Chapter 496 Absolute Zero (second more seeking full subscription)

Fulong was shocked. He never expected that there would be such a weird weapon in this world, using a broken ancient temple as a weapon to hit people.

At this moment, he had just moved sideways, and it was too late to dodge, so he could only let out a violent roar, his mouth opened wide, and with all his strength, he issued “Long Wei” again.

Longwei is his most powerful attack, just like the breath of a dragon, opening his mouth, Longwei’s blow, and a thud, this space is shaking slightly, and the crushed Sumeru ancient temple bears this Longwei’s shock. , It shook violently and appeared stagnant.

Fulong was hit by the ancient temple of Sumeru at the same time as he was sending out his dragon power, and his body flew straight out like a broken kite.

Lu Tingnan was about to make a move too. He frowned when he saw this scene suddenly.

The leader once thought that the old humans had “superior” combat power, and they were also the strong ones in the superior combat power. It was absolutely impossible to be so vulnerable. There was only one possibility. This human being that can be transformed into a dragon is not The old human that the guide said.

At this moment, the core powerhouses of the ancient city that rushed up from the city wall finally rushed over. Behind them, there were groups of fighters, all the elite of the five brigade.

Now everyone can see that the Forgotten Human Race that has struck this time is by no means simple. There are many powerful men whose strength is terrifying, and they need to go all out.

Su Li watched as Fulong was hit by the ancient city of Sumeru and he vomited blood and flew out. Ge Anli shot and entered the “life exchange” state, blocking the White Tiger who had just been summoned by Zhao Hu, the fifth emissary.

Xia Zhihan and Zhang Wei looked vulnerable when facing these envoys with “medium” combat power.

Zhang Wei used hundreds of scalpels, all of which were blocked by the “space barrier” of the Sixth Holy Envoy Qin Tian.

Zhang Wei also wanted to control the scalpels, gather them together, and give this Qin Tian a fatal blow. The fourth holy envoy Wang Meiyu appeared silently from the side, stretched out his hands, and slammed Zhang Wei.

Her attack was silent, and she couldn’t see how terrible it was, but Zhang Wei, who was pounced on by her, was horrified to find that her own body began to stiffen, and the place where Wang Meiyu touched it began to turn into jadeite.

“Ah–” Zhang Wei screamed in fear, but none of this could stop him from turning emerald.

“Zhang Wei–” Xia Zhihan looked in her eyes, screamed in panic, and was busy showing the light of healing, trying to save Zhang Wei.

The second sage envoy Tang Ye waved his right hand, and the horrible dark fire was like a giant python in the dark, volleying out, about to swallow Xia Zhihan.

Tang Ye, as the second envoy under Xin Yuqing, is extremely powerful. Although he can’t reach the “superior” Realm, he is also a top presence in the “medium” category. Compared with him, Xia Zhihan is really too weak. The black flame rushed over, and she had no time to dodge, so she could only watch as she was about to be swallowed by the flame.

At this moment, there was a squeak, and suddenly a figure seemed to squeeze between the black flame and Xia Zhihan, blocking the black flame that fell from the sky for her.

Tang Ye frowned and wanted to take a closer look. He suddenly realized that the person who was blocking the flames for Xia Zhihan was a person covered in armor, and a six-armed Devil phantom swelled on the surface of his body.It is this six-armed Devil that really blocks the dark fire.

Tang Ye’s dark fire was indeed terrible, and the six-armed Devil couldn’t bear it. It only lasted for a second, and it was smashed. With this second, this person had already pushed away the stunned Xia Zhihan. He turned around half an arc, his hands clenched into fists, and suddenly stepped forward at a speed as fast as lightning. This pair of fists went straight to his head and belly.

Unable to describe the speed of this punch, Tang Ye opened his mouth wide and wanted to speak, but at this moment, everything was too late.

It was Su Li who rescued Xia Zhihan and punched Tang Ye.

Although he did not show the real body of Heavenly Demon, Zuli has already activated the third form of the extrajudicial and the “devil muscle”. With the limit that his body can withstand, all six special abilities have been merged, and the power exploded. Even if it is not as good as the monarch skills, the gap is not big.

If combined with the powerful power he possesses in the third form of “devil muscles”, the power of this strike is simply unstoppable.

Although Tang Ye was the top powerhouse in the “medium” combat power, he never expected that Su Li was so fast. When he reacted, it was already too late. The only thing he could do was to defend as much as possible. Hold these two punches.

With a “porch”, Tang Ye’s head exploded, and then his chest exploded, and his entire upper body burst into a mass of flesh and blood almost instantly.

Even the top powerhouse in the “medium” combat power could not stop Su Li’s punches.

Killed the second envoy of Jade Dingshan with one shot. Su Li kept moving, striding, his body was swelling suddenly, the bones of his body were gleaming, and his speed suddenly Ascension again. This time the target of his attack was Xin Yuqing.

This Xin Yuqing possesses “superior” combat power. To deal with this Xin Yuqing, Su Li didn’t care about it. He launched the “Heavenly Demon Sacred Bone” and cooperated with the “Devil Muscles” to enter a more powerful Heavenly Demon real body state.

Xin Yuqing was controlling the ancient temple of Sumeru, hitting Feifulong, frowning, and immediately understood that this guy was strong outside and did a good job, but he couldn’t actually reach the “superior” combat power. This is definitely not the old human being that the leader said. .

At this moment, Su Li’s blow almost beat Tang Ye’s upper body into meat sauce. He saw in his eyes, his heart shook fiercely, and he immediately understood something. As soon as he stretched out his right hand, an ice-like cane appeared. Here in his right hand, this is exactly the monarch-level weapon he possesses, the Ice Frozen Wand.

As soon as the ice-bound rod was in his hand, Su Li transformed into a two-meter giant and entered the state of Heavenly Demon, like a bolt of lightning, carrying thick black electric lights, and pounced towards him.

Xin Yuqing opened his mouth, showing a grinning grin.

“It’s you, you can’t be wrong—” He grinned and waved his right hand. The ancient temple of Sumeru shrank suddenly and changed to the size of a car. It suddenly rolled on the ground, at an alarming speed, and volleyed towards Zuli. Come up.

Lu Tingnan jumped down and got into the crowd. He didn’t do anything. Instead, he approached quietly. Observing the surrounding situation, he disappeared into the chaotic crowd, looking very inconspicuous.

Even Su Li, because he paid too much attention to Xin Yuqing, and the scene at the moment was already very chaotic, he couldn’t pay attention to Lu Tingnan for a while.

At first, Lu Tingnan and Xin Yuqing had misunderstood Fulong. When Fulong was hit by Xin Yuqing and flew out, he immediately understood that it was not Fulong.

When Su Li shot, Tang Ye was killed as soon as he shot. Lu Tingnan, like Xin Yuqing, immediately knew the real goal, but he was not as crazy as Xin Yuqing, or even immediately shot, but approached quietly from the rear.

Jiang Shuijue, Gong Xiao, Ding’s sister and brother, Luo Zhanjian, Shui Linmon, Zhang Haohao, Gao Shengyi and others have already taken action, and a full-scale melee broke out in an instant.

Among them, the most amazing power is undoubtedly Su Li and Xin Yuqing.

Su Li entered the two-meter Heavenly Demon real body state, carrying black lightning formed by six energies, and pounced against Xin Yuqing.

Xin Yuqing laughed wildly, taking control of the ancient temple of Sumeru, and bumping into the air.

The smaller the size of the Sumeru ancient temple, the faster the speed. When it shrinks to the size of a car, the speed is already incredible. Of course, this is not the most terrifying. The most terrifying thing is that Xin Yuqing also launched own Talent: Absolute Zero at the same time. .

This is his hole card.

Regardless of talents or treasures, Xin Yuqing holds the top level. Although he does not have a hidden job similar to Wang Di’s “time messenger”, he is just an ordinary spiritualist, but only with this talent and treasures, He is enough to become a “superior” strong, and among the “superior” strong, he is ranked.

As soon as absolute zero came out, this piece of space suddenly seemed to be completely frozen. In such absolute zero, not to mention that human beings want to move, even molecules and atoms can’t move.

There was a strange look on Su Li’s face. He felt like he was suddenly plunged into a terrifying space. The next moment, he was frozen there, motionless, and even his thinking seemed to be frozen. .

The only fortunate thing is that at the moment he was completely frozen, he activated the “Sacred Power” and the Overrunner.

Of course, all of this is due to the “peep rune” he has mastered, and he has already seen Xin Yuqing’s talent Absolute Zero and the treasure Sumeru ancient temple.

He had already seen Sumeru ancient temple, and the only thing that made him jealous was this absolute zero talent.

Therefore, Zuri seemed to have a full blow, but actually left room. He didn’t even activate the overrun state, and only entered the two-meter Heavenly Demon state.

It seems that he has made a full blow, and his speed and strength have reached the limit. In fact, it is to elicit Xin Yuqing’s strongest method, and also to make him misjudge his own strength.

Sure enough, at the moment when Xin Yuqing suddenly used Absolute Zero, Su Li, who had been prepared for it, entered the state of “Sacred Power” and “Over Limit” without hesitation.

In fact, even if Xin Yuqing doesn’t use Absolute Zero’s talent, Su Li will still use the power of Sacred and those who exceed the limit.

Because according to his plan, he would first confuse his opponent with the bursting strength of two meters of Heavenly Demon’s real body, and then, at the moment he approached, mobilize the overrunner to enter the true strongest state.

Of course, in order to ensure absolute safety, the power of Sacred is naturally activated at the same time.

To be able to become a superior power, naturally each has its own means, and the situation is unknown. If you are close to the opponent, if you don’t use the power of Sacred, you may die by yourself.

The current state of Su Li, who is beyond the limit, has been invincible for four seconds. With his strength, the battle can be solved in four seconds.Xin Yuqing’s attack is almost unsolvable, launching Absolute Zero, freezing Zuli, making him unable to move, and then hitting the ancient temple with the volley of the ancient temple, and with the power of the ancient temple’s full blow, even if Zuli is stronger, he has the “superior” powerhouse. The top strength in China has to be crushed.

Lu Tingnan, who was quietly concealing his intention to attack from the rear, also opened his eyes suddenly. Although he could not fully see Xin Yuqing, he could see the sudden changes in the space around Zu Li, and he could see that Su Li’s body was suddenly frozen.

Seeing this scene, I couldn’t help sighing, Xin Yuqing is worthy of being a superior powerhouse, and I am afraid that this skill will be robbed by him in the end.

Absolute Zero cooperates with the ancient temple of Sumeru. Once you get a move, even if you are a top powerhouse in the “superior” category, you will not escape a disaster.

However, Lu Ting Nanxin was unwilling. Although he knew that Xin Yuqing might have taken the credit, he still launched a sneak attack from behind.

At this moment, he has quietly approached within five meters behind Zu Li, with his strength, suddenly launched an attack, five meters in an instant, a spear nearly two meters in length appeared in his hands, like a viper that came alive, holding With a faint sharp howl, he drilled towards the deadly part of Su Li’s head.

If you can smash Su Li’s head to pieces before the ancient temple of Sumeru smashes his body, then, after all, this skill is still obtained by himself, and he is not without a chance.

He has absolute confidence in own skill and strength. What’s more, he still attacked, but Su Li was frozen and couldn’t evade at all.

All of this happened at the instant of a flick. Xin Yuqing and Lu Tingnan both had absolute confidence. They only heard a loud bang when the ancient temple of Sumeru slammed into the sudden expansion of the Heavenly Demon body of Su Li, and actually penetrated through it.

The spear that Lu Tingnan drilled out like a poisonous snake also passed through the back of Su Li’s head, just like Su Li was just a phantom, without any hindrance, let alone the sensation of stabbing flesh and blood.

This is a very strange scene, so strange that both Xin Yuqing and Lu Tingnan were taken aback.

At this weird moment, perhaps only half a second, the reactions of Lu Tingnan and Xin Yuqing showed their true strength.

Lu Tingnan almost felt something wrong when his spear pierced the back of Su Li’s head. His strong reaction nerves drove his body to respond instinctively.

The feet were like springs installed, and they jumped back abruptly, trying to stretch the distance. On the surface of the body, the Eighth Stage, like an eggshell-like defensive cover, appeared repeatedly to protect itself.

The situation was absolutely abnormal. Between life and death, all of Lu Tingnan’s actions were completed in only half a second.

Compared with Lu Tingnan, Xin Yuqing’s reaction was obviously a bit slower.

Although this is less than half a second, it is this moment that ultimately determines the gap between their life and death and strength.

Of course, the most important thing is that Su Li made a full blow, and the targeted target was Xin Yuqing. As for Lu Tingnan, who attacked behind him, he was outside of his accident.

However, in the four-second invincible state of Sacred’s power, let alone a sneak attack by Lu Tingnan, even if ten Lu Tingnan attacked at the same time, the result would be the same for Su Li.

He only needs to follow the idea in his mind and enter the most powerful state. A huge force of over 400,000 catties bursts out of his body. The fist carried a strip of thick black lightning, blasting past like lightning.

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