Chapter 135 Mysterious Island (third change, 200 monthly pass plus more)

Gong Xiao continued: “Our women should not be willing to live by relying on men. We can be completely independent. We are not an accessory to anyone.”

While listening, Xu Xuehui kept nodding, supporting Gong Xiao’s Big sis remarks with actions, and ate two more melon seeds by the way.

Su Li smiled and said: “It turns out that this is the case. I’ll talk about it later, see what they mean, and see if they want it.”

After lunch, the sky that was clear and clear gradually became overcast, and the sun was obscured by dark clouds.

“It seems that the sky is going to change, are you still going this afternoon?” Ding Longyun looked at the sky and asked Su Li’s consciousness.

Su Li said: “Let’s wait and see, it looks like it’s going to rain this day.”

Gong Xiao raised her eyebrows slightly and said, “The city was already submerged by floods. If it still rains, the water level will have to rise.”

Su Li said: “I hope it won’t rain.”

It was a pity that things went counterproductive. After a while, the sky was filled with dark clouds, and the sky was completely dark. Soon lightning appeared in the dark clouds, followed by lightning and thunder.

Human heads appeared on the corridors and windows on this floor of the Zifeng Building, looking towards the outside.

Starting on the 15th, the city was submerged by floods, and the weather has been sunny until today. This is the first time the sky has changed.

Su Li, Ding Longyun, Gong Xiao, and Xu Xuehui also stood in the corridor together, and Qi Mengyu and Zhong Rongrong were also silently accompanied.

Now Su Li had secretly determined that Ding Longyun and Zhong Rongrong had a relationship, because the two ate lunch together and they were flirting with each other. As long as they were not blind, they could see that the relationship was abnormal.

“This guy is really quick to start, and the taste is quite heavy…”

Su Li thought silently, watching the sky so gloomy, guessing that the next rain will not be small.

After about five or six minutes, the rain finally came down.

The rain was heavy, and in an instant, thousands of ripples appeared on the water in the distance, and the world became white. Many people were busy closing the windows and enjoying the rain outside through the window glass.

“It’s so heavy rain, this scenery is really rare to see.” Ding Longyun suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

They are now standing on the corridor on the thirty-eighth floor, looking down from a high level, they can see the endless water surface, in this downpour of the sky, they can see fuzzy shadows in the distance. These are all buildings that have surfaced. Things are bathed in the heavy rain at this moment, and a pale mist rises from the water in the distance.

From their perspective, the rain was magnificent and magnificent.

Gong Xiao said: “This rain is so heavy, it is estimated that the water level will rise a lot.”

Ding Longyun smiled and said: “Look down, it seems that those guys can’t bear to be lonely anymore, and they are also appearing on the water.”

Needless to say, Su Li also saw it. From the beginning of the rain, the surface of the water became unstable, and some corpse beasts appeared on the surface, craned their necks, as if welcoming the baptism of rain.

At first, I could only see one or two sporadically. After a while, more and more corpse beasts surfaced, and the undercurrent surging in the water, in addition to corpse beasts, other monsters also surfaced one after another.

These monsters, big and small, some whom Su Li knew, and some he hadn’t seen, all surfaced at this moment, seeming to be very excited, raising their heads, facing the rain, as if in a carnival.

This is an unprecedented landscape. The purple wind building has eight floors and a total of thirty-two people, all of them dumbfounded.

They couldn’t describe how many monsters there were on the surface now. From near to far, the black shadows surged, and the number was unimaginable.

It has not been long since this city was submerged by the flood, so many monsters appeared in the water?

“Oh my God—”

“This amount is simply too scary…”

“If all this rushes over, it will directly submerge the Purple Wind Building.”

“What if these monsters rush towards us?”

Amidst the exclamation of everyone, these various monsters that seemed to be caught in a carnival suddenly began to show obvious changes, and they began to gather in different directions.

And where they gathered, there must be a building out of the water.

Zifeng Building bears the brunt.

Seeing this scene, everyone changed their faces.

“Fuck, who the crow mouth just said that these monsters are going to rush towards us?” On the thirty-third floor, seven people were gathering, and one of them was a big and thick black-faced man, yelling.

There were six people on the 31st floor. They were the closest to the surface of the water. Suddenly they saw a large number of monsters gathering in the direction of the Purple Wind Building in the water below. Soon they saw all kinds of monsters pressed down below, and their scalp was numb. , The first reaction is to rush towards the stairs.

“Quickly go upstairs!”

If these monsters really rushed into the Purple Wind Mansion, they would be the first to suffer, and they would dare to stay on the 31st floor.

On the top floor, on the thirty-eighth floor, Su Li, Ding Longyun, and Gong Xiao, who were standing in the corridor looking outside, suddenly saw this change, and they all lost their color.

“Quickly go down.” Su Li shook his body and rushed down first.

Gong Xiao rushed out after him.

Ding Longyun was about to catch up, when suddenly remembering something, he hurriedly said to Zhong Rongrong and Qi Mengyu: “You two enter the room and hide.”

Zhong Rongrong and Qi Mengyu were panicked, and suddenly saw so many monsters rushing towards the Zifeng Mansion from afar. For a while, they were panicked. They were just ordinary people. They were afraid to rush down with everyone, but hid in the room. Not reconciled, he stayed in the corridor and looked outside through the corridor windows.

“Suri, what if so many monsters really rushed up? Do we have a chance?” Ding Longyun asked anxiously.

Su Li descended the stairs and said in a deep voice, “Although there are many, but most of them are relatively low-level. It is not to be afraid. Have you forgotten your’air missile’?”

Ding Longyun’s eyes lit up and said, “Why did I forget this? My’air missile’ is the best way to deal with these gathered monsters.”

“Don’t use it rashly. I feel that the behavior of these monsters is a bit abnormal. First look at the situation clearly before taking action.” After reaching the thirty-fourth floor, Su Li found that many people had gathered here, including those living on the third floor below. People also rushed up the stairs.

Seeing Su Li and Ding Longyun, they all looked nervous and looked forward to them.

After all, this was the ruthless person who killed Tao Bingjun in one breath last night, but in the face of the various black and overwhelming monsters gathered below, how many people could kill no matter how strong they were?

Thinking of this, the faces of these people showed desperate expressions again.

“Brother Su.” Xu Haihai also greeted him, his expression a little nervous.

Su Li nodded towards him, then looked outside.

“It seems something is wrong. They just gathered around the building and didn’t rush up.” Ding Longyun was considering where to launch the “air missile”. After this observation, he suddenly found that countless monsters were gathered around the building. The inside was floating and sinking, and a monster was also seen entering the thirty-story building, but until now, no monster rushed up the stairs, and no monster climbed up the outer wall.

This is very wrong, if they really want to attack the Purple Wind Mansion, I’m afraid there will be countless monsters climbing up.

“Their target doesn’t seem to be us.” Gong Xiao said suddenly.

Su Li nodded and said: “Yes, although I don’t know why they suddenly gathered around, but their target is not us, at least temporarily.”

The atmosphere of tension and panic that was full of it was slightly better.

Many people stretched their heads out and looked around. Indeed, countless monsters below just gathered there, but no monsters climbed up and attacked.

“What a big island–” Xu Xuehui called out suddenly.

“What a big island?” Ding Longyun looked at Xu Xuehui with a look of surprise.

“Island will float.” Xu Xuehui explained to everyone with gestures, but everyone looked at each other. The more she explained, the more confused they became.

Su Li frowned slightly and looked into the distance.

The gusty wind was engulfing the downpour, and the rain was getting stronger and stronger. The abnormality of the monster below made everyone know in their hearts that something big must have happened, but it was just what it was, but no one knew.

A dull, depressed and tense atmosphere filled everyone’s heart.

Finally, through the wind and rain in front of him, Su Li saw a vague black shadow on the water in the distance.

The black shadow is huge, and it is slowly becoming clear.

All the people who gathered in the corridors or windows to look outside, all noticed.

“what is that?”

“You see that the dark shadow seems to be moving?”

“Oh my god, that really seems to be an island—”

Amidst the shock of the crowd, Su Li showed a solemn expression on his face, Ding Longyunlong opened his mouth and muttered to himself: “Grandma’s…what is this…”

At this moment, everyone can finally see clearly. In the downpour, what is slowly emerging from a distance is really a small island, and you can even see the gray-black rock exposed above, floating above the water at this moment. , There must be a standard football field size.

Could it be that the countless various monsters who were excited about facing the rain in the sky suddenly scattered all around, it turned out to be because of this floating island?

“Is it because of the flood that which rock of the mountain collapsed? Then it has slowly drifted here in the past few days?” Xu Haihai meditated and said his own guess.

Ding Longyun glanced at him and said, “Can your mountain rocks float in the water?”

Xu Haihai said: “It’s hard to say, because some rocks are filled with bubbles because of their particularities, and they are not of great mass. They can indeed float in the water.”

The surrounding discussion became louder, and everyone was speculating about the small rocky island floating in the distance.

Gong Xiao frowned and said, “If this is a floating rocky island? Why are these monsters frightened like this?”

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