Chapter 155 No lack of genius (first more)

Su Li came over.

“Brother Su, what do you say, he said he would like to join us.” Xu Haihai looked at Su Li.

Song Yuanqing also looked at Su Li, her lips moved slightly, just about to speak, Su Li suddenly shot, just a punch, and it landed on Song Yuanqing’s face.

At this moment, Song Yuanqing did not have a “mo jade body”, and he did not expect that Su Li would suddenly make a move. It turned out that he thought that Su Li would ask him a few words. How could he think that Su Li would not say anything, just make a move. After receiving this heavy blow on his face, there was a dull sound and a crisp sound of broken bones. His face immediately collapsed, and the skin on his face was splashed with broken bones.

This punch smashed Song Yuanqing’s head. Before he could make any screams, he fell straight down, and a spiritual source flew into Su Li’s forehead and disappeared.

Everyone looked at Su Li so swiftly that Song Yuanqing, who was about to surrender, was killed with one punch, and they were a bit stunned.

Song Yuanqing killed Song Yuanqing with a punch, as if he had done a trivial thing. Then, Su Li looked at Xu Haihai and said calmly: “We are not sure whether he joined us sincerely, and we don’t know the other twelve we just killed. Is there any of his relatives and friends among the people, and I don’t know if he will find a way to get revenge, so that nothing is uncertain about the huge hidden dangers. Can we stay by my side?”

When everyone heard this, they all let out a long sigh.

Xu Haihai said: “Brother Su is right, it’s because I didn’t think about it, and I hesitated just now.”

Su Li sighed: “You hesitate to show that you are kind-hearted, and kindness itself is right, but there are some things that you can’t help it.”

Su Li is not bloodthirsty, he is not willing to kill, but in some cases, it is impossible not to kill.

It’s like killing seven Gao Shuxue people. He didn’t kill others, and they didn’t plan to let them go. Another example is Gao Shupeng thirteen people who came to seek revenge. They killed one of them and injured two of them. Forced to fight back, Gao Shupeng avenged his younger brother and almost never died. Either you die or I die.

As for Song Yuanqing’s surrender, they didn’t know if the other party had sincerely surrendered, nor did they dare to let him go, because they didn’t know if he would attract more terrifying enemies. “Golden Eagle One Building A” is so simple, it is very likely to be a powerful alliance.

Su Li didn’t dare to take this risk, and if he missed it, he might have paid a very painful price, even Death.

“Go back and clean up these corpses.” Su Li reached out and patted Xu Haihai’s shoulder, then turned and walked towards the edge of the floating island.

Gong Xiao followed behind him without saying a word.

The corpses were all over the floor. Although they had won, they were all human compatriots, and everyone was not particularly comfortable in their hearts, and the atmosphere was a little depressed.

“Dispose of these corpses, don’t leave any traces.” Xu Haihai began to direct everyone to clean up the scene.

In this battle, their side only lost one person and injured two people. It can be said that they have paid a very small price and loss.

All this is due to Su Li’s sudden “Dragon Rhinoceros Slash”, which cut the opponent’s combat power by nearly half and reversed the entire battle in an instant. Otherwise, they will suffer heavy casualties in this battle, and perhaps the result will be Will be completely reversed.

Regarding Su Li, they became more and more in awe in their hearts. That Gao Shupeng possessed the ability to “copy” was almost equivalent to a person possessing four spiritual source arts. Even with such a big advantage, he was still counterattacked and killed by Su Li. , They have a new understanding of the strength of Su Li.

Originally they thought that Su Li was very strong, but now it seems that he is stronger than they thought.

The presence of such people in Zifeng Building made them feel at ease.

Back at Zifeng Mansion, Su Li changed his blood-stained clothes, took a hot bath, and had a good night’s sleep.

Yan Fang is indeed a ghost. He not only improved the water purifier, but also improved the solar water heater so that everyone in the Zifeng Building can take a hot bath. Of course, because of limited conditions, it cannot be popularized. Everyone wants to take a hot bath. You need to make an appointment, and it is possible to have one turn in a few days, but for Zurich, there is no such restriction.

The battle with Gao Shupeng was not easy. This made Su Li realized that although he had awakened his talent and possessed the Dragon Rhinoceros Sword, his own talent could not widen the obvious gap in the early stage, and there is no shortage of genius among human beings. The existence of evildoers, the “spiritual art” that some people understand can be called heaven-defying. If Gao Shupeng hadn’t copied his own “devil muscle” and chose the wrong way to fight against him, it would not be easy for him to defeat him. .

This also sounded a wake-up call for Su Li, he was not strong enough.

From the beginning of the flood, the survivors can hunt the spirit source beasts and begin evolution. At the beginning, everyone was at the same starting line and progressed together. Maybe the gap was not big, but as time goes by, the gap between everyone will inevitably be gradually widened. Open, and this gap will grow bigger and bigger.

Among human beings, there is never a shortage of geniuses.

Just like studying in the past, there are scumbags, tyrants, and even gods.

The most terrifying thing is that he is smarter than you and works harder than you.

“There are too many excellent people, and what I fear most is that they are not only geniuses, but also work harder than you, and luckier than you…”

Su Li thought that Gao Shupeng could comprehend this kind of heaven-defying “spiritual art”, which is a kind of luck. After all, the comprehend “spiritual art” has a certain relationship with the basic strengthening parts of people, but it is more More should be randomness. In this randomness full of uncertainty, luck is very important.

Maybe you will comprehend a very rubbish “spiritual art”, maybe you will comprehend a powerful perverted ability.

This one item immediately opened the gap between the two.

After Su Li woke up, he went to see Ding Longyun first. The muscle paralysis effect of this guy was still there. Fortunately, there was no life-threatening effect. He told Zhong Rongrong to take good care of him, so he called Xu Haihai and Bai Wenwei. On the water between the wind building and the floating island, a row of rafts is laid as a wooden bridge, which is much more convenient.

Everyone nodded as soon as they heard it, and immediately started to do it.

Luo Jun, Jin Sixing, Ling Tian and others each took a small team and took a raft to leave the Zifeng Mansion, and went to other buildings around to collect materials, as well as the wood that Zuli highlighted.

At night, the pontoon bridge between Zifeng Building and the floating island was finally erected, and Luo Jun and others all returned. Unfortunately, the materials in this area have basically been collected, and I haven’t been able to find many materials, but I brought them back. Less materials such as wooden doors.

If you want to continue searching for materials, you need to travel farther. First, the risk is too great, and second, there is a possibility that other forces may exist in other places.

Someone proposed to go to “Golden Eagle One Building A”. After all, a group of elites, including the leader Gao Shupeng, died. There should be a group of old and weak women and children left there. They have no fighting power. They can easily occupy and seize them. The supplies there.

And “Golden Eagle One Building A” has been operated by Gao Shupeng and others these days, at least the remaining materials will not be less than them, or even more, as long as the materials there are obtained, enough people to support for a few more days, or even ten Days and half a month.

This proposal is very tempting, even Zuli felt his heart.

But after thinking about it again and again, Zuri gave up this attractive plan.

The staying power of “Golden Eagle One Building A” may not be a big deal, but the real trouble is the other two buildings.

“Golden Eagle One Building B” and “Shimao Center” are both very close to “Golden Eagle One Building A”, especially the “Golden Eagle One Building B” is only about one kilometer away.

Su Li had long suspected that what they called the “Golden Eagle Alliance” was an alliance formed by the survivors of these three buildings. After all, the three buildings were too close, and it made sense to unite with each other.

If you really bring everyone into the “Golden Eagle One Building A”, you will inevitably alarm the people in the other two buildings. This “Golden Eagle One Building B” has 44 floors and the “Shimao Center” has 42 floors. There are bound to be many survivors, and the power will not be weak. If you really rashly lead people to kill, the consequences are hard to imagine.

Although the “Purple Wind Building” was in short supply, it was no problem at least for another seven or eight days. For the time being, there was no shortage to the point where it had to fight to the death and fight back, so Zuli abandoned this plan.

Ding Longyun finally recovered, cursing, scolding the 18th generation of the ancestor who had caused him to lie down for most of the day.

Everyone had dinner, and after a short rest, they all mobilized and boarded the floating island to start hunting.

After the war with Gao Shupeng and others, everyone realized that the comprehensive strength of the “Zifeng Mansion” was not good. If it weren’t for Zurich, it would be troublesome during the daytime. So at night, it can be said that everyone worked hard and hoped. Upgrade early and become stronger.

In this hunt, eleven people were successfully upgraded from the original level 4 to level 5, but the number of level 4 people was reduced to only ten people.

Jin Sixing and Bai Wenwei broke through to level 6.

It’s just that the higher the level, the more difficult it becomes to break through, because most of the monster levels gathered on the floating island are fourth-level or fifth-level ordinary monsters, and the number of sixth-level monsters is equal. Less, even with the skill of Zuli, the number of effective spiritual sources harvested from the sixth-level monsters hunted and killed tonight plus the fifth-level elite monsters is only 32. The total number of effective spiritual sources is now The number is 61, and the 90 spiritual sources required to reach level 7 are still 29 short.

As for Gong Xiao, Luo Jun, and Ding Longyun who are also at level 6, naturally, they can’t grab Su Li, and the effective spiritual source they get is even less.

“Having another hunt tomorrow night, you can almost break through to level 7.” Su Li is full of expectations for level 7. After all, once he enters level 7, his “devil muscle” will enter the second form, and there will be a quality of strength. The leap.

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