The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4786: , Unexpected (2)

In this expedition, although many elite soldiers and generals of their elven kingdom have been transferred to the front line to fight, but in order to ensure domestic stability, there are undoubtedly some reliable generals left in the country.

His father, the elf king Jason Rust, had specially warned Ivan before he was sent to the Dark Iron Empire.

During his absence, if something happens in the country and military force needs to be used, listen to General Bakas's opinions.

And this General Bakas was cultivated by Marshal Philip, and it can be said that he was a disciple of his uncle.

After Marshal Philip and his brother Ajer led the army to go out, the most reliable general in the country was basically the general Bakas in front of him.

At this moment, in the face of Ivan's inquiry, General Bakas also quickly gave a solution.

"His Royal Highness, we can first gather regular troops to form a vanguard army, set off first, and go to test the border forces of the Black Iron Empire, while the large troops continue to gather in the rear, bring food and grass, and rush to them in batches. front."

"The existence of the vanguard can attack enemy troops or defense lines when necessary, without delaying the fighter plane, and at the same time, the recruits who have been recruited recently can also gain a certain amount of training time."

"After that, we can add the best-performing batch of recruits in the recruit training to the second batch of troops dispatched. The ratio of recruits to veterans should preferably be three to seven, with veterans accounting for 70% of the troops. In this way, while ensuring the combat power of the troops, a sufficient number of veterans can better bring new recruits to adapt to the battlefield."

"Of course, considering the limited strength of our regular army, the proportion of recruits will definitely increase by the time the third and fourth batches arrive, but relatively, these recruits have already obtained more sufficient training time. Therefore, its combat power can basically be guaranteed..."

It seems that he is worried that Ivan, who has no military experience, will not understand his intention to do so. General Bakas said it very seriously and carefully.

But in fact, although Ivan has no experience, he is not stupid.

On the contrary, he has a very smart mind, which allows him to understand various things more easily, and even draw inferences from one case.

After hearing what General Bakas planned to do, and after some pondering, Ivan was also completely relieved to give General Bakas full responsibility for the command of the army.

And the Dark Iron Empire, the Elf Kingdom has experience in war.

But in contrast, the Dark Iron Empire also had experience fighting them.

This is doomed that this latest round of war between the two sides will not be too easy to fight.

Not to mention the members of the coalition forces who have been fighting together for these years, their respective intelligence information on the level of military strength has long been exposed.

The exposure of intelligence made them both warring and becoming more dependent on their respective hard power.

In any case, this is bound to be another evenly matched and inseparable battle.

After all, the fights in the early years have already proved this.

In the early days of the battle, there was nothing to say about the exploratory attack from the vanguard of the Elf Kingdom. As the defender, the Black Iron Garrison saw all the moves, and then seized an opportunity to directly launch a counterattack by taking advantage of the home field advantage! The smooth offensive of the elf army at that time was suddenly interrupted, and he fell into a disadvantage for a time, and even showed the meaning of losing a few points and retreating.

At this point, many forces from all sides who are secretly watching this battle are not surprised.

The Black Iron Empire, which has the home field advantage, has a very ferocious firepower, and it is not surprising that the elf army is temporarily at a disadvantage.

In their opinion, the elf army will soon stabilize its position and launch a new round of offensive.

Only from this moment can the war really start.

And then, the elf army has indeed launched a new round of offensive.

In this latest round of offensive, the high-level spell bombing that can almost make countless cosmos countries feel terrified, swept straight towards the border defense line of the Black Iron Empire!

Although, the garrison of the Black Iron Empire had already prepared psychologically for this signature attack method of the elf army.

But to a large extent, an attack with explosive power reaching this level cannot be completely resolved even if it is known.

In response to this situation, the border garrison of the Black Iron Empire temporarily prepared certain countermeasures in advance.

However, they still could not change their line of defense. In front of the upper-level spells that covered almost the entire battlefield, they turned into ruins.

The Black Iron Empire, whose border defenses were smashed, faced the advancing elf army at this time.

Under normal circumstances, according to the battle rhythm of the elf army, after such a wave erupts, the elf army will usher in a period of 'weakness'.

During this period of 'weakness', even if the opponent still has upper-level spells, the number of spells will definitely not be more than in the first round, which will lead to a large drop in the burst of firepower of the army for a while. .

Logically speaking, this should be the best time for the enemy to counterattack...

But that's true... But the problem is that in the face of a terrorist attack of this level, after the attack, even if the party that was attacked was not completely wiped out, the morale of its army would definitely suffer severely. It's good to not be frightened by the attack. How many forces can quickly organize a counterattack?

And this is also the biggest reason why the elf army can often end a war in a short period of time.

But it is a coincidence that these irritable brothers of the dwarves are all masters who are not afraid of death after they become irritable.

Facing the high-level spell bombing of the elf army before, there is indeed no way for the Black Iron Empire to resolve it.

However, they can still do it with less loss.

While the Black Iron Empire's border defenses were destroyed by the bombardment of superior spells, their border troops were evacuated in a timely manner, so that their troops were preserved to a certain extent.

Now this force is rushing out. At the same time, another dwarf fleet that is on standby at the rear is also pushing forward quickly, and in cooperation with each other, in the shortest time, at the fastest speed, catching the aftermath of the explosion. The 'weak' elf army is a counterattack.

Normally speaking, according to the strength of these two countries, I am afraid that some people will fight.

But what the forces of all parties did not expect is that, and I don't know what happened, in the face of this wave of counterattacks by the Black Iron Empire, the elf army actually failed to show much counterattack power, and even in the counterattack of the Black Iron Empire. Under the offensive, he was directly suppressed and fell into a clear disadvantage...


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