronger, and he will not be easily trapped or controlled by illusion in the future, but whether he can be immune to this “advanced will”, Su Li has no confidence at all.

With a thought, Su Li quickly backed away when seeing the enlightened insect approaching, he wanted to look for Xu Xuehui in the crowd.

And the king Celestial Immortals, Li Xinghai, Shi Dalong, and Shui Lin Beast all rushed out one after another.

This kind of monarch-level giant insect is exactly their favorite.

Not only them, including Fu Long and Ge An, who are now getting stronger and stronger, also rushed forward.

“Xuehui!” Su Li turned her head and immediately saw Xu Xuehui in the crowd, and then rushed towards her, and shouted at everyone at the same time: “That insect is called the worm of enlightenment, which has the ability to control the spirit of people. Please be careful. , Don’t get close yet—”

Before his words fell silent, the worm of enlightenment had already activated the three brains in the body to display its “high-level will.”

Suddenly, the fastest kings Celestial Immortals, Lin Xinghai, Shi Dalong and Shui Lin Beast felt a huge will rushing over. The will instinct in their minds resisted, but they were crushed in an instant. , Except for the Shui Lin Beast, the other three only felt that their eyes were dark, and they didn’t know anything.

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