The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4788: , Ivan's true purpose

With his own command ability and tactical deployment, Bakas made up for the current disadvantage of the elf army to a certain extent.

But the whole situation is still not good.

No matter what they say, they can't change the fact that their army of elves is being chased and beaten by the border troops of the Dark Iron Empire.

Considering that Ivan didn't know this about the war, Bakas, who wrote the report and sent it back, was already mentally prepared to be blamed.

But in fact, Ivan did not have this plan.

He had to admit that when he issued the order to send troops this time, his anger did have a certain impact.

But don't forget, he is still a cool-headed rationalist at heart.

So this time, there is also a reason for him to be a rationalist.

And for this reason, I have actually said it before, that is, 'No troops are not enough for the people to be angry! ’

When things have developed to such a point, if the Elf Kingdom does not send troops, it will not be able to explain to the citizens, and at the same time, it will be regarded as weak and bullied by outside countries.

Under this premise, the act of sending troops is itself a way to vent the gradually extreme emotions of the people.

As long as he sends troops, then the people's gradually extreme emotions will have a chance to vent. After that, along with the venting of emotions, I believe that the minds of the citizens will gradually calm down, at least they will no longer be like one In the beginning, it was extreme.

And he will also gain a certain degree of room for manipulation.

Therefore, at the moment when the Elf Kingdom sent troops, Ivan's purpose was actually achieved.

Of course, that's not to say he doesn't care about the next battle.

Although he still thinks this is very strange, his father died in the Black Iron Palace, the mission fleet was destroyed by the Black Iron battleship, and even when they exchanged citizens with each other, they were all attacked by the Black Iron Empire fleet, and the fleet was completely destroyed. things...

Adding up one by one, it has long been no longer something that can be explained clearly, not to mention that this matter is still unclear.

At this point, their Elven Kingdom and Dark Iron Empire no longer have any room for change.

After all, even if he accepts it, it is impossible for the citizens of their Elf Kingdom to accept it anymore!

In this way, this time their elf army attacked the black iron border. If they can return with a big victory, Ivan will naturally be happy, because in that case, the situation will be more favorable for them.

However, after the previous internal analysis, even Ivan, who had basically zero practical experience in the military, knew that when the main army was not in the country, it was unrealistic for their Elf Kingdom to defeat the Black Iron Empire.

Therefore, this time on the expedition, according to Ivan's expectations, the two sides will at most deal with each other. When the fight is almost over, and the mood of the domestic people has stabilized, then he may issue an order to withdraw troops depending on the situation.

That's the real purpose of Ivan.

Although the grievances with the Black Iron Empire will not end there, the comparison between the two countries in terms of military power is indeed equal.

Therefore, according to Ivan's expectation, even if they withdraw their troops, and the army of the Black Iron Empire comes over, facing them with the home field advantage, the Black Iron Empire will not take any advantage.

In the two countries, there is a high probability that no one can do anything to the other.

However, for these thoughts of Ivan, even Bakas, who was the general of the army and led the army this time, was not clear.

Therefore, in every round of confrontation with the Dark Iron Empire, Bakas undoubtedly tried his best.

And during the period of frequent war between the Black Iron Empire and the Elf Kingdom, the war between the coalition forces, the Void Zerg, and the Holy See Kingdom of the Holy Light is undoubtedly still going on in the new universe.

Although the territorial area of ​​the Void Zerg is huge, after the death of the Zerg King, the Void Zerg, which was attacked by both the coalition forces and the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, has long been unable to recover.

In a short period of time, a large area of ​​the territory fell, so that the two forces that were attacking the Void Zerg territory at the same time officially met.

At the same time, this also proves that the remaining territory of the Void Zerg is running out.

During the period, in order to avoid conflicts between the two armies, the frequency of exchanges between representatives of the two sides also increased significantly.

Among them, as a crucial translator, Cyrelia naturally attended the whole process.

Although being busy is a bit busy, it is actually a good thing for Cyrelia.

While it is convenient for her to obtain information, it is also convenient for her to contact and transmit information with the people of Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

After all, during the years when their eldest lady stayed in the Holy See Nation of Holy Light, Cyrelia stayed on their spaceship all the year round. Although she also had a series of work to help build the ecosystem of the spaceship, in general, she The days were still very leisurely.

After there is no shortage of food and no worries about consumption, she can only pass the time by exercising every day.

Now that she is finally busy, UU reading not only did she not feel bored, she even had a long-lost sense of nostalgia.

During the interview meeting here, the coalition forces and Holy See Nation troops on the front line continued to advance.

Today's Void Zerg has long since become a dead end, and basically there is no way to pose any threat to them.

Not to mention Holy Light Holy See Nation, on the side of the coalition, the small movements inside have begun to increase.

Of course, due to the emergence of the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, uncertain factors have increased, so Delke does not think that these guys will make any big things in this situation.

However, as the host of the coalition forces, the small movements of the forces of all parties continued to make Delke feel very tired.

Seriously, he couldn't wait to make this war over quickly.

Although after the war, the Holy See Nation of Holy Light still needs to be resolved, but judging from the current performance of the Holy See Nation of Holy Light, they should be able to communicate peacefully.

In this way, he can finally let go of the burden on his body, he is so tired!

And it was at this point in time, in the pitch-black void, a scarlet streamer suddenly swept across, and then fell ruthlessly into the position of the Hundred Ghost Empire...

The army of hundreds of ghosts, who was suddenly attacked, immediately sent out bursts of ghost howls as an alarm.

During this period, amidst the violent impact, a figure with white hair and a simple robe appeared in the center of the Hundred Ghost Army's position.

The scarlet eyes quickly swept across the ghosts and monsters all around him, and from Miyamoto Shingen, a scarlet murderous aura that was almost as strong as a condensed substance burst out from him...

"Ghost, all have to die!!"


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