The occupation, 'Hunter', has been successfully selected, and the initial equipment has been issued.

Personal territory generated successfully.

The system prompts the end.

Tens of thousands of meters high in the sky, a square piece of dirt suddenly appeared suspended, 1 meter long, 1 meter wide and 1 meter high.

When Han Xing stepped on it, it was like stepping on grass. The high altitude under his feet made his legs feel weak.

A faded wooden bow appeared in his hand at some point, and an arrow basket appeared on his waist, with 10 wooden arrows inserted in it.

The item information appeared in front of you.

[Wooden Longbow (White): Quality - Rough, Attack Power 6~8, Special Effects - None. 】

[Note: Weapons made of oak and beef tendon can cause damage to ordinary 1-star creatures when the bowstring is fully drawn. 】

[Arrows*10 (white): quality - rough, attack power 1~2, attached special effects - none. 】

[Note: Arrows made from sharpened wooden sticks. 】

Han Xing tightly grasped the longbow in his hand, feeling confident after having the weapon.

Looking around, he found that there were many clouds of different sizes and colors in the nearby sky.

Some clouds are as big as a mountain, while others are only the size of a table, similar to Han Xing's territory.

He knows how this game is played. There are suspended islands hidden in these clouds. All the players' early resources, including food and drinking water, must be obtained from these islands.

He must explore other empty islands as soon as possible to obtain supplies, otherwise he will die of thirst or starvation soon.

Han Xing began to control the block under his feet to move forward.

Ten minutes later, Han Xing's lips were already a little dry.

These clouds look very close, but are actually very far away. At the current speed of his elementary cube, he can move 10 kilometers in an hour, which is a moving speed of less than 3 meters per second.

Although it is said that as the level increases, the speed of the sky island will also increase, but it is still too slow now.

After another ten minutes, Han Xing controlled the territory and finally approached a seemingly small cloud. There was a sizzling sound of electricity outside, and the system prompt came: There is an active force of thunder element inside. Do you want to enter?

The power of thunder element? Is there a monster inside?

Han Xing thought for a moment and decided to give up first.

After all, this is not a mobile game. If you die, you can be resurrected. The system has clearly reminded them that each person only has one life.

Han Xing controlled his small cube to change its position and continued to float forward.

As he slowly approached a gray cloud, the system prompted: There seems to be an evil force hidden inside. Do you want to enter?

dangerous! give up!

Han Xing changed his position and continued to float for more than 20 minutes.

An hour had passed since he entered the game. Traveling across the island not only consumed physical strength, but also consumed a lot of mental energy.

Han Xing suddenly felt stars rising in front of his eyes, and his throat began to feel dry.

I glanced at my personal information and saw that the status column had changed.

[Status: Thirsty, mentally exhausted. 】

(Note: You need to rest as soon as possible, driving while fatigued is not good.)

Rest? How do you want me to rest at such a high place!

Han Xing gritted his teeth and said bitterly.

Moreover, even if he could overcome his fear of heights, the one-meter-long and wide space of the initial territory would make it impossible for him to even stretch his body, and he would fall if he was not careful.

It’s not just Korean stars who are facing this situation, the situation of others is even less optimistic.

In less than an hour after arriving in this world, at least a million people have fallen from high altitudes and lost their lives.

No, we have to explore Sky Island as soon as possible and expand our territory!

Han Xing shook his head, braced himself, and continued to look at the nearby clouds.

At this moment, he saw a cloud about the same size as his territory floating behind him, with a hint of green on it.

A few minutes later, Han Xing finally approached the cloud, and the system prompt came: There is a weak life force inside, do you want to enter?

Um? has hope!

Han Xing felt happy and clicked to enter without hesitation.

The clouds dissipated, revealing in front of him a square patch of soil wrapped in green grass.

In the middle of the soil, there is a tree that is less than one meter tall, but with a trunk as thick as an adult's thigh, and a tree with many red fruits hanging on the dense crown.

[Berry tree: a shrub type plant. The berries on the tree can be eaten directly and can replenish water and satiety. 】

Han Xing felt as if he had seen his reborn parents, and he almost shed tears of excitement.

He rushed to the berry tree and started stuffing red berries into his mouth.

The bright red juice exploded in his mouth, with a slightly sweet and sour taste, making Han Xing feel like rain.

After eating a few berries, the body's hunger and thirst are relieved.

Han Xing counted and found that there were more than twenty red berries on the tree, each the size of a strawberry. If he ate sparingly, he could last at least two days!

At this moment, the system prompt appeared.

[Do you want to integrate this piece of land into your own territory? 】

Han Xing said yes directly.

[The integration is successful, your territory has been expanded. 】

The system prompts the end.

Han Xing discovered that his square soil block of 1 meter * 1 meter * 1 meter has now turned into a rectangular soil block of 2 meters * 1 meter * 1 meter. There is also a berry tree planted on one of the soil blocks. .

Now, his hunger and thirst were quelled, but his mental state was still fatigued.

Han Xing slowly lay down with his back against the crown of the berry tree.

Half an hour later, Han Xing opened his eyes.

As soon as he woke up, he found that he had rolled to the edge of the territory without knowing it. One arm was hanging in the air, and he was almost about to fall!


Han Xing took a deep breath of cold air and woke up instantly, feeling a wave of fear in his heart.

Damn it, I can't even get a good night's sleep. How can those who sleep dishonestly live?

Han Xing couldn't help complaining, and at the same time, he felt a sense of crisis again.

It is impossible for people not to sleep. No one can guarantee whether they will turn over and move unconsciously while sleeping.

The initial territory is only that big. If it deviates slightly, it will fall from the sky.

Therefore, their current priority is to explore those clouds, expand their territory, and at least protect their own lives.

Thinking of this, Han Xing looked at the surrounding clouds again.

He had just explored that most of the clouds nearby contained dangers, that is, monsters.

Han Xing knew that if he wanted to survive, he would have to face these monsters sooner or later, so he might as well take the initiative while he was in good condition.

But now, I can use my advantages to increase my combat effectiveness!

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