Chapter 486 Tyrant (first one)

There were also several tyrants backstabs, swiftly shooting towards Su Li.

Su Li’s body was vertical, and he jumped out in the air, as fast as lightning. With the Red Moon Dragon Slash with several abilities in his right hand, with the 400,000 catties he possessed, he launched the “Thousand Shadows” and waved the blade light. Hit the back stab of the tyrant who shot over.

The harsh sound sounded, and the back stabs of the tyrants who had shot over could not stand the power, so they flew back together.

The lizard tyrant turned his head abruptly and looked at Zuli.

Neither the previous level 5 Berserker with “superior” combat power, or the water monster with “superior” combat power in the water, can’t really arouse its vigilance, only this strike in Zurich, It unexpectedly flew the tyrant back stabbing back with absolute power, which made it feel unexpected.

The tyrant shook his back, Su Li kept his body, striding across a steel bridge, and galloping along a steel bridge. His feet were so fast that they almost didn’t touch the ground. In his body, one ability after another merged into the red. Moon Dragon Slash.

In the shadow of outsiders, “Glutton Tooth”, “Demon Hunting Ghost Claw”, “High Voltage Electric Shock”, “Thousand Shadows”, “Black Profound Light”, “Black Thunder Energy”, “Ten Thousand Volunteer Electric Shock”, “Darkness” Power”, Su Li merged these eight abilities into the Red Moon Dragon Slash in one breath. The burst of energy has already caused the space to be distorted. Knife light like practice.

Su Li jumped up in the air, carrying this blade of light, and slashed towards the lizard tyrant.

The eyes of the lizard tyrant glowed with terrible light, and those tyrant backstabs returned, and did not insert into its back again, but revolved around its body.

It stretched out a right paw, and the backstabs of the tyrants that revolved around its body were connected one by one, and it quickly turned into a giant weapon that looked like a mace, and the whole body lit up. After the blue light, it grabbed it with its right hand and pushed the giant weapon upside down.

With a “zeng” sound, it slammed into the Red Moon Dragon Slash that was slashed by Zu Li, and the blue light collided with the knife light shot by Zu Li, and there was a loud and earth-shattering noise.

Su Li felt that an indescribable terrifying power was set off from the blue light, and the mace formed by the backstabs of tyrants contained devastating energy.

This is the real strength of the lizard tyrant, and this is the strongest tyrant power it holds.

For the first time, Su Li felt that the black lightning thunder, which had integrated eight abilities, was also shattered.

You must know that these eight abilities are merged into one. Simply speaking of power, it has surpassed the power of the monarch’s skills, not to mention the 400,000 catties he possessed, and he was shocked back.

The power of this lizard tyrant is simply appalling.

Su Li was overthrown and smashed heavily on a steel bridge behind. The steel bridge couldn’t stand the force, and it bent in an instant. Then he hit a brick and stone wall that had just risen behind. The wall went smoothly. As his impact collapsed, Su Li sensed that the city wall was helping him to vent this terrifying force, and his heart moved slightly, realizing that it was the level 5 berserker who was helping him.

With a movement of his mind, a liquefied six-armed Devil appeared, covering the whole body, followed by the destruction of the liquefied Devil, but with the help of this Devil’s destruction, Su Li had stabilized his body and landed on a thick steel pillar below. Lifting his head, the lizard tyrant has descended like a demon, waving his hands like a mace with blue light, and smashing it down at him in the air.As soon as Su Li took the shot, the Lizard Tyrant immediately targeted him as his first priority.

Compared with the level 5 berserker and the water monster, Su Li is the enemy who really makes it feel threatened.

With this mace, the power of the tyrant broke out, covering all directions. At this moment, even if he wanted to escape, Su Li could not escape.

Gong Xiao saw that the situation was not good, and launched the Ember Fire, offering sacrifices to the Feathered Serpent God.

Immediately, a giant flame snake that was more than 20 meters long appeared, sending out a huge snake roar.

Gong Xiao understands that this Feathered Serpent is no match for the lizard tyrant. At the same moment, she shakes the Ember Spear in her hand, and activates the monarch skill “Emperor Flame” to merge into the Feathered Serpent God with the power of the flame. , A full blow.

She could only strike the strongest blow, which was as powerful as the “superior” combat power. After one strike, she was unsustainable. If she wanted to strike the same strike again, it would be at least an hour later.

Absorbing the power of the “Invincible Flame”, the Feathered Serpent God expanded further and reached more than 30 meters. The huge flame turned in the void, rushing down frantically, trying to swallow the lizard tyrant.

The Shui Lin beast on the other side also exerted its strongest strength, summoning an incomparably huge waterspout, rising from the surface of the water, tearing apart the steel pillars that were blocking it, and rolling towards the lizard tyrant.

Jiang Shuijue’s palms were cold sweat, and the “Mist Labyrinth” was ready at any time. Once the situation was wrong, she immediately used the “Mist Labyrinth”.

At this moment, Gong Xiao and Shui Lin Beast have reached the “superior” combat power with all their strength, flanking the lizard tyrant, but the attack of the lizard tyrant only locked Su Li, and the attack on Gong Xiao and the Shui Lin beast, unexpectedly Ignore it at all.

Just because of the lizard tyrant at this moment, the power of that tyrant is full of the whole body, it has been integrated with the mace in his hand, and the power has reached the peak state, and there is no fear of the feathered snake god and the water beast summoning. The water spout coming out.

The blue rainbow light that burst out from the mace rose to the sky and greeted the feathered snake god who was leaping down.

With a “boom”, the blue light resisted the flame giant, and the giant snake began to collapse in the blue light.

The lizard tyrant showed the mighty power of the world, first smashed the feather snake god, and then swept the mace horizontally. The waterspout that swept across was suddenly flooded with terrifying blue rays of light. It shot out in all directions, with a bang, and the Shui Lin Beast snorted and fell down. The water spout it controlled seemed to lose its controlling power and immediately collapsed.

In almost an instant, after the feathered serpent god and the waterspout were broken, the lizard tyrant’s offensive did not decline, and he still locked on to Su Li, the mace turned in the void, and still slammed down firmly at him.

Zurich is its real goal.

“Good come!” Su Li is also eager to win. He can enter the invincible state of Sacred’s power at any time. This tyrant’s power can’t hurt him, but at this moment he has other ideas and wants to fight hard. Try this lizard tyrant, he doesn’t believe that he will really lose to it.

This strike, the lizard tyrant, has successively defeated the waterspout of the feather snake god and the water beast, and its strength is slightly exhausted. Su Li does not believe that under this situation, he can’t fight it.

Holding the Red Moon Dragon Slash with both hands together, all eight abilities gathered in it, bursting out a sword light that was more than ten feet long. On his left hand, one ring after another appeared in succession, and then he activated five one after another. Skills in the ring.

Two notes of “Blood Crystal Cannon”, “Silver Power”, “Lava Missile”, “Flame Burning Sky”, four common skills, one rare skill, and the terrifying energy exploded from five types of skills, all of them merged into the red again. Moon Dragon Slash, a terrifying divine light burst out, and the light of the sword that was more than one foot long stretched out again.

At this moment, Su Li just feels his whole body, thousands of hair tips are full of energy, he can not describe what level and Realm this energy has pushed to, eight abilities, five skills, plus Red Moon Dragon Slash and his Heavenly The power of 400,000 in Demon’s physical state, and only Heavenly Demon’s physical state, can support such an absolutely tyrannical energy. After changing to a more fragile body, before killing the enemy, I will be the first to be gathered by this fusion of energy. It exploded into fly ash.

All this is a long story. It actually happened in the blink of an eye. The mace that the lizard tyrant smashed down with all his strength and the training-like light of the sword shot by Su Li collided again.

This time, the situation reversed, and the lizard tyrant suddenly felt bad. The tyrant’s weapon formed by his own tyrant’s back stabs could not resist the surging force. Its hands burst open, and the mace fell out of his hand. For tens of meters, the knife kept flying, flying with a mace, followed closely, and cut along its body, and then smashed the steel bridge below, as if cutting through tofu, the roots crisscrossed underneath. The moving steel bridge broke silently.

Ding Longyun and Xu Xuehui kept going up along a steel bridge. They wanted to help, but when they saw this amazing scene, they were shocked. This lizard tyrant is so powerful and powerful, but Zuli just showed it. One blow is even more shocking.

Ding Longyun opened his mouth wide and felt shocked. The power that burst out just now was really amazing. He felt that as long as he got closer, he might be drawn in and crushed to pieces. I was afraid that even the scum would not be left.

Watching the lizard tyrant that was split in half fell down, the mace that had been shaken by several tens of meters was decomposing, and a spiritual source appeared and submerged in the forehead of the owner, and then Zuri sighed out. Tone.

Fortunately, the recovery ability of this lizard tyrant is not too heaven-defying. If it is cut in half and can be merged and reborn, then this is a big trouble today, even if it is him, I am afraid it is also dangerous.

You must know that he had lost the five skills in the five rings in his left hand, and the “Dragon’s Wrath” in the Red Moon Dragon Slash in the right hand had been used to kill the demon lord before, and now it’s time to cool down. Not yet, it is temporarily unavailable.

He only has the skills available for the two rings in his right hand. This is his hole card, and he will not use it casually.

The sixth-level monarch brought 40 spiritual sources to Zuri in one breath.

He now has 2,520 spiritual sources.

After these 40 spiritual sources, another light and shadow of energy flashed and submerged in his chest, followed by a message.

“Name: Dragon Tyrant Belt, Quality: Monarch, Attributes: +2000 defense, +20 minutes of physical strength.”

Feeling the information in his mind, Su Li was delighted.

This is a monarch-level tyrant belt, and he still wants dragon attributes most.

Su Li was a little excited and immediately began to peel off the rare quality mechanical belt he had originally possessed.

When the mechanical belt was stripped off, it was immediately replaced with this dragon-attributed tyrant belt.What he lacks most now is physical fitness. This tyrant belt increases physical strength by a full 20 minutes, which is 14 minutes longer than the mechanical belt that only adds 6 minutes.

Putting on the tyrant’s belt, Zuri’s defense Ascension reached 25,300 jin, and the physical Ascension reached 77 minutes.

This pair of Ascension in Zuli is amazing. You must know that he was in the state of the overrun, which can only last for a minute and a half at most. Now, as this tyrant belt merges in, he can maintain the condition of the overrun. The time Ascension reached nearly two minutes.

This made Zuli feel excited.

Jiang Shuijue saw that Su Li was safe, the lizard tyrant was beheaded, the body fell, and he was in a panic and rushed over.

The sixth-level monarch was killed by Su Li, Jiang Shuijue felt proud in his heart, this is his own man.

“The fourth dragon-attribute equipment, as long as there is another dragon-attribute equipment, the second layer of dragon power can be activated.”

Su Li is very excited. He now has six monarch equipment, four of which are dragon attributes.

Ding Longyun and Xu Xuehui also approached one after another. Seeing that the belt on Su Li’s waist suddenly changed. The newly replaced belt had a layer of gleam on the surface, and immediately understood that after killing this lizard tyrant, Su Li had obtained a piece that he could use. equipment.

The brick and stone walls crisscrossing all around were shrinking and recovering. Soon, the original buildings were restored to their original shape. The level 5 Berserker had appeared on the top of one of the buildings. Looking at Su Li, it was difficult to conceal the look of surprise in his eyes.

The shocking slash that Su Li just showed, really made him feel shocked.

This person put away the helmet on his head and face, revealing the true appearance of own, a man in his thirties.

He opened his mouth slightly, a look of astonishment on his face, and made no secret of his surprise.

Thinking that the opponent is a “superior” combat power, he dared to break into this monster lair alone, Su Li also felt admiration for him, but at this time he also knew the reason for this person’s courage.

Firstly, it is naturally because of his “superior” combat power, and secondly because of the talent of the constructor he has mastered, which can make him construct a maze-like world here, even if he loses to this lizard tyrant, he really wants It is not too difficult to want to escape with one heart.

Su Li followed the steel bridge and quickly jumped and landed on the top of this building.

Ding Longyun and several others also walked over.

The Shui Lin Beast was slightly injured and was slowly floating from the surface of the water. Gong Xiao was similar to it, but fortunately, the injuries were not serious and he was recovering.

A few people came to the top of the building, and both sides were looking at each other. The berserker suddenly grinned and cupped hands and said: “My name is Shi Dalong. I just thanked a few people for help, otherwise I would be in danger.”

Although he was able to escape, he still expressed his gratitude.

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