Chapter 157 7th-level powerhouse

The raft is getting farther and farther away from the Zifeng Building. Liu Jiande was paddling on the road while being full of tension. He watched around from time to time for fear of a sudden attack by a monster.

Su Li was relatively calm. He saw corpse beasts or other monsters appearing on the water very occasionally, wandering far away, and did not attack them.

Compared to night, most of the spirit source beasts are resting during the day. If nothing has disturbed them, a large number of spirit source beasts are rarely seen, and one or two monsters that occasionally appear will probably not attack humans.

From time to time, you can see buildings that are out of the water. Most of them are 30- or 32-story buildings. These buildings have basically been entered by the people of Zifeng Building, and those with supplies have been taken. gone.

The two people in Suli did not stop to check. Soon, they left the Purple Wind Building more than three kilometers away, and the dark shadow of a tall building was already seen in the distance. Compared with other buildings around, this building was out of the water. There are six layers, which is unique.

Su Li knows that the six-story building above the water is the “Jinhui Center Building”, with a total of thirty-six floors, where Jiang Shuijue, Gu Mingfeng, Ling Yi and others live.

They have to use the “Jinhui Center Building” as their coordinates to go to the Huating Community on this trip, approaching the “Jinhui Center Building” first, and then about three kilometers northeast to find the approximate location of the Huating Community.

As he approached, Su Li took a breath. At this moment, he vaguely heard a roar, which was also mixed with screams.

“Huh?” Hearing this voice, Su Li immediately tilted his head and looked in the direction the voice came from.

Then he noticed a building in the distance. It was a thirty-first-story building. Two floors were exposed on the water. It was a few hundred meters away from them. The faint roars and screams of beasts were transmitted from there. from.

As Su Li took a closer look, he finally realized that on the outer wall of the building, he could vaguely see a lot of spirit source beasts climbing up, and on the top of the building, he could even see giant spirit source beasts moving.

“Is this someone hunting the spirit source beast? Or is it besieged and attacked?”

Su Li’s expression changed, and Liu Jiande immediately changed direction and headed towards the building.

He thought that it was only about two kilometers away from the “Jinhui Center Building”. If anyone on this building was attacked, it was most likely the people of the “Jinhui Center Building”. He thought that he owed them a favor. Now I have seen it by passing by. If I can help, I will naturally extend a helping hand and return their favor.

Jiang Shuijue and the three were able to board the blood crystal beast to help them. Now it should be rewarded. Moreover, he is only 29 spiritual sources away from the breakthrough of level 7. Now he can see this group of spiritual source beasts far away. It seems that they are all moving spiritual sources, so this opportunity to kill two birds with one stone is naturally not to be missed.

The raft quickly moved towards the building. The distance between the two sides kept shortening. Liu Jiande also noticed. Although he was a little nervous, he didn’t dare to go against Zuli’s meaning.

Thinking of Su Li’s strength, Liu Jiande felt a little relieved.

“Unexpectedly, there will be so many monsters. The opportunity is rare. You have hope to make a breakthrough.”

Su Li smiled, thinking that Liu Jiande is now only Level 4, which is really low. Like him, he can be familiar with the live map of the entire city road. In such a flooded city, he is also a rare talent, and he may be able to do it later. There are a lot of places that need him. To such a person, you can show some favor.

As they approached, the monster’s roars and screams became clearer. When Su Li saw this spirit source beast climbing up the outer wall, it was basically the first time I saw it, and I didn’t see a familiar one. .

“Does the type of spirit source beast in each area differ? This place is at least three kilometers away from the Zifeng Mansion, so the spirit source beast in this area is completely different from the area around the Zifeng Mansion?”

Su Li saw the spirit source beast climbing on the outer wall. There were huge centipedes with white body and two or three meters in length, colorful creatures resembling starfishes, and dark monsters with eight legs. Fish, these spirit source beasts that I saw for the first time were all fast, constantly climbing to the top of the building, as if there was some fatal temptation on the top of the building to attract them.

The two came on a raft and quickly attracted the attention of these monsters, and monsters gathered towards the raft in the water.

On Su Li’s chest, the hilt of the Dragon Rhinoceros Sword was automatically stretched out. As soon as he stretched out his right hand to hold the hilt, and the rainbow light flashed, he pulled the Rhinoceros Sword from his chest.

The first to approach the raft was a strange fish with eight legs and a dark body, nearly three meters in length, with an open mouth, resembling a shark.

Su Li activated “Peeping Rune” and immediately caught its message data.

“Name: Eight-legged cuttlefish, level: fifth-level, ordinary spirit source beast, fast action, good at climbing, attack mode is mainly biting, there is a certain probability to evolve into an elite octopod king.”

For the fifth-level ordinary beast, Su Li could not obtain an effective spiritual source by killing it. The dragon rhino sword in his right hand was swung out, which severely inflicted the eight-legged cuttlefish, leaving it to Liu Jiande to make the final blow, and to be a good favor.

“Liu Dage, this eight-legged cuttlefish is handed over to you.”

Liu Jiande put down the oar and picked up the weapon that had been placed on the raft before, a long-handled axe.

He wielded an axe in both hands and slashed heavily, slicing off the head of this eight-legged cuttlefish that was badly injured and unable to attack by Zuli. He was level 4, killing this fifth-level eight-legged cuttlefish and immediately harvested two. Lingyuan, this made his eyes glow with excitement and excitement.

Su Li helped him to level up, and he was moved by himself.

Su Li jumped into the water, the dragon rhino sword in his right hand swung in succession, and immediately three eight-legged cuttlefish rolled their belly, or eight legs were cut off by him, or the belly was cut open, or the lower half of the body was chopped off. He disintegrated the combat power and handed it over to Liu Jiande for the final blow.

And the other two kinds of spirit source beasts, Su Li, have been peeking at the information, namely the white jade centipede and the colorful starfish. Among them, the colorful starfish is the fifth-level ordinary beast, and the white jade centipede is the sixth-level ordinary beast.

Su Li smashed the eight-legged cuttlefish and colorful starfish, leaving it to Liu Jiande, and the Bai Yu centipede himself beheaded.

How quick is Zuli’s move, this fifth-level and sixth-level ordinary monster is simply vulnerable to his Dragon Rhinoceros Sword.

Soon he killed five white jade centipedes in succession, and the number of colorful starfish and eight-legged cuttlefish that he severely damaged more than ten. These were given to Liu Jiande, and the number of spiritual sources that he could obtain exceeded twenty.

Liu Jiande was surprised and delighted. He quickly broke through to level 5, mastered the “spiritual art”, and made a qualitative leap in strength. Now even if he fights alone, ordinary sixth-level monsters are not his opponents.

Su Li approached the building and easily climbed to the 31st floor balcony. A white jade centipede and a colorful starfish rushed up. The dragon rhino sword in Su Li’s hand was swung out, and the two monsters were simultaneously He cut off from it and harvested an effective spiritual source.

“Level 6 Spirit Source: Spirit Source 6790”

“Only 23 Spirit Sources are left.” Su Li was slightly happy, and moved up the balcony on the 31st floor. With his left hand stretched out to grab the edge of the roof, he turned over and reached the roof.

At the moment, monsters and corpses were everywhere on the roof of the building, and there was a flashing figure in the center. When Zuri climbed on the roof, a group of monsters surrounded him.

There are eight-legged cuttlefish, colorful starfish and white jade centipedes.

Su Li’s figure flashed, killing three of the white jade centipedes, and the other colorful starfish and eight-legged cuttlefish were handed over to Liu Jiande, who followed closely.

Liu Jiande is already a Level 5 spiritual source, mastering the “spiritual art”, and his strength Ascension is far more than doubling. These colorful starfish and eight-legged cuttlefish are no longer his opponents, and he doesn’t need Suli’s help anymore.

Although this building has only 31 floors, the floor area is not small. The roof looks very open. The periphery is surrounded by some relatively weak and ordinary beasts. At the moment, there are a large number of them on the ground in the central area. The corpses of the white jade centipede, the eight-legged cuttlefish and the colorful starfish. Among the corpses of these monsters, there are three extra-large corpses.

Two of the corpses are like an enlarged version of the eight-legged cuttlefish. They are twice as large as the eight-legged cuttlefish. Zuri knew at a glance that this should have evolved from the eight-legged cuttlefish in the information that was just obtained. Octopod King.

He used the peeping rune to see that he was indeed the octopus king, the sixth-level elite beast, one level higher than the octopus cuttlefish.

The other huge corpse was a giant starfish about the size of a round table. The whole body was brightly colored with scales on the surface. Zuli peeped and discovered that this was the starfish king beast, the sixth-level elite beast evolved from the colorful sea beast.

In addition to the corpses of these three elite beasts, a giant centipede and a man were fighting in the field.

This giant centipede, five meters in length, is as white as jade, forming a piece of armor. Zuli peeped and discovered that it was a seventh-level elite beast evolved from the white jade centipede: the white armored centipede.

This white armored centipede is a seventh-level elite beast. It is naturally much stronger than the Octopod King and Sea Star King Beast. The man who fought against it was about 30 years old and about 1.75 meters tall. He kept it. He has long hair and is tied into a pigtail at the back, which looks a bit of an artist’s temperament.

He didn’t hold a weapon in his hand, but fought against the white armored centipede in front of him with his empty hands.

This man was just himself, killing so many monsters in succession, including three sixth-level elite beasts. At this moment, he was fighting against this seventh-level elite white-armored centipede. He was obviously not weak.

Su Li immediately used the “Peep Rune” to spy on the man’s information.

“Name: Spiritual Source, Level: Level 7, Special Skills: 6 Types, Spiritual Source Art: 1 Type, Weakness: Unknown, Others: None”

Su Li sensed the peeping information, and his heart was slightly shocked. Is this man in front of him a level 7 spiritual source?

This level is actually higher than the current self first-level?

In terms of hunting monsters, Su Li thinks that he has been working very hard. It can be said that he has not relaxed at all. So far he is only a level 6 spiritual source. Of course, it is infinitely close to level 7, at least today. Upgrade to level 7.

But he didn’t expect the man in front of him to break through to level 7 ahead of him.

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