The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4776: , fight each other

The front line, the fragmented coalition, barely maintained the last contact, and the internal chaos was constantly eating away at them.

In this state, the overall retreat of the elf army has brought some inspiration to some of these forces.

yes! The situation on the front line is difficult to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, and it is difficult to distinguish the true from the false, so why not just withdraw to the known universe and go back to our base camp? !

But along with this idea, corresponding problems soon followed.

That is, if they want to withdraw all of the known universe, what should they do with the large number of new universe sites they occupied?

You know, aside from the very few exceptions like the Elf Kingdom, those who are unable to occupy the territory by themselves are basically weak countries, and they themselves cannot occupy many planets.

And at this stage of the war, those weak countries have basically already sold the planet and took the harvest back to the known universe to 'farm'.

In other words, the forces still on the front lines are basically the powers of the known universe, and one by one, they have already laid their foundations on the new universe.

Even these forces, the future development plans on the new universe side, should have already been formulated.

There is no doubt that this foundation in the new universe is the biggest gain of all forces in this war.

Although over the years, they have also mined many resources from these planets and transported them back to the known universe to develop the rear, but it is obviously impossible for them to abandon these planets and withdraw their troops now.

In their opinion, this matter is tantamount to picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon.

The best way at present should be to sell those planets.

If it can be sold at a high price, it would be better, but obviously this can only be thought about, and the forces of all parties do not have much expectations for this.

In fact, it would be nice to be able to sell these planets at a price they could accept right now.

After all, the reality is that it is basically unsellable...

The other forces are not stupid. The situation on the front line is so chaotic right now, who would dare to spend money to take someone else's plate?

Their troops on the front line are not endless. The more planets that need to be stationed, the more dispersed the troops will be.

Under this premise, there are also some forces who have quoted a price that is almost equivalent to picking up a planet for nothing, wanting to buy a planet, but facing such a price, almost no one is willing to sell it, because it is simply Blood loss!

In addition, there are some forces that refuse to buy not because of the price, but with other ideas.

That is, if they take advantage of this opportunity to acquire a large number of planets at a low price, although they can greatly expand their sphere of influence in the new universe in a short period of time, at first glance, they will make a lot of money.

But on the contrary, the forces that originally occupied these planets will all be withdrawn from the known universe after the planets are shot.

In this way, there will be fewer forces stationed in the new universe, and the comprehensive combat power here will also be greatly reduced.

With that in mind, there is one thing they must remember.

That's the location, they're going to be 'neighbors' with the Zerg...

When all these forces are withdrawn, the zerg will attack later, do they have to deal with it themselves?

In such a situation, no one in the coalition forces will undoubtedly want to face it alone.

Therefore, there are still many forces that refuse to buy these planets with a mentality of not letting other forces withdraw.

They are obviously also aware of the greed of human nature, knowing that these guys will never be reconciled, so they abandon these planets and retreat.

It turns out that it is.

After all, the value of these planets is not a small number. Many of them, the size of the territory occupied by their new universe, may be even larger than the territory of some second- and third-tier universe countries in the known universe!

In the face of this huge benefit, the greed contained in human nature is enough to make them lose their minds.

Therefore, on the front line, under the confrontation and negotiation of various forces, it is difficult to understand the situation in a short period of time.

During this process, Zhong Mo, who was worried about Xu Yu's situation, undoubtedly became a little impatient with the behavior of the various forces.

Zhong Mo has recuperated for a period of time, and then supplemented it with the blessing of "Bei Ming Divine Art". Although his strength has not returned to its peak state, it can be regarded as basically getting rid of the influence of weakness on himself.

So at this time, Zhong Mo also stood up and spoke directly.

And what he said was unusually simple and rude.

The meaning can basically be summed up as 'whatever you want to fight or do later, it's up to you, but now kill the zerg first, lest the zerg make a comeback! ’

This remark may not have such a good effect if it is replaced by representatives of other forces.

But Zhong Mo is different.

As the lord of Yan Huang, plus he is a generation of peak powerhouses, in the eyes of various forces, the Yan Huang army headed by Zhong Mo basically has the capital to destroy whoever is unhappy. This makes every time Zhong Mo speaks, his words are full of weight.

Not to mention, these remarks are indeed reasonable. It is always right to eliminate the hidden danger of the zerg first.

Under this premise, taking into account the concerns of all parties, as a representative of Ye's Chamber of Commerce, Delke also made a more thorough division of the divisional combat tactics used before.

A faction is in charge of a war zone. If troops from other forces enter their war zone without authorization, then as the responsible force in that war zone, they have the right to attack directly! Basically it's a fight!

If it was before, considering the Zerg's combat power, the risk of such a scattered operation is undoubtedly too great, but the situation is different now. Once the Zerg King died, the Zerg army also retreated in the previous battle, and the loss of troops was not small.

Under this premise, taking into account the mentality of the various forces, fighting separately should be a better way.

This simple and rude tactic has also been recognized by most of the front-line forces at this moment. UU Reading

The tactics were quickly implemented. During this process, Balsa, who successfully obtained information through parasites lurking among the various forces, naturally learned about the latest tactics of the coalition forces.

Before the change, if the coalition used this tactic, Balsa must have the confidence to defeat them one by one, but now it is a bit difficult to say.

During this period of time, the coalition army had a difficult time, but in fact his life was not easy either. After Zhong Mo entered the battlefield, the coalition army's morale was greatly improved, causing him a heavy loss.

At the same time, after that battle, His Majesty the Insect King and Bazam disappeared completely.

Although Balsa didn't think about it, their Insect King might just be injured and it was too late to come back, so they formed a big cocoon to recover, but considering the previous information, to be honest, this time Balsa always felt that they Your Majesty the Insect King, I'm afraid it's more fortunate than luck...


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