Facing Luo Chan's eyes, Han Xing didn't react much.

He nodded, During this period, Xingyu City is also grateful for your help.

If you see what you need, or if you have any requirements, you can tell me.

Regarding Luo Chan, Han Xing thinks she is a very smart woman.

Everyone knows that the green-shirted goddess's appearance is peerless, but they don't know that compared to her appearance, Luo Chan's intelligence is no less impressive.

This can be seen from the fact that she was able to develop Xingyu City's business to this scale in just a few months.

Facing the Korean star's thanks, Luo Chan seemed neither humble nor overbearing.

And when she heard Han Xing say that she could make requests, her eyes suddenly lit up.

But she didn't show it. Instead, she changed the subject and said, Let's discuss the quota first.

Han Xing nodded.

Currently, we don't know how many people can be transported in the first batch.

But no matter what, the first batch of personnel heading to the Wu Clan territory must be trustworthy people.

So, you have to choose from your immortal mansion.

After hearing this, Luo Chan nodded gently again.

He showed neither the excitement of being selected nor any other emotions, and seemed very bland.

Han Xing didn't pay attention and continued to explain.

However, you still have to make it clear to your men that although I have minimized the risk to them when going to the Wu Clan territory this time.

However, there is also a risk of death.

If they're not willing to take that risk, there's no need to force them.

Luo Chan nodded again, I know, Star God.

Yeah. Han Xing responded.

Then, Han Xing suddenly didn't know what to say.

Because, he has finished speaking.

I thought that Luo Chan would make some demands or conditions based on his instructions.

As a result, the other party showed no sign at all and obeyed Han Xing's decision 100%.

Being so obedient made Han Xing a little uncomfortable.

After all, Han Xing didn't know much about Luo Chan, nor did he know what kind of woman she was.

Seemingly sensing Han Xing's thoughts, Luo Chan whispered: Does the Star God think that you don't understand me now and are not sure whether I can fully trust you?

Hearing this, Han Xing shook his head and said, That's not true.

Don't be suspicious of those you employ, and don't be suspicious of those you suspect. When I promised you to settle in Xingyu City before, it showed that I already believed in you.

But it's true that I don't know you very well.

Luo Chan had a faint smile on her face and thought: That's it...

Han Xing nodded.

At this time, Luo Chan suddenly said: Excuse me, does the Star God have time to take a walk with me now?


Hearing Luo Chan's request, Han Xing was stunned.

Luo Chan asked: What's wrong, Star God? Didn't you say that I can make a request to you?

Look at her stunning beauty with a slightly naughty smile.

Han Xing felt that he might have fallen into this woman's routine.

However, it will have no impact on Korean stars.

He looked at the time.

Anyway, there are still more than ten hours before the completion of the advanced teleportation array.

During this time, he basically had nothing to do.

Taking some time out to take a walk with Luo Chan wouldn't have any impact.

Han Xing nodded.

The smile on Luo Chan's face became even brighter, like a mountain snow lotus in full bloom.


Han Xing and Luo Chan walked out of the lord's mansion together.

When the two of them came out, it was already evening.

Various lights come on in the streets.

The entire Xingyu City has also reached its most beautiful moment.

Especially the central city.

With the Lord's Mansion as the center, the buildings within a few kilometers began to emit different lights.

Various warm red lampstone ribbons, as well as glittering stones and aurora aggregators hidden in every corner.

Hold the entire central city in your hands like stars holding the moon.

At this time, many survivors would deliberately climb nearby mountains or other high-rise buildings to take photos with the central city.

The Lord's Mansion has almost become a famous check-in point.

Under night.

A pair of handsome men and beautiful women walked side by side on the streets of Xingyu City, attracting the attention of countless tourists.

After all, Luo Chan's temperament is so outstanding.

When you stand in the crowd, you stand out from the crowd.

But she also has a great reputation.

Most of the survivors now know that Luo Chan is the management of Xingyu City.

It is also the focus of the patrolling wolf cavalry and thunder towers and other buildings.

If anyone is short-sighted and wants to cause trouble, they will be dragged away by the wolf cavalry immediately.

After several previous incidents, Luo Chan occasionally appeared in the public eye, and not many people dared to take the initiative to contact her.

Therefore, Han Xing and the others were not stopped by those tourists.

Along the way, Luo Chan kept introducing the shops on both sides of the street to Han Xing.

Occasionally, I will also intersperse some of my own understanding and anecdotes from recent events.

Han Xing also listened silently.

Time passes slowly.

The two of them walked side by side like this.

From a distance, some admirers of the green-shirted goddess noticed that she had been in close contact with a man for so long.

This scene directly made them feel despair.

I'm afraid that after tonight, countless admirers of the green-shirted goddess will have their dreams shattered.

As they walked, Han Xing was surprised to find that they were back in front of the lord's mansion again.

At this time, Luo Chan's voice came: Okay, Star God, we've finished shopping~

Han Xing was also stunned.

Unknowingly, the two of them had wandered around the central city.

He and Luo Chan were alone together for more than two hours.

Luo Chan asked at this time: So now, does the Star God know the little girl better?

At this time, Han Xing silently stared at the beautiful woman with a fairy spirit in front of him.

After these two hours, Han Xing had a preliminary understanding of Luo Chan.

I found that she was not as cold and taciturn as she appeared.

It reveals a temperament that can only be viewed from a distance but not played with.

In fact, Luo Chan is far more talkative than imagined.

Han Xing nodded.

At this time, Luo Chan suddenly turned around briskly and put her legs together.

He turned his head slightly to the side and gave Han Xing a sweet smile.

Thank you, Star God.

I am really happy today.

Han Xing nodded, You're welcome.

If there's nothing else, just stop here today.

After you go back, discuss it with your team members.

Yeah, Luo Chan replied with a chuckle.

Just when they were about to separate, they suddenly saw a group of survivors in the distance suddenly exclaimed.

Brothers, watch the chat channel!

Kunlun and Huayi Alliance seem to be making some big moves, and they are building momentum in the chat channel!

The other survivors were stunned after hearing this.

Big move? What big move?

The survivors replied: I don't know, it's very important. Zhou Huang will announce it himself in the chat channel later!

After hearing this, other tourists also opened chat channels one after another.

Han Xing and Luo Chan looked at each other.

Zhou Huang...what is he going to do now? Luo Chan murmured.

Han Xing spread his hands and said, I don't know, let's go and have a look.

Yeah. Luo Chan responded softly.

Then, Han Xing clicked on the chat channel.

These people are right.

Now, Zhou Huang has turned on the muting function in the chat channel.

Except for a few people who could speak, the other survivors could only watch.

Above, Zhou Huang spoke again.

My fellow human beings, I'm very sorry for disturbing you so late at night.

It's really because Zhou really has something important, or rather information, that he wants to share with you.

At this time, the survivor ‘Long Yuan’, who was originally given special permissions, appeared.

That is, the leader of Jiuzhou said at this time: Captain Zhou, we don't care about your interruption at this time.

We just want to know, what information do you want to share?

Several other leaders of the large group also responded: Yes, Captain Zhou, please stop being so secretive. What information is so important?

Yeah yeah.

See everyone's excitement.

Zhou Huang smiled and replied: Everyone, please be patient.

Next, what I want to announce——

It's about the new map, the information about the Wu Clan's territory!

Upon hearing this, the survivors fell into a moment of silence.

Then, there was an explosive discussion!

What the hell? New map? Wu Clan territory?

Oh my God, hasn't it been a long time since the last time a new map was opened? Where did Captain Zhou get the information?

What this survivor said is also a question in many people's minds.

At this time, another survivor next to him said: Could it be that Captain Zhou has walked out of the land abandoned by the gods and arrived at the new map?

These words also made other survivors feel unbelievable.

They said with some anxiety: It should be...impossible, right? Doesn't the system say that only through the Dragon Road can we get to the new map, the Wu Clan territory?

But until now, we didn't know the way through the Dragon's Path.

Yes, and I also heard that the Dragon Road is full of dangers, and many people died on the way.

So far, I have not heard of anyone successfully passing the Dragon's Path.


At this moment, Zhou Huang seemed to see the doubts in everyone's hearts, so he said with a smile: You are right, I have indeed passed the dragon road and arrived in the territory of the Witch Clan.

Hearing Zhou Huang's personal admission, the hundreds of millions of survivors on the channel who were chatting at this time had a look of disbelief in their eyes.

Long Yuan was the first to ask impatiently: Captain Zhou! Have you really walked out of the land abandoned by the gods?

The other survivors stared at the chat channel, waiting for Zhou Huang's answer.

Yes. Zhou Huang replied.

And it's not just me.

This time, I entered the territory of the Wu clan together with the leader of Kunlun, Brother Wujie.

After a moment, Wujie said calmly: That's right.

Hear what the two said.

These survivors truly believed at this moment that they had left the land abandoned by the gods.

And it’s not Zhou Huang alone!

He also took another top being of the human race, Wujie, out with him.

Long Yuan asked excitedly again: So, Commander Zhou has mastered the method of passing the dragon's road?

Not waiting for Zhou Huang to answer.

Several other leaders of the group who had been given authority asked: Captain Zhou, what kind of place is the Wu Clan's territory?

Captain Zhou, did you have any adventures in the Wu Clan territory?

Captain Zhou...

Everyone was talking and asked one after another.

Face these problems.

Zhou Huang still smiled and replied: I know you are very curious, and you also have many questions to ask.

But please be patient, I will answer these questions one by one.

Next, I will start a live broadcast with the leader of Wujie.

I will use this live broadcast to show everyone the magic of the Wu Clan's territory and those precious resources!

Hearing this, fierce waves once again set off among the billions of survivors!

Immediately afterwards, countless people poured into the forum and found the live broadcast post of the ‘Huayi Alliance’.

Click in and take a look.

It shows: The live broadcast will start in 30 seconds.

For the survivors who were eager to understand the territory of the Wu clan, thirty seconds seemed like a year.

But they could only wait silently.

At the same time, as the incident unfolded rapidly.

Zhou Huang wanted to live broadcast the new map for everyone, and the news about the Wu clan's territory quickly spread among the billions of survivors.

In a short period of time, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room has exceeded one billion!

And the number of people is still rising by millions per second.

It looks like the number of people is almost there.

Zhou Huang clicked directly to start the live broadcast.

At the same time, the live broadcast screen emerged.

Above, Zhou Huang's face with a gentle smile appeared.

Hello fellow humans, my name is Zhou Huang.

The person next to me must be familiar to everyone.

It is the leader of Kunlun, Wujie.

Next to Zhou Huang, a man with a completely different temperament stood there.

Across the screen, you can feel the faint murderous intent on the other side.

Wujie nodded lightly.

In the live broadcast room, a barrage of barrages suddenly passed by.

Captain Zhou is so handsome!

Captain Wujie is so cold and loving!

Let us see what the Witch Clan's territory looks like.


At this time, Zhou Huang said straight to the point: You must want to know the difference between the so-called territory of the Wu clan and the land abandoned by our gods.

Zhou doesn't show off either.

Then, please take a look.

As soon as Zhou Huang finished speaking.

The camera starts to switch.

At this time, a group of survivors saw an extremely large empty island in the distance.

There are many towering buildings of different styles on it.

Around and in the sky above this empty island, everyone also saw many Taiwanese warships and various transport ships.

Although the specific strength of these battleships is not known.

However, from the terrifying muzzles on the ship, you can imagine how powerful it is.

These are things that have never appeared in the land abandoned by the gods.

For a time, all the survivors were convinced that Zhou Huang had indeed left the land abandoned by the gods.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage exploded again.

Zhou Huang took advantage of the situation and changed the live broadcast perspective back.

He chuckled and said: Then, everyone must have believed that I have walked out of the land abandoned by the gods.

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